[PDF] CS310 : Automata Theory 2019 Lecture 11: Applications of pumping

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Pumping Lemma in Theory of Computation Pumping Lemma in Theory of Computation

Pumping Lemma for Regular Languages. Theorem. Let L be a regular language Applications of Pumping Lemma. Pumping lemma is used to check whether a grammar is ...

The Application of Pumping Lemma on Context Free Grammars The Application of Pumping Lemma on Context Free Grammars

and the terminal strings constitute the language generated by the. PCGS. Here we apply pumping lemma on certain languages to show that they are not context 

More Applications of The Pumping Lemma

– Regular Expressions. – Regular Grammars. – Properties of Regular Languages. – Languages that are not regular and the pumping lemma. • Context Free Languages.

Some Applications of the Formalization of the Pumping Lemma for

Context-free languages are highly important in computer language processing technology as well as in formal language theory. The Pumping Lemma for 

Pumping Lemma for Context-Free Languages

Department of Computer Science and Automation. Indian Institute of Science Bangalore. 12 October 2021. Page 2. Pumping Lemma. Applications.

The Pumping Lemma: limitations of regular languages - Informatics

06-Oct-2015 non-regularity of languages? 3 / 15. Page 4. Showing a language isn't regular. The pumping lemma. Applying the pumping lemma. The basic ...

The Pumping Lemma for Regular Languages

The Pumping Lemma forRegular Languages – p.19/39. Page 69. Applications. Example 1: prove that абвгдеджзйг is not regular. The Pumping Lemma forRegular 

The Pumping Lemma: limitations of regular languages - Informatics

06-Oct-2016 Showing a language isn't regular. The pumping lemma. Applying the pumping lemma. Exercises. Which of the following languages are regular? 1.

Pumping Lemma and Ultimate Periodicity

09-Oct-2018 Pumping lemma for regular languages. Based on a simple observation ... Example applications of Pumping Lemma. Describe Your strategy to beat ...

BBM401-Lecture 12: Non-Context-free Languages

lemma. Agha-Viswanathan. CS373. Page 6. Introduction. Applying the Pumping Lemma. Proof of the Pumping Lemma. Non-context-free languages. Pumping Lemma. Pumping 

The Application of Pumping Lemma on Context Free Grammars

and the terminal strings constitute the language generated by the. PCGS. Here we apply pumping lemma on certain languages to show that they are not context 

Pumping Lemma in Theory of Computation

does not mean that the language is regular. Applications of Pumping Lemma. Pumping Lemma is to be applied to show that certain languages are not regular. It.

CS310 : Automata Theory 2019 Lecture 11: Applications of pumping

28-Jan-2019 Contrapositive of pumping lemma. Recall. Theorem 11.1. Let L be a language. L is not regular if for each n

More Applications of The Pumping Lemma

Context Free Languages. – Context Free Grammars. – Derivations: leftmost rightmost and derivation trees. – Parsing and ambiguity.

The Pumping Lemma: limitations of regular languages - Informatics

06-Oct-2016 Applying the pumping lemma. Recap of Lecture 7. Lexical classes in programming languages may typically be specified via regular languages.

The Pumping Lemma: limitations of regular languages - Informatics

06-Oct-2015 Showing a language isn't regular ... Applying the pumping lemma ... We have hinted before that not all languages are regular. E.g..

The Pumping Lemma: limitations of regular languages - Informatics

03-Oct-2017 Applying the pumping lemma. Recap of Lecture 7. Lexical classes in programming languages may typically be specified via regular languages.

The pumping lemma - Informatics 2A: Lecture 8

06-Oct-2011 Showing a language isn't regular. The pumping ... 3 Applying the pumping lemma ... We have hinted before that not all languages are regular.

Pumping Lemma and Ultimate Periodicity

09-Oct-2018 Lengths of words in a regular language are “ultimately periodic.” ... Example applications of Pumping Lemma.

proving languages not regular using Pumping Lemma

Here is the Pumping Lemma. If L is a regular language then there is an integer n > 0 with the property that: (*) for any string x ? 

CS310 : Automata Theory 2019 Instructor: Ashutosh Gupta IITB, India 1CS310 : Automata Theory 2019

Lecture 11: Applications of pumping lemma

Instructor: Ashutosh Gupta

IITB, India

Compile date: 2019-01-28

CS310 : Automata Theory 2019 Instructor: Ashutosh Gupta IITB, India 2Contrapositive of pumping lemma

RecallTheorem 11.1

LetLbe a language.Lis not regular if,fo reach n,there is a w ordw2L such thatjwj nandfo reach b reakupof winto three wordsw=xyzsuch that


2.jxyj n,

then there is a k0such thatxykz62L. CS310 : Automata Theory 2019 Instructor: Ashutosh Gupta IITB, India 3How to use the pumping lemma?

In the theorem, there are two

exists quantiers, namely wandk.Proving non regularity boils down to the following two quantier instantiations. I

Choose a wordwfor eachn

I Findkfore achb reakupof the wThe instantiations are the creative steps! CS310 : Automata Theory 2019 Instructor: Ashutosh Gupta IITB, India 4Proving a language non regular

Consider languageLI

For eachn, wep roposea w ordwinLlonger thannI

We dene parameterized wordxand non-empty wordysuch that I xyz=wfor somezand

Iparameter space coversall xandysuch thatjxyj n.I

For each splitxandy, we choose aksuch thatxykz62L.We have proven thatLis not regular CS310 : Automata Theory 2019 Instructor: Ashutosh Gupta IITB, India 5Example 1: using pumping lemma

Example 11.1

Consider againLeq=f0n1njn0g.I

For eachnwe need a word. Let it bew= 0n1n.I

The rstncharacters ofware 0n. The breaksxandyare to be from within 0 n.I

Letx= 0iandy= 0j, wherei+jnandj6= 0.

w= 0i|{z} x0 j|{z} y0 nji1n|{z} zI Now we choosek= 0 for eachiandj. The corresponding word is 0 i(0j)00nji1n= 0nj1n:IClearly, 0nj1n62Leq. Therefore,Leqis not regular.iandjare encoding all possible breaks of 0 n. CS310 : Automata Theory 2019 Instructor: Ashutosh Gupta IITB, India 6Example 2: using pumping lemma

Example 11.2

Consider againL=fwjwhas equal number of0and1g.I

For eachnwe need a word. Let it bew= 0n1n.I

The rstncharacters ofware 0n. The breaksxandyare to be from within 0 n.I

Letx= 0iandy= 0j, wherei+jnandj6= 0.

w= 0i|{z} x0 j|{z} y0 nji1n|{z} zI Now we choosek= 0 for eachiandj. The corresponding word is 0 i(0j)00nji1n= 0nj1n:IClearly, 0nj1n62L. Therefore,Lis not regular.iandjare encoding all possible breaks of 0 n. CS310 : Automata Theory 2019 Instructor: Ashutosh Gupta IITB, India 7Example 3: using pumping lemma

Let wordwRbe reverse of wordw.Example 11.3

ConsiderLrev=fwwRjw2 f0;1gg.I

For eachn, letw= 0n110nI

The rstncharacters ofware 0nI

Letx= 0iandy= 0j, wherei+jnandj6= 0.

w= 0i|{z} x0 j|{z} y0 nji110n|{z} zI

Letk= 2 for eachiandj.

0 i(0j)20nji110n= 0n+j110n62Lrev CS310 : Automata Theory 2019 Instructor: Ashutosh Gupta IITB, India 8Example 4: using pumping lemma

Example 11.4

ConsiderLprime=f1pjpis a prime number.g.I

For eachn, letw= 1psuch thatp>n+ 2I

The rstncharacters ofware 1n.I

Letx= 1iandy= 1j, wherei+jnandj6= 0.

w= 1i|{z} x1 j|{z} y1 pji|{z} zI

So,jxykzj= (pj) +kj.I

Letk=pj. Therefore,jxykzj= (pj)(1 +j).I

Since both (pk)>1(why?)and 1 +j>1(why?),xykz62Lprime.Chooseksuch that the term becomes composite? CS310 : Automata Theory 2019 Instructor: Ashutosh Gupta IITB, India 9Example 5: using pumping lemma

Example 11.5


For eachn, letw= 1n2I

The rstncharacters ofware 1n.I

Letx= 1iandy= 1j, wherei+jnandj6= 0.

w= 1i|{z} x1 j|{z} y1 n2ji|{z} zI

So,jxykzj= (n2j) +kj.I

Letk= 2. Therefore,jxykzj=n2+j.I

Since 0Feels like all non-regular languages needed to rememb erinnite memo ry .Example 11.6 Inf0n1njn0gwe need to rememberthe numb erof seen 0s and count the

1s to match.Finite number of statescannot c ountunb oundedlyincreasing numb er.

CS310 : Automata Theory 2019 Instructor: Ashutosh Gupta IITB, India 11More generalized pumping lemma

We have been looking for evidence of

bad pumping in the p rexesof the words.We can look for such evidence for any subword of length greater thann.Theorem 11.2

LetLbe a language.Lis not regular if,

I for eachn,I there are wordsu, andwsuch thatuw2Landjwj nI for each breakup ofwinto three wordsxyz=wsuch thaty6=and jxyj nthenI there is ak0such thatuxykz62L.In our earlier version of pumping lemma,u=. CS310 : Automata Theory 2019 Instructor: Ashutosh Gupta IITB, India 12Converse does not hold! Pumping lemma holds for the following language but is not regular.



1[fcnwjn6= 1 andw2 fa;bgg|{z}


2Application of pumping lemma:

I n= 1I

Two casesI

Casetake wordcajbj2L1I

Letx=,y=c, andz=ajbj.I

Fork6= 1,ckajbj2L2, and fork= 1,ckajbj2L1I

Casetake wordcjw2L2forj6= 1

I ......Exercise 11.1

Complete the above application of pumping lemma

CS310 : Automata Theory 2019 Instructor: Ashutosh Gupta IITB, India 13End of Lecture 11quotesdbs_dbs17.pdfusesText_23
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