[PDF] 7.1 What is a complex number ?

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Nombres complexes

Résoudre z3 = 1 et montrer que les racines s'écrivent 1 j

Nombres réels et nombres complexes 1 Propriétés de R

On appelle conjugué de z le complexe ¯z = a ? ib 2.2.4 Racines ni`eme de l'unité : ... racines cubiques de l'unité : 1 j

7.1 What is a complex number ?

b) j4 = j2 × j2 = (?1) × (?1) = 1. Using the imaginary number j it is possible to solve all quadratic equations. Example. Use the formula for solving a 

Chapitre 10 - Les tachycardies à complexes QRS larges

Une tachycardie régulière à complexe QRS large est considérée comme une 4. Horvilleur J. Lacotte J. Troubles du rythme cardiaque.

An oxidovanadium(IV) complex with 44-di-tert-butyl-2


The «6/M (VLA-6) and a6/J4 protein complexes: tissue distribution

and mouse a6/J4 complexes. The monoclonal anti- bodies against 04 were able to preclear ec604 but not a601 from cell line extracts.

Forme trigonométrique dun nombre complexe. Applications Niveau

Représentation dans le plan complexe. 4. Equations du second degré dans C. II. Forme trigonométrique d'un nombre complexe. 1. Module et argument.

Molecular biology and biochemistry of pyruvate dehydrogenase

Molecular biology and biochemistry of pyruvate de- hydrogenase complexes. FASEB J. 4: 3224-3233; 1990. Key Words: pyruvate dehydrogenase complex phosphorylation.

Classification of Oriented Sphere Bundles Over A 4-Complex

(special orthogonal group) over a complex K of dimension at most 4 has W. S. MASSEY On the cohomology ring of a sphere bundle

On c.s.s. Complexes

i < j and i #7L Ik j there exists an n-simplex X E K such that aoc = -U for i 0


4 = - 1 2 - 3 2 i = j On peut en déduire j3 = j x j2 = j x j = j2 = 1 b) Argument Définition Soit le nombre complexe non nul z de forme algébrique 


Prenons par exemple les nombres complexes z1 = 3+ 5i et z2 = 4 ?2i j) i 2+ 3i + 1 2? 3i e) 8? 3i ( )? 8+ 3i ( ) k) 4 ?i

[PDF] Nombres complexes - Exo7 - Cours de mathématiques

NOMBRES COMPLEXES 1 LES NOMBRES COMPLEXES 4 0 1 i z ¯z z 0 z = a + i b a b Quelques formules : • z + z = ¯z + z ¯z = z zz = ¯zz

[PDF] Nombres complexes - Exo7 - Exercices de mathématiques

[000011] Exercice 4 Déterminer le module et l'argument des nombres complexes : Résoudre z3 = 1 et montrer que les racines s'écrivent 1 j j2

[PDF] NOMBRES COMPLEXES (Partie 2) - maths et tiques

I Module et argument d'un nombre complexe 1) Module Définition : Soit un nombre complexe z = a + ib On appelle module de z le nombre réel positif 

[PDF] 1 Corps des nombres complexes

Introduction : Au paragraphe 1 1 nous rappelons la définition de l'ensemble des nombres complexes muni de leurs opérations d'addition et de multiplication

[PDF] Pascal Lainé 1 NOMBRES COMPLEXES Exercice 1

Calculer le module et un argument des nombres complexes suivants ainsi que de leur conjugués 1 = 1 + (1 + ?2); 2 = ?10 + 2?5 + ( 


4) Tout nombre complexe s'écrit et de façon unique comme : = + où et S j j = - n? 1)montrer que : 2 j j = 2)Démontrer que : S i?


I DEFINITIONS D'UN NOMBRE COMPLEXE 1 Forme algébrique 2 Représentation graphique 3 Forme polaire 4 Forme trigonométrique


1- Forme algébrique (ou forme cartésienne) 2- Partie réelle et partie imaginaire 3- Addition ou soustraction des nombres complexes 4- Multiplication d'un 


What is a complex number ?


This leaflet explains how the set of real numbers with which you are already familiar is enlarged to include further numbers calledimaginary numbers. This leads to a study ofcomplex numberswhich are useful in a variety of engineering applications, especially alternating current circuit analysis.

1. Finding the square root of a negative number.

It is impossible to find the square root of a negative number such as-16. If you try to find this on your calculator you will probably obtain an error message. Nevertheless it becomes useful to construct a way in which we can write down square roots of negative numbers. We start by introducing a symbol to stand for the square root of-1. Conventionally this symbol isj. That isj=⎷ -1. It follows thatj2=-1. Using real numbers we cannot find the square root of a negative number, and so the quantityjis not real. We say it isimaginary. jis an imaginary number such thatj2=-1 Even thoughjis not real, using it we can formally write down the square roots of any negative number as shown in the following example.


Write down expressions for the square roots of a) 9, b)-9.



9 =±3.

b) Noting that-9 = 9× -1 we can write -9 =⎷9× -1


=±3×⎷ -1

Then using the fact that

-1 =jwe have -9 =±3j www.mathcentre.ac.uk 7.1.1 c?Pearson Education Ltd2000 ExampleUse the fact thatj2=-1 to simplify a)j3, b)j4.


a)j3=j2×j. Butj2=-1 and soj3=-1×j=-j. b)j4=j2×j2= (-1)×(-1) = 1. Using the imaginary numberjit is possible to solve all quadratic equations.


Use the formula for solving a quadratic equation to solve 2x2+x+ 1 = 0.


We use the formulax=-b±⎷


2a. Witha= 2,b= 1 andc= 1 we find



2(2) -1±⎷ -7 4 -1±⎷ 7j 4 =-1


7 4j


1. Simplify a)-j2, b) (-j)2, c) (-j)3, d)-j3.

2. Solve the quadratic equation 3x2+ 5x+ 3 = 0.


1. a) 1, b)-1, c)j, d)j. 2.-5


11 6j.

2. Complex numbers.

In the previous example we found that the solutions of 2x2+x+1 = 0 were-1



4j. These are

complex numbers. A complex number such as-1



4jis made up of two parts, areal part,


4, and animaginary part,⎷


4. We often use the letterzto stand for a complex number and

writez=a+bj, whereais the real part andbis the imaginary part. z=a+bj whereais the real part andbis the imaginary part of the complex number.


1. State the real and imaginary parts of: a) 13-5j, b) 1-0.35j, c) cosθ+jsinθ.


1. a) real part 13, imaginary part-5, b) 1,-0.35, c) cosθ, sinθ.

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