[PDF] Kummers Special Case of Fermats Last Theorem

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Fermats Last Theorem

Sep 9 2007 Fermat's Last Theorem. Henri Darmon. (darmon@math.mcgill.ca). Department of Mathematics. McGill University. Montreal

Kummers Special Case of Fermats Last Theorem

May 18 2005 One partial proof of Fermat's Last Theorem that is of particular interest to students acquainted with basic algebraic number theory is that ...

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In 1985 Frey made the remarkable observation that this conjecture should imply Fermat's Last Theorem. The precise mechanism relating the two was formulated by 


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INTRODUCTION This book will describe the recent proof of Fermat's Last The- orem by Andrew Wiles aided by Richard Taylor for graduate

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9 sept 2007 · A tantalizingly simple problem about whole numbers it stood unsolved for more than 350 years until in 1994 Andrew Wiles finally laid it to 

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Wiles's proof of Fermat's Last Theorem is a proof by British mathematician Andrew Wiles of a special case of the modularity theorem for elliptic curves

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it is impossible to find three natural numbers x y and z where such equality is met being (xy)>0 in xn+yn=zn This paper shows the methodology to prove 

[PDF] Fermats Last Theorem

15 mai 2014 · Fermat's Last Theorem states that nonzero integer solutions to the equation an + bn = cn only exist for n less than or equal to two This paper 

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    (a) The Taniyama–Shimura–Weil conjecture for semistable elliptic curves; and also. (b) Because there cannot be a contradiction, it also proves that the kinds of elliptic curves described by Frey cannot actually exist. Therefore no solutions to Fermat's equation can exist either, so Fermat's Last Theorem is also true.
  • Fermat's last theorem, also called Fermat's great theorem, the statement that there are no natural numbers (1, 2, 3,…) x, y, and z such that xn + yn = zn, in which n is a natural number greater than 2.
Kummers Special Case of Fermats Last Theorem

Kummer"s Special Case of Fermat"s Last Theorem

Emily Riehl

May 18, 2005


One particularly elegant example of an application of modern algebraic number theory to a classical problem about the integers is found in Kummer"s special case of Fermat"s Last Theorem. In this paper, we reduce Fermat"s Last Theorem to the question of whether or not there exist integer solutions toxp+yp=zpforpan odd prime. We then give a thorough exposition of Kummer"s proof that no such solutions exist in the case thatpdoes not divide the class number ofQ(e2πi/p), that is wherep is a regular prime.

1 Introduction

Although a complete proof of Fermat"s Last Theorem was finally given in 1994 by Andrew Wiles with help from Richard Taylor, the famous problem, which remained unsolved for three and a half centuries, is still of great interest to mathematicians and enthusiasts today. Part of the reason for this sustained interest is the vast quantity of mathematics developed over the past three centuries in an attempt to prove this elusive claim. Many of the major developments associated with famous historical attempts to prove Fermat"s Last Theorem are surveyed in Hellegouarch [3] and Stewart and Tall [7] for the student familiar with the basics of modern algebra, or in Singh [5] for a more general audience. One partial proof of Fermat"s Last Theorem that is of particular interest to students acquainted with basic algebraic number theory is that given by Ernst Eduard Kummer in the case thatpis a regular prime. His proof uses the concept of "ideal numbers," designed to restore unique factorization to all number fields. While Kummer"s "ideal numbers" were developed in conjunction with his work on higher reciprocity laws (see [7] pp 3-5), his proof of this special case of Fermat"s Last Theorem gave an early and important application of the concept that Dedekind would reformulate as "ideals." This paper gives a complete, modern version of Kummer"s proof including all necessary pre-requisites at a level that would be easily understood by an undergraduate or graduate student who has taken a first course in algebraic number theory. In Section 2, we define and discuss regular primes. In Section 3, we prove a number of necessary results and end with Kummer"s proof of Fermat"s Last Theorem for regular primes p. In Section 4, we give our acknowledgments.? Math 129: Topics in Number Theory, William Stein, Spring 2005 1

2 Regular Primes

criterion for determining whenpis regular. Surprisingly, a link exists between regular primes and theBernoulli numbersBkdefined by the following series: xe x-1= 1 +∞? k=1B kk!xk Whenkis odd, the Bernoulli numbers are easy to describe, but for evenk, they behave unpredictably. Fork= 1,B1=12 , and whenkis odd and greater than 1,Bk= 0. Whenk is even, the first few values are B 2=16 , B4=-130 , B6=142 , B8=-18 , B10=566 B


, B14=66 , B16=-3617510 The desired criterion for determining whenpis a regular prime is given in the following proposition, discovered by Kummer. The proof requires analytic techniques that are outside the scope of this paper, so it is not given here. We refer the interested reader to Borevich and Shafarevich [1] for details. Proposition 2.1.A primepis regular if and only ifpdoes not divide the numerators of the Bernoulli numbersB2,B4,...,Bp-3. It is not hard to see with a computer that the only regular primes less than 100 are 37,59, and 67. Kummer conjectured that there exist an infinite number of regular primes, but this fact has never been proven. Ironically, despite their apparent scarcity, it is quite easy to prove that there exist an infinite number of irregular primes (see [3]), although this is not directly of interest to this paper.

3 Fermat"s Last Theorem

The task of showing that there exist no integer solutions to the equationxn+yn=zn forn≥3 can be simplified by making some elementary observations about the properties of this equation. First, we note that we may assume thatx,y, andzare pairwise coprime. For if there existed a solution and an integera?= 1 such thatadividesxandy, thena would dividezas well, and division byanwould yield another integer solution without this common factor. Furthermore, we note that if we can prove that there exists no solutions for somen, then the same must be true for multiples ofnas well. For ifxmn+ymn=zmnthen (xm)n+ (ym)n= (zm)n. Because every integer greater than 2 is divisible by either 4 or an odd prime, it suffices to prove Fermat"s Last Theorem for these cases. 2

3.1 n=4

The proof of Fermat"s Last Theorem forn= 4 can be given with elementary methods. This proof is often attributed to Fermat himself, although no records of it exist, because he posed this case as a challenge to others [7]. The proof attributed to Fermat relies on a well known characterization of Pythagorean triples given in the following lemma. Lemma 3.1.Any integer solution tox2+y2=z2wherex,y, andzare pairwise coprime can be given in the following form (or withxandyinterchanged)


±y= 2rs


whererandsare coprime and exactly one is odd. Proof.We may assume thatx,y,andzare all positive. We first consider their parity. Clearly not all three may be odd, and because we assume thatx,y,andzare pairwise coprime, it follows that precisely one is even. Furthermore, ifz= 2jis even andx= 2k+ 1,y= 2l+ 1 are odd, then (2k+1)2+(2l+1)2= (2j)2, which is impossible because the left hand side is equivalent to 2 mod 4, while the right hand side is congruent to 0. Thus, we must have either xoryeven, so we assume without loss of generality thatyis even. Theny2= (z-x)(z+x), and we can writey= 2a,z-x= 2b, andz+x= 2c, because all three are even and positive.

Hence (2a)2= (2b)(2c) soa2=bc.

We see thatbandcmust be coprime, for otherwise a common factor would divide both z-xandz+xand thus alsozandx. So each prime factor ofamust occur as a square factor of eitherborc, and hence we may writeb=s2andc=r2withrandscoprime. This implies thatz=r2+s2andx=r2-s2, and because bothxandzare odd, precisely one of randsis. Finally, subtracting (r2-s2)2from (r2+s2)2and taking the square root shows

that±y= 2rsas desired.We can now prove that there exist no integer solutions to the equationx4+y4=z4as a

corollary to the following theorem. Theorem 3.2.There are no nonzero integer solutions to the equationx4+y4=z2. Proof.Again, we may assume thatx,y,andzare positive. Among the set of positive integer solutions for the above equation, we may choose a triple (x,y,z) for whichzis minimal. Hence,x,y,andzare pairwise coprime, for otherwise we could cancel the common factor (which must divide all three) and obtain a smallerz. So we may apply Lemma 3.1 and write, relabelingxandyif necessary,x2=r2-s2,y2= 2rs, andz=r2+s2. The first equation gives us another Pythagorean triplex2+s2=r2, and it is not hard to see thatx,s,andr must also be relatively prime. From our first choice forx, we know thatxis odd, so we may again imply Lemma 3.1 to see thatx=a2-b2,s= 2ab, andr=a2+b2. We then see that y

2= 2rs= 4ab(a2+b2) (1)

From the lemma,aandbare relatively prime, so they must be pairwise coprime toa2+b2as well. Hence, a prime factorization of (1) shows thata=c2,b=d2, anda2+b2=e2must all 3

this contradicts the minimality ofz. Thus, no non-zero integer solution can exist.Clearly a nonzero integer solution to Fermat"s equationx4+y4=z4would provide a

contradiction to this theorem, hence no such solution can exist.

3.2 Next Steps

We now turn our attention the case wherenis an odd primep. For this we are interested x p-1+xp-2+···+x+ 1, which can be shown to be irreducible by substitutingy+ 1 for overQas a vector space (a linear dependence would contradict the minimality off). off. It will be useful to work with the ring of integers ofK, which we determine with the following proposition. a a sopak?Zfor eachk. where c i=p-2? j=i(-1)i?j i? b j b i=p-2? j=i(-1)i?j i? c j.(3) We claim that eachciis divisible bypand prove this with induction oni. As we have Tr(α) =pa0-(a1+···+ap-2), clearlyc0=b0+···+bp-2=p(b0-Tr(α)), proving 4 the base case. Now we assume thatp|cifori= 0,...,k-1. We see thatp=f(1) =?p-1 modulo the ideal?λk+1?, and so the left hand side of (2) vanishes modulo this ideal. Of the terms on the right hand side, clearlyck+1λk+1,...,cp-2λp-2? ?λk+1?, andc0,...,ck-1λk-1 vanish as well, becausepdivides them by the inductive hypothesis. Hence,ckλk≡0 so c kλk=δλk+1?ck=δλfor someδ? OK. However, Norm(λ) =?p-1 and this divides Norm(ck) =cp-1 kbecause the norm is multiplicative andck?Z. Sop|ck for allk, and by (3) the same is true of eachbk. Thusbk=pakimplies thatak?Zfor each ofIis given in the following lemma. Proof.The first claim is a consequence of the observation that the Galois conjugates ofλ ideals on the right hand side equalsI. Hence,Ip-1=?p?as desired. For the second statement, we take the norms of the ideals in the previous equation. In particular, Norm(Ip-1) = Norm(?p?) =pp-1. Because Norm(I) is a positive integer, it

follows from unique factorization of ideals that Norm(I) =p.We recall that the norm of an ideal equals its index in the ring of integers, so we have

Dirichlet"s Unit Theorem,UK?Zn×Tfor some positive integernand torsion subgroup T(for proof, see [6]). It will be easiest to characterizeT, so we begin with this. Clearly,

1?UKis the identity element, so a unit is in the torsion subgroup if and only if it is a root of

unity. Clearly, every root of unity inKis both an integer and a unit, so it suffices to classify root of unity. So it only remains to show that there does not exist some primitivek-th root such extraneous roots of unity cannot occur by using the following lemmas. the Eulerφfunction. Proof.We already know this result whenkis prime because we have shown that the minimal 5 kforqprime tok. Sayxk-1 =fh, where f, as the minimal polynomial for an algebraic integer, and thus alsoh, are both monic and which then must be divisible byf. This polynomial is again monic and integral so we may consider its residue moduloq. Asfdividesh(xq), it follows thath(xq) =h(x)q=f(x)g(x) modq. So the residues offandhare not relatively prime which means thatxk-1≡fhhas multiple roots moduloq. But thenxk-1 and its derivative would have a common factor, kmust be a root off. Finally, iffhas roots other than the primitive ones, there would exist an automorphism automorphism is clearly not an isomorphic embedding ofKintoC. Thus, a primitivek-th root of unity cannot have the same minimal polynomial as a non-primitive root. Hence, the degree offisφ(k), and the result follows.We make use of this fact in our final lemma. Clearly we may writek=apnwhereaandpare relatively prime anda≥3. Then if now. is congruent to one of 0,1,...,p-1 moduloI. Letbbe that integer. Clearly,αp-bp=?p-1

0 (modI). Thus,αp≡bp(modI), as desired.Lemma 3.9.Ifg?Z[x]is a monic polynomial such that all of its roots inClie on the unit

circle, then every zero is a root of unity. Proof.We letα1,...,αrdenote the roots ofg. It follows that, for any integerk,gk(x) = (x-αk1)···(x-αkr) is inZ[x] because the roots of this polynomial are permuted by the Galois group ofK/Q. Ifgk(x) =xr+ar-1xr-1+···+a0, then it is not hard to see that 6 a j?forj= 0,1,...,r-1 because each|αj|= 1. Hence, because we have bounded the coefficients, there can only be finitely many such polynomials. Sogk=gnfor somek?=n. Thus, there exists some permutationσ?Srsuch thatαkj=αnσ(j)for eachj. We apply this construction iteratively and note that the order ofσdividesr! to see thatαkr! j=αnr! jfor eachj. Hence,αkr!-nr!

j= 1, and becausekr!?=nr!it follows thatαjis a root of unity.The final result is called Kummer"s Lemma and will be central to his proof of the case

of Fermat"s Last Theorem. r?Randk?Z. theujare the Galois conjugates ofu. So eachujis also a unit. Furthermore, we see that u j, which means thatujandup-jare complex conjugates. In particular,ujup-j=|uj|2>0, so Norm(u) = (u1up-1)(u2up-2)···>0, which means that

Norm(u) must be 1.

We see further thatuj/up-jmust be a unit of absolute value 1 and that the polynomial?p-1 j=1(x-uj/up-j)?Z[x] because it is fixed by the Galois group ofK/Qas before. Hence, by Lemma 3.9, its zeros are roots of unity, and because the only roots of unity inKhave u/u We wish to determine whether the sign of (4) is positive or negative. To begin, we and our proof is complete.3.3 Proof of Fermat"s Last Theorem for Regular Primes We have now arrived at the main theorem, which we will proof in two cases. Theorem

3.11 will deal with the case whenx,y,andzare prime top, and Theorem 3.13 will complete

the proof by covering the remaining case: whenpdivides one ofx,y, andz. Theorem 3.11.Ifpis an odd, regular prime, then the equationxp+yp=zphas no integer solutions such thatx,y,andzare prime top. Proof.Aspis odd, we may consider instead the equationxp+yp+zp= 0, for a solution to one can be transformed into a solution for the other by substituting-zforz. We assume, for sake of contradiction, that there exists an integer solution to this equation given byx,y, 7 obtain?p-1 p-1? We claim that the ideals on the left hand side are pairwise coprime. Otherwise, there Becausexandyare relatively prime, there exist integersaandbsuch thatax+by= 1. But this would imply that 1?p, which cannot be true. Hence, we must haveλ?p. We recall I=?λ?is a prime ideal, for norms of any prime factors ofIwould be integers greater than

1 and dividep. Aspis a prime,Imust be prime as well. Finally, the fact thatI?pand

O Kis a Dedekind domain (see [6] chapter 3) implies thatp=I. AsIdivides the left hand side of (5), it divides?z?as well, which means that Norm(I) =pdivides Norm(z) =zp-1, as desired. We know that the factorization of ideals into primes is unique (see [6] chapter 3), so the fact the prime ideals on the right hand side occur to thep-th power and the fact that divide the class number ofK, this implies thatmmust be principal as well. Thus, there is an integer. Then by Lemma 3.8, there exists an integerasuch thatαp≡amodIp, so in Lemma 3.4, andp-1≥2, so this implies thatλ|y. Hence, Norm(λ)|Norm(y), so p|y, a contradiction. Thus,k?= 0 modp. Similarly, ifk≡1 modp, then (6) becomes thatp|x, again a contradiction. Hence,k?= 0,1 modp.


8 modulop, linear independence of this set overQwould imply thatxp ?Z, contradicting our hypothesis. So some pair of exponents must be congruent modulop. Asp?= 0,1 modp, the only way this could happen is if 2k≡1 modp, which would mean thatk≡1-kmodp. see thatp|(x-y). By the symmetry of the equationxp+yp+zp= 0, we must also have y≡zmodpsoxp+yp+zp≡3xpmodp. Becausep?x, we must havep= 3. We note that modulo 9 the cubes of the numbers prime topare congruent either to

1 or-1. Hence, a solution tox3+y3+z3≡0 in integers prime to 3 takes the form

±1±1±1≡0 mod 9, which is clearly impossible. So there are no solutions forp= 3, and

our proof is complete.We have thus reduced our proof of Fermat"s Last Theorem for regular primes to the case

wherepdivides exactly one ofx,y,andz. For this case we need one result, also proven by Kummer, that is beyond the scope of this paper. We instead refer the reader to Borevich and Shafarevich [1]. thenαis ap-th power of a unit. We are now ready to give the proof of the remaining case of Fermat"s Last Theorem for regular primes, which is a bit messier. Theorem 3.13.Ifpis an odd, regular prime, then the equationxp+yp=zphas no integer solutions. Proof.We wish to show that there exist no integer solutions to the equation x p+yp=zp.(7) By Theorem 3.11, it remains to show that no such solutions exist in the case thatpdivides exactly one of these integers. Becausepis odd, any solution to (7) gives a solution to x p+yp+zp= 0, so without loss of generality, we may assume thatp|z. Letz=pkz0where z solution to equation (7) would give an equality of the form x p+yp=uλpmzp 0(8) wherem=k(p-1)>0. We will prove the theorem by showing that an equation of the form (8) is impossible. We will actually show that (8) is impossible whenx,y,andz0are z

0are rational integers relatively prime top.

some unitu, and such thatmis minimal. We factor the left hand side of (8) and pass to ideals to obtain:p-1? Becausepm≥p >0, it follows by unique factorization that at least one of the terms on 9 (k= 0,1,...,p-1) which means that these expressions form a complete set of residues moduloI. In particular, is divisible byIp+1, andm >1. We letmdenote the greatest common divisor of?x?and?y?. We know that?x?and ?x+y?=Ip(m-1)+1mp0. We claim that the idealsp0,...,pp-1are pairwise coprime. Ifpquotesdbs_dbs33.pdfusesText_39
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