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Assessment grid - English

concerning myself my family and immediate concrete surroundings when people speak slowly and clearly. I can understand phrases and the.

Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Self

European Union and Council of Europe 2004-2020

Effective Assessment Practices in FSL: Connecting Growing

Language Proficiency and the CeFR. 10. Table 1: Development of Language Proficiency. 12. Table 2a: CeFR Common Reference Levels: Self-Assessment Grid.

Oral Self Assessment A1-handout colour

(un film l'internet). Oral Self Assessment - A2. Name: Page 3. B1.


www.coe.int/lang-CEFR Appendix C contains the descriptors for self-assessment at series of ... adapted for self-assessment descriptors from the CEF.


Appendix 1 – Salient features of spoken language at the CEFR levels (CEFR 3.6). 165. Appendix 2 – CEFR Table 2: Self-assessment grid (with online 

providers of courses for adult migrants self-assessment handbook

This Self-Assessment Handbook is designed to help providers of language and other courses for adult migrants to review the quality of all aspects of their 

The linguistic integration of adult migrants and the European

goal-setting and self-assessment checklists. David Little For reception production

Assessment grid - Spanish

Comprendo las ideas principales cuando el discurso es claro y normal y se tratan asuntos cotidianos que tienen lugar en el trabajo en la escuela

Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

self-assessment. Learning programmes and certification can be: • global bringing a learner forward in all dimensions of language proficiency and com-.

I can make simple purchases.

I can get by with numbers, quantities and money.

I can ask others about their health.

I can ask others how they are feeling.

I can offer someone something.

I can say when I don't understand.

I can ask questions on simple topics.

I can play simple word games.

I can understand others' simple intstructions.

I can recognize important words in a story or song.

I can act out the meaning of sentences.

I can sing a song.

(O Canada)

I can say the alphabet.

I can answer questions on simple topics.

I can ask questions about others and their families.

I can express my basic needs.

I can ask simple questions about others' needs.

I can talk about my health.

I can ask for something I need.

I can give directions.

I can ask for directions.I can introduce others.

I can say what I like and what I don't like.

I can describe where I live.

I can briefly describe me and my family.

I can say the month, days of the week.

Février, jeudi

Je m'appelle, j'ai... frères...

maison, appartement, ferme, adresse

J'aime... Je n'aime pas

I can understand basic questions about myself and my family.

Combien de soeurs as-tu?

Comment s'appelle ton père?

Tourne à gauche. Tourne à droite.

Allez tout droit.

C a co u te combien? C'est quelle taille?

Je veux deux sacs de pommes.

Est-ce que tu aimes... Prèfères?

Comment vas-tu? Ça va?

Où? Quel? Qu'est-ce que?

Est-ce que? Quand? Pourqoui? Comment?

Je ne comprends pas. R

èpètez, s'il vous pla

it. couleurs, dates, chiffres, temps, animaux, nourriture, sports

Veux-tu un chocolat?

Est-ce que tu veux une banane?

Simon dit

Assieds-toi. Ouvre la porte.

Est-ce que je peux avoir? Je veux...

Où est-ce que tu habites?

Est-ce que je peux t'aider?

Où est...? Je cherche... Comment est-ce que je vais à...

Ça va bien

Ça ne va pas. Je suis fatigué, malade, content

Est-ce que je peux aller aux toilettes?

Boire? Manger? Chercher? Emprunter...?

I can count.

(l à 10, 10 à 20, 20 à 100).

Il est 3 heures, vendredi prochain,

aujourd'hui, demain.

I can say the time and expression of time.

Je me présente et je m'exprime

Je parle aux autres et je comprends

I can use basic greetings expressions.

Bonjour, au revoir, comment ça va?

Oral Self Assessment - A1

Name: ________________________________________


Ma vie personnelle

Ma vie sociale

Ma compréhension des médias

I can describe myself and others.

(mes cousins, ma grand-mère, mes amis)

I can describe where I live.

(ma chambre, mon environnement, mon voisinage)

I can describe my interests and hobbies.

(sports, instruments de musique, lecture) I can understand phrases about personal and family (les noms, âges) information.

I can talk about my education and my work.

(matières préférées, mon travail)

I can describe my daily activities.

(mon horaire, ma journée) I can describe my holidays, past, present and future. (l'été passé, mes prochaines vacances)

I can ask others about their work and free time.

(mes goûts, mes intér ts) I can ask people how they are and react to news about (C'est dommage, je suis content que...) them.

I can give and accept simple apologies.

(Je m'excuse, il n'y a pas de quoi.)

I can ask simple questions about others' needs

(Est-ce que je peux t'aider?)

I can use public transit and buy tickets.

(voyage en autobus, par train, en avion)

I can make simple transactions involving numbers.

(prix, pourcentages, tarifs, dans un magasin, à la poste, à la banque) I can discuss with others what to do, where to go, and (un échange formel ou informel) make arrangements to meet.

I can order something to eat or drink.

(je voudrais, l'addition s'il vous plaît) I can understand others expressing their feelings. (joie, colère, déception, peur) I can identify the topic of discussion in a conversation. I can identify the main ideas of simple oral stories. (à la radio, à l'ordinateur)

I can identify the main point in short messages,

(les annonces à l'école) announcements and recordings.

I can understand the meaning of television news,

(les actualités, la météo) shows, weather reports. I can understand the main points of a short video. (un film, l'internet).

Oral Self Assessment - A2

Name: ________________________________________


Ma vie personnelle

Ma vie sociale

Ma compréhension des médias

I can give detailed accounts of experiences,

describing feelings and reactions.

I can describe my dreams, hopes and ambitions.

I can express myself reasonably accurately in familiar predictable situations on most topics of personal interest or daily life. (famille, loisirs, travail, voyages, actualité)

I can express and respond to feelings.

(surprise, bonheur, tristesse, colère, indifférence) I can express my personal views and convictions or solicit those of others in an informal discussion with friends. (à mon avis, selon moi)

I can start, maintain and end simple face to face

conversations on topics that are familiar or of personal interest.

I can explain and give reasons for my plans,

intentions and actions.

I can repeat part of what someone has said to

confirm that we understand each other and can ask him/ her to clarify or elaborate his/her ideas. I can deal with most travel situations: travelling, making arrangements, lodging, foreign authorities. I can agree or disagree politely.I can ask for and follow detailed directions or information. I can express myself on abstract or cultural topics. I can follow someone speaking clearly to me in everyday conversation but may have to ask for repetition of words and phrases. I can follow detailed instructions related to work or school tasks.

I can convey factual information of immediate

importance, getting across which point I feel is most important. When I can't think of the word I want, I can use a simple word meaning something similar.

I can make a complaint.

I can follow the main point of a discussion provided speech is clearly articulated in standard dialect. I can understand the main points of radio news bulletin and simpler recorded material on topics of personal interest delivered relatively slowly and clearly.

I can understand the main points of television

programs on familiar topics delivered relatively slowly and clearly. I can retell a story, the plot of a book or film and describe my reactions.

I can listen to short narratives and predict whatwill happen next.I can summarize short written passages orally in a simplefashion using the original text wording and ordering.

(magasin, bureau de poste, banque)

Oral Self Assessment - B1

Name: ________________________________________

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