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Section I in Book I of Isaac Newton's Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica is reproduced here translated into English by Andrew Motte.

Newtons Principia the mathematical principles of natural philosophy

THAT the PRINCIPIA of Newton should have remained so gen- that of the English edition have thus far opposed very sufficient.

Newtons Principia : the mathematical principles of natural philosophy


Principia Mathematica

PRINCIPIA MATHEMATICA. BY. A. N. WHITEHEAD. AND. BERTRAND RUSSELL. Principia Mathematica was first published in 1910-13; this is the fifth impression of.

Goedel K On Formally Undecidable Propositions Of Principia

Gudel Kurt. [Über formal unentscheidbare Satze der Principia Mathematica und verwandter Systeme 1 English). On formally undecidable propositions of 

Kurt G¨odel ¨Uber formal unentscheidbare Sätze der Principia

116–195. Translations: English translations: 'On formally undecidable propositions of Prin- cipia mathematica and related systems I.' Translation by B. Meltzer 

Notes on the english present perfect

have read 'Principia Mathematica ' five times. (c) to indicate that the direct effect of a past event still continues ('Stative') :.

The ascent of English

12 ??.?. 2558 Newton shifted from Latin for his Principia. Mathematica(1687) to English for his Opticks. (1704). During the Enlightenment Euro-.

Alfred North Whitehead & Bertrand Russell - Principia Mathematica



Lemma II in Book II of Isaac Newton's Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica is reproduced here translated into English by Andrew Motte.

P R I N C I P I A - Project Gutenberg

Title: Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica Author: Isaac Newton Release Date: March 1 2009 [EBook #28233] Language: Latin Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK PHILOSOPHIAE NATURALIS *** Produced by Jonathan Ingram Keith Edkins and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www pgdp net

Principia mathematica by Alfred North Whitehead and

THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY (BOOK 1 SECTION 1) By Isaac Newton Translated into English by Andrew Motte Edited by David R Wilkins 2002 NOTE ON THE TEXT Section I in Book I of Isaac Newton’s Philosophiˆ Naturalis Principia Mathematica is reproduced here translated into English by Andrew Motte

Who wrote Principia Mathematica?

Title: Principia mathematica, by Alfred North Whitehead ... and Bertrand Russell. Author: Whitehead, Alfred North, 1861-1947. Collection: University of Michigan Historical Math Collection Rights/Permissions: The University of Michigan Library provides access to these materials for educational and research purposes.

Who translated Isaac Newton's Philosophi naturalis principia mathematica?

Edited by David R. Wilkins 2002 NOTE ON THE TEXT Section I in Book I of Isaac Newton’s Philosophiˆ Naturalis Principia Mathematica is reproduced here, translated into English by Andrew Motte. Motte’s translation of Newton’s Principia, entitled The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy was rst published in 1729.

When was motte's translation of Newton's Principia published?

Motte’s translation of Newton’s Principia, entitled The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy was rst published in 1729. David R. Wilkins Dublin, June 2002 i SECTION I. Of the method of rst and last ratio’s of quantities, by the help whereof we demonstrate the propositions that follow. Lemma I.




(BOOK 2, LEMMA 2) By

Isaac Newton

Translated into English by

Andrew Motte

Edited by David R. Wilkins



Lemma II in Book II of Isaac Newton'sPhilosophi Naturalis Principia Mathematicais reproduced here, translated into English by Andrew Motte. Motte's translation of Newton's Principia, entitledThe Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophywas rst published in 1729.

David R. Wilkins

Dublin, June 2002


Lemma II.

The moment of anyGenitumis equal to the moments of each of the generating sides drawn into the indices of the powers of those sides, and into their coecients continually. I call any quantity aGenitum, which is not made by addition or subduction of divers parts, but is generated or produced in arithmetic by the multiplication, division, or extraction of the root of any terms whatsoever; in geometry by the invention of contents and sides, or of the extreams and means of proportionals. Quantities of this kind are products, quotients, roots, rectangles, squares, cubes, square and cubic sides and the like. These quantities I here consider as variable and indetermined, and increasing or decreasing as it were by a perpetual motion or ux; and I understand their momentaneous increments or decrements by the name of Moments; so that the increments may be esteem'd as added, or armative moments; and the decrements as subducted, or negative ones. But take care not to look upon nite particles as such. Finite particles are not moments, but the very quantities generated by the moments. We are to conceive them as the just nascent principles of nite magnitudes. Nor do we in this Lemma regard the magnitude of the moments, but their rst proportion as nascent. It will be the same thing, if, instead of moments, we use either the Velocities of the increments and decrements (which may also be called the motions, mutations, and uxions of quantities) or any nite quantities proportional to those velocities. The coecient of any generating side is the quantity which arises by applying the Genitum to that side. Wherefore the sense of the Lemma is, that if the moments of any quantitiesA,B,C, &c. increasing or decreasing by a perpetual ux, or the velocities of the mutations which are proportional to them, be calleda,b,c, &c. the moment or mutation of the generated rectangleABwill beaB+bA; the moment of the generated contentABCwill beaBC+ bAC+cAB: and the moments of the generated powersA2,A3,A4,A12,A32,A13,A23,A1, A

2,A12will be 2aA, 3aA2, 4aA3,12aA12,32aA12,13aA23,23aA13,aA2,2aA3,

12aA32respectively. And in general, that the moment of any powerAnmwill benmaAnmm.

Also that the moment of the generated quantityA2Bwill be 2aAB+bA2; the moment of the generated quantityA3B4C2will be 3aA2B4C2+4bA3B3C2+2cA3B4C; and the moment of the generated quantity A3B2orA3B2will be 3aA2B22bA3B3; and so on. The Lemma is thus demonstrated.

Case1. Any rectangle asABaugmented by a perpetual

ux, when, as yet, there wanted of the sidesAandBhalf their moments12aand12b, wasA12aintoB12b, or AB12aB12bA+14ab; but as soon as the sidesAandBare augmented by the other half moments; the rectangle becomesA+12aintoB+12b, orAB+12aB+12bA+14ab; From this rectangle subduct the former rectangle, and there will remain the excessaB+bA. Therefore with the whole incrementsaandbof the sides, the incrementaB+bAof the rectangle is generated.Q.E.D. 1 Case2. SupposeABalways equal toG, and then the moment of the contentABC orGC(by Case 1.) will begC+cG, that is, (puttingABandaB+bAforGandg) aBC+bAC+cAB. And the reasoning is the same for contents, under never so many sides.


Case3. Suppose the sidesA,B, andC, to be always equal among themselves; and the momentaB+bA, ofA2, that is, of the rectangleAB, will be 2aA; and the moment aBC+bAC+cABofA3, that is, of the contentABC, will be 3aA2. And by the same reasoning the moment of any powerAnisnaAn1.Q.E.D. Case4. Therefore since1AintoAis 1, the moment of1Adrawn intoA, together with

1Adrawn intoa, will be the moment of 1, that is, nothing. Therefore the moment of1Aor of


1isaA2. And generally, since1AnintoAnis 1, the moment of1Andrawn intoAntogether


1AnintonaAn1will be nothing. And therefore the moment of1AnorAnwill be

naAn+1.Q.E.D. Case5. And sinceA12intoA12isA, the moment ofA12drawn into 2A12will bea, (by Case 3:) and therefore the moment ofA12will bea2A12or12aA12. And generally putting A mnequal toB, thenAmwill be equal toBn, and thereforemaAm1equal tonbBn1, and maA

1equal tonbB1ornbAmn; and thereforemnaAmnnis equal tob, that is, equal to

the moment ofAmn.Q.E.D. Case6. Therefore the moment of any generated quantityAmBnis the moment ofAm drawn intoBn, together with the moment ofBndrawn intoAm, that is,maAm1Bn+ nbB n1Am; and that whether the indicesmandnof the powers be whole numbers or fractions, armative or negative. And the reasoning is the same for contents under more powers.Q.E.D. Cor. 1 Hence in quantities continually proportional, if one term is given, the moments of the rest of the terms will be as the same terms multiplied by the number of intervals between them and the given term. LetA,B,C,D,E,F, be continually proportional; then if the termCis given, the moments of the rest of the terms will be among themselves, as2A,

B,D, 2E, 3F.

Cor. 2 And if in four proportionals the two means are given, the moments of the extremes will be as those extremes. The same is to be understood of the sides of any given rectangle. Cor. 3. And if the sum or dierence of two squares is given, the moments of the sides will be reciprocally as the sides.


In a letter of mine to Mr.J. Collins, datedDecember10. 1672 having described a method of Tangents, which I suspected to be the same withSlusius's method, which at that time was not made publick; I subjoined these words;This is one particular, or rather a corollary, of a general method, which extends itself, without any troublesome calculation, not only to the drawing of Tangents to any Curve lines, whether Geometrical or Mechanical, or any 2 how respecting right lines or other Curves, but also to the resolving other abstruser kinds of Problems about the crookedness, areas, lengths, centres of gravity of Curves, &c. nor is it (asHudden'smethodde Maximis & Minimis) limited to equations which are free from surd quantities. This method I have interwoved with that other of working in equations, by reducing them to innite series. So far that letter. And these last words relate to a Treatise I composed on that subject in the year 1671. The foundation of the general method is contained in the preceding Lemma. 3quotesdbs_dbs33.pdfusesText_39
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