[PDF] Introduction to SCIP 26 sept. 2018 SCIP (Solving

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Introduction au Branch Cut and Price et au solveur SCIP (Solving

19 avr. 2013 solveur SCIP (Solving Constraint Integer ... Ce rapport présente le branch cut and price (BCP) technique utilisée en programmation.

Programmer un branch & price en C++ avec la librairie SCIP 4.0

6 Programmation d'un branch & price avec SCIP (en C++) . [4] H. Toussaint Introduction au Branch Cut and Price et au solveur SCIP (Solving Constraint ...

Introduction to SCIP

6 mars 2018 Structure of the SCIP Introduction Day. 9:30–11:00 ... provides a full-scale MIP and MINLP solver ... is a branch-cut-and-price framework

Introduction to the SCIP Optimization Suite

28 sept. 2015 generic branch-cut-and-price solver. UG. ? framework for parallelization of MIP and MINLP solvers. Matthias Miltenberger – Introduction to ...

Introduction to SCIP

26 sept. 2018 SCIP (Solving Constraint Integer Programs) . . . • provides a full-scale MIP and MINLP solver ... is a branch-cut-and-price framework

Introduction to SCIP

26 sept. 2018 SCIP (Solving Constraint Integer Programs) . . . • provides a full-scale MIP and MINLP solver ... is a branch-cut-and-price framework

An Introduction to GCG

1 oct. 2014 An Introduction to GCG ... generic solver for structured mixed integer programs ... The Branch-Price-and-Cut Framework SCIP.

The SCIP Optimization Suite 8.0

17 déc. 2021 the constraint integer programming solver SCIP [3] ... Background SCIP has been designed as a branch-cut-and-price framework to solve.

The SCIP Optimization Suite 4.0

9 mars 2017 consists of the branch-cut-and-price framework and mixed-integer programming solver SCIP the linear programming solver SoPlex

[PDF] Introduction au Branch Cut and Price et au solveur SCIP - LIMOS

19 avr 2013 · Ce rapport présente le branch cut and price (BCP) technique utilisée en programmation linéaire pour résoudre des problèmes de grande taille 

[PDF] Introduction to SCIP

6 mar 2018 · Structure of the SCIP Introduction Day 9:30–11:00 provides a full-scale MIP and MINLP solver is a branch-cut-and-price framework

[PDF] Introduction to SCIP

11 oct 2007 · SCIP (Solving Constraint Integer Programs) > is a branch-and-cut-and-price framework > incorporates a full-scale mixed integer 

[PDF] Une approche Branch-Cut-and-Price pour la résolution du problème

Introduction au Branch Cut and Price et au solveur SCIP (Solving Constraint Integer Programs) Rapport de recherche LIMOS/RR-13-07 19 avril 2013 [5] Minh 

[PDF] Introduction to SCIP

26 sept 2018 · SCIP (Solving Constraint Integer Programs) • provides a full-scale MIP and MINLP solver is a branch-cut-and-price framework

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A lot of problems arising in various areas of Operations Research can be formulated as Mixed Integer Programs (MIP) Although MIP-solving is an NP-hard 

(PDF) Heuristics of the Branch-Cut-and-Price-Framework SCIP

heuristics on the overall solving process of SCIP 1 Introduction A lot of problems arising in various areas of Combinatorial Optimization and Operations 

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17 déc 2021 · the constraint integer programming solver SCIP [3] The core of SCIP coordinates a central branch-cut-and-price algorithm The methods

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16 déc 2021 · ear programming · mixed-integer nonlinear programming · optimization solver · branch- and-cut · branch-and-price · column generation 

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The proposed method is a branch-and-price-and-cut algorithm with stopping criterion Introduction au Branch Cut and Price et au Solveur SCIP (Solving


SCIP Introduction Sep. 26, 2018

Time Schedule

9:30{11:00Introduction & Overview (1)

11:00{11:30 Break11:30{12:30Introduction & Overview (2)

12:30{14:00 Lunch Break14:00{15:30Programming Exercises with PySCIPOpt (rst steps)

15:30{16:00 Break16:00{17:30Programming Exercises With PySCIPOpt (more realistic examples)

SCIP Introduction at the 3rd IMI-ISM-ZIB Workshop, Tokio, Japan Gregor Hendel, hendel@zib.de { SCIP Introduction1/71

Introduction to SCIP

Gregor Hendel, hendel@zib.de

SCIP Introduction Day

September 26, 2018

3rd IMI-ISM-ZIB MODAL Workshop

What is SCIP?

SCIP (Solving Constraint Integer Programs) ...

provides a full-scale MIP and MINLP solver, is constraint based, incorporates

MIP features (cutting planes, LP relaxation), and

MINLP features (spatial branch-and-bound, OBBT)

CP features (domain propagation),

SAT-solving features (con

ict analysis, restarts), is a branch-cut-and-price framework, has a modular structure via plugins, is free for academic purposes,

and is available in source-code underhttp://scip.zib.de!Gregor Hendel, hendel@zib.de { SCIP Introduction2/71

Meet the SCIP Team

31 active developers

7 running Bachelor and Master projects

16 running PhD projects

8 postdocs and professors

4 development centers in Germany


TU Darmstadt: SCIP and SCIP-SDP

FAU Erlangen-Nurnberg: SCIP

RWTH Aachen: GCG

Many international contributors and users

more than 10 000 downloads per year from 100+ countries


10 awards for Masters and PhD theses: MOS, EURO, GOR, DMV

7 former developers are now building commercial optimization software at

CPLEX, FICO Xpress, Gurobi, MOSEK, and GAMS

Gregor Hendel, hendel@zib.de { SCIP Introduction3/71



S olving C onstraint I nteger P rogramsConstraint Integer Programming

The Solving Process of SCIP

Extending SCIP by Plugins

The SCIP Optimization Suitehttp://scip.zib.de

Gregor Hendel, hendel@zib.de { SCIP Introduction4/71



S olving C onstraint I nteger P rogramsConstraint Integer Programming

The Solving Process of SCIP

Extending SCIP by Plugins

The SCIP Optimization Suitehttp://scip.zib.de

Gregor Hendel, hendel@zib.de { SCIP Introduction5/71

An example: the Traveling Salesman Problem

Denition (TSP)

Given a complete graph

G= (V;E) and distancesdefor


Find a

Hamiltonian cycle

(cycle containing all nodes, tour) of minimum length.K

8Gregor Hendel, hendel@zib.de { SCIP Introduction6/71

An example: the Traveling Salesman Problem

Denition (TSP)

Given a complete graph

G= (V;E) and distancesdefor


Find a

Hamiltonian cycle

(cycle containing all nodes, tour) of minimum length.K

8Gregor Hendel, hendel@zib.de { SCIP Introduction6/71

An example: the Traveling Salesman Problem

Denition (TSP)

Given a complete graph

G= (V;E) and distancesdefor


Find a

Hamiltonian cycle

(cycle containing all nodes, tour) of minimum length.Gregor Hendel, hendel@zib.de { SCIP Introduction6/71

What is a Constraint Integer Program?

Mixed Integer Program

Objective function:


Feasible set:

.described bylinea rconstraints

Variable domains:

.real or integervalues mincTx s:t:Axb (xI;xC)2?I?CConstraint Program

Objective function:


Feasible set:

.given bya rbitraryconstraints

Variable domains:

.arbitrary(usually nite) minc(x) s:t:x2F (xI;xN)2?IXGregor Hendel, hendel@zib.de { SCIP Introduction7/71

TSP { Integer Programming Formulation

Given complete graphG= (V;E) distancesde>0 for alle2E

Binary variables

xe= 1 if edgeeis usedx eK 8min X e2Ed exe subject to X e2(v)x e= 28v2V X e2(S)x e28SV;S6=? x e2 f0;1g 8e2EGregor Hendel, hendel@zib.de { SCIP Introduction8/71

TSP { Integer Programming Formulation

Given complete graphG= (V;E) distancesde>0 for alle2E

Binary variables

xe= 1 if edgeeis usedx eK 8min X e2Ed exe subject to X e2(v)x e= 28v2V X e2(S)x e28SV;S6=? x e2 f0;1g 8e2EGregor Hendel, hendel@zib.de { SCIP Introduction8/71

TSP { Integer Programming Formulation

Given complete graphG= (V;E) distancesde>0 for alle2E

Binary variables

xe= 1 if edgeeis usedx eK 8min X e2Ed exe subject to X e2(v)x e= 28v2V X e2(S)x e28SV;S6=? x e2 f0;1g 8e2Enode degree Gregor Hendel, hendel@zib.de { SCIP Introduction8/71

TSP { Integer Programming Formulation

Given complete graphG= (V;E) distancesde>0 for alle2E

Binary variables

xe= 1 if edgeeis usedx eK 8min X e2Ed exe subject to X e2(v)x e= 28v2V X e2(S)x e28SV;S6=? x e2 f0;1g 8e2Esubtour elimination Gregor Hendel, hendel@zib.de { SCIP Introduction8/71

TSP { Integer Programming Formulation

Given complete graphG= (V;E) distancesde>0 for alle2E

Binary variables

xe= 1 if edgeeis usedx eK 8min X e2Ed exe subject to X e2(v)x e= 28v2V X e2(S)x e28SV;S6=? x e2 f0;1g 8e2Edistance Gregor Hendel, hendel@zib.de { SCIP Introduction8/71

TSP { Constraint Programming Formulation

Given complete graphG= (V;E) for eache2Ea distancede>0

Integer variables

xvposition ofv2Vin tourx vK 812
3 4 5678
min length(x1;:::;xn) subject to alldierent(x1;:::;xn) x v2 f1;:::;ng 8v2VGregor Hendel, hendel@zib.de { SCIP Introduction9/71

TSP { Constraint Programming Formulation

Given complete graphG= (V;E) for eache2Ea distancede>0

Integer variables

xvposition ofv2Vin tourx vK 812
3 4 5678
min length(x1;:::;xn) subject to alldierent(x1;:::;xn) x v2 f1;:::;ng 8v2VGregor Hendel, hendel@zib.de { SCIP Introduction9/71

What is a Constraint Integer Program?

Constraint Integer Program

Objective function:


Feasible set:

.described bya rbitraryconstraints

Variable domains:

.real or integervalues mincTx s:t:x2F (xI;xC)2?I?CRemark: arbitrary objective or variables modeled by constraintsGregor Hendel, hendel@zib.de { SCIP Introduction10/71

What is a Constraint Integer Program?

Constraint Integer Program

Objective function:


Feasible set:

.described bya rbitraryconstraints

Variable domains:

.real or integervalues min X e2Ed exe s:t:X e2(v)x e= 28v2V nosubtour(x) x e2 f0;1g 8e2E (CIP formulation of TSP)

Single nosubtour constraint rules

out subtours (e.g. by domain prop- agation). It may also separate sub- tour elimination inequalities.Gregor Hendel, hendel@zib.de { SCIP Introduction10/71

Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programs (MINLPs)

mincTx s.t.gk(x)08k2[m] x i2Z8i2 I [n] x i2[`i;ui]8i2[n]

The functionsgk2C1([`;u];R) can be1111510

convex o r0100200300 0200


nonconvex Gregor Hendel, hendel@zib.de { SCIP Introduction11/71

Application: Data Classication

Support Vector Machine, e.g., withramp loss .min

wTw2 +Cn n X i=1(i+ 2(1zi)) s.t.zi(yi(wTxi+b)1 +i)08i i2[0;2];zi2 f0;1g 8i w2Rd;b2RGregor Hendel, hendel@zib.de { SCIP Introduction12/71

Constraint Integer Programming

MixedIntegerProgramsSATisability problemsPseudo-BooleanOptimizationMixedIntegerNonlinearProgramsConstraintProgrammingConstraintIntegerProgrammingCPCIP



Relation to CP and MIP

Every MIP is a CIP.\MIP(CIP"

Every CP over a nite domain space is a CIP.\FD(CIP"Gregor Hendel, hendel@zib.de { SCIP Introduction13/71

Constraint Integer Programming

MixedIntegerProgramsSATisability problemsPseudo-BooleanOptimizationMixedIntegerNonlinearProgramsConstraintProgrammingConstraintIntegerProgrammingCPCIP



Relation to CP and MIP

Every MIP is a CIP.\MIP(CIP"

Every CP over a nite domain space is a CIP.\FD(CIP"Gregor Hendel, hendel@zib.de { SCIP Introduction13/71

Constraint Integer Programming

MixedIntegerProgramsSATisability problemsPseudo-BooleanOptimizationMixedIntegerNonlinearProgramsConstraintProgrammingConstraintIntegerProgrammingCPCIP



Relation to CP and MIP

Every MIP is a CIP.\MIP(CIP"

Every CP over a nite domain space is a CIP.\FD(CIP"Gregor Hendel, hendel@zib.de { SCIP Introduction13/71

Constraint Integer Programming

MixedIntegerProgramsSATisability problemsPseudo-BooleanOptimizationMixedIntegerNonlinearProgramsConstraintProgrammingConstraintIntegerProgrammingCPCIP



Relation to CP and MIP

Every MIP is a CIP.\MIP(CIP"

Every CP over a nite domain space is a CIP.\FD(CIP"Gregor Hendel, hendel@zib.de { SCIP Introduction13/71

Constraint Integer Programming

MixedIntegerProgramsSATisability problemsPseudo-BooleanOptimizationMixedIntegerNonlinearProgramsConstraintProgrammingConstraintIntegerProgrammingCPCIP



Relation to CP and MIP

Every MIP is a CIP.\MIP(CIP"

Every CP over a nite domain space is a CIP.\FD(CIP"Gregor Hendel, hendel@zib.de { SCIP Introduction13/71

Constraint Integer Programming

MixedIntegerProgramsSATisability problemsPseudo-BooleanOptimizationMixedIntegerNonlinearProgramsConstraintProgrammingConstraintIntegerProgrammingCPCIP



Relation to CP and MIP

Every MIP is a CIP.\MIP(CIP"

Every CP over a nite domain space is a CIP.\FD(CIP"Gregor Hendel, hendel@zib.de { SCIP Introduction13/71

Constraint Integer Programming

MixedIntegerProgramsSATisability problemsPseudo-BooleanOptimizationMixedIntegerNonlinearProgramsConstraintProgrammingConstraintIntegerProgrammingCPCIP



Relation to CP and MIP

Every MIP is a CIP.\MIP(CIP"

Every CP over a nite domain space is a CIP.\FD(CIP"Gregor Hendel, hendel@zib.de { SCIP Introduction13/71



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