[PDF] B.D. GRAFT entre l'art et la

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LArt de la Bande Dessinée

Chaque auteur de BD a sa propre manière de travailler ses propres trucs. En fin de dossier

La bande dessinée lart et la vie

La bande dessinée l'art et la vie


entre l'art et la vie. La vibration positive du végétal plaisante allégorie de la fraîcheur


Elle est le résultat d'une complicité toujours plus forte entre le désir de raconter et l'art de dessiner. Elle est le plus littéraire des arts plastiques. Au 

Les étapes sommaires de réalisation dune B.D.

La maîtrise du montage permet d'é- quilibrer l'alternance des temps faibles et des temps forts afin de briser toute monotonie narrative. Voici le « modèle » 

Une nouvelle nuit roubaisienne pour mettre lart en lumière

Apr 21 2022 Dans sa version de printemps


As bolsas de doutoramento (BD) destinam-se a quem satisfaça as condições As BD podem ser no país mistas ou no estrangeiro


THE STATES Parties to this Constitution declare in conformity with the. Charter of the United Nations

État des lieux : La place de la Bande dessinée dans lenseignement

Le peu de moyen alloués en classe élémentaire à l'achat de livres ainsi que le manque de formation à la BD des personnes chargées des acquisitions en font un 

Keep it Simple Make it Fast! An approach to underground music

Punk comix: a journey through the “flirting” of BD and punk in Portugal ______ 79 l'art pour la révolution ... in manual and craft activities.

Art de la BD - CBBD

Art de la BD - CBBD

L’Art de la Guerre - Free

lecture de l’Art de la Guerre qu’il y a derri`ere cet ouvrage une grande exp´erience et une solide connaissance dans le domaine militaire Il ne s’agit pas simplement d’une s´erie d’astuces mais bien plutˆot d’une philoso-phie bas´ee sur la surprise et la tromperie L’Art de la Guerre est consid´er´e comme l’un


NŽ en 1988, B. D. Graft Žtudie la relation entre la vie du motif et sa reprŽsentation ÞgŽe sur toile ou sur papier. Si la nature morte, en particulier de ßeurs, est une Þgure rŽcurrente, voire omniprŽsente de la peinture, de Balthasar van der Ast ˆ Tom Wesselman, en pleinement les paradoxes qui rŽgissent les rapports entre lÕart et la vie. La vibration positive du vŽgŽtal, plaisante allŽgorie de la fra"cheur, autorise un geste libre : les collections de plantes en pots de B. D. Graft, rŽalisŽes ˆ main levŽe, Žtalent leur monde ßottant sur la surface toiles de JouØ, ses compositions, en recherche de la spontanŽitŽ que de la ma"trise de lÕespace la franaise. Pour lÕartiste, la nature morte o!re un terrain de jeu en constant renouvellement, sur lequel se confrontent lÕillusion de la nature et sa domestication rythmŽe, la calme harmonie de lÕabstraction et lÕacharnement tou!u de la Þguration, la candeur dŽcorative de lÕinnocence et la sexualitŽ qui sÕactive en silence.


CÕest ainsi par lÕattraction des contraires que sÕactivent les toiles et les dessins de B. D. Graft""""""": lÕaction sÕy trame partout, parfois simplement reprŽsentŽe (arroser, se cacher, serrer, tenir...), souvent suggŽrŽe par la seule prŽsence de la ßeur, Ç"""""""""""""""""""""""""""attracteur cosmique (...) accomplissant lÕacte sexuel par lÕintermŽdiaire dÕindividus appartenant ˆ dÕautres royaumes du vivant, abeilles, mouches et insectes en tout genre"""""""""È (Emanuele Coccia). contemporaine dont les Þgures Žmergentes, tels Oli Epp ou Laure Mary CouŽgnias, viviÞent le vocabulaire pop, lÕart de B. D. Graft, par lÕemploi rŽpŽtŽ du all- over et de formes ˆ peine esquissŽes par le trait, dans le sillage de Cy Twombly ou dÕOlivier DebrŽ, mais aussi par le motif universel de la vanitŽ, rejoint

Jean-Christophe Arcos

Born in 1988, B. D. Graft explores the relationship between the life of the motif and its frozen representation on canvas or on paper. If still life, in particular of ßowers, is a recurring, even omnipresent Þgure of painting, from Balthasar van der

Ast to Tom Wesselman, via Van Gogh and Matisse,

it is because it has emphasised the paradoxes that govern the relationship between art and life. The positive vibration of the plant, pleasant allegory of freshness, allows a free gesture: the collections of plants in pots by B. D. Graft, done freehand, spread out their ßoating world on the pictorial surface. Like wallpapers or toile de JouØ, his compositions, in search of a balance between profusion and void, come as much from spontaneity as from mastering the pictorial space, sown as regularly as being a

French garden.

For the artist, still life o!ers a playground in constant mutation, on which he can confront the illusion of nature and its rhythmic domestication, the calm harmony of abstraction and the Þerce density of Þguration, the decorative of innocence and sexuality with its busy silence.


It is thus by the attraction of opposites that BD GraftÕs canvases and drawings are triggered"" : action is everywhere, sometimes simply represented (watering, hiding, tightening, holding ...), oÈen suggested by the mere presence of the ßower, Ç"""""""""cosmic attractor (...) performing the sexual act by individuals sprung up from other kingdoms, bees, ßies and insects of all kinds""""""""È (Emanuele Coccia).

While being part of a fundamentally contemporary

painting whose emerging Þgures, such as Oli Epp or Laure Mary CouŽgnias, enliven the pop vocabulary, the art of BD Graft, by the repeated use of all-over and of lines barely sketching the shapes, in the aftermath of Cy Twombly or Olivier DebrŽ, but also by the universal motif of vanity, joins the eternity of painting and the ephemeral of bouquets.

Jean-Christophe Arcos


Acrylic, charcoal and oil pastel on linen

132 x 199 cm

135 x 202 cm framed

Unique & original artwork

! 10 000.00 excl. taxes | ! 10 600.00 inc. taxes

With oak crate

Acrylic and paste marker on linen

193 x 199 cm

198 x 204 cm framed

Unique & original artwork

! 11 750.00 excl. taxes | ! 12 500.00 inc. taxes

With oak ßoating crate

Blue Interior, 2021

Bees, 2021

Acrylic on linen

139 x 201 cm

142 x 204 cm framed

Unique & original artwork

! 10 000.00 excl. taxes | ! 10 600.00 inc. taxes

With oak ßoating crate

Glazed Ceramic

34L x 29W x 14D cm

Unique & original artwork

! 3 800.00 excl. taxes | ! 4 000.00 inc. taxes

Yellow Pothead, 2021

Glazed Ceramic

29L x 22W x 11D cm

Unique & original artwork

! 3 800.00 excl. taxes | ! 4 000.00 inc. taxes

Dark Blue Pothead, 2021

Glazed Ceramic

28L x 36W x 12D cm

Unique & original artwork

! 3 800.00 excl. taxes | ! 4 000.00 inc. taxes

Green Pothead, 2021

Glazed Ceramic

38L x 20W x 10D cm

Unique & original artwork

! 3 800.00 excl. taxes | ! 4 000.00 inc. taxes

Light Blue Pothead, 2021

Glazed Ceramic

28,5L x 38W x 13D cm

Unique & original artwork

! 3 800.00 excl. taxes | ! 4 000.00 inc. taxes

Red Pothead, 2021

Acrylic, oil pastel, charcoal and paste marker on linen

50 x 60 cm

55 x 65 cm framed

Unique & original artwork

! 3 000.00 excl. taxes | ! 3 200.00 inc. taxes

With oak ßoating crate

Exquisite Tension, 2021

Tuscany, 2020

Acrylic and paste marker on linen

60 x 80 cm

66,5 x 85,5 framed

Unique & original artwork

! 3 800.00 excl. taxes | ! 4 000.00 inc. taxes

With oak ßoating crate

Paste marker and acrylic on linen

50 x 60 cm

55 x 65 cm framed

Unique & original artwork

! 3 000.00 excl. taxes | ! 3 200.00 inc. taxes

With oak ßoating crate

White on Blue Fruit Bowl, 2021

Paste marker on paper

29,7 x 42 cm

40 x 52 cm framed

Unique & original artwork

! 1 900.00 excl. taxes | ! 2 000.00 inc. taxes with oak frame and anti-reßective ArtGlass UV70%

Sleeping Homer, 2021

Acrylic, oil pastel and charcoal on paper

30 x 40 cm

42 x 52 cm framed

Unique & original artwork

! 1 900.00 excl. taxes | ! 2 000.00 inc. taxes with oak frame and anti-reßective ArtGlass UV70%

Seven Potted Plants, 2021

Felt tip pen on paper

29,7 x 42 cm

41,5 x 54 cm framed

Unique & original artwork

! 1 900.00 excl. taxes | ! 2 000.00 inc. taxes with oak frame and anti-reßective ArtGlass UV70%

Blue Bouquet, 2021

Oil pastel on paper

29,7 x 42 cm

41,5 x 54 cm framed

Unique & original artwork

! 1 900.00 excl. taxes | ! 2 000.00 inc. taxes with oak frame and anti-reßective ArtGlass UV70%

Purple Jug, 2021

Oil pastel on paper

29,7 x 42 cm

41,5 x 54 cm framed

Unique & original artwork

! 1 900.00 excl. taxes | ! 2 000.00 inc. taxes with oak frame and anti-reßective ArtGlass UV70%

Blue on Yellow Fruit Bowl, 2021

Oil pastel, charcoal and paper collage

29,7 x 42 cm

? framed

Unique & original artwork

! 1 900.00 excl. taxes | ! 2 000.00 inc. taxes with oak frame and anti-reßective ArtGlass UV70%

Puzzling Times, 2021

oil pastel and charcoal on paper

29,7 x 42 cm

40 x 53 cm framed

Unique & original artwork

! 1 900.00 excl. taxes | ! 2 000.00 inc. taxes with oak frame and anti-reßective ArtGlass UV70%

Black on Black, 2020

Acrylic, oil pastel

30 x 40 cm

Unique & original artwork

! 1 900.00 excl. taxes | ! 2 000.00 inc. taxes with oak frame and anti-reßective ArtGlass UV70%

Looking in , 2020

Collage, acrylic

26 x 35 cm

37 x 47 cm framed#

Unique & original artwork

! 1 500.00 excl. taxes | ! 1 600.00 inc. taxes with oak frame and anti-reßective ArtGlass UV70%

Geranientopf, 2020

Colouring pencil on paper

21 x 29,7 cm

33 x 42 cm framed

Unique & original artwork

! 1 300.00 excl. taxes | ! 1 400.00 inc. taxes with oak frame and anti-reßective ArtGlass UV70%

24.11.2020, 2020

oil pastel and charcoal on paper

21 x 30 cm

32,5 x 41 framed

Unique & original artwork

! 1 300.00 excl. taxes | ! 1 400.00 inc. taxes with oak frame and anti-reßective ArtGlass UV70%

Signs of the times, 2020



2015 MA in English Literature and Culture,

University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

2014 BA, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam,

The Netherlands



Abstract Mag x Launch F18, New York, USA


Curator Tiago De Abreu Pinto

Double V Gallery, Paris


Double V Gallery




Nina Sagt Gallery, DŸsseldorf, Germany


De Werk Winkel, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Skek, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Kuva Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands




Double V Gallery, Marseille, France


Tryfon Art Gallery, Lesbos, Greece


Adam & Siam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


C-Lab Kunst, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


PAN, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Espronsceda Centre, Barcelona, Spain


PKM, Gallery, Seoul, South Korea



Uprise Art, New York, USA


Double V Gallery, le Carreau du temple, Paris , FR


Double V Gallery, le Grand Palais, Paris, FR

06 65 10 25 04

28 rue St Jacques Marseille 6e

contact@double-v-gallery.com www.double-v-gallery.comquotesdbs_dbs27.pdfusesText_33
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