[PDF] Pearson qualifications Kathy Jusseret Le Tartuffe de

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Suzy Lola 1er STG 2 Fiche de lecture : La place références

Biographie: Annie Ernaux est née le 1er septembre 1940 à Lillebonne. Elle passe son enfance en Normandie

Analyse de lécriture dAnnie Ernaux dans La Place et La Honte

The purpose of this study is to analyze the writing of Annie Ernaux in two early texts La. Place and La Honte. We will explain the notion of “écriture 

Une femme de Annie Ernaux (Fiche de lecture)

La description physique de la mère ponctue tout le récit : cela souligne l'évolution du personnage et marque le passage des années mais cela permet aussi de 

Annie Ernaux extrait de La place lecture analytique n° 3 de la

sa volonté de progresser professionnellement. II) Elle analyse avec lucidité le malentendu langagier qui la sépare de son père. 1) Elle souligne la position 


24 nov. 2021 Synthèse : en vous appuyant sur la liste bibliographique d'Annie Ernaux ainsi que sur le résumé du roman ... - Lecture intégrale : La Place Annie ...

Pauline Stumpf Fiche de Lecture sur Réinventer lamour de Mona

Seules 14% des femmes ont déposé plainte . 8. Ces violences sont encouragées par la place assignée aux femmes en société et par le fan- livre d'Annie Ernaux ...

« La place » dAnnie Ernaux : Etude auto-socio-biographique Dr

8- Lejeune (Ph.) L'autobiographie en France

Lycée Claude-Nicolas Ledoux - Fiche Lectures dété Liste de lecture

• Annie Ernaux La Place. 4. POÉSIE. • Louise Labé

Une Femme dAnnie Ernaux : de la subjectivité dune écriture objective

Résumé. A partir de La Place récit consacré à la vie de son père


ces termes doit à la lecture d'Annie Ernaux ou plus généralement

Analyse de lécriture dAnnie Ernaux dans La Place et La Honte

Analyse de l'écriture d'Annie. Ernaux dans La Place et La. Honte. Entre littérature et sociologie. Marie-Hélène Bernadet. Abstract.

Suzy Lola 1er STG 2 Fiche de lecture : La place références

Biographie: Annie Ernaux est née le 1er septembre 1940 à Lillebonne. Elle passe son enfance en Normandie


While writing her fourth book La Place (1984)


Dans Les Armoires vides le. « je » exprime les affects de la petite fille

La Place dAnnie Ernaux entre le projet décriture et la réhabilitation

Feb 25 2020 Résumé. Dans un défi à ses sentiments

writing about such experiences. Reproduced here with a new

DUHAMEL: Souvenirs de la Grande Guerre ed. A.C.V. Evans Anthologie Éluard. TWENTIETH CENTURY TEXTS. Annie Ernaux. LA PLACE. Edited by. P.M. Wetherill.

writing “au-dessous de la littérature” : annie ernaux

française d'analyse (de Mme de Lafayette à Proust).” (Thumerel 13). Clearly

Une exploration du style et du message dans une sélection d

Résumé. L'auteur Annie Ernaux vient d'un milieu modeste œuvres d'Ernaux seront discutées : La place (1983)

Pearson qualifications

Kathy Jusseret Le Tartuffe de Molière (Fiche de lecture): Résumé complet et analyse détaillée de l'œuvre La Place

lusage de la photographie chez annie ernaux - nora cottille-foley

un support physique tangible et irre´futable et se preˆte a` l'analyse scientifique. Dans La Place Ernaux scrute les cliche´s de son enfance

Annie Ernaux extrait de La place lecture analytique n° 3 de

• L’œuvre : La place publié en 1884 est l’œuvre la plus célèbre de l’ écrivain Elle a reçu le prix Renaudot et a été traduite en vingt-cinq langues Il s’agit à la fois de la biographie de son père et de son autobiographie (récit de son enfance)

  • Structure de Cette Analyse Du Livre

    Introduction au roman sociologique (1 pages) Annie Ernaux, Écrivaine française La Place, Une plongée dans le monde des petits commerçants

  • Que Puis-Je Trouver Dans Cette Analyse Sur La Place

    Roman mettant en vedette le monde des ouvriers et des commerçants, La Place d’Annie Ernaux fait dans cettefiche de lecture l’objet d’une étude toute particulière et ce, pour le plus grand plaisir des amateurs de littérature française ! Dotée d’un complément d’information sur l’écrivaine et les influences de son œuvre, la synthèse de cours est égale...




A Level French

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in French (9FR0)


Getting Started: GCE French 2016

1. Introduction 1

2. changed? 2

2.1 How has A level changed? 2

Changes to A level qualification 2

Changes to Assessment Objectives 2

2.2 Changes to Edexcel GCE French 3

Specification overview 3

Changes to specification content 3

3. Planning 6

3.1 Planning and delivering linear A level courses 6

3.2 Suggested resources 6

3.3 Delivery models 8

4. Content guidance 9

4.1 Themes and sub-themes 9

5. Assessment guidance 11

5.1 Implications of linear assessment 11

5.2 Breakdown of Assessment Objectives 11

5.3 Assessment overview 11

5.4 Further details on the speaking assessment 16

1 © Pearson Education Ltd 2016

1. Introduction

The A level qualification is designed to be appealing and engaging to students, while preparing them for future study and work. An inspiring and culturally relevant course has been developed, based on feedback from teachers, students, subject associations, academics and advisors. The qualification has a clear structure, which will enable students to develop advanced-level, transferable language alongside a deeper cultural appreciation of French and Francophone culture. There is an emphasis on promoting understanding of grammar in order to allow spontaneous, creative use of language to suit different purposes. The themes are engaging and relevant, combining familiar and new content. Popular texts and films have been chosen, as well as some less well-known titles, both classical and contemporary. This Getting Started guide provides an overview of the A level specification, to help you get to grips with the changes to content and assessment, and to help you understand what these mean for you and your students. We are providing a package of support to help you plan and implement the specification. A level; an editable course planner; a student guide; and schemes of work which you can adapt to suit your department examiner commentaries assessments and mock exams areas, such as analysing films and literature, conducting research and essay- writing; film and literature PowerPoints to support you with teaching; and ideas for the independent research project. These support documents are available on the GCE 2016 French pages on the

Edexcel website.

2 © Pearson Education Ltd 2016

2. changed?

2.1 How has A level changed?

Changes to A level qualification

From September 2016, A level French will be a fully linear qualification. This means that all examinations must be sat (and non-examination assessment submitted) at the end of the course. More information about the implications of the move to linear assessment is given on page 13.

Changes to Assessment Objectives

The A level languages Assessment Objectives have been revised. There are two main changes to the Assessment Objectives: A new AO4 has been introduced. This requires knowledge, understanding and critical and analytical response to cultural and social issues relating to target-language communities. AO3 has a greater proportion of the marks than in the previous specification and has a subtly changed emphasis there is greater emphasis now on active application of grammar in generating new, independent language. AO1 20%

Understand and respond:

ł in speech to spoken language including face-to-face interaction ł in writing to spoken language drawn from a variety of sources AO2 30%

Understand and respond:

ł in speech to written language drawn from a variety of sources ł in writing to written language drawn from a variety of sources AO3 30%
Manipulate the language accurately, in spoken and written forms, using a range of lexis and structures AO4

A level

20% Show knowledge and understanding of, and respond critically and analytically to, different aspects of the culture and society of countries/communities where the language is spoken

3 © Pearson Education Ltd 2016

2.2 Changes to Edexcel GCE French

Specification overview

Paper 1

Listening, reading and


Themes 1, 2, 3 and 4 2 hours 40%

Paper 2

Written response to

works and translation

Literary works/film 2 hours 40 minutes 30%

Paper 3

Speaking (internally

conducted and externally assessed)


research, plus

Themes 1, 2, 3 and 4

2123 minutes,

preparation time 30%

Changes to specification content

Specification content is now based around social, political and cultural themes, relating to the French language, culture and communities. This will enable students to gain a deeper understanding of the culture related to their language of study and ensure smooth progression to further study. The themes and assessment model are also designed to promote the development of transferable skills. These changes are in line with reports published by the A-Level Content Advisory Board (ALCAB), informed by academics, and the Department for Education (DfE), which consulted a range of stakeholders. These reports were both strongly in favour of reports also identified a need for qualifications thinking on the basis of knowledge of the language, culture and society of the country or countries where the language is Students taking the A level will study four themes: Theme 1: Les changements dans la société française Theme 2: La culture politique et artistique dans les pays francophones Theme 3: la société multiculturelle française

Theme 4: et la Résistance

There are a number of sub-themes, which can be found below. The content of these themes is assessed in Paper 1 (listening, reading and translation) and Paper 3 (speaking). Students at A level are also required to study either two texts, or one text and one film, which will be assessed in Paper 2 (writing). Moreover, at A level students will also be required to undertake an Independent Research Project, which will be assessed in the second part of the speaking exam. Further detail on this can be found in Section 5.4.

4 © Pearson Education Ltd 2016

Comparison of the new specification to the Edexcel A1 and A2 2008

New specification Previous specification

Theme 1 Les changements dans la

société française

Les changements dans

les structures familiales

Le monde du travail

environmental issues and the

French-speaking world

Education and employment

Youth culture and concerns:


Theme 2

La culture politique et

artistique dans les pays francophones

La musique

Les médias

Les festivals et les


Youth culture and concerns

Customs, traditions, beliefs and


Theme 3

multiculturelle française positif de société française

Répondre aux défis de

en France droite and future (Geographical area) (Aspects of modern society)

5 © Pearson Education Ltd 2016

Theme 4

et la Résistance

La France occupée

Le régime de Vichy

La Résistance

and future (Historical period)

Literary works Prescribed list of works



Stylistic features

Concepts and issues

Free choice of work

different characters key themes/issues social and cultural setting styles/techniques employed

Films Prescribed list of films





Free choice of film

different characters key themes/issues social and cultural setting styles/techniques employed



Must be linked to the social

and cultural context of the francophone world

Completely free choice no

requirement for research to relate to target-language culture or community

Lifestyle: health and fitness

Travel, tourism,

International events

6 © Pearson Education Ltd 2016

3. Planning

3.1 Planning and delivering linear A level courses

Naturally, the key difference of linear qualifications is that students need to retain all that they have learned for examination at the end of the course. In terms of language learning, this is a logical and positive development because students must retain and build on everything they learn in order to master a language effectively. In terms of planning, teachers will need to consider the following:

Course planning needs to cover:

four themes either two texts, or a text and film independently

3.2 Suggested resources

The Edexcel A level course is supported by a range of free and paid-for resources:


Edexcel A level French Rod Hares, Kirsty Thathapudi, Karine Harrington,

Wendy O'Mahony, Amy Gregg, Hodder Education, 2016

Other paid-for resources:

ZigZag Education a range of material supporting all four skills in French

Our free online support for teachers includes:

vocabulary for literature and film guides on literature and film analysis, carrying out research and essay writing PowerPoints to support the teaching and learning of film and literature.

Other useful resources include:


Servane Jacob and Janine Schofield, Edexcel A Level French Grammar Practice

Book, Pearson 2008

Mireille Ribiere and Thaila Marriott, Help Yourself to Advanced French Grammar: A Grammar Reference and Workbook Post-GCSE/Advanced Level, second edition,

Pearson 1998

7 © Pearson Education Ltd 2016

3.3 Planning


Paul Humberstone, Mot à Mot: New Advanced French Vocabulary,

Hodder Education, sixth edition, 2018


There are student guides to most of the books on the A level specification. The although intended for French students, these can be a really useful starting point for UK students. Most editions also include good introductions and some analysis of the text. Some examples of guides are given below, though this is by no means an exhaustive list: Kathy Jusseret, Le Tartuffe de Molière (Fiche de lecture): Résumé complet et analyse Peggy Chaplin, Maupassant: Boule de Suif (Glasgow Introductory Guides to French

Literature), 2010

Alexandre Oudent, L'Étranger d'Albert Camus (Fiche de lecture): Analyse complète de Films An internet search for your chosen film should generate plenty of resources. The series also has a number of study guides in French. For example: Ginette Vincendeau, La Haine (Cine-file French Film Guides), 2017

Newspapers, television and radio

http://streema.com/tv/country/France https://www.20minutes.fr https://www.lemonde.fr Other http://www.institut-francais.org.uk/ You will also find several English sites with resources to support the films at filmeducation.org.

8 © Pearson Education Ltd 2016


3.4 Delivery models

Possible models for course planning include:

Model 1

Model 2

Model 1 offers a more integrated learning experience, developing all skills together, whereas Model 2 presents a clearer order. Model 1 is potentially more complex to manage, but Model 2 could result in teachers and students running out of time on the second literary work/film and independent research. More detailed Schemes of work and other useful planning documents are available as free resources on the Edexcel website

Literary work/



Grammar development Theme 4

Grammar revision Theme 3 Year

2 A level


Grammar development Theme 2

Skills Grammar revision Literary work/


Theme 1 Year

1 A level


Literary work/film

Independent research

Theme 4

Theme 3

Year 2

A level


Literary work/film

Theme 2

Grammar Theme 1

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