[PDF] TOEFL ?????????????????? 1023 ??”Specialized TOEFL Vocabulary List”?????????????? ?????

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Complete Word List: 327 TOEFL Words You Must Know

Word. Definition abundant adj. present in large quantities accumulate v. to gradually collect accurate adj. correct; free from errors accustomed.

The Ultimate TOEFL Vocabulary List

In the end she published the Academic Word List (AWL)


The Cambridge Learner Corpus is a collection of over 44 million words of English based upon evidence of language use by learners from all over the world and 

Full page photo

Each TOEFL vocabulary item refers you to a word (or phrase such as a two-word Note a synonym for the word on a word list. If you find a syn onym

Performance Descriptors for the TOEFL iBT® Test

Understand a range of academic and low-frequency vocabulary as well as less common meanings of words. □. Understand explicit connections among pieces of 


The head of an academic department at a university should be not only a distinguished scholar the list of things that a performer is ready to perform.


In this PDF we'll list vocabulary words for the Listening


For full terms and conditions please refer to the site terms provided on the website. Academic Word List C Corhead Avail (2000). Page 5. Contents.

TOEFL iBT Exam Vocabulary List Instructions for Mastering

Little by little you will begin to increase your knowledge of informal formal

McGraw-Hill Education - Essential Vocabulary

• More than 1000 words from the Academic Word List and common campus the TOEFL® Testfeatures 20 academic-style readings focusing on advanced vocabulary ...

Complete Word List: 327 TOEFL Words You Must Know

The 327 TOEFL Words You Must Know – Complete Word List. Word. Definition abundant adj. present in large quantities accumulate v. to gradually collect.

The Ultimate TOEFL Vocabulary List

In the end she published the Academic Word List (AWL)

400 Must-Have Words for the TOEFL®

reading passages rests largely on your academic vocabulary. Build your vocabulary by reading making flash cards

TOEFL ??????????????????

1023 ??”Specialized TOEFL Vocabulary List”?????????????? ????? TOEFL ????? Academic Corpus ??????? v8an ???????.

500 Words Phrases



the Academic Word List she developed in this textbook. TOEFL ITP?iBT ?????????????????????????????????.

TOEFL iBT Exam Vocabulary List Welcome to Michael Buckhoffs

Little by little you will begin to increase your knowledge of informal formal

TOEFL TEST???????????ADVANCED 3000 - ???

ACADEMIC WORD PREVIEW. ??????????????????????????????????. ??????????????????????????????? 

Metacognitive Reading Strategies in EAP: A Case Study with

(Language Teaching: A Scheme for Teacher Education) Oxford: Oxford University. Press. Coxhead A (2000) A New Academic Word List. TESOL Quarterly


(and use!) a good dictionary. (A good thesaurus also helps a lot but more on that later.) A dictionary is an alphabetical reference list of the words in 

- 3 - Word Levels, Authenticity, and Characteristics Verification of the TOEFL Vocabulary


1. ߦ߼ߓߪ

2. వⴕ⎇ⓥ

-4 -

3. ⎇ⓥߩ

4. ⎇ⓥߩ

4.1. TOEFLࠦ࡯ࡄࠬߩ

4.2. TOEFL㗫಴⺆ᒵ࡝ࠬ࠻ߩ

ࠃߩ߽ߥ߁㧕ߪOVER8ߥߣࠅ㧘ߩߘઁ㧘⋭⇛ᒻ㧔Cont. forms㧕߿

-5 -

ߩ࡟ࡌ࡞ಽߜ߁ߩߌOver 8㧘Cont. forms㧘Proper nouns㧘Non-wordsߪ㧘⺆ᒵߩ

Level 2 ࡜ࡦࠢ߇1001㨪2000ߩߢ߹ Level 3 ࡜ࡦࠢ߇2001㨪3000ߩߢ߹ Level 4 ࡜ࡦࠢ߇3001㨪4000ߩߢ߹ Level 5 ࡜ࡦࠢ߇4001㨪5000ߩߢ߹ Level 6 ࡜ࡦࠢ߇5001㨪6000ߩߢ߹ Level 7 ࡜ࡦࠢ߇6001㨪7000ߩߢ߹ Level 8 ࡜ࡦࠢ߇7001㨪8000ߩߢ߹

Cont. forms ࠪࡦࠣ࡞ࠢࠜ࡯࠻㧔'㧕ࠍ฽߻⺆㧔⴫2ߪߢ

Category Indexes % Tokens %

L1ߩIndexes߇1000⺆ࠍ⿥޿ߡ߃ࠆߪߩ㧘L1ߪߦ"plus 250"߁޿ߣ250⺆ߩ

-6 - ߇ߩ߽⴫4޽ߢࠆޕ Brown Corpus J Learned and scientific writings 80 160,000

Category Indexes % Tokens %

-7 -

4.3.2. JACET8000

⊛ᢎ⢒⺆ᒵ⴫޽ߢޠࠆ㧔ᄢቇ⧷⺆ᢎ⢒ቇળၮᧄ⺆ᡷቯᆔຬળ, 2003㧕ޕ⺆ᒵㆬቯㆊ⒟޿߅ߦ

4.3.3. Academic Word List

natural scienceߩ ಽ㊁ߩࠨࡉࠦ࡯ࡄࠬࠍਛᔃߔߣࠆ㧘ᄢቇߩ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߩ350ਁ⺆߆


4.3.4. BNC Lemmatized Frequency List

1ం⺆߆ࠄߥࠆBritish National Corpusߌ߅ߦࠆ㜞㗫ᐲߩ⺆ᒵߜ߁ߩ㧘㗫ᐲ߇

-8 -

4.3.5. TOEICࠦ࡯ࡄࠬ

ቯߔࠆ࠹ࠬ࠻޿ߣࠊࠇ޿ߡࠆߢߩ㧘English for Specific Purposes㧔ESP㧕ߩ⠨߃ᣇߦㄭ޿

Category Indexes % Tokens %

5.1. TOEFL⺆ᒵߩ

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