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Complete Word List: 327 TOEFL Words You Must Know

Word. Definition abundant adj. present in large quantities accumulate v. to gradually collect accurate adj. correct; free from errors accustomed.

The Ultimate TOEFL Vocabulary List

In the end she published the Academic Word List (AWL)


The Cambridge Learner Corpus is a collection of over 44 million words of English based upon evidence of language use by learners from all over the world and 

Full page photo

Each TOEFL vocabulary item refers you to a word (or phrase such as a two-word Note a synonym for the word on a word list. If you find a syn onym

Performance Descriptors for the TOEFL iBT® Test

Understand a range of academic and low-frequency vocabulary as well as less common meanings of words. □. Understand explicit connections among pieces of 


The head of an academic department at a university should be not only a distinguished scholar the list of things that a performer is ready to perform.


In this PDF we'll list vocabulary words for the Listening


For full terms and conditions please refer to the site terms provided on the website. Academic Word List C Corhead Avail (2000). Page 5. Contents.

TOEFL iBT Exam Vocabulary List Instructions for Mastering

Little by little you will begin to increase your knowledge of informal formal

McGraw-Hill Education - Essential Vocabulary

• More than 1000 words from the Academic Word List and common campus the TOEFL® Testfeatures 20 academic-style readings focusing on advanced vocabulary ...

Complete Word List: 327 TOEFL Words You Must Know

The 327 TOEFL Words You Must Know – Complete Word List. Word. Definition abundant adj. present in large quantities accumulate v. to gradually collect.

The Ultimate TOEFL Vocabulary List

In the end she published the Academic Word List (AWL)

400 Must-Have Words for the TOEFL®

reading passages rests largely on your academic vocabulary. Build your vocabulary by reading making flash cards

TOEFL ??????????????????

1023 ??”Specialized TOEFL Vocabulary List”?????????????? ????? TOEFL ????? Academic Corpus ??????? v8an ???????.

500 Words Phrases



the Academic Word List she developed in this textbook. TOEFL ITP?iBT ?????????????????????????????????.

TOEFL iBT Exam Vocabulary List Welcome to Michael Buckhoffs

Little by little you will begin to increase your knowledge of informal formal

TOEFL TEST???????????ADVANCED 3000 - ???

ACADEMIC WORD PREVIEW. ??????????????????????????????????. ??????????????????????????????? 

Metacognitive Reading Strategies in EAP: A Case Study with

(Language Teaching: A Scheme for Teacher Education) Oxford: Oxford University. Press. Coxhead A (2000) A New Academic Word List. TESOL Quarterly


(and use!) a good dictionary. (A good thesaurus also helps a lot but more on that later.) A dictionary is an alphabetical reference list of the words in 



Copyright © 2018


All Rights Reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the authors and Nan'un-do Co., Ltd. The authors appreciate Dr. Averil Coxhead's generosity for allowing us to include the Academic Word List she developed in this textbook.


Ź Warm-up Questions

Ź Vocabulary Study

Ź Short Conversations: Listening Practice

Ź Conversation: Listening Practice

Ź Lecture: Listening Practice

Ź Lecture: Reading

Ź Academic Text: Reading

Ź Writing Practice

TOEFL iBTͰ͸ϦʔσΟϯά΍ϦεχϯάΛͨ͠ޙ

Ź Independent Speaking Task

Ź Integrative Speaking Task

Unit 7ɼ8Ͱ̎ͭͷܗ

Jeffrey Durand

Tips for the TOEFL

SectionsNumber of itemsTime allowed

Listening Comprehension5035 minutes

Structure and Written

Expression4025 minutes

Reading Comprehension5055 minutes

TOTAL140115 minutes

SectionsNumber of Items or TasksTime allowed

Reading Comprehension

3-4 passages

12-14 questions each

60-80 minutes


Comprehension2-3 conversations

5 questions each

4-6 lectures

6 questions each)60-90 minutes


10 minutes

Speaking6 tasks 2 independent and

4 integrated

20 minutes


1 integrated task20 minutes

1 independent task30 minutes

TOTAL200 -250 minutes

1 Unit

Orientation for College Courses

2 Unit


3 Unit

Communication Studies: Emoticons

4 Unit

Cognitive Science: Types of Memory

5 Unit

Gender Di?erences

in Language and Communication 6 Unit

What is Positive Psychology?

7 Unit

History of the Kingdom of


8 Unit

Children and New Media

9 Unit

Cool Computers

10 Unit

Why do people get married?

11 Unit

What is a planet?

12 Unit

What does the "First Lady" do?

13 Unit

Confusing Weights and Measures

14 Unit

Copperheads and Cottonmouths

Extra Unit: Review

Words Used from the Academic Word List (AWL)

1. When you are deciding which classes to take at university, what information about the classes is most important to you? 2. At the beginning of a university class, what di?erent kinds of information do professors often pass on to students about the class?

Ź Warm-up Questions

ԅ Vocabulary Study

Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right. Write the letters of the

1. affect a. means of mass communication, including newspapers,

TV, or radio

2. assign b. last used to talk about an important exam

3. chapter c. a speech or talk given by a professor or instructor

4. comment d. a record of ability or accomplishment in school

5. component e. something that is necessary

6. consist f. to give homework or other tasks

7. contribute g. to give or add something to something else

8. expand on h. to include or be made up of

9. i. something said about a topic

10. grade j. a part or section of something

11. lecture k. to join or be active in some activity or event

12. media l. to add more detailed information about some topic

13. participate m. written educational material used in a college class or


14. requirement n.

15. textbook o. a section of a book


Orientation for College Courses

Orientation for

Ԇ Short Conversations: Listening Practice

You will hear two short conversations between two people. After each conversation, you will hear a question about the conversation. The conversations and questions will not be repeated. After you hear a question, read the four possible answers and then choose the best answer.

1. She will listen to the program later.

The program will be over soon.

The man should listen to her favorite program, too.

The man should leave the radio on.

2. The graduation fee has been increased.

He may not meet the graduation requirements.

The language course that the man took is too short. The man is not sure about the requirements of a course that he is taking.

ԇ Short Lecture: Listening Practice

Listen to the lecture and then answer the questions that follow. As you listen, take notes in this box. NOTES

Unit 1

1. According to the speaker, what should students do during lectures?

Take good notes

Expand on what the professor says

Ask questions at any time

It is not mentioned.

2. What difference between the quizzes and the exams is mentioned?

There are two quizzes but four exams.

Students can work with a partner for the quizzes, but not for the exams. Students are allowed to use notes during the quizzes, but not during the exams. Students can take the quizzes home to work on, but not the exams.

3. Which of these is NOT mentioned as a class component?






What is it?

Lecture topic:

5. What does the speaker say about the course's reading assignments?

Write down as much as you can of what the speaker says.

6. Now, listen again to a part of the lecture. Write down the sentence

that comes after "You have to participate in class discussions ..."

You have to participate in class discussions ...

7. Listen again to a part of the lecture. How does the speaker sum up

his expectations for students? Write down as much as you can of what the speaker says.

Orientation for College Courses

Ԉ Lecture: Reading

Below is the written transcript of the lecture you have just listened to. Read it through carefully to make sure you understand it. ʦʧ Hi, everyone. Since this is the first day of our course, Greek Philosophy, I'm going to give you a little more information about the course requirements as described in the syllabus. ʦʧ Let me go over the syllabus now. First, let's talk about the readings. I'll assign new readings each week, and, in principle, the reading assignments are from the textbook. As you can see in the syllabus, we are going to cover one chapter of the textbook each week. You should complete the assigned readings before each class. ʦʧ Now, what about your grade? Your grade will consist mostly of your scores on quizzes and two exams. Please note that you can use your lecture notes for quizzes, so attending class and taking good notes is important if you want to exams. ʦʧ All right. As you can see in the syllabus, attendance is also a big component of this course. Let me explain my expectations for you next. I expect you to attend class regularly. But it's not enough to just come to class. You have to participate in class discussions. Share your opinions and listen to the comments affect your grade. OK? ʦʧ Now, let me sum up what I've said. I expect you to come to class, finish your readings before class, and share your ideas during class discussions. You should prepare well for the quizzes and your midterm and final exams, since they affect your grade a lot. You can use your lecture notes for the quizzes, so take good notes during my lectures. But no notes can be used during the big exams. OK? Understood? ʦʧ That's it for today. In our next class, we will talk about chapter one of your textbook, so make sure you read it!

Unit 1

ԉ Writing Practice

Write a short essay in which you answer this question: "What is your favorite place to visit"? Give reasons and examples to support your answer. Use the essay outline below to plan your essay. NOTES

Your topic Sentence:

Orientation for College Courses

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