[PDF] Neurology 19 juil. 2010 How To

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19 juil. 2010 How To Interpret an EEG and its Report. Marie Atkinson MD. Assistant Professor of Neurology. WSU School of Medicine/DMC.

Electroencéphalographie dans les états de mal épileptiques

épileptiques : glossaire protocole et interprétation. Electroencephalography in helpful vocabulary to improve EEG interpretation and comprehension.

Bases neurophysiologiques et principes dinterprétation de l

L'analyse d'une trace EEG repose sur deux types de paramètres: la fréquence et l'amplitude du ou des rythmes dominants et la superposition à ceux-ci de grapho-.

Review - EEG interpretation: common problems

epileptic seizures and not based on interictal EEG. ? Video-EEG monitoring is the gold standard in defining the clinical diagnosis when it is necessary to 

Introduction to interpretation of the EEG in intensive care

17 déc. 2018 EEG is an investigation often used in critical care but the ... recording and interpretation

Handbook of EEG Interpretation

For the successful interpretation of an abnormal EEG one must first understand the criteria necessary to define normal patterns. While a normal EEG does not 

Standardized EEG interpretation accurately predicts prognosis after

10 févr. 2016 Routine EEG was performed in patients still comatose after rewarming. EEGs were classified into highly malignant (suppression suppression with ...

Reliability and accuracy of EEG interpretation for estimating age in

25 juin 2020 Results: EEG recordings from a PMA range. 25 to 38 weeks were successfully interpreted. In 179 recordings from 62 infants interpreted by all ...

EEG Understanding interpretation and clinical implications

Thymatron provides a number of parameters such as ASEI

Pitfalls in ictal EEG interpretation

1 janv. 2013 The diagnosis of seizures and epilepsy often depends on the correct interpretation of EEG studies. Diagnosis almost completely relies on EEG for ...

[PDF] Bases neurophysiologiques et principes dinterprétation de l - SRLF

Résumé But — Cet article fournit au réanimateur les bases nécessaires à la compréhension et l'interprétation de l'électroencéphalogramme (EEG) en unité de 

[PDF] Handbook of EEG Interpretationpdf

For the successful interpretation of an abnormal EEG one must first understand the criteria necessary to define normal patterns While a normal EEG does not 


•L 'EEG consiste à recueillir l 'activité bioélectrique cérébrale au moyen d 'électrodes ?L 'interprétation d 'un tracé EEG ne se conçoit qu 'en

[PDF] Electroencéphalographie dans les états de mal épileptiques

L'interprétation d'un EEG implique que l'on connaisse l'âge du patient les données cliniques le(s) traitement(s) et leur dose ainsi que le niveau de 

[PDF] How To Interpret an EEG and its Report Neurology

19 août 2010 · How To Interpret an EEG and its Report Marie Atkinson MD Assistant Professor of Neurology WSU School of Medicine/DMC

[PDF] $Bases neurophysiologiques de l EEG EMCpdf

Pour interpréter la polarité du potentiel extracellulaire il est important de considérer la position de l'électrode par rapport aux courants d'entrée et de 

[PDF] Électroencéphalogramme : quelles sont les bonnes indications ?

L'interprétation de l'EEG est d'autant plus pertinente que les informations transmises par le médecin prescripteur sont précises et complètes en particulier le 

[PDF] EEG Understanding interpretation and clinical implications

The EEG records cortical electrical activity between two electrodes on the scalp • Thymatron (and MECTA) offers a simplified EEG • To obtain a satisfactory 

[PDF] Que doit savoir lanesthésiste-réanimateur sur lEEG

Afin d'éviter toute interprétation erronée leur prise en compte doit toujours être rapproché du contexte clinique et passe par un apprentissage de l'analyse 

[PDF] EEG interpretation: common problems - Open Access Journals

It is incumbent upon the interpreter to distin- guish features in the EEG that are pathological from those due to physiological causes artifact or normal 

  • Comment lire le EEG ?

    Ce qu'il faut lire
    Lorsque le médecin reçoit les résultats de l'EEG, il commence par examiner l'ensemble des tracés qui est représenté sur une succession de feuilles. Chaque graphe, chaque ligne correspond à l'activité cérébrale d'une région particulière du cerveau.
  • Quelles sont les caractéristiques d'un tracé EEG reflétant une activité cérébrale normale ?

    Le tracé EEG de veille normal est fait d'ondes alpha sinuso?les d'une fréquence de 8 à 12 Hz et d'une amplitude de 50 muV qui fluctuent sur les régions occipitales et pariétales et des ondes bêta de fréquence > 12 Hz et d'amplitude de 10 à 20 muV, intercalées avec des ondes thêta de à 4 à 7 Hz, 20 à 100 muV, au
  • Quel est le principe de l'EEG ?

    Un électroencéphalogramme (EEG) est un examen qui permet de mesurer et d'enregistrer l'activité électrique du cerveau. L'EEG a recours à des détecteurs, ou électrodes, qu'on fixe à la tête et qu'on relie par des fils à un ordinateur.
  • COMMENT SE FAIT UN EEG ? On place des électrodes sur la tête (communément appelées "bigoudis"). L'emplacement des électrodes sur le cuir chevelu est soigneusement nettoyé à l'aide d'une pâte conductrice. Chez l'adulte, 21 électrodes sont nécessaires pour recouvrir de façon symétrique l'ensemble du cerveau.

How To Interpret an EEGHow



an EEG and its Re p ort p

Marie Atkinson, MD

Assistant Professor of Neurology

WSU School of Medicine/DMCWSU




Comprehensive Epilepsy Program

July 19, 2010

What is an EEG?What

is an EEG?

An EEG is a scalp recording of brain

An EEG is a scalp recording of brain wave activity. • The brain wave activity recorded is a summation of the inhibitor y and y excitatory post synaptic potentials that occur across a neuron membraneoccur across a neuron membrane

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That's all good but how the heck do I

read an EEG!? • First know what you are looking at on the screen. • 1. Montages • Electrodes • Channels

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B Montage

A Montage

aka Bi p olar Monta g e pg aka referential montage -Different Montages allow you to see different things

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Bipolar Montage

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A Montage

Z-P Montage

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Z-T Monta

g e g

Z-C Montage

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2. Sensitivity

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7.5 microvolts

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2.0 microvolts

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30.0 microvolts


The gist whatever voltage you decideThe

gist whatever voltage you decide to read at will see waveforms at that voltage or highervoltage or higher • The lower the voltage the more you will seesee • Read at the voltage that allows you to see the waveforms the best •Usuall y at 7.5 microvolts

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y 3




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LF (Low Frequency) FilterLF




The gist... whatever number you set it up at,The

gist... whatever number you set it up at, the EEG will not amplify any frequencies b elow that number.

Ex. LF filter set at 1.0Hz will not show onEx.

LF filter set at 1.0Hz will not show on

EEG any waves with a frequency below


Usually LF filter is set at


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LF filter is set at 1.0Hz

HF (High Frequency) FilterHF




Just the opposite of LF filter EEG will

Just the opposite of LF filter EEG will not display any frequencies above this di td bd es i gna t e d num b er. • Usually set at 35Hz

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Notch (60Hz) FilterNotch



Special filter that sharply cuts off any


filter that sharply cuts off any activity at 60Hz and above.

Current through plugs often is at 60Hz,Current

through plugs often is at 60Hz,
allows you to get rid of outside artifact by other machinery in roomother machinery in room

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8/19/2010 Template copyright 2005 www.brainybetty.com 19

Enough of the technical, can we please

learn how to read the EEG!

Break it down into steps:Break

it down into steps: 1 kdAii ill 1 .Bac kg roun d A ct i v i t y gi ves y ou an overa ll sense of what is going on with the patient.

2. Symmetry- is there any focal changes seen.

3. Sta

g e of alertness g

4. Abnormality - slowing, sharp waves,

triphasics seizure PLEDs etc

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triphasics seizure PLEDs etc


Gives you a sense of how the patient isGives

you a sense of how the patient is doing

Best evaluated in posterior channel usually

Best evaluated in posterior channel usually occipital

Pi h h l d

P at i ent h as to h ave e y es c l ose d - 4 different frequencies: delta, theta, alpha, and beta

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8/19/2010 Template copyright 2005 www.brainybetty.com 22

Background FrequenciesBackground


Delta (marked slowing)Delta

(marked slowing) -1-3Hz

Th t ( ildl l )

Th e t a m ildly s l ow -4-7Hz • Alpha (normal back g round) - 8-13Hz • Beta (barbituates/benzos) >13Hz

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Delta FrequencyDelta


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Theta FrequencyTheta


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Beta FrequencyBeta


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Normal EEGNormal


Normal background activity (alpha


background activity (alpha frequency) • No abnormalities (nothing stands out in the back g round g) • No changes in the EEG provoked by photic hyperventilationphotic hyperventilation • No assymmetry

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Asymmetric SlowingAsymmetric


Seen with focal lesions surgery etc

Seen with focal lesions surgery etc • Easy to see with A montage • Can be unmasked with hyperventilation or photic stimulationor photic stimulation

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Right Hemisphere SlowingRight



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Stands for

Periodic Lateralized Epileptiform







Occurs throughout the entire EEG at aOccurs

throughout the entire EEG at a frequency of 1-2Hz

Only in one hemisphereOnly

in one hemisphere • Seen usually in acute lesions (stroke, bleed, etc), postictal, Herpes Encephalites, CJD, etcetc), postictal,



CJD, etc • Controversy over what they mean, nonconvulsive status or not?

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nonconvulsive status or not?


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A Little Aside on PLEDsA


Aside on PLEDs • The Boards/RITE exam loves PLEDs•Usuall y on these tests the answer is either CJD or y,

Herpes Encephalites

• How to distinguish for exam,CJDusually associated withmyoclonus,moresubacute• Herpes Encephalitesusually associated withfever and more acute

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and more acute

Partial (focal) Status EpilepticusPartial




Status involving one hemisphere


involving one hemisphere • Patient may still be able to converse, appear awake during this type of seizure •Don t necessaily need to treat this type of Don t necessaily need to treat this type of seizure with anesthetics.

Ndt ilt tbf

N ee d t o aggress i ve l y t rea t b e f ore becomes secondarily generalized Status.

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Partial Status EpilepticusPartial



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1. Epileptiform Activity

Epileptiform ActivityEpileptiform


Means the EEG reader saw some abnormalitesMeans

the EEG readerquotesdbs_dbs35.pdfusesText_40
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