[PDF] Modular elliptic curves and Fermats Last Theorem

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Fermats Last Theorem

Sep 9 2007 Fermat's Last Theorem. Henri Darmon. (darmon@math.mcgill.ca). Department of Mathematics. McGill University. Montreal

Kummers Special Case of Fermats Last Theorem

May 18 2005 One partial proof of Fermat's Last Theorem that is of particular interest to students acquainted with basic algebraic number theory is that ...

Winding quotients and some variants of Fermats Last Theorem

Sep 9 2007 Central to the study of Fermat's equation is Mazur's theorem that an elliptic curve over Q cannot have a rational point of order p if p > 7. Our.

Fermats last theorem - Henri Darmon

In the context of Fermat's Last Theorem this led to the proof that for each exponent n ? 3

Modular Elliptic Curves and Fermats Last Theorem

In 1985 Frey made the remarkable observation that this conjecture should imply Fermat's Last Theorem. The precise mechanism relating the two was formulated by 


FERMAT'S LAST THEOREM FOR REGULAR PRIMES. KEITH CONRAD. For a prime p we call p regular when the class number hp = h(Q(?p)) of the pth cyclotomic.

Sophie Germain The Princess of Mathematics and Fermats Last

Fermat's Last Theorem. Hanna Kagele. Abstract. Sophie Germain (1776-1831) is the first woman known who managed to make great strides in.


In §1 we introduce elliptic curves and modularity and give the connection between Fermat's Last Theorem and the Taniyama-. Shimura Conjecture on the modularity 

Modular elliptic curves and Fermats Last Theorem

Annals of Mathematics 141 (1995)

A Generalization of Fermats Last Theorem: The Beal Conjecture and

Fermat's Last Theorem: The Beal Conjecture and. Prize Problem. R. Daniel Mauldin. Andrew Beal is a Dallas banker who has a general interest in mathemat-.

[PDF] Modular elliptic curves and Fermats Last Theorem

The object of this paper is to prove that all semistable elliptic curves over the set of rational numbers are modular Fermat's Last Theorem follows as a 


INTRODUCTION This book will describe the recent proof of Fermat's Last The- orem by Andrew Wiles aided by Richard Taylor for graduate

[PDF] Fermats Last Theorem - Wikimedia Commons

15 mar 2013 · This PDF was generated by the LATEX typesetting software The LATEX source code is included as an attachment (source 7z txt) in this PDF file

[PDF] 26 Fermats Last Theorem - MIT Mathematics

17 mai 2017 · In this final lecture we give an overview of the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem Our goal is to explain exactly what Andrew Wiles [18] 

[PDF] Modular elliptic curves and Fermats last theorem

Using this we complete the proof that all semistable elliptic curves are modular In particular this finally yields a proof of Fermat's Last Theorem In

[PDF] Fermats Last Theorem - McGill University

9 sept 2007 · A tantalizingly simple problem about whole numbers it stood unsolved for more than 350 years until in 1994 Andrew Wiles finally laid it to 

[PDF] Fermats Last Theorem

4 juil 2019 · Fermat's Last Theorem considers solutions to the Fermat equation: an + bn = cn with positive integers a b and c and an integer n greater than 

Wiless proof of Fermats Last Theorem - Wikipedia

Wiles's proof of Fermat's Last Theorem is a proof by British mathematician Andrew Wiles of a special case of the modularity theorem for elliptic curves

[PDF] Solution for Fermats Last Theorem - SciELO Colombia

it is impossible to find three natural numbers x y and z where such equality is met being (xy)>0 in xn+yn=zn This paper shows the methodology to prove 

[PDF] Fermats Last Theorem

15 mai 2014 · Fermat's Last Theorem states that nonzero integer solutions to the equation an + bn = cn only exist for n less than or equal to two This paper 

  • Can you solve Fermat's last theorem?

    (a) The Taniyama–Shimura–Weil conjecture for semistable elliptic curves; and also. (b) Because there cannot be a contradiction, it also proves that the kinds of elliptic curves described by Frey cannot actually exist. Therefore no solutions to Fermat's equation can exist either, so Fermat's Last Theorem is also true.
  • Fermat's last theorem, also called Fermat's great theorem, the statement that there are no natural numbers (1, 2, 3,…) x, y, and z such that xn + yn = zn, in which n is a natural number greater than 2.
Annals of Mathematics,141(1995), 443-551Pierre de FermatAndrew John Wiles

Modular elliptic curves


Fermat"s Last Theorem

ByAndrew John Wiles*

For Nada, Claire, Kate and Olivia

Cubum autem in duos cubos, aut quadratoquadratum in duos quadra- toquadratos, et generaliter nullam in infinitum ultra quadratum potestatum in duos ejusdem nominis fas est dividere:cujes rei demonstrationem mirabilem sane detexi. Hanc marginis exiguitas non caperet.

- Pierre de Fermat≂1637Abstract.When Andrew John Wiles was 10 years old, he read Eric Temple Bell"sThe

Last Problemand was so impressed by it that he decided that he would be the first person to prove Fermat"s Last Theorem. This theorem states that there are no nonzero integers a,b,c,nwithn>2 such thata n +b n =cn . The object of this paper is to prove that all semistable elliptic curves over the set of rational numbers are modular. Fermat"s Last Theorem follows as a corollary by virtue of previous work by Frey, Serre and Ribet.


An elliptic curve overQis said to be modular if it has a finite covering by a modular curve of the formX 0 (N).Any such elliptic curve has the property that its Hasse-Weil zeta function has an analytic continuation and satisfies a functional equation of the standard type. If an elliptic curve overQwith a givenj-invariant is modular then it is easy to see that all elliptic curves with the samej-invariant are modular (in which case we say that thej-invariant is modular). A well-known conjecture which grew out of the work of Shimura and Taniyama in the 1950"s and 1960"s asserts that every elliptic curve overQ is modular. However, it only became widely known through its publication in a paper of Weil in 1967 [We] (as an exercise for the interested reader!), in which, moreover, Weil gave conceptual evidence for the conjecture. Although it had been numerically verified in many cases, prior to the results described in this paper it had only been known that finitely manyj-invariants were modular. In 1985 Frey made the remarkable observation that this conjecture should imply Fermat"s Last Theorem. The precise mechanism relating the two was formulated by Serre as theε-conjecture and this was then proved by Ribet in the summer of 1986. Ribet"s result only requires one to prove the conjecture

for semistable elliptic curves in order to deduce Fermat"s Last Theorem.*The work on this paper was supported by an NSF grant.


Our approach to the study of elliptic curves is via their associated Galois representations. Suppose thatρ p is the representation of Gal(¯Q/Q)onthe p-division points of an elliptic curve overQ, and suppose for the moment that 3 is irreducible. The choice of 3 is critical because a crucial theorem of Lang- lands and Tunnell shows that ifρ 3 is irreducible then it is also modular. We then proceed by showing that under the hypothesis thatρ 3 is semistable at 3, together with some milder restrictions on the ramification ofρ 3 at the other primes, every suitable lifting ofρ 3 is modular. To do this we link the problem, via some novel arguments from commutative algebra, to a class number prob- lem of a well-known type. This we then solve with the help of the paper [TW]. This suffices to prove the modularity ofEas it is known thatEis modular if and only if the associated 3-adic representation is modular. The key development in the proof is a new and surprising link between two strong but distinct traditions in number theory, the relationship between Galois representations and modular forms on the one hand and the interpretation of special values ofL-functions on the other. The former tradition is of course more recent. Following the original results of Eichler and Shimura in the

1950"s and 1960"s the other main theorems were proved by Deligne, Serre and

Langlands in the period up to 1980. This included the construction of Galois representations associated to modular forms, the refinements of Langlands and Deligne (later completed by Carayol), and the crucial application by Langlands of base change methods to give converse results in weight one. However with the exception of the rather special weight one case, including the extension by Tunnell of Langlands" original theorem, there was no progress in the direction of associating modular forms to Galois representations. From the mid 1980"s the main impetus to the field was given by the conjectures of Serre which elaborated on theε-conjecture alluded to before. Besides the work of Ribet and others on this problem we draw on some of the more specialized developments of the 1980"s, notably those of Hida and Mazur. The second tradition goes back to the famous analytic class number for- mula of Dirichlet, but owes its modern revival to the conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer. In practice however, it is the ideas of Iwasawa in this field on which we attempt to draw, and which to a large extent we have to replace. The principles of Galois cohomology, and in particular the fundamental theorems of Poitou and Tate, also play an important role here.

The restriction thatρ

3 be irreducible at 3 is bypassed by means of an intriguing argument with families of elliptic curves which share a common 5 . Using this, we complete the proof that all semistable elliptic curves are modular. In particular, this finally yields a proof of Fermat"s Last Theorem. In addition, this method seems well suited to establishing that all elliptic curves overQare modular and to generalization to other totally real number fields. Now we present our methods and results in more detail. MODULAR ELLIPTIC CURVES AND FERMAT"S LAST THEOREM 445 Letfbe an eigenform associated to the congruence subgroup Γ 1 (N)of SL 2 (Z) of weightk≥2 and characterχ.Thus ifT n is the Hecke operator associated to an integernthere is an algebraic integerc(n,f) such thatT n f= c(n,f)ffor eachn. We letK f be the number field generated overQby the {c(n,f)}together with the values ofχand letO f be its ring of integers.

For any primeλofO

f letO f,λ be the completion ofO f atλ. The following theorem is due to Eichler and Shimura (fork= 2) and Deligne (fork>2). The analogous result whenk= 1 is a celebrated theorem of Serre and Deligne but is more naturally stated in terms of complex representations. The image in that case is finite and a converse is known in many cases. Theorem0.1.For each primep?Zand each primeλ|pofO f there is a continuous representation f,λ : Gal(¯Q/Q)-→GL 2 (O f,λ which is unramified outside the primes dividingNpand such that for all primes q?Np, traceρ f,λ (Frobq)=c(q,f),detρ f,λ (Frobq)=χ(q)q k-1 We will be concerned with trying to prove results in the opposite direction, that is to say, with establishing criteria under which aλ-adic representation arises in this way from a modular form. We have not found any advantage in assuming that the representation is part of a compatible system ofλ-adic representations except that the proof may be easier for someλthan for others.


0 : Gal(¯Q/Q)-→GL 2 (¯F p is a continuous representation with values in the algebraic closure of a finite field of characteristicpand that detρ 0 is odd. We say thatρ 0 is modular ifρ 0 andρ f,λ modλare isomorphic over¯F p for somefandλand some embedding ofO f /λin¯F p . Serre has conjectured that every irreducibleρ 0 of odd determinant is modular. Very little is known about this conjecture except when the image ofρ 0 in PGL 2 (¯F p ) is dihedral,A 4 orS 4 . In the dihedral case it is true and due (essentially) to Hecke, and in theA 4 andS 4 cases it is again true and due primarily to Langlands, with one important case due to Tunnell (see Theorem 5.1 for a statement). More precisely these theorems actually associate a form of weight one to the corresponding complex representation but the versions we need are straightforward deductions from the complex case. Even in the reducible case not much is known about the problem in the form we have described it, and in that case it should be observed that one must also choose the lattice carefully as only the semisimplification of f,λ f,λ modλis independent of the choice of lattice inK



IfOis the ring of integers of a local field (containingQ p ) we will say that

ρ: Gal(¯Q/Q)-→GL

2 (O) is a lifting ofρ 0 if, for a specified embedding of the residue field ofOin¯F p ,¯ρandρ 0 are isomorphic over¯F p . Our point of view will be to assume thatρ 0 is modular and then to attempt to give conditions under which a representationρliftingρ 0 comes from a modular form in the sense thatρ?ρ f,λ overK f,λ for somef,λ.We will restrict our attention to two cases: (I)ρ 0 is ordinary (atp) by which we mean that there is a one-dimensional subspace of¯F 2p ,stable under a decomposition group atpand such that the action on the quotient space is unramified and distinct from the action on the subspace. (II)ρ 0 is flat (atp), meaning that as a representation of a decomposition group atp,ρ 0 is equivalent to one that arises from a finite flat group scheme overZ p , and detρ 0 restricted to an inertia group atpis the cyclotomic character. We say similarly thatρis ordinary (atp), if viewed as a representation to¯Q 2p there is a one-dimensional subspace of ¯Q 2p stable under a decomposition group atpand such that the action on the quotient space is unramified.

Letε: Gal(¯Q/Q)-→Z

×p denote the cyclotomic character. Conjectural converses to Theorem 0.1 have been part of the folklore for many years but have hitherto lacked any evidence. The critical idea that one might dispensequotesdbs_dbs9.pdfusesText_15
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