[PDF] Quantum Field Theory II 21 de ago. de 2011

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6. Quantum Electrodynamics

We will use ? = 1 which is called “Feynman gauge”. The other common choice

9 Quantization of Gauge Fields

Feynman gauge. In this gauge the calculations are simplest although here too

Quantum Field Theory II

21 de ago. de 2011 2.3 Quantization of the non-Abelian Gauge Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41. 2.3.1 Feynman Rules for QCD .

Electroweak Feynman Rules in the Unitary Gauge (one fermionic

Schroeder. Electroweak Feynman Rules in the Unitary Gauge (one fermionic generation). Propagators: µ. W 

2 -? The photon propagator

=1 (no interactions). Feynman propagator Lorentz gauge ?µ ... Want to be able to determine the propagator is various gauges …

Lecture 16 Feynman Rules in Non Abelian Gauge Theories

Here we press on with non-abelian gauge theories by deriving their Feynman rules. How- ever before we can safely apply them to compute scattering 

Quantum Field Theory and the Electroweak Standard Model

Feynman diagrams are introduced. The formalism is extended to the fermion and gauge fields stressing peculiarities in the quantization procedure and Feynman 

Parametric Representation of Feynman Amplitudes in Gauge Theories

scalar theories to gauge theories: quantum electrodynamics scalar electrody- For the Feynman gauge

Two-loop calculation in Feynman gauge 1. Introduction

Feynman gauge. In the same way we reproduce also the two-loop kernel P of the nonsinglet. Lipatov-Altarelli-Parisi evolution equation For some classes of 

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In this Appendix we will give the complete Feynman rules for the Standard Model in the general R? gauge D 2 The Standard Model

[PDF] 6 Quantum Electrodynamics - DAMTP

We will use ? = 1 which is called “Feynman gauge” The other common choice ? = 0 is called “Landau gauge” ) Our plan will be to quantize the theory 

[PDF] 2 -? The photon propagator

=1 (no interactions) Feynman propagator In the Lorenz gauge Want to be able to determine the propagator is various gauges

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Here we press on with non-abelian gauge theories by deriving their Feynman rules How- ever before we can safely apply them to compute scattering 

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PDF In 1948 Feynman showed Dyson how the Lorentz force law and homogeneous Maxwell equations could be derived from commutation relations among


As an example of the application of these Feynman rules we consider the process of Compton scattering but this time for the scattering of non-Abelian gauge- 

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Peskin and D Schroeder Electroweak Feynman Rules in the Unitary Gauge (one fermionic generation) Propagators: µ

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21 oct 2012 · Sections 4 and 5 contain all Feynman rules of the SM including would-be Goldstone bosons and ghosts in an arbitrary R? gauge in a convention- 


Quantum Field Theory II

ETH Zurich

FS 2011

Prof. Dr. Matthias R. Gaberdiel

Prof. Dr. Aude Gehrmann-De Ridder

typeset: Felix H ahl and Prof. M. R. Gaberdiel (chapter 1)

August 21, 2011

This document contains lecture notes taken during the lectures on quantum eld theory by Profs. M. R. Gaberdiel and Aude Gehrmann-de Ridder in spring 2011. I'd like to thank Profs. Gaberdiel and Gehrmann-de Ridder for looking at these notes, correcting and improving them. In case you still nd mistakes, feel free to report them to Felix Haehl (haehlf@student.ethz.ch). 1


1 Path Integral Formalism


1.1 Path Integrals in Quantum Mechanics


1.1.1 Feynman-Kac Formula


1.1.2 The Quantum Mechanical Path Integral


1.1.3 The Interpretation as Path Integral


1.1.4 Amplitudes


1.1.5 Generalisation to Arbitrary Hamiltonians


1.2 Functional Quantization of Scalar Fields


1.2.1 Correlation Functions


1.2.2 Feynman Rules


1.2.3 Functional Derivatives and the Generating Functional


1.3 Fermionic Path Integrals


1.3.1 The Dirac Propagator


2 Functional Quantization of Gauge Fields


2.1 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories


2.1.1 U(1) Gauge Invariance


2.1.2SU(N) Gauge Invariance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

2.1.3 Polarisation Vectors for the Gauge Fields


2.2 Quantization of the QED Gauge FieldA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36

2.2.1 The Green's Function Approach


2.2.2 Functional Method


2.3 Quantization of the non-Abelian Gauge Field


2.3.1 Feynman Rules for QCD


2.4 Ghosts and Gauge Invariance


2.4.1 QCD Ward Identity


2.4.2 Physical States and Ghosts: Polarisation Sums Revisited


2.5 BRST Symmetry


2.5.1 The Denition of BRST-Symmetry


2.5.2 Implications of the BRST Symmetry



3 Renormalisation Group


3.1 Wilson's Approach to Renormalisation


3.2 Renormalisation Group Flows


3.3 Callan-Symanzik Equation


3.3.1 The4-Theory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

3.3.2 The General Structure


3.4 Asymptotic Freedom


4 Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking and the Weinberg-Salam Model of the

Electroweak Interactions


4.1 Electroweak Interactions


4.1.1 Characteristics of Weak Interactions


4.1.2 Electroweak Interactions


4.2 Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking


4.2.1 Discrete Symmetries (2 Examples)


4.2.2 Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking of a Global Gauge Symmetry


4.2.3 Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking of a Local Gauge Symmetry and

the Abelian Higgs Mechanism 8 5

4.2.4 Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking of a LocalSU(2)U(1) Gauge

Symmetry: Non-Abelian Higgs Mechanism


4.2.5 The Electroweak Standard Model Lagrangian


5 Quantization of Spontaneously Broken Gauge Theories


5.1 The Abelian Model


5.1.1-dependence in Physical Processes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

5.2 Quantization of Sp. Broken non-Abelian Gauge Theories


5.3RGauge Dependence in Perturbation Theory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

5.3.1 QFT with Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking and nite. . . . . .1 05

5.3.2 QFT with Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking for! 1. . . . . . .105

6 Renormalizability of Broken and Unbroken Gauge Theories: Main Cri-


6.1 A Renormalization Program (UV Divergences only)


6.2 Overall Renormalization of QED


6.3 Renormalizability of QCD


6.3.1 One Loop Renormalization of QCD


6.4 Renormalizability of Spontaneously Broken Gauge Theories


6.4.1 The Linear-Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118


Chapter 1

Path Integral Formalism

For the description of advanced topics in quantum eld theory, in particular the quanti- zation of non-abelian gauge theories, the formulation of quantum eld theory in the path integral formulation is important. We begin by explaining the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics.

1.1 Path Integrals in Quantum Mechanics

In the Schrodinger picture the dynamics of quantum mechanics is described by the Schrodinger equation i~ddt j (t)i=Hj (t)i:(1.1) If the Hamilton operator is not explicitly time-dependent, the solution of this equation is simply j (t)i=eit~

Hj (0)i:(1.2)

Expanding the wave function in terms of position states,i.e.doing wave mechanics, we then have (t;q) hqj (t)i=Z dq

0hqjeitH=~jq0ihq0j (0)i=Z


0K(t;q;q0) (0;q0);(1.3)

where we have used the completeness relation 1=Z dq


and introduced the propagator kernel

K(t;q;q0) =hqjeitH=~jq0i:(1.5)

It describes the probability for a particle atq0at timet= 0 to propagate toqat timet and will play an important role in the following. 4


By construction, the propagator satises the time-dependent Schrodinger equation i~ddt

K(t;q;q0) =HK(t;q;q0);(1.6)

whereHacts onq. It is furthermore characterised by the initial condition lim t!0K(t;q;q0) =(qq0):(1.7) For a free particle in one dimension with Hamilton operator H




the propagator, which is uniquely determined by ( 1.6 ) and ( 1.7 ), isK

0(t;q;q0) =hqjeitH0=~jq0i=m2i~t

12 exp im(qq0)22~t :(1.9) To derive this formula, one can for example use a complete momentum basis; then hqjeitH0=~jq0i=12~Z dphqjpihpjeitH0=~jq0i 12~Z dpe iqp=~eitp2=2m~eipq0=~


im(qq0)22~t Z dpexp" it2m~ pm(qq0)t 2# which leads after Gaussian integration to ( 1.9 ). Here we have used that hqjpi=ei~ qp;1=12~Z dpjpihpj:(1.10) The path integral is a method to calculate the propagator kernel for a general (non-free) quantum mechanical system. In order to derive it we need a small mathematical result.

1.1.1 Feynman-Kac Formula

The path integral formulation of quantum mechanics was rst developed by Richard Feyn- man; the underlying mathematical technique had been previously developed by Marc Kac in the context of statistical physics. The key formula underlying the whole formalism is the product formula of Trotter. In its simplest form (in which it was already proven by Lie) it states e

A+B= limn!1eA=neB=nn;(1.11)



whereAandBare bounded operators on a Hilbert space. To prove it, we dene S n= exp(A+B)n ; T n= expAn expBn :(1.12)

Then we calculate

jjeA+B(eA=neB=n)njj=jjSnnTnnjj(1.13) =jjSn1n(SnTn) +Sn2n(SnTn)Tn++ (SnTn)Tn1njj: Since the norm of a product is always smaller or equal to the products of the norms, it follows (after using the triangle inequalityjjX+Yjj jjXjj+jjYjj) jjexp(X)jj exp(jjXjj):(1.14) Using the triangle inequality again it follows that jjSnjj e(jjAjj+jjBjj)=na1=n;jjTnjj e(jjAjj+jjBjj)=na1=n:(1.15)

Plugging into (

1.13 ) leads, again after using the triangle inequality, to jjSnnTnnjj na(n1)=njjSnTnjj:(1.16) Finally, because of the Baker-Campbell-Hausdor formula S nTn=[A;B]2n2+O(n3);(1.17) and the product formula ( 1.11 ) follows. IfAandBare not bounded operators, the analysis is more dicult. If bothAandB are self-adjoint (as is usually the case for the operators appearing in quantum mechanics), one can still prove that e it(A+B)= limn!1eitA=neitB=nn(1.18) where the convergence is in the strong topology,i.e.the result holds when applied to any vector that lies in the domain of bothAandB.

1.1.2 The Quantum Mechanical Path Integral

With these preparations we can now derive the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics. Let us assume that the Hamilton operator is of the form




whereH0is the Hamilton operator of the free particle, andV(q) is the potential. Applying the product formula ( 1.11 ) withA=H0=~andB=V=~to (1.5) we obtain

K(t;q;q0) =hqjeitH=~jq0i

= lim n!1D qjeitH0=~neitV=~nnjq0E = lim n!1Z dq


j=0 qj+1jeitH0=~neitV=~njqj;(1.20) whereqqn, and we have, after each application of the exponential, introduced a partition of unity 1=Z dq jjqjihqjj:(1.21) Since the potential acts diagonally in the position representation, we now have qj+1jeitH0=~neitV=~njqj=eitV(qj)=~n qj+1jeitH0=~njqj:(1.22) Thus we can use the propagator kernel of the free particle ( 1.9 ) to get, witht=n= qj+1jeitH0=~neitV=~njqj=mn2i~t 12 exp" i~ m2 qj+1qj 2


:(1.23) Hence we have for the complete propagator kernel theFeynman-Kac formula

K(t;q;q0) = limn!1Z



n2 exp" i~ n1X j=0 m2 qj+1qj 2



0qn1Figure 1.1: Interpretation as path integral.

1.1.3 The Interpretation as Path Integral

The interesting property of this formula is that it allows for an interpretation as a path integral. To understand this, we imagine that the pointsq=q0,q1;:::;qnare linked by straight lines, leading to piecewise linear functions (see g. 1.1 ). We divide the time 7


intervaltintonsubintervals of length=t=neach, and identifyqkq(s=k). The exponent of ( 1.24 ) can now be interpreted as the Riemann sum, which leads in the limit !0 to the integral n1X j=0 m2 qj+1qj 2


Z 1 0 ds" m2 dqds 2


:(1.25) This integral is now precisely the classical action of a particle (of massm), moving along this path, since the integrand is just the Lagrange function.

L(q(s);_q(s)) =m2

dqds 2


whose action is

S[q(s)] =Z

s1 s


The multiple integralsdq1dqnimply that we are integrating over all possible (piecewise linear) paths, connectingq0andq. In the limitn! 1the separate linear pieces become shorter and shorter, and we can approximate any continuous path fromq0toqin this manner. The above formula thus sums over all possible paths beginning at timet= 0 at positionq0, and ending at timetat positionq. The dierent paths are weighted by the phase factor exp iS[q(s)]~ :(1.28)

Formally, we may therefore writeK(t;q;q0) =CZ

q(t)=q q(0)=q0Dq eiS[q]=~;(1.29) whereCis the formal expression

C= limn!1

m2i~ n2 :(1.30) HereCDqcorresponds to the limit of the integrals (1.24) forn! 1. As we will see, the divergent prefactor will cancel out of most calculations, and thus should not worry us too much. (However, mathematically, the denition of the path integral is somewhat subtle because of this.) One of the nice features of the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics is that it gives a nice interpretation to the classical limit. The classical limit corresponds, at least formally, to~!0. In this limit, the phase factor (1.28) of the integrand in the path integral formula ( 1.29 ) oscillates faster and faster. By the usual stationary phase method one therefore expects that only those paths contribute to the path integral whose 8


exponents are stationary points. Since the exponent is just the classical action, the paths that contribute are hence characterised by the property to be critical points of the action. But because of the least action principle these are precisely the classical paths,i.e.the solutions of the Euler-Lagrange equations. In the classical limit, the path integral therefore localises on the classical solutions.

1.1.4 Amplitudes

The knowledge of the propagator kernel allows us to calculate other quantities of interest. In particular, in quantum mechanics we are usually interested in expectation values of operators,i.e.in quantities of the type h f(t)jO1(1)Ol(l)j i(0)i;(1.31) where iand fare the initial and nal state evaluated att= 0 andt, respectively, and O i(i) is some operator that is evaluated at timet=iwith 0< l< l1<< 2<

1< t. Since we may expand any wavefunction in terms of position eigenstates, we can

determine all such amplitudes ( 1.31 ), provided that we know the amplitudes hq;tjO1(1)Ol(l)jq0;0i:(1.32) Suppose now thatOi() can be expressed in terms of the position operator ^q(), say O i() =Pi(^q()), wherePiis a polynomial. Then it follows immediately from the above derivation that ( 1.32 ) has the path-integral representation hq;tjO1(^q(1))Ol(^q(l))jq0;0i=Z q(t)=q q(0)=q0Dq P1(q(1))Pl(q(l))eiS[q]=~:(1.33) Indeed, we simply takelof the intermediate times to be equal toi,i= 1;:::l. At the corresponding intervalsPi(q(i)) acts as a multiplication operator, and we hence directly obtain ( 1.33 A convenient compact way to describe these amplitudes is in terms of a suitable gen- erating function. To this end, consider the modied path integral

I[J] =Z


Z t 0 ds

L(q;_q;s) +J(s)q(s)i

;(1.34) whereJ(s) is some arbitrary `source' function. In order to obtain (1.33) from this we now only have to take functional derivatives with respect toJ(i),i.e. hq;tjO(^q(1))Ol(^q(l))jq0;0i=P1~i J(1) Pl~i J(l)


Here the functional derivative is dened by

J()J(t) =(t) orJ()Z

dtJ(t)(t) =();(1.36) 9


which is the natural generalisation, to continuous functions, of the familiar @@x ix j=ijor@@x iX jx jaj=ai:(1.37) Using these calculation rules it is then clear that ( 1.35 ) indeed reproduces ( 1.33 ). Often, introducing the generating function is not just a formal trick, but actually simplies calcu- lations since in many situationsI[J] is as dicult to compute as the original path integeral I[0].

1.1.5 Generalisation to Arbitrary Hamiltonians

For the following we want to generalise the formula ( 1.29 ) to the case where the Hamiltonian is not necessarily of the form ( 1.19 ). We can still introduce a partition of unity, but now in each step we have to evaluate hqj+1jeit~nHjqji;(1.38) whereHH(q;p) is a general function ofqandp. We can always nd a suitable ordering of the terms, the so-calledWeyl orderingfor which theqappears symmetrically on the left and right ofp, so that hqj+1jH(q;p)jqji=Zdpj2Hqj+1+qj2 ;pj e ipj(qj+1qj)=~:(1.39)

Plugging this into (

1.38 ) and using analogous arguments as above we nd in the limit n! 1 hqj+1jeit~nHjqji=Zdpj2eit~nHqj+1+qj2 ;pj e ipj(qj+1qj)=~:(1.40) Note that ifHis of the form (1.19),H=H0+V, then we getZdpj2eit~nH0(pj)eit~nVqj+1+qj2 e ipj(qj+1qj)=~=eit~nVqj+1+qj2 K


whereK0is the free propagator kernel; this then agrees with (1.23). Using now (1.40) we obtain for the propagator kernel in the general case

K(t;q;q0) = limn!1Z

Y jdq jdpj2exp" i~ X jp j(qj+1qj)i~


;pj ;(1.42)quotesdbs_dbs14.pdfusesText_20
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