[PDF] Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Handbook for participating

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Abréviations = chat sms = langage texto (envoyer / recevoir un sms

Abréviations = chat sms = langage texto. (envoyer / recevoir un sms ou un texto). * = en début de ligne ou jouxtant le mot erroné) utilisé pour spécifier 

Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Handbook for participating

1 Feb 2020 (SMS). Student mobility for traineeships. (SMP). Staff mobility ... (STT). Sending organisation can be… Programme or. Partner Country.

Acronyms Abbreviations &Terms

SMS. 1) Short Message Service. 2) Software Management System. SMSA. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area. SMSD. State-Managed Small Disaster.

Marine Corps Abbreviations


Le langage des jeunes dans les écoles à Bruxelles

La signification des mots par explication . des SMS. Sur les autres radios Skyrock

Definitions and Acronyms

S M S Seminar M anagement System. SN Serial N umber. SNIF Serial N umber I nformation F inder. SO Sales Order. S O H O Small Office Home Office.

Les sujets de philosophie au BaccalaurÇat 1996-1997-1998

Le langage permet-il seulement de communiquer ? Dégagez l'intérêt philosophique de ce texte en procédant à son étude ordonnée: En fait le royaume de la liberté 

Altivar 320 - Variateurs de vitesse - Manuel des fonctions de sécurité

Fonction de sécurité SMS (Vitesse maximale sûre) . SMS. Vitesse maximale sûre. La fonction SMS permet d'éviter que la ... [Configuration Arrêt] Stt-.

FAA Order JO 7340.2K Contractions

10 Sept 2020 the remainder of the text. If questionable the recipient should refer back to the originator. n. The contractions in this order may ...


22 Feb 2013 AAA : Anévrisme de l'Aorte Abdominale. ADC : Apparent Diffusion Coefficent. Coefficient utilisé en imagerie de diffusion qui a.


statistical model therefore most suitable for both STT and TTS conversions At last a model using HMM and ANN methods for STT and HMM for TTS conversions proposed Key Words: Speech to Text (STT) Text to Speech (TTS) Hidden Markov Model (HMM) Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Artificial Neural Network (ANN) 1 INTRODUCTION

  • How to Send A Pdf Via Text

    The most important thing to remember when texting a PDF is that, similar to texting videos, your attachment can’t exceed 1 MB. For most PDFs without too many pictures or pages, this limit shouldn’t be an issue. However, if your desired file does exceed that limit, free tools like Compress PDFcan help. The advantage of sending a PDF file over a phot...

  • Sending A Pdf Via Mass Texting

    The beauty of texting your customers is that you get to choose whether to send messages to individual contacts or all of them at once. You can do the latter with mass texting. Mass textingis a service that lets you send one message to tens, hundreds, or thousands of contacts at the same time. It’s an easy way to put your texts in front of your whol...

  • Sending PDFs with One-On-One Business Texting

    Unlike mass texting, with one-on-one business texting, you’re only messaging (you guessed it) one person. All of your one-on-one interactions live in your inbox. 1. Open the inbox from the left-hand side of your login screen and either start a new message or open an existing thread. 2. Select the paper clip icon below the message box. 3. Select upl...

  • Why Text A Pdf?

    We’ve gone through the how of texting a PDF, but whywould someone want to send PDFs through text in the first place? Beyond the convenience of writing and sending them, texts get impressive open and response rates. It’s why thousands of organizations across the country have transitioned their communications to SMS. Attaching a PDF to a text is just...

  • When to Send A Pdf Via Text

    You know now that PDFs are the ideal tool for getting a lot of information across in a neat package. Here are a few examples to help you put them to work in your own business. Monthly Reports Invoice After a Service Travel Itinerary Menus

  • Frequently Asked Questions About Texting PDFs

    How do I text a PDF on my phone? If you’re looking to text a PDF to your customers from your phone, just make sure your SMS provider offers a mobile app that allows you to add files to your campaig...

What is SMS text?

SMS text SMS text which will turn mobile data ON/OFF. SMS text can contain letters, numbers, spaces and special symbols. Capital letters also matters. Authorization method What kind of authorization to use for SIM management.

What does STS mean in texting?

STS in Texting. 2. STS. So To Speak. Chat, Internet Slang, Technology. Chat, Internet Slang, Technology. Suggest to this list. Related acronyms and abbreviations. Abbr.

What is speech to text (STT)?

This is speech to text (stt) software for both Windows pc and Mac that you load onto your computer. It’s a popular brand that has been around for over 20 years. Earlier versions of the software had a number of issues.

What does STM mean in text messaging?

The most common definition of STM in text messaging and online chat is "Smiling To Myself." In this context, STM is an indication of amusement. It is typically used sarcastically to imply that the sender found something funny, but not very funny.

Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility

Handbook for participating organisations

Handbook for participating organisations

January 2020



International Credit Mobility

Handbook for Participating Organisations

Version 4.1 - February 2020

(Calls 2018, 2019 & 2020)

Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility

Hand book for participating organisations

January 2020



Acronyms and abbreviations 3

I - What is ICM and how do I apply? 5

Grant breakdown 6

Who can apply? 7

Eligible partner organisations


Roles and responsibilities


Timeline 9

Inclusion and diversity 9

EU Budget

what you need to know 11 Erasmus+ Partner Countries eligible for International Credit Mobility 13

Application process


Do's and don'ts for applicant HEIs 17

Evaluation procedure 22

Grant award

decision 22

II - Preparing and implementing the mobility 23

Contractual documents 23

Quality implementation of the project 26

Selection of participants


Mobility Tool+ 27

Support to participants 27

Grant payment to the participant


Zero-grants from EU funds 32

Interruption, early termination and extension of the mobility 33

Making changes to your project


Support and monitoring 36

Traineeships in ICM 38

Staff mobility to and from non-academic organisations 41 III - After the mobility: recognition and reporting 42

Credit recognition 42

Reporting 45

Project timeline 46

Useful resources 47

Contact 47


Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility

Hand book for participating organisations

January 2020


Acronyms and abbreviations

We have tried to keep the language in this Handbook as simple and as clear as possible. When we have used acronyms or abbreviations we have made sure to spell these out at least once. Here they are, just in case...

DCI: Development Cooperation Instrument

EC: European Commission

ECHE: Erasmus Charter for Higher Education

ECTS: European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System

EDF: European Development Fund

ENI: European Neighbourhood Instrument

EU: European Union

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

HEI: Higher education institution

ICM: International Credit Mobility

IIA: Inter

-institutional agreement

IPA: Instrument for

Pre-Accession Assistance

KA107: IT terminology for International Credit Mobility

MT+: Mobility Tool+



National Agency

NEO: National Erasmus+ Office

OID : Organisation ID

OS: Organisational Support

PI: Partnership Instrument

PIC: Participant

Identification Code

Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility

Hand book for participating organisations

January 2020



For 30 years,

the European Union has funded the Erasmus programme which has enabled over 4 million European students to spend part of their studies in another higher education institution (HEI) in Europe. In 2015, Erasmus+ opened up these opportunities to individuals and organisations from

other parts of the world. Through "International Credit Mobility" - ICM for short - European HEIs can

set up mobility agreements with partners around the world to send and receive students and staff.

What's in it for individuals?

ICM projects aim to help participants acquire key skills, support their professional development and deepen their understanding of other cultures. The Erasmus Impact Study 1 finds that taking part in Erasmus+ is likely to boost a graduate's employability and transversal skills. Unemployment rates among Erasmus participants are 23% lower 5 years after graduation compared to those who did not go abroad. Two-thirds of employers think that international experience is a key asset for job candidates and leads to greater professional responsibility. Staff can acquire new competences for their professional development, improve their language skills and learn about new working methods.

What's in it for institutions?

ICM aims to increase the capacities, attractiveness and international dimension of the organisations taking part. International ties between institutions will be strengthened, giving the partners the opportunity to increase their visibility at local and global levels. Both incoming and outgoing students will be ready to share their positive experiences of studying at your institution.

Purpose of this handbook

This handbook

aims to support both Programme and Partner Country HEIs 2 in the implementation of their ICM project, from application to final report. This handbook will provide you with information on the key documents, rules and guidelines you will need to be aware of. It will guide you through the various steps your institution will be expected to take, and tell you where to go for further information. This handbook does not replace the

Erasmus+ Programme Guide

3 , which you should refer to for more detailed information. We hope you find this handbook useful, and wish you every success with your ICM project.

The International Credit Mobility Team


Erasmus Impact Study, September 2014:


For the purposes of ICM, there are 34 Erasmus+ Programme Countries, which are the 28 EU Member States, Iceland, Liechtenstein,

Norway, the Republic of North Macedonia, Turkey and Serbia. Partner Countries are all other countries in the world.



Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility

Hand book for participating organisations

January 2020


I - What is ICM and how do I apply?


Credit Mobility (ICM) supports the mobility of individuals enrolled or employed at a higher education institution (HEI), from a Programme Country to a Partner Country or vice versa, namely: Student mobility for studies, open to short cycle, first cycle (Bachelor or equivalent) or second cycle (Master or equivalent) students, as well as third cycle doctoral candidates. The mobility period can last from 3 months (or one academic term) to 12 months. Student mobility for traineeships, open from call 2018 to short cycle, first cycle (Bachelor or equivalent) or second cycle (Master or equivalent) students, as well as third cycle doctoral candidates. The mobility period can last from 2 to 12 months. See dedicated section on 'Traineeships'. Staff mobility for teaching for academic staff and (from call 2018) for invited staff from non- academic organisations to teach at a partner higher education institution (HEI) abroad. The mobility period can last from 5 days to 2 months. Staff mobility for training for teaching and non-teaching staff in the form of training events abroad (excluding conferences), job shadowing, observation periods and/or training at a partner HEI. The mobility period can last from 5 days to 2 months. This activity also supports the mobility of staff from Partner Country HEIs to train at a non-academic organisation located in a Programme Country. See dedicated section on 'Staff mobility to and from non-academic organisations'

Student and staff mobility can

take place in any subject area or academic discipline. Moreover, HEIs are free to apply for staff mobility or student mobility, or any combination of the two.

Staff teaching and training activities

can be combined. A study period and a traineeship can also be combined, for a minimum of 3 months (or one academic term) and a maximum of 12 months.

Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility

Hand book for participating organisations

January 2020


Grant breakdown


Individual support

Mobility to...


monthly rate 5 (2018-2020)

Staff daily rate

6 (2018-2020)


Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein,

Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom

€ 900 € 180 Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece,

Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain

€ 850 € 160 Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, the Republicquotesdbs_dbs26.pdfusesText_32
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