[PDF] II Review of the Principles of Deviation Settlement Mechanism (DSM

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Subject: Comments and Suggestions on CERC (Connectivity and General Network Development Bank (ADB) DEG-Germany

EDEN Renewable CITE Private Limited

Electricity Utility Company of France) & Total Eren of France is set up for development of renewable projects in India. We are thankful to CERC for 

THE MINIMUM WAGE IN FRANCE A national minimum wage exists

In France the assessment of this instrument has become more opportune in the economic challenge of the transition to a 35 hour working week for the employees 

Kawas Final.xlsx

GT-GEST-Alstom France Working Capital (Rs. Cr) – finally admitted by CERC. 439.349. 441.289 ... (a) Return on equity – post tax (admitted by CERC) for.

TERI REPORT to CERC on Pricing of power from Non-Conventional

CERC. Central Electricity Regulatory Commission. CUF. Capacity Utilization Factor Today pricing laws exist in Germany Spain

II Review of the Principles of Deviation Settlement Mechanism (DSM

28-Nov-2013 CERC introduced the Availability Based Tariff (ABT) Mechanism ... The following table sums up the prices applied to imbalances in France: ...


The commitment fees in case of French and Belgian credit loans as indicated by the petitioner in Form-7 of the petition have not been allowed for working 


21-Feb-2014 charges in accordance with the CERC (Sharing of Inter State Transmission charges and losses) Regulation

Discussion Paper on Market Based Economic Dispatch of Electricity

The views are essentially of Staff of CERC and are 10 Austria Belgium

To 30 June 2021 The Secretary Central Electricity Regulatory

30-Jun-2021 RA-14026(11)/3/2019-CERC (Draft CERC Ancillary Services Regulations 2021) ... efficiency companies of Europe

keport of the (xpert Group :7olumen55E VqvQqw ox t&q LqvQBtQon :qttlqmqnt fq'&BnQsm 7L:f8 "BZq t ox Pi keport of the (xpert Group :7olumen55E VqvQqw ox t&q LqvQBtQon :qttlqmqnt fq'&BnQsm 7L:f8 "BZq e ox Pi FBUlq ox Eontqnts

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(zeH OUTSWkw WNkWd SOUT/ dPRWldN POWwR POOL rSdPPi UNkwR kwVwLOPMwNT eeeeeeeeeeeee )p keport of the (xpert Group :7olumen55E VqvQqw ox t&q LqvQBtQon :qttlqmqnt fq'&BnQsm 7L:f8 "BZq s ox Pi ,nnqxurq " h fQnutqs ox t&q vxpqrt droup fqqtQnZs ,nnqxurq h "y:yEy nqqYUB'k on VqvQsQon Qn L:f "rQ'q ,nnqxurq h :tBtqSwQsq LqvQBtQon XQsǦàǦvQs mQmQt on LqvQBtQon Xolumq :tBtqSwQsq LqvQBtQon LurBtQon Eurvq :tBtqSwQsq Nqro ErossQnZ XQolBtQon Qn B YBy :tBtqSwQsq L:f YQstrQUutQon plots ,nnqxurq "X h EonsultBnt LQs'ussQon "Bpqr keport of the (xpert Group :7olumen55E VqvQqw ox t&q LqvQBtQon :qttlqmqnt fq'&BnQsm 7L:f8 "BZq ( ox Pi

The wxpert Vfor motivating and guiding

the expert groupin compilation of this reporte The wxpert group would also like to acknowledge the contribution of each and every member of the committee in preparation of this reporte The wxpertVroup is extremely grateful to the Staff of the lommission and subject matter experts including kre Puneet lhitkara from KPMV and his teame The lommittee also acknowledges the valuable inputs given by Professor Nick Ryanu Yale Universityu USd for sharing the international experience with the groupe The lommittee also acknowledges the wealth of information available in the literature f international experience in different countries which has provided deep insights into the finer aspects of designing imbalance settlement mechanisme The contribution of the POSOlO executives from NLkl and RLklsis also acknowledgede lhairman of the wxpert Vroup keport of the (xpert Group :7olumen55E VqvQqw ox t&q LqvQBtQon :qttlqmqnt fq'&BnQsm 7L:f8 "BZq P ox Pi lwRl vide order dated Hpth dpril Hy(p constituted an wxpert Vroup chaired by Shri d S Bakshiu Memberu lwRl with representatives from lwdu POSOlO and lTU and others with the mandate to suggest further steps required to bring power system operation closer to the national reference frequency of Cy /z and review of the principles of keviation Settlement

Mechanism rkSMie

This report deals with the review the principles of kSM ratesu including their linkage with frequencyu in the light of the emerging market realitieseThe wxpert Vroup held deliberations on the various aspects associated with kSM in the z rd and the )th Meetings held on (Sth July and z rdNovember Hy(p respectively apart from many rounds of informal deliberationse The various features of inadvertent interchange in Wndia as well as international market were surveyed and analyzed alongwith practical implementation aspectse Prom the analysis of the prices over the last decade in the Wndian electricity marketu it has emerged that the keviation Price is the lowest amongst bilateralu Power wxchange rkdMiu kSM Prices and the dncillary Services during the recent timese Wt was felt that interplay between different market segments may encourage participants to lean on the system rgridi and this has the propensity to disrupt in terms of grid security issuese Wn view of aforesaid limitationsu it was felt that the present kSM needs design enhancementsin terms of market linked price vectoru factoring Value of Lost Load rVOLLiu consideration of interplay of p rices in various market segmentsu harnessing time value of electricityu capturing geographical location and transmission congestion so as to make the kSM prices capture the market realitiese The expert group felt that in order to address the limitations mentioned aboveu there is a need to link the kSM rate vector to the prices discovered in an available organized market which operates closest to the real timee Wn Wndiau p ower exchange markets are organized markets operating on a daynahead basis where prices are discovered competitively in a double sided closed bid auction for every (Cnminute time intervale /enceu it is proposed to link the kSM prices to the kayndhead Market rkdMi prices discovered in the Power wxchangee keport of the (xpert Group :7olumen55E

VqvQqw ox t&q LqvQBtQon :qttlqmqnt fq'&BnQsm 7L:f8 "BZq i ox Pi The expert group deliberated the design considerations for the proposal vize reference pricesu

size of market segmentsu multiple power exchange pricesu Unconstrained Market llearing P rice rMlPi or drea llearing Price rdlPiu granularityqperiodicity of prices to be linkedu frequency bandu slope of the kSM Rate Vector along with the leiling and Plooru volume li mits f cap ratesu single or dual imbalance pricingM kifferent rates for drawl and injection a nd establishment of true inadvertency in deviationse dfter detailed deliberations and analysisu the e xpert group recommended the followingM Wmbalance is inevitable in real time operations and the imbalance price plays an important role in ensuring system balance and secure and reliable grid operatione /ithertou the imbalance price was often interpreted as a penalty mechanismu but with improved adequacy being achieved and better system parametersu the wxpert Vroup feels that the imbalance should be dynamic and capture the market realitiese Presentlyu the daynahead market prices are the prices discovered closest to the time of deliverye Wn order to improve the imbalance price discovery the market needs to function in multiple iterationse /enceu it is suggested that nhour ahead or mnhour ahead markets need to be introduced so as to get a better price discovery closer to the time of deliverye The linking of kSM prices to kdM prices may be implemented for mnmonths on a pilot basis from y( st dprilu Hy(ae Based on the experience gained during this mnmonth pilot runu lwRl may refine the market linked imbalance pricing mechanisme keport of the (xpert Group :7olumen55E VqvQqw ox t&q LqvQBtQon :qttlqmqnt fq'&BnQsm 7L:f8 "BZq / ox Pi lentral wlectricity Regulatory lommission rlwRli vide order dated Hpth dpril Hy(p constituted an wxpert Vroup chaired by Shri d S Bakshiu Memberu lwRl with representatives from lwdu POSOlO and lTU and others with the mandate to suggest further steps required to bring power system operation closer to the national reference frequency of Cy /z and review of the principles of keviation Settlement Mechanism rkSMie The Terms of Reference rTORi of the wxpert Vroup are as underM a e

Review the experience of grid operation in Wndiae

b e Review international experience and practices on grid operation including standardsqrequirement of reference frequencye ce

Review the existing operational band of frequency with due regard to the need for safeu secure and reliable operation of the gride

ee dny other matter related to abovee This report deals with the review of the principles of keviation Settlement Mechanism rkSMi ratesu including their linkage to frequency in light of the emerging markets and a separate report has been submitted for the items raiu rbi and rcie The wxpert Vroup held deliberations on the various aspects associated with kSM in the z rd and the ) th Meetings held on (Sth July and zrd November Hy(p respectively apart from many rounds of informal deliberationse The Minutes of Meetings are enclosed at mnnex 5e dny power system needs to balance the generation and consumption of energy over multiple timeframes from secondsu hoursu days and even years aheade There is always deviation in actual generation from scheduled generation and actual drawal from scheduled drawale There will always be differences between the contracted volumes and the actual metered volumese Thusu to handle these differences ror imbalancesi in real timeu there is a need for imbalance handling mechanisme keport of the (xpert Group :7olumen55E VqvQqw ox t&q LqvQBtQon :qttlqmqnt fq'&BnQsm 7L:f8 "BZq k ox Pi the four pillars of good electricity market design are Wmbalancesu longestion managementu dncillary services and Scheduling and kespatch as depicted in the Pigure ( belowe dll of these must work together for a vibrant electricity markete lwRl introduced the dvailability Based Tariff rdBTi Mechanism vide its Order dated January )u Hyyy at internState level [H]e The dBT Mechanism was implemented in different regions in a phased manner in the period from HyyHnHyyze dBT Mechanism was implemented in Western Region and Northern Region in HyyH and in Southern Regionu wastern Region and Northnwastern Region in Hyyze The imbalance handling mechanism has been in operation at the internstate level for nearly (C yearse The evolution of keviation Price rerstwhile Unscheduled Wnterchange rUWii Vector over the years is tabulated in the Table ( belowe d coordinated multilateral scheduling model has been adopted in Wndiae Schedules can be revised and the entities are allowed to deviate within specified limits from the schedulee Large quantum of deviations from scheduled power flows may lead to uncertainties in power flow and consequential power system security issuese The deviations are settled as per the

UWqkSM Rate Vector administered by lwRle

keport of the (xpert Group :7olumen55E VqvQqw ox t&q LqvQBtQon :qttlqmqnt fq'&BnQsm 7L:f8 "BZq W ox Pi TheUWqkSM Rate Vectorhas been tinkeredqfinentuned over the years with introduction of different slopesu kinksu volume capsu additional chargesu cap rates etceu as depicted in the P iguresHnp belowe The system operator ieee POSOlO has given feedback to the lwRl regarding revision in kSM rates from time to time rmnnex 55ie
keport of the (xpert Group :7olumen55E VqvQqw ox t&q LqvQBtQon :qttlqmqnt fq'&BnQsm 7L:f8 "BZq ta ox Pi keport of the (xpert Group :7olumen55E VqvQqw ox t&q LqvQBtQon :qttlqmqnt fq'&BnQsm 7L:f8 "BZq tt ox Pi keport of the (xpert Group :7olumen55E VqvQqw ox t&q LqvQBtQon :qttlqmqnt fq'&BnQsm 7L:f8 "BZq te ox Pi The present keviation Settlement Mechanism in Wndia came into force with effect from (pth Pebruaryu Hy() [z]e The salient features are as followsM Operational Prequency Band has been tightened to )SeSy n CyeyC /ze

Step size changed from yeyH /z to yey( /ze

The charges for deviation for each yey( /z step is zCemy PaiseqkWh in the frequency range of CyeyC n Cyeyy /zu and Hyea) PaiseqkWh in frequency range obelow Cy /zo to obelow )Sepy /zo rkepicted in Pigure )i and detailed at ,nnqxurq S ""as per the methodology specified in the Regulationse The volume of deviation from scheduled to actual injectionqdrawal is (CyMW or of (HT of the scheduleu whichever is lowe lontinuous over drawal q under drawal has also been prohibitede

Within (H time blocksu the polarity of deviation should be reversed rin case of over drawal to under drawal and vice versaie

Venerating stations regulated by lwRl using coal q lignite q dPM gas have cap rate of zyzey) p q unit irrespective of frequencye keport of the (xpert Group :7olumen55E

VqvQqw ox t&q LqvQBtQon :qttlqmqnt fq'&BnQsm 7L:f8 "BZq ts ox Pi There are no charges for Underndrawal or Overninjection rexcept infirm generationi in

excess of (CyMW or (HT of scheduleu whichever is less in a time blocke

ddditional lharges for keviation for Overndrawl by any buyer or Underninjection by any seller has been stipulate by the lwRl Regulationse

Limit on keviation Volume has been imposede

o Overndrawal by Buyeru Underninjection by Seller below )Sepy /z and Overn injection by Seller at Cye(y /z f above is not permittede o keviation of only (H T of the Schedule or (Cy MWu whichever is less has been allowed for Overndrawal by Buyeru underndrawal by buyer Underninjection by Seller at )Sepy /z f above and Overninjection by Seller below Cy /ze o

dny infirm injection of power by a generating station prior to lOk of a unit during testing and commissioning activities shall be exempted from the volume

limit specified above for a period not exceeding m months or the extended time allowed by the lommission in accordance with lonnectivity Regulationse o Wn case of startnup drawal power exemption from volume limits for frequency greater than or equal to )Sepy /z has been allowede lwRlhas provided the regulatory framework for Porecastingu Scheduling f Wmbalance /andling for wind and solar at WnternState Level in dugustu Hy(C [) ]eWn case of deviations from the scheduleu lwRl has fixed a percentage of error in a (Cnminute time block and lharges for keviation payableqreceivable toqfrom Regional kSM Pool by the renewable generatorse

The percentage error as

defined in the lwRl Regulations isas followsM wQnY or solBr ZqnqrBtors w&Q'& Brq rqZQonBl qntQtQqs wQt& rqxqrqn'q to t&q s'&qYulqY ZqnqrBtQon BnY t&q 6,vBQlBUlq EBpB'Qty6 7,vE8D Bs 'Bl'ulBtqY usQnZ t&q xollowQnZ xormulB xor qB'& tP mQnutq tQmq Ulo'kh vrror 748 G taa g p,'tuBl dqnqrBtQon :'&qYulqY dqnqrBtQonz R 7,vE8

7,vE86 xor wQnY or solBr ZqnqrBtors w&Q'& Brq rqZQonBl qntQtQqs Qs

t&q 'umulBtQvq 'BpB'Qty rBtQnZ ox t&q wQnY turUQnqs or solBr Qnvqrtqrs t&Bt Brq 'BpBUlq ox

ZqnqrBtQnZ powqr Qn B ZQvqn tQmq

S keport of the (xpert Group :7olumen55E

VqvQqw ox t&q LqvQBtQon :qttlqmqnt fq'&BnQsm 7L:f8 "BZq t( ox Pi These charges for deviations by renewable generators have been delinked from the

frequencye When the error is less than or equal to (CTu the charges for deviation are computed at a prendefined rate for the deviation in energy terms for an absolute error upto (CTe When the error is more than (CTu there are additional charges for deviation along with the fixed ratee The methodology for computation of fixed rate has been specified by the lentral Regulator in the regulationse dlsolwRlu vide order in the Petition Noe RPqymqHy() dated Hyth Januaryu Hy(C [C]uhas pr ov ided relaxation to all the sellersqbuyers whose schedule is less than )yy MW wherein the deviation limit has been notified as )a MWe The various aspects of inadvertent interchange available in the literature are quoted as belowe

K&Qtq "BpqrD

Vq'ommqnYBtQons xor t&q

K&olqsBlq vlq'trQ' "nYustry

ox wort& ,mqrQ'BD fBy eaae piz"nBYvqrtqnt "ntqr'&BnZq 'onsQstqY ox t&rqq (nergy


Qn'luYqY Qn t&q "nBYvqrtqnt "ntqr'&BnZq BnY Qs rqprqsqntqY Qn t&q qnqrZy prQ'qM F&q sq'onY



trBnsmQssQon 'onZqstQon BnY Qn prqsqnt mBrkqts t&Qs Qs Blso Qn'luYqY Qn t&q qnqrZy prQ'qM F&q t&QrY 'omponqntD t&q )requency Control ComponentD rqprqsqnts t&q vBluq ox t&q rqsponsq BnY unYqrlyQnZ rqsqrvqs usqY to YqlQvqr t&q UBlBn'QnZ qnqrZy nq'qssBry to oxxsqt uns'&qYulqY qnqrZyM 'ontrol 'ontrQUutQon wQll &Bvq Qn'qntQvqs BnY pqnBltQqs t&Bt wQll rqwBrY ZooY 'ontrol BnY pqnBlQzq poor 'ontrolM F&q Qn'qntQvqs BnY pqnBltQqs nqqY to Uq keport of the (xpert Group :7olumen55E VqvQqw ox t&q LqvQBtQon :qttlqmqnt fq'&BnQsm 7L:f8 "BZq tP ox Pi

EonsultQnZ v'onomQstD

to nqYqrBl vnqrZy

VqZulBtory EommQssQonD

b:, ,rtQ'lq S

ButomBtQ' mBrkqt xor

uns'&qYulqY qlq'trQ'Qty p/zpkz ns'&qYulqY mBrkqt &Bs not only BllowqY t&q nqw plByqrs Qn t&q mBrkqt to pBrtQ'QpBtq q'onomQ'Blly Qn t&q QnBYvqrtqnt mBrkqt Uqtwqqn utQlQtQqs Uut Blso oxxqrqY t&q 'ustomqrs Bn BltqrnBtQvq wBy to Uuy t&qQr qlq'trQ'QtyM F&q 'ustomqr UqQnZ BUlq to Uuy qlq'trQ'Qty Qn t&q uns'&qYulqY mBrkqt woulY YQmQnQs& Bny mBrkqt powqr t&Bt t&q lo'Bl utQlQty &BsM nurt&qr qvqn t&q 'ustomqrs 'Bn Bssumq B rolq ox B sqllqr Qn t&Qs mBrkqt Uy unYqrSYrBwQnZ xrom t&q ZrQY YurQnZ s&ortBZqsM dqnqrBtors nqqY not sqll t&qQr output Bt B prQ'q lowqr t&Bn t&q b" rBtqM :QmQlBrlyD 'ustomqrs nqqY not BZrqq to Uuy qlq'trQ'Qty Bt Bny prQ'q &QZ&qr t&Bn t&q vBluq

7tBnZQUlq or QntBnZQUlq8 ox xqqYQnZ t&Bt loBYsM , wQnS

wQn sQtuBtQon xor qvqryonq1 w&Bt ox B mBsonry wBllM Kq &Bvq UrQ'ks wQt& 'qmqnt BrounY QtM :omqtQmqs t&qsq UrQ'ks Brq mByUq B taaSmqZBwBtt 'ontrB't xor Bn &our or xor B YByM "x you wBnt t&q wBll to stBy upD you6vq Zot to &Bvq t&Qs mBsonryD t&Qs mortBrD 'qmqnt to xQll up t&q sqBms BnY Blso B wBy to prQ'q QtM vlsq t&q wBll wQll xBll YownM " notQ'qY t&Bt BUout B yqBr BnY B &Blx B ZoD "nYQB Yq'QYqY t&Bt t&qy wqrq ZoQnZ to put Qn B wBy to prQ'q w&Bt t&qy 'Bll uns'&qYulqY Qntqr'&BnZq w&qrq t&qy provQYqY lQquQYQty xor t&q mBrkqt BnY QmprovqY nBYvqrtqnt Qntqr'&BnZq Qsn6t B stBnYBrY keport of the (xpert Group :7olumen55E VqvQqw ox t&q LqvQBtQon :qttlqmqnt fq'&BnQsm 7L:f8 "BZq ti ox Pi :olvQnZ t&q ErQsQs Qn bns'&qYulqY "owqr "uUlQ' btQlQtQqs nortnQZ&tly ,uZust eaa( 5 wort& ,mqrQ'Bn vlq'trQ'

VqlQBUQlQty Eoun'Ql OoQnt

"nBYvqrtqnt "ntqr'&BnZq


tat& ,prQl eaaep/zpWz 'ommoYQty trBnsB'tQonh "t o''urs wQt&out spq'QxQ' mutuBl 'onsqntM F&q totBl QnBYvqrtqnt Qntqr'&BnZq on Bn Qntqr'onnq'tqY systqm BlwBys sums to zqro Uq'Busq B sQnZlq rqBYQnZ ox B 'ommon mqtqr on Bny tQqSlQnq Qs 'ountqY twQ'qD on'q Bs onq o,6s outxlow BnY BZBQn Bs t&q ot&qr o,6s QnxlowM :Qn'q QnBYvqrtqnt Qntqr'&BnZq BlwBys 'lqBrsD Qts prQ'q must Uq YrQvqn Uy somqt&QnZ qlsq Fruq q'onomQ' YQspBt'& Yq'QsQons xor rqlQBUQlQty Brq UBsqY not just on qnqrZy 'ostD Uut Blso on nrqquqn'y EontrQUutQon Eomponqnt 7nEE8 'ostM FwoS pBrt prQ'QnZ ox QnBYvqrtqnt Qntqr'&BnZq 7Qnto qnqrZy BnY nEE8 mBkqs t&q prQ'q ox QnBYvqrtqnt Qntqr'&BnZq ZrqBtqr w&qn t&qrq Qs unYqrSxrqquqn'y t&Bn w&qn t&qrq Qs ovqrSxrqquqn'y "nBYvqrtqnt Qntqr'&BnZq xlows rqxlq't t&q suYYqn loss ox rqsour'qs Bs wqll Bs t&q suYYqn Yqploymqnt ox rqsour'qs bns'&qYulqY powqr o''upQqs t&q QntqrxB'q Uqtwqqn mBrkqts BnY rqlQBUQlQty) rqBlStQmq Qs t&q propqr YomBQn xor mBnBZqmqnt ox &onqst s'&qYulQnZ qrrorD not xor mBrkqts xor qnqrZyM , mBrkqt xor nEE Qs t&q only mBrkqt nqqYqY xor Qn'qntQnZ rqlQBUlq Uq&BvQorM fBrkqts xor qnqrZy Blonq Yo not qxxQ'Qqntlyquotesdbs_dbs24.pdfusesText_30
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