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on the Hungaro-Ottoman Frontier in Southern Bosnia c. 1463-1477 . . . . . . .19 In 2008

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Life on the Ottoman Border

Essays in Honour of Nenad Moaanin


University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

FF press

Year of print edition: 2022

Year of electronical edition: 2022

For the Publisher

Domagoj Tonini

Edited by

Vjeran Kursar

čematic Editor

Tomislav Galovi


Aleksandar Foti

Elias Kolovos

Layout and design

Boris Bui

Coer page design

Marko Marakovi

https://doi.org/10.17234/9789531759847 CIP data are available in the digital catalogue of the National and University Library in Zagreb, no. 001129301 Publication of the book was sponsored by the Croatian Ministry of Science an Education. Copyright © 2021, Filozofski fakultet, FF press

ISBN 978-953-175-857-4

ISBN 978-953-175-984-7 (PDF)

No part of this book can be reproduced electronically or otherwise without the publisher"s permission.

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Professor Nenad Moaanin

Photo: Vjeran Kursar


Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Professor Moaanin, the Doyen of Ottoman Studies in Croatia .11 OTTOMAN BOSNIA, TURKISH CROATIA, AND TURKEY IN EUROPE

Michael Ursinus,

Serving King and Sultan: Pavao Grguri and his Role on the Hungaro-Ottoman Frontier in Southern Bosnia, c. 1463-1477 . . . . . . .19

Géza Dávid,

če Sancakbegi

ˉs of Pozsega (Poega, Pojega) in the 16th Century . . . . . . .31

Fazileta Hazovi,

Nahiyes of the Sandjak of Pakrac: če Unknown Nahiye

of Kontovac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61

Kornelija Jurin Starevi,

Settlement of Lika and čree Ottoman Nahiyes:

Noi, Medak and Bilaj Barlete in the 16th Century. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71

Hatice Oruç,

Ocaklk Timar in the Sanjak of Smederevo


Machiel Kiel,


Emergence, Development and Downfall

of a Muslim Town at the Edge of the Islamic World (Greek Epirus) 127

Vjeran Kursar,

Monks in Kaans. Bosnian Franciscans, Robes of Honour,

and Ottoman Sumptuary Laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

Hasan Esîrî"s Mi"yârü"d-Düvel

ve Misbârü"l-Milel as a Source for the History of Croatia and

Bosnia and Herzegovina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167

Fra Mate Miki-Kostranac and the Turkish Language:

Manuscripts, Copyists, and the Transfer of Knowledge in the Second

Half of the Nineteenth Century


Slobodan Ili,

ʁAbd al-Majd b. Firishte (d. 1459/60) and the Early Turkish Reading . . 199 če Annular Eclipse of the Sun of 7 September 1820 - a Report in Tr

Tatjana Pai Vuki,

Presenting the Ottoman Heritage: An Exhibition of

Islamic Manuscripts in Zagreb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221






Jean-Louis Bacqué-Grammont,

Amœnitates Tauridicae: La Crimée ou

la douceur de vivre selon Evliyâ Çelebî . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .231

Linda Darling,

Resource Extraction in a Newly Conquered Province: Ottoman Syria in the Mid-Sixteenth Century . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237

Mahmoud Yazbak,

Penetration of Urban Capital into the Palestinian

Countryside: če Beginnings, Jaa in the 1830s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251

6Life on the Ottoman Border. Essays in Honour of Nenad Moaanin





Borislav Grgin,

če Ottoman-Croatian Border at the End of the Middle Ages . . . . . . 267

Vesna Miovi,

From Tears to Poison: Ragusan Dealings with the Enemies om the Ottoman Neighbourhood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277

Zrinka Blaevi,

Inter spem et desperationem: Diplomatic Emotions of the Habsburg

Enoys at the Ottoman Court (1553-1557)


Hrvoje Petri,

On the Economic History of Zagreb in the 17th Century . . . . . . . . . 305 Arms Race on the Habsburg-Ottoman Border in the 16th Century: Arsenals, Small Firearms, Artillery and Ammunition on the Croatian and

Slavonian Military Border

Bibliography of Professor Nenad Moaanin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363


by Vjeran Kursar e articles written by friends, colleagues, former students, and one current docto- ral student collected in this celebratory volume dedicated to the doyen of Ottoman studies in Croatia, Professor Nenad Moaanin, are divided into three main chap- ters entitled “Ottoman Bosnia, Turkish Croatia, and Turkey in Europe," “Distant Borders and Regions," and “Glimpses Beyond the Ottoman Border: Habsburg Croatia and the Republic of Dubrovnik." e rst section consists of the articles predominantly dedicated to the main elds of interests of Nenad Moaanin, namely social and economic history of the Ottoman Empire, with special focus on


Bosnia, the Balkans and Central Europe, as well as the Ottoman borderland in Croatia. Several studies in this section discuss an issue of organization of Ottoman border provinces from various perspectives. In the article “Serving King and Sultan: Pavao Grguri and his Role on the Hungaro-Ottoman Frontier in Southern Bosnia, c. 1463-1477" Michael Urisnus analyzes the situation on the Hungaro-Ottoman frontier in Southern Bosnia in the rst decade following the Ottoman conquest of Bosnia on the example of a local nobleman. He raises important questions of tran- sition and accommodation with the Ottomans.

Géza Dávid meticulously

examines lives and careers of the Ottoman governors ( sancakbegi s) of the border province of Poega in Slavonija during the 16th century in the article

“e Sancakbegiˉs of

Pozsega (Poega, Pojega) in the 16th Century". Fazileta Hazovi surveys peculi arities of Ottoman organization of another Slavonian border province of Pakrac on the example of the nahiye of Kontovac in the article “Nahiyes of the Pakrac Sanjak: the Unknown Nahiye Kontovac." In a similar manner, in the article “Settlement of Lika and ree Ottoman Nahiyes: Novi, Medak and Bilaj Barlete in the 16th Cen- tury," Kornelija Jurin Starevi examines social and economic structure of three nahiye s in Ottoman Lika, a border region in central Croatia. In the article “Ocaklk Timar in the Sanjak of Smederevo" Hatice Oruç draws attention to the fact that the institution of hereditary ocaklk timars existed not only in Bosnia, as usually thought, but in the Sanjak of Smederevo in today"s Serbia century and a half later as well, due to specic conditions existing in the newly reconquered sanjak. Machiel Kiel examines the vivid history of an Ottoman Muslim town in Ottoman Greece in the article “Margariti/Margaliç: Emergence, Development and Downfall of a Muslim Town at the Edge of the Islamic World (Greek Epirus)." e remaining articles in this section cover various topics from the elds of social and cultural history. Vjeran Kursar enquires into an issue of inclusion of Bosnian Franciscans into the Ottoman administrative system via presenting their representatives with

8Life on the Ottoman Border. Essays in Honour of Nenad Moaanin


robes of honour (kaans and binies), and Franciscan exemption from sumptuary laws in the article “Monks in Kaans. Bosnian Franciscans, Robes of Honor, and Ottoman Sumptuary Laws." In the article “Hasan Esîrî"s Mi"yârü"d- Düvel ve Misbârü"l-Milel as a Source for the History of Croatia and Bosnia and newly discovered 18 th century manuscript for the history of the region. Ekrem logical works of the 19 th century Bosnian Franciscan author and copyist Fra Mate Miki-Kostranac in the article “Fra Mate Miki-Kostranac and the Turkish Language: Manuscripts, Copyists, and the Transfer of Knowledge in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century." Slobodan Ili examines early Turkish readings of Huru corpus canonicum and exegetical attempts of the second generation of Fazl

Allah Astarabadi"s disciples in the article “

ʬAbd al-Majd b. Firishte (d. 1459/60)

and the Early Turkish Reading of Ḧurf Corpus Canonicum." In the article “e Annular Eclipse of the Sun of 7 September 1820 - a Report in Trh

˰-i Cevdet"

the eclipse report from the well-known “History" by Ahmed Cevdet Pasha. is section ends with the Tatjana Pai Vuki"s article “Presenting the Ottoman Her- itage: An Exhibition of Islamic Manuscripts in Zagreb" which discusses the ways of the presentation of the Ottoman heritage in Croatia, based on the example of an exhibition of Islamic manuscripts held in Zagreb in 2014. e second section entitled “Distant Borders and Regions" brings three articles which are geographically remote from the Western Balkans and Central Europe, such as Crimea, Syria, and Palestine, but nevertheless t well into the conception of the volume by oering a possibility for comparison of distant regions. Jean- Louis Bacqué-Grammont analyzes a peculiar report of the Ottoman traveler Evliya


on Crimea, another borderland with exotic people and strange customs, in the article “Amœnitates Tauridicae: La Crimée ou la douceur de vivre selon Evliyâ Çelebî." Linda Darling examines Ottoman governance in Syria as a frontier province in the decades aer its conquest through the mühimme deerleri (registers of “im- portant aairs"), and questions resource extraction in the article “Resource Extrac tion in a Newly Conquered Province: Ottoman Syria in the Mid-Sixteenth Cen- tury." Mahmoud Yazbak deals with the issue of penetration of urban capital into the countryside of Jaa, the rising Palestinian port city, in the rst half of the 19 th century in the article “Penetration of Urban Capital into the Palestinian Country- side: e Beginnings, Jaa in the 1830s." e third section “Glimpses Beyond the Ottoman Border: Habsburg Croatia and the Republic of Dubrovnik" contains ve articles which provide an important insight into the situation on “the other side." Borislav Grgin analyzes the Croatian- Ottoman relations from 1458 to 1527 focusing on armed conicts, propaganda

9V. Kursar, Introduction

and self-representation, negotiations, migrations and exchange of goods and ideas in the article “e Ottoman-Croatian Border at the End of the Middle Ages." Vesna Miovi examines unocial methods of self-protection of the authorities of the Republic of Dubrovnik, the sultan"s vassal, against their enemies from the Ottoman side in the article “From Tears to Poison: Ragusan Dealings with the Enemies from the Ottoman Neighbourhood." Zrinka Blaevi presents the emotionological analysis of selected Latin diplomatic reports written by Antun Vrani (1551-1617) and Franciscus Zay (1498-1570), the Habsburg envoys to Sultan Süleyman I and his Grand Vizier Rüstem Pasha, in the article “Inter spem et desperationem: Diplomatic Emotions of the Habsburg Envoys at the Ottoman Court (1553-1557)." In the article “On the Economic History of Zagreb in the

17th Century" Hrvoje Petri surveys economic activities in the17

th -century Zagreb as both the key player in Kingdom of Croatia, Slavonia and Dalmatia and the border town. e last article in the volume is “Arms Race on the Habsburg-Ottoman Border in the 16th Century: Arsenals, Small Firearms, Artillery and Ammunition examines development of the system of storage, distribution and management of arms and ammunition on the Habsburg side of the border in Croatia and Slavonia. e volume also includes a biographical overview of Professor Moaanin"s sci entic and educational career at the beginning, and the bibliography at the end of the volume. As a person who greatly beneted from acquaintance with Nenad Hoca in dif ferent stages of life and career, starting as his student back in mid-1990s, a decade later becoming his assistant, and eventually his junior colleague and friend, I am more than happy to be able to present him with a volume with articles written by his old friends and renowned scholars of Ottoman history, his colleagues from Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of University of Zagreb, as well as his former students and later associates. I am thankful to the reviewers of the volume Aleksandar Foti and Elias


In particular I would like to thank my colleague Kornelija Jurin Starevi, another former student of Nenad Hoca, for her contribution by reviewing and commenting one of the articles.


by Vjeran Kursar Professor Nenad Moaanin was born in Zagreb, Croatia, on March 1, 1949. It seems that family background may have inuenced his career choices. His father Fedor Moaanin was a museum curator - director, as well as historian, an expert on the Habsburg military border in Croatia, Vlachs, and the history of Serbs in Croatia. 1 e Moaanins are a family of Serbian Orthodox Christian origin settled in Zagreb since the beginning of the 20 th century, with a long family tradition extending to the late 17 th century and the great ight of the Serbs from the

Ottoman Empire to

the Habsburg territory during the War of the Holy League against the Ottomans (1683-1699). e name of the place of the refuge, Mohács (

Croatian Moha,

Turkish Mohaç) in today"s Hungary, became the family name - Moaanin, “one from Mo(h)a." Like his father Fedor, Nenad Moaanin graduated from the Classical Gym- nasium in Zagreb, where he, among other subjects, mastered Latin and Ancient Greek languages. In 1972, Moaanin graduated with BA in History from Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. In order to widen knowl- edge and obtain adequate linguistic tools for future research, in the following year Moaanin moved to neighbouring Bosnia and Herzegovina, back then another fel- low republic in Yugoslav federation, to start his second BA programme at University of Sarajevo. e obvious choice were Oriental Studies, with Turkish language and literature as major (A), Arabic language and literature as minor (B), and Persian as the third subject (C). An ear for languages ran in the family as well. In addition to the so-called classical Latin and Greek languages, and uency in the main European languages - above all the trinity of English, French, and Ger- man, the father and the son developed interest in and mastery of exotics, too. It seems that only the Second World War prevented Fedor Moaanin from mastering the Oriental studies and Arabic, Persian, and Turkish linguistics. As an ethnic Serb in 1941, while his teacher, the Russian emigree Aleksei Olesnicki, the head of the Oriental Collection of Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, and the adjunct 1 On Fedor Moaanin see: Ivo Goldstein and Mario Strecha, “Fedor Moaanin (1918-1997),"

Radovi Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest

povjesniar Vojne Krajine," in: Fedor Moaanin,

Radovi iz povijesti Vojne krajine

12Life on the Ottoman Border. Essays in Honour of Nenad Moaanin

professor of Oriental languages at the University of Zagreb, died of fear for his life during the Allied bombardment of Zagreb in 1943. Nevertheless, later as the cura- tor of the Judaica collection in the Museum of Arts and Cras, Fedor Moaanin taught himself Hebrew, instead. e origin of Nenad Moaanin"s mother, Neda Moaanin (born Šarevi), from the Slavonian town of akovo, may have deter- mined the interest of her son in Ottoman Slavonia. During 1975 and 1976, Nenad Moaanin was mastering Arabic language in Algeria with the Algerian government"s stipend. Spoken Turkish Moaanin was mas- tering for years on numerous shorter or longer research visits to Ottoman archives and libraries in Turkey. Aer graduating from University of Sarajevo in 1979, Moaanin returned to Zagreb to enter the graduate programme of Early Modern History at Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies. During 1980 and 1981 he was in Munich special- iz ing in the elds of Turkish and Ottoman studies at Institut für Geschichte und Kul tur des Nahen Ostens sowie für Turkologie. In 1983, he obtained MA with the thesis entitled Administrative Division and the People of the Sandjak of Poega ated with the doctoral dissertation entitled Towns in Turkish Slavonia and Srijem (“Gradovi u turskoj Slavoniji i Srijemu"), under the supervision of Professor Milan Vasi, one of the well renowned Yugoslav Ottomanists of the time. is repre- sented the beginning of the decades-long research of the history of Ottoman


carstva (1537.-1691.) [Poega and the Region of Poega within the

Framework of the Ottoman Empire (1537-1691)]

(Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap,

1997), Slavonija i Srijem u razdoblju osmanske vladavine [Slavonija and Srijem dur-

ing the period of the Ottoman rule] (Slavonski Brod: Hrvatski institut za povijest, Podrunica za povijest Slavonije, Srijema i Baranje, 2001), and

Town and Country

on the Middle Danube (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2006). Moaanin started his professional career at Institute for Historical Sciences of Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts (today"s Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts) in Zagreb (1978-1992). In 1992, he joined Department of History of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb, beginning as an associate, soon to be promoted to the rank of assistant professor (1993-1998), then associate profes sor (1998-2002), and eventually professor (2002-2019). Moaanin was a member of Croatian History Programme of Department of History. He served a mandate as the head of the Department and the head of Croatian History Programme. In addition, Moaanin was collaborating with Turkish Studies Programme of the De- partment of Oriental and Hungarian Studies (today"s Department of Hungarian, Turkish and Judaic Studies), where he taught courses “Islamic Civilization" and “Ottoman Palaeography and Diplomatics" from 1994 to 2017. According to Pro-

13Nenad Moacanin, the Doyen of Ottoman Studies in Croatia by Vjeran Kursar

its long-term head, “the foundation of Turkish Studies Programme was above all the idea of Nenad Moaanin, and therefore he should be remembered as the con- ceptual originator of this programme." e link between history and Turkish studies that Professor Moaanin embod- ied through his educational and scientic work, that is, a combination of histori cal science with a strong linguistic component, which is essential for the eld of Ottoman studies, proved to be a sound foundation for the future of Ottoman stud- ies in Zagreb, too. Today, two decades aer the establishment of Turkish Studies pro- gramme, Zagreb gures as a regional centre for Turkish and Ottoman studies. Zagreb was the venue for several international congresses orga nized by the Ottomanist team. In 2008, CIEPO 18 (Comité International d"Études

Pré-Ottomanes et

Ottomanes) conference attended by 160 presenters from 18 countries was orga- nized in Zagreb, in cooperation with Turkish Studies Programme and Professor rate volumes in and Vjeran Kursar. 2 A workshop entitled “e Latest Edition of Evliya Çelebi"s Seyahatname: e Account of New Insights" was organized at Faculty of Humani ties and Social Sciences in Zagreb in 2016 as part of the project “Evliya Chelebi and Croats - New Perspectives" led by Professor Moaanin and nanced by Croatian Endowment for Science. e workshop was attended by leading specialists in the eld, including Robert Danko, Hakan Karateke, Jean-Louis Bacqué-Grammont, Nuran and Semih Tezcan, and Slobodan Ili, among others. Proceedings of the workshop, edited by Vjeran Kursar, Nenad Moaanin and Kornelija Jurin Starevi, were published in Zagreb in 2021. 3

Another major Ottomanist conference, Inter-

national Congress of Ottoman Social and Economic History (ICOSEH), locally organized by Vjeran Kursar and Nenad Moaanin, is re-scheduled for July 2022 at Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, and will be attended by 120 Ottomanists from around the world. Nenad Moaanin gave numerous invited lectures at international educational and research centres, such as Ankara University, Middle East Technical Univer- sity in Ankara, University of California - Riverside, American Research Institute in Turkey (ARIT) in Istanbul, Institute for Oriental Studies of University of Vienna, 2

Perspectives on Ottoman Studies (Papers

om the 18th CIEPO)

Kursar, eds.,

Osmanl Sanat, Mimarisi ve Edebiyatna Bak, 18. CIEPO Sempozyumu (Edirne:

Trakya Üniversitesi, 2011).

3 Vjeran Kursar, Nenad Moaanin, Kornelija Jurin Starevi, eds.,

Evliya Çelebi in the Borderlands:

New Insights and Novel Approaches to the Seyahatname (Western Balkans and Iran Sections) (Zagreb: Srednja Europa, 2021).

14Life on the Ottoman Border. Essays in Honour of Nenad Moaanin

and Central European University in Budapest. During spring semester of 2002, he gave a series of lectures on Croatian history at Department of History of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of University of Ljubljana. Nenad Moaanin was the project manager of two scientic projects nanced by Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports: “Croato-Turcica" (1997-

2006) and “Turkish Sources for Demographic Picture of Croatian Area and sur-

roundings" (2007-2013). He was also the project manager of the project “Evliya Chelebi and Croats: New Perspectives" (2015-2017), nanced by Croatian En- dowment for Science. Professor Moaanin is without doubt the most important Croatian Ottomanist. He continues in the footsteps of his predecessors like iro Truhelka or Aleksej Olesnicki, who earlier attempted to establish “Oriental" or Turkish Studies at Uni versity of Zagreb. Moaanin"s achievements in the elds of research and education in Croatia are unparalleled, so it is possible to say that he is the founder of modern

Croatian Ottoman studies.

e most important Moaanin"s work is the book

Town and Country on the

Middle Danube

published by Brill, Leiden, as the 35th volume of the series “e Ottoman Empire and its Heritage" in 2005. is work represents the continuation of Moaanin"s research that began in the book

Slavonia and Srijem in the Period of

Ottoman Rule

(Slavonija i Srijem u razdoblju osmanske vladavine, 2001). Primar- ily based on the study of tax registers, in this pioneering book Moaanin analyses socio-economic situation in towns and villages in Ottoman Slavonia and Srijem. e Moaanin"s book

Turkish Croatia

(Turska Hrvatska, 1999) represents the rst and so far the fullest attempt at summarizing the history of Croatian lands under the Ottoman rule. It critically analyses important topics such as Islamization of local population, and demographic changes generated by immigration of nomadic and seminomadic Vlach population, which enjoyed special privileged status. An- other revised and enlarged synthesis of the Ottoman period of Croatian history Moaanin published in the form of the textbook entitled

Croatian-Slavonian Mili-

tary Border and Croats under the Rule of the Ottoman Empire in the Early Modern


u ranome novom vijeku (Zagreb: Leikam, 2007, with eljko Holjevac). Back in

1997, Moaanin published his rst book

Poega and the Region of Poega within

the Framework of the Ottoman Empire carstva (1537.-1691.) ). Based on analysis of Ottoman survey records, Moaanin examined economic and demographic situation in the region of Poega, i.e., the kadi district (kadilik) of Poega. A very important addition to the study was the translation of four general tax registers for 1540, 1545, 1561 and 1579, which wasquotesdbs_dbs23.pdfusesText_29
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