[PDF] 4 Calculations Used in Analytical Chemisty

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HbA1c conversion table

mmol/mol. Conversion formulas. Old. = 00915 New + 2

A. Units Amounts and Concentrations

Note the abbreviations: 1 mmol = 1 millimole; 2 mmol = 2 millimoles; 5 µmol. = 5 micromoles. Concentrations in molarities are given by expressing the number of 

Topic 6: Common Lab Calculations

For example let's say you need 5.0 mmoles of moles to do other calculations (such as calculating molar equivalents or determining the limiting.

Care of Children and Young People with an HbA1C greater than 75

4. 5. HbA1c 58-75 mmols/mol. 5. 6. HbA1c 75 mmol/mol or above. 6. 7. Basic steps comparison chart. 8. 8. Appendix 1: Parents and Young People Education 

NICE Guideline Template

5. • intensify drug treatment and. 1. • agree a target and aim for an HbA1c level of 53 mmol/mol (7.0%). [new 2015]. 2. Self-monitoring of blood 

Electronic Supplementary Information

4 (1 mmol) KOtBu (0.5 mmol)

4 Calculations Used in Analytical Chemisty

Ex. 4-1. How many moles and millimoles of benzoic acid (M=122.1 g/mol) are Ex 4-5. Describe the preparation of 2.00 L of 0.108 M BaCl2 from BaCl2 · 2H2O.

(Chapter 12) Electrolyte Solutions: Milliequivalents Millimoles


HbA1c Conversion Chart. Older DCCT-aligned (%) and newer IFCC

IFCC-standardised values are rounded to the nearest whole number. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. DCCT (%). IFCC. (mmol/mol).

Glycemic Status and Thromboembolic Risk in Patients With Atrial

thromboembolism among patients with HbA1c=49–58 mmol/mol (hazard ratio 1.49; 95% CI


1 oct 2014 · IV m m o l = u n ité d e ré fé re n c e FORMULE DE CONVERSION IONS MONOVALENTS IONS BIVALENTS ION TRIVALENT mmol= milliéquivalent (mEq)

[PDF] Calculs et conversion dunités - Pharmacie des HUG

10 nov 2009 · 4 Le médicament: de la commande à l'administration CAS CLINIQUE 4 --- MILLIMOLES ET MILLIEQUIVALENTS Si la mole (mol) renseigne sur 

[PDF] mole g D D T T MM / 48800 = × × = ? ?

de volume V1=16 l et V2=14 l contenant 05 mole d'urée et o 8 moles de glucose respectivement mmol/l Le débit initial est égal a 42pmol/s

[PDF] Corrigés exercices sur la mole les masses molaires la

05 mol; b 20 mmol; c 15 kmol ; on applique la relation N= n x NA 4 x 120 + 9 x 10 + 3 x 140 + 2 x 160 = 131 g mol-1 6) Squalène

[PDF] CHIMIE Calculer les masses molaires des composés suivants

4 la concentration molaire du calcium en mol/L 4 L'azotémie (taux normal d'urée dans le sang) est comprise entre 25 et 75 mmol/L Ce


0 à 4 µmol/l Sér Calcium Homme 88 à 103 mg/l 002495 220 à 258 mmol/l mmol/l LCR Glucose 05 à 08 g/l 5551 28 à 44 mmol/l

[PDF] Chapitre 1 La quantité de matière la concentration molaire et le

donc n(C8H15O3N) = 289 10–5 mol METHODE 4 : Savoir calculer la quantité de matière à partir de la masse volumique ? Principe

[PDF] Chapitre 5

4 Ce nombre est fantastiquement grand : 602 214 076 000 000 000 000 000 soit 5 3 2 - Constante d'Avogadro Le nombre d'entités par mole est une 

  • Comment calculer le nombre de mol ?

    Il suffit d'appliquer la relation n=m/M pour déterminer le nombre de mole.
  • Comment calculer la mole d'un atome ?

    La masse molaire moléculaire est égale à la somme des masses molaires atomiques des éléments chimiques constituant la molécule. L'unité est toujours le gramme par mole, notée g. mol–1. Ainsi, la masse molaire de la molécule d'eau H2O est : M(H2O) = 2 x M(H) + M(O) = 2 x 1,00 + 16,0 = 18,0 g.
  • Comment convertir le mmol en mg ?

    (mg/dL x 0,0259 = mmol/L).
  • Formules de conversion du milliéquivalent :
    Ainsi, 1 mEq est représenté par 1 mg d'hydrogène (1 mole) ou 23 mg de Na+, 39 mg de K+, etc.
4 Calculations Used in Analytical Chemisty 14

4 Calculations Used in Analytical Chemisty


4A-1 Sl Units

SI Base Units

Physical Quantity Name of unit

AbbreviationMass kilogram kg

Length meter m

Time second


Temperature kelvin


Amout of substance mole


Electric current ampere


Luminous intensity candela

cd International system of units (SI)

Prefixes for units

Prefix Abbreviation Multiplier Prefix Abbreviation Multiplier yotta- Y 10

24 deci- d 10

-1 zetta- Z 10 21
centi- c 10 -2 exa- E 10 18 milli- m 10 -3 peta- P 10 15 micro- 10-6 tera- T 10 12 nano- n 10 -9 giga- G 10 9 pico- p 10 -12 mega- M 10 6 femto- f 10-15 kilo- k 10 3 atto- a 10 -18 hecto- h 10 2 zepto- z 10 -21 deca- da 10 yocto- y 10 -24 angstrom (Å) : non-SI unit of length = 0.1 nm = 10 -10 m.

4A-2 The Distinction Between Mass and Weight

Mass: invariant measure of the amount of matter in an object


the force of gravitational attraction between that matter and earth

W = m g

W : weight of an object, m : mass,

g : acceleration due to gravity 15

4A-3 The Mole

Avogadro's number (6.022 10

the molar mass of formaldehyde CH 2 O molO16.0g

OCH molO 1mol


OCH molH 2mol


OCH molC 1mol


2 = 30.0 g/mol CH 2 O the molar mass of glucose C 6 H 12 O 6 molO16.0g

OCH molO 6mol


OCH molH 12mol


OCH molC 6mol


= 180.0 g/mol C 6 H 12 O 6 * Millimole(mmol) = 10 -3 mol

1 mfw = 10

-3 fw no. of moles of a species X ( no. mol A): X XX Mmn

Ex. 4-1.

How many moles and millimoles of benzoic acid (M=122.1 g/mol) are contained in of the pure acid? amount g HBz = (1 mol/122.1 g) = 0.0164 mol HBz amount g HBz = (1 mmol/0.1221 g) = 16.4 mmol HBz

Ex. 4-2.

How many grams of Na

(22.99 g/mol) are contained in 25. of Na 2 SO 4 (142.0 g/mol)? amount Na 2 SO 4 = 25.00 g (1 mol/142.0 g) = 0.17606 mol since 1 mol of Na 2 SO 4 contains 2 mol of Na amount Na = 2 0.17606 mol = 0.35211 mol mass Na = 0.35211 mol 22.99 g/mol = 8.10 g


4B-1 Concentration of Solutions

Molar Concentration (C)

V nC XX solutionmLno.solute mmol no. solutionLno.solute mol no.molarity 16 Ex 4-3 Calculate the molar conc. of ethanol in an aqueous solution that contains

2. of C

2 H 5

OH (46.07 g/mol) in 3.50 L of solution.

no. mol = (1 mol/46.07 g) = 0.04992 mol CC2H5OH = 0.04992 mol/3.50 L = 0.01426 mol/L = 0.0143 M Analytical Molarity: total number of moles of a solute in 1 L solution (How a solution has been prepared?)

Ex: 1.0 M H

2 SO 4 soln Ш dissolving 1.0 mol or H 2 SO 4 in water and diluting to exactly 1.0 L.

Equilibrium or Species Molarity

: the molar conc. of a particular species in a soln. at equilibrium

Formal Concentration (Formality, F)

: analytical concentration

Ex: 1.00 F NaOH or H

2 SO 4

Ш equilibrium molar conc. = 0.00 M

Ex 4-4.

Calculate the analytical and equilibrium molar conc. of the solute species in an aqueous solution that contains 285 mg of trichloroacetic acid (Cl 3 CCOOH, 163.4 g/mol) in 10.0 mL (the acid is 73 % ionized in water). no. mol HA = 285 mg (1 g/1000 mg) (1 mol/163.4 g) = 1.744 10 -3 mol

M174.0LHA mol174.0L1mL 1000

mL 10.0HA mol 101.744 3- HA C HA

Initial 100%

ѳᑽࡕ27% H


73% + A


73% [HA] = 0.174 mol/L 0.27

= 0.047 mol/L = [H 3 O ] = [A-] = CHA - [HA] = 0.174 - 0.047 = 0.127 M Ex 4-5. Describe the preparation of 2.00 L of 0.108 M BaCl

2 from BaCl2

· 2H

2 O (244 g/mol).

2.00 L 0.108 mol/L = 0.216 mol BaCl


· 2H

2 O

0.216 mol 244 g/mol = BaCl


· 2H

2 O

Dissolve of BaCl

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