[PDF] CONFERENCE PROGRAMME Get the most out of

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— h. Jackson Brown Jr.

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wElcomE Forum

University of

Cadiz, Spain

Tilburg University, the Netherlands

Admission Table,


CHE Consult GmbH,


University College

Dublin, Ireland



wElcomE 04 campus tours and workshops take place today for all those who have pre-registered. Popular networking events including the newcomers' welcome Reception and newcomers' networking dinner take place this evening. the Exhibition opens its doors, workshops continue and the first dialogue takes place. key sessions by all our Expert communities occur. the opening Plenary, featuring Jan muehlfeit, chairman of Europe microsoft corporation, takes centre stage, followed by the open ing Reception. 05 don't miss the last dialogue of the week, together with the e-posters and many more sessions. the closing Plenary with keynote speaker sebastian terry will have you setting some ambitious new goals, and the closing

Reception will round o? proceedings.

this is one of the busiest conference days, starting early with the morning Run! the day is packed full of sessions, two more dialogues, poster sessions, the Exhibition, and of course the famous EAIE networking dinner and dance. 06 let us help you get the most out of EAIE Prague

2014. check out our

top picks of the events guaranteed to fuel networking during the week. All those listed here require no extra payment or pre-registration, just come along with an open mind and plenty of business cards!

Meet hundreds of fellow newcomers

and swap tactics and advice before the conference gets into full swing at this

Welcome Reception in the grand loca

tion of Prague"s Municipal House, seat of the Prague Symphony Orchestra. Check page 48 for full details.

Identify fellow newcomers by their

'I'm new' button.

Be sure to wear yours so that

other participants can easily recognise you too. It"s a great conversation starter! Whether you prefer old school message boards or online messaging, we"ve made it easy for you to contact fellow participants during the conference. Post or reply to requests for information through the message and Partner search Boards located on Level 0 of the Prague Congress Centre, or send messages via the online list of participants in the My Conference section of the EAIE website.

Stop by the

EAIE stand (#221)

at the Exhibition on Level 2 and have a chat with EAIE sta and volunteers, look through our publications, and learn more about the Association.

Learn how to navigate the conference

programme, explore the Exhibition, and work those networking opportunities at this handy info session. See page 14 for more details.

The EAIE is organised into 16 dierent

Expert Communities that each cater to

specialised areas. Learn more about a specic community and meet others with similar interests by attending a group"s Opening Session. View the list of Expert Communities and their related sessions on page 13. 07 tuesday, 09:00-10:00

Prague congress centre, meeting hall I, level 1


discover the ins and outs of higher education in the czech Republic by attending a campus tour. Pre-registered participants will spend the day exploring one of six czech higher education institutions, meeting sta? and students, touring the institution's facilities and discovering the various learning environments that the czech Republic has to o?er.

Registration desk on level 0

monday between 18:00-21:00tuesday morning from 07:30.

2nd Entrance

All campus tours will return to the Pcc by 17:30.


Become an expert on chinese

credentials and the chinese education system

Admission to enrolment: com-

munications to keep students moving through the recruit ment funnel successful international part- nerships: a practical approach managing projects in the global south: a practical approach

Institutional strategy: all

aboard for success! cAncEllEd

Internationalisation at home: a

quick start keep calm and try neuro- linguistic Programming

E?ective intercultural learning

through film and theatre cAncEllEd

E?ective campus international-

isation: connecting strategy to outcomes assessment

Prepare your students for clini-

cal placements abroad teaching in English: from insti- tutional strategy to language support

Using networks and accredita-

tions to position your Business school in international markets

Prove their worth: determine

and compare the cost e?ect- iveness of your marketing activities

Erasmus+: tips for a successful

proposal in key Action 1

Erasmus+: tips for a successful

proposal in key Action 2 transforming students through high impact short term study programmes moving your research project forward: the focus is on you these interactive workshops are designed to expand your skill set and provide you with expert advice in the areas that matter most. through a solution-based approach to learning, you'll gain invaluable tips and tools to implement back at your institution. woRkshoPs 09

Enhancing the Erasmus experi-

ence: learning and teaching ac tivities from the IEREst project creative networking to maxim- ise your potential social media: beyond Face- book changing mindsets: how to internationalise your curriculum on all fronts cAncEllEd marketing success in a new era: scenario planning to improve recruitment strategies czech history, language and culture in the land of kafka's castle and havel's theatre of the Absurd

Emergency and crisis manage-

ment issues: one toolkit for all? tackling high expectations for international summer schools cultivating user-generated content to boost international student recruitment overcoming fear of failure in and beyond the international classroom

A hands-on guide to recogni-

tion, accreditation and quality assurance

Getting more out of your inter-

national partnerships conTenTS




discuss key topics dictating the future of inter national higher education during these inter active, high-level dialogues. Each dialogue has been designed to inspire, instigate debate and add an extra, challenging element for partici pants. dIAloGUEs 10 dIAloGUEs #EAIE dIAloGUE3#EAIEdIAloGUE4 does the internationalisation of higher education pay a peace dividend? modERAtoR:


divided we stand, united we fall:

Europe at a crossroad?



12 cUttInG EdGE knowlEdGE

EAIE toP PIcks

Post-sEssIon tIPs

this year's programme incor porates the largest number of sessions ever for an EAIE confer ence. In addition to the regular

60-minute sessions and the two-

hour Expert community opening sessions, brand new this year are a selection of 30-minute options which will provide you with short bursts of quick-fire knowledge, allowing you to pack more into your schedule. to help you navigate the vast selection and pick the sessions most beneficial for you, all ses sions have been assigned to an EAIE Expert community for which they are most relevant (see table overleaf). the entire programme is also available on the website (www.eaie.org/prague), where you can filter the sessions by relevant topics such as mobility, marketing and recruitment, European pro grammes, or you can use the search function for more specific search terms. You can then create your own personalised schedule with the my Agenda tool.

Check out the

indi cated with a star which highlight various pillars of the organisation and exciting ways for you to become more involved.

Help us to improve the

conference programme: provide direct feed back on the sessions that you"ve attended by using the e-mail link which will be sent to you during the confer ence, directing you to

the online survey.Don"t miss the fast-paced, action-packed which present a variety of innovative ideas in a dynamic format.

See pages: 22, 34.

Missed a session?

All session presen

tations will be made available after the conference on the My

Conference section of

the EAIE website, www.eaie.org/prague. sEssIons



13 sEssIons PER EXPERt commUnItY

Access & Inclusion in international

higher education (AccEss)

Admissions o?cers and credential

Evaluators (AcE)

Economics and Business studies


Educational cooperation with

developing countries (Edc)

Employability skills, graduate

careers and international internships (EmPloI) health Internationalisation (hI)

Internationalisation at home (Iah)

International Alumni Relations


International Relations managers

(IRm) languages for Intercultural commu- nication and mobility (lIcom) marketing and Recruitment (m&R) management of Programmes in lifelong Education (moPIlE) network of European summer schools (nEss)

Psychological counselling in higher

Education (PsYchE)

Researchers in International

Education (RIE)

study Abroad and Foreign student

Advisers (sAFsA)

Relevant to all



meeting hall I, level 1 All


meeting hall I, level 1



meeting hall I, level 1



south hall, level 3



chamber hall, level 3 All


small hall, level 0 All


chamber hall, level 3



conference hall, level 4




small theatre, level 0 All 15


Panorama hall, level 1



club A, level 1



club B, level 1




club c, level 1



club d, level 1



club E, level 1 All

Economics and Business Studies


club h, level 1



meeting hall I, level 1


[PDF] LG Code d éthique. Chapitre 1 : Nos responsabilités envers nos clients


[PDF] Signalement et gestion des infections respiratoires aiguës (IRA) et des gastroentérites aiguës (GEA) 19 juin 2014


[PDF] Annexe : Plan de nommage des boites aux lettres et des sites intranet ou internet d information des organisations syndicales

[PDF] Personnaliser la date de remise d une évaluation par équipe

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