[PDF] Treaty Series Recueil des Traites

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Treaty Series Recueil des Traites

No. 22706. Brazil and Panama: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement on the establishment of a Joint. Commission on economic financial

World Travel - Tourisme Mondial n. 106 (May/June - Mai/Juin

The present number of World Travel-Tourism Mondial will therefore explore this timely issue. etre un fait continu tout au long de la vie d'un indi-.

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17 déc. 2012 analysis the third will focus on some authors' points of view. ... habían bastado tan sólo cincuenta años de vida independiente.".

e-migrinter 2008 02

19 fév. 2008 education) and may be awarded a certificate upon conclusion of their studies31. But the law is not always adequately.

Treaty Series

Treaties and international agreements

registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations


Recueil des Traites

Traite's et accords internationaux

enregistr~s ou classes et inscrits au repertoire au Secrgtariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

United Nations * Nations Unies

New York, 1992

Treaties and international agreements

registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations

VOLUME 1349 1984 I. Nos. 22706-22723



Treaties and international agreements

registered from 13 to 29 February 1984 Page

No. 22706. Brazil and Panama:

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement on the establishment of a Joint Commission on economic, financial, commercial, technical, scientific and cultural co-operation. Panama City, 26 February 1980 .................. 3

No. 22707. Brazil and Algeria:

Trade Agreement. Signed at Brasilia on 3 June 1981 ......................... 11

No. 22708. Brazil and Venezuela:

Agreement on the transborder land transport of goods. Signed at Caracas on

19 February 1982 ............................. .................... 23

No. 22709. Brazil and Republic of Korea:

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement on the donation of the rural estates "Pog6es" and "Santa Cruz" to the Brazilian National Institute of Coloniza-. tion and Agrarian Reform (INCRA). Brasilia, 10 January 1984 ........... 37 No. 22710. Brazil and Federal Republic of Germany: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement concerning co-operation between the Technical University of Berlin and the Federal University of Pard, in Bel6m, in the field of geophysics. Brasilia, 16 January 1984 ............... 43

No. 22711. United Nations and Ethiopia:

Agreement regarding arrangements for the tenth session of the World Food Council of the United Nations. Signed at Bellagio, Italy, on 15 February

1984 ............................................................. 55

No. 22712. Israel and Uruguay:

Trade Agreement. Signed at Montevideo on 12 June 1968 .................... 57

No. 22713. Israel and Uruguay:

Agreement on scientific and technical co-operation. Signed at Montevideo on

12 June 1968 ...................................................... 67

Vol. 1349

Traitis et accords internationaux

enregistris ou classes et inscrits au repertoire au Secritariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

VOLUME 1349 1984 I. N


3 22706-22723



Traits et accords internationaux

enregistris du 13 au 29 fivrier 1984 Pages N o

22706. Brisil et Panama:

lchange de notes constituant un accord portant cr6ation d'une Commission mixte de cooperation 6conomique, financi~re, commerciale, technique, scientifique et culturelle. Panama, 26 fWvrier 1980 ................................. 3 N o

22707. Brisil et Alg6rie :

Accord commercial. Sign6 A Brasilia le 3 juin 1981 .......................... 11 N o

22708. Brisil et Venezuela:

Accord relatif au transport frontalier de marchandises par voie terrestre. Sign6 A Caracas le 19 fWvrier 1982 ........................................... 23 N O

22709. Brksil et Ripublique de Core :

lchange de notes constituant un accord concernant la donation a l'Institut na- tional br~silien de colonisation et de r~forme agraire (INCRA) des propri6t~s rurales ((Poges)>et (Santa Cruz>. Brasilia, 10 janvier 1984 .............. 37 N o

22710. Brisil et Ripublique fidirale d'Allemagne :

tchange de notes constituant un accord concernant la cooperation entre 'Univer- sit6 technique de Berlin et l'Universit6 f~d6rale de Pard, A Belm, dans le secteur de la g6ophysique. Brasilia, 16 janvier 1984 ...................... 43 N o

22711. Organisation des Nations Unies et tthiopie :

Accord concernant l'organisation de la dixi~me session du Conseil mondial de I'alimentation des Nations Unies. Sign6 h Bellagio (Italie) le 15 fvrier 1984 .55 N O

22712. Israel et Uruguay :

Accord commercial. Sign6 A Montevideo le 12 juin 1968 ..................... 57 N O

22713. Israe! et Uruguay :

Accord de coop6ration scientifique et technique. Sign6 A Montevideo le 12 juin

1968 ............................................................. 67

Vol. 1349

IV United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recuel des Traitis 1984 Page No. 22714. Austria and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: Agreement on the reciprocal protection of copyright. Signed at Vienna on 16 De- cem ber 1981 ...................................................... 77

No. 22715. Spain and Argentina:

Convention for the avoidance of international double taxation relating to the operation of maritime and air transport (with additional protocol). Signed at Buenos Aires on 30 November 1978 .................................. 91

No. 22716. Spain and Venezuela:

Agreement on the peaceful uses of atomic energy supplementing the Basic Agree- ment on technical co-operation between the Government of the Kingdom of Spain and the Government of the Republic of Venezuela. Signed at Caracas on 2 February 1979 ................................................ 101

No. 22717. Spain and Italy:

Convention on social security (with Administrative Agreement for the application of the Convention). Signed at Madrid on 30 October 1979 ............... 111 N

22718. United Nations (United Nations Revolving Fund for Natural

Resources Exploration) and Sierra Leone:

Project Agreement -Natural Resources Exploration Project (with annexes). Signed at Freetown on 11 November 1983 ............................. 229 No. 22719. United Nations (United Nations Development Programme) and Nepal: Agreement concerning assistance by the United Nations Development Pro- gramme to the Government of Nepal. Signed at Kathmandu on 23 February

1984 ............................................................. 231

No. 22720. United Nations (United Nations Capital Development Fund) and Nepal: Basic Agreement concerning assistance by the United Nations Capital Develop- ment Fund to the Government of Nepal. Signed at Kathmandu on 23 Feb- ruary 1984 ........................................................ 253

No. 22721. Finland and India:

Cultural Agreement. Signed at Helsinki on 10 June 1983 ..................... 265

No. 22722. Finland and Albania:

Programme for cultural and scientific exchanges for the years 1983, 1984 and

1985 (with exchange of notes). Signed at Tirana on 7 September 1983 ...... 277

No. 22723. Mexico and Egypt:

Trade Agreement (with lists). Signed at Mexico City on 25 October 1963 Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending the lists annexed to the above-mentioned Agreement. Mexico City and Tlatelolco, 7 April 1981 .... 291

Vol. 1349

1984 United Nations -Treaty Series 0 Nations Unies -Recueil des Traitks V

Pages N O

22714. Autriche et Union des Ripubliques socialistes sovi6tiques :

Accord relatif A la protection r~ciproque du droit d'auteur. Sign6 A Vienne le

16 d~cem bre 1981 .................................................. 77


22715. Espagne et Argentine :

Convention tendant & 6viter la double imposition internationale des revenus pro- venant de l'exploitation des transports maritimes et a~riens (avec protocole additionnel). Signe & Buenos Aires le 30 novembre 1978 ................. 91 N O

22716. Espagne et Venezuela :

Accord concernant l'utilisation de l'6nergie atomique A des fins pacifiques com- pldmentaire A 'Accord de base relatif A la cooperation technique entre le Gouvernement du Royaume d'Espagne et le Gouvernement de la R~publique du Venezuela. Sign6 A Caracas le 2 fvrier 1979 ......................... 101 N o

22717. Espagne et Italie:

Convention de s6curit6 sociale (avec Accord administratif pour l'application de la Convention). Signde & Madrid le 30 octobre 1979 ....................... 111 N O

22718. Organisation des Nations Unies (Fonds autorenouvelable des

Nations Unies pour I'exploration des ressources naturelles) et

Sierra Leone :

Accord relatif A un projet -Projet concernant rexploration des ressources naturelles (avec annexes). Signd A Freetown le 11 novembre 1983 .......... 229 N O

22719. Organisation des Nations Unies (Programme des Nations Unies

pour le diveloppement) et Nkpal : Accord relatif A une assistance du Programme des Nations Unies pour le develop- pement au Gouvernement n~palais. Sign6 A Katmandou le 23 f~vrier 1984 .. 231 N O

22720. Organisation des Nations Unies (Fonds d'iquipement des

Nations Unies) et Nepal :

Accord de base relatif t une assistance du Fonds d' quipement des Nations Unies au Gouvernement n~palais. Sign A Katmandou le 23 fvrier 1984 ......... 253 N O

22721. Finlande et Inde :

Accord culturel. Sign6 A Helsinki le 10 juin 1983 ............................ 265 N O

22722. Finlande et Albanie :

Programme relatif aux 6changes culturels et scientifiques pour les ann~es 1983,

1984 et 1985 (avec 6change de notes). Signd A Tirana le 7 septembre 1983 ... 277


22723. Mexique et Egypte :

Accord commercial (avec listes). Sign6 b Mexico le 25 octobre 1963 t~change de notes constituant un accord modifiant les listes annexes a i'Accord susmentionn6. Mexico et Tlatelolco, 7 avril 1981 ........................ 291

Vol. 1349

Vi United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recueil des Traltis 1984 Page ANNEX A. Ratifications, accessions, prorogations, etc., concerning treaties and international agreements registered with the Secretariat of the United Nations No. 4. Convention on the privileges and immunities of the United Nations. Adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on

13 February 1946:

Accession by Uruguay .................................................. 316 No. 742. Treaty of friendship, co-operation and mutual assistance between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Republic of

Finland. Signed at Moscow on 6 April 1948:

Protocol extending the above-mentioned Treaty. Signed at Moscow on 6 June

1983 .............................................................

32 1
No. 2582. Consular Convention between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Kingdom of Greece.

Signed at Athens on 17 April 1953:

Termination of article 27 ................................................ 325 No. 3571. ISRAEL: Declaration recognizing as compulsory the jurisdic- tion of the International Court of Justice, in conformity with Article 36, paragraph 2, of the Statute of the International

Court of Justice. Jerusalem, 3 October 1956:

Amendments to the above-mentioned Declaration .......................... 326 No. 4789. Agreement concerning the adoption of uniform conditions of approval and reciprocal recognition of approval for motor vehicle equipment and parts. Done at Geneva on 20 March 1958:
Entry into force of amendments to Regulation No. 24 annexed to the above- mentioned Agreement .............................................. 327
No. 9464. International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. Opened for signature at New York on

7 March 1966:

Objection by Viet Nam to the ratification by Democratic Kampuchea .......... 352 No. 13007. Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Fin- land and the Government of the German Democratic Repub- lic concerning economic, scientific, technical and industrial co-operation. Signed at Berlin on 20 June 1973: Exchange of letters constituting an agreement amending the above-mentioned Agreement. Helsinki, 14 October 1983, and Berlin, 9 November 1983 ...... 354 No. 14403. Statutes of the World Tourism Organisation (WTO). Adopted at Mexico City on 27 September 1970: Withdrawal by Bahrain from membership in the World Tourism Organisation .. 357

Vol. 1349

1984 United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recueil des Trait&s VII

Pages ANNEXE A. Ratifications, adhdsions, prorogations, etc., concernant des traitds et accords internationaux enregistres au Secritariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies N* 4. Convention sur les priviliges et immunitis des Nations Unies. Ap- prouvie par I'Assembi6e ginkrale des Nations Unies le 13 fivrier

1946 :

Adhesion de 'Uruguay ................................................. 316 N' 742. Traiti d'amitik, de coopiration et d'assistance mutnelle entre l'Union des Ripubliques socialistes soviitiques et la R6publique de Finlande. Sign6 it Moscou le 6 avril 1948 : Protocole prorogeant le Trait6 susmentionn6. Sign6 AL Moscou le 6 juin 1983 .... 323 N 0

2582. Convention consulaire entre le Royaume-Uni de Grande-

Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et le Royaume de Grece. Sign6e

A Athines ie 17 avril 1953 :

Abrogation de r'article 27 ............................................... 325 N' 3571. ISRAEL : Diclaration reconnaissant comme obligatoire la juri- diction de la Cour internationale de Justice, conformiment au paragraphe 2 de I'Article 36 du Statut de la Cour internationale de Justice. JNrusalem, 3 octobre 1956 : Amendements A la D6claration susmentionn6e ............................. 326 N 0

4789. Accord concernant I'adoption de conditions uniformes d'homo-

logation et la reconnaissance riciproque de rhomologation des

6quipements et piices de vkhicules A moteur. Fait A Gen~ve le

20 mars 1958 :

Entr6e en vigueur d'amendements au Rbglement n


24 annex6 A I'Accord susmen-

tionn6 ........................................................... 339
N' 9464. Convention internationale sur l'e1imination de toutes les formes de discrimination raciale. Ouverte h la signature i New York le

7 mars 1966 :

Objection du Viet Nami A la ratification du Kampuchea d~mocratique .......... 352 N' 13007. Accord de coopiration 6conomique, scientilique, technique et industrielle entre le Gouvernement de la Ripublique de Finlande'et le Gouvernement de la Ripublique d6mocratique allemande. Signk h Berlin le 20 juin 1973 :

8change de lettres constituant un accord modifiant l'Accord susmentionn6.

Helsinki, 14 octobre 1983, et Berlin, 9 novembre 1983 ................... 354 N* 14403. Statuts de I'Organisation mondiale du tourisme (OMT).

Adoptes A Mexico le 27 septembre 1970 :

Retrait par Bahrein de l'Organisation mondiale du tourisme .................. 357

Vol. 1349

VIII United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recuei des Traitis 1984 Page No. 14668. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 16 Decem- ber 1966: Accession by France to the Optional Protocol of 16 December 1966 to the above- m entioned Covenant ............................................... 358 No. 14989. Treaty between the State of Israel and Australia concerning extradition. Signed at Jerusalem on 4 December 1975: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement for the rectification of the above- mentioned Treaty. Tel Aviv, 23 February 1977, and Jerusalem, 17 April 1977 360 No. 16510. Customs Convention on the international transport of goods under cover of TIR carnets (TIR Convention). Concluded at

Geneva on 14 November 1975:

A ccession by Israel ..................................................... 364 No. 19011. Convention between Spain and Italy on social security. Signed at Madrid on 20 July 1967: Termination (Note by the Secretariat) ..................................... 365 No. 21071. Second ACP-EEC Convention. Signed at Lom6 on 31 October 1979:
N' 21072. Agreement on products within the province of the European Coal and Steel Community. Concluded at Lome on 31 Oc- tober 1979: No. 21073. Exchange of letters constituting an agreement concerning the importation of beef and veal from the Group of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (ACP Group). Lom6, 31 Oc- tober 1979: Accessions by Belize and Antigua and Barbuda ............................. 366 No. 21420. Agreement between the United Nations and the Government of Spain for the continuation of the activities and the extension of the International Centre for Environmental Education and Training (CIFCA). Signed at Madrid on 9 June 1982: Termination of provisional application .................................... 367

Vol. 1349

1984 United Nations -Treaty Series e Nations Unies -Recuell des Trnt6s IX

Pages N O

14668. Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques. Adopti

par I'Assemblie generale des Nations Unies le 16 dicembre

1966 :

Adhesion de la France au Protocole facultatif du 16 d~cembre 1966 se rapportant au Pacte susm entionn6 ............................................. 358 N O

14989. Traiti d'extradition entre I'ltat d'Israel et I'Australie. Signk 6

JHrusalem le 4 dkcembre 1975 :

tchange de notes constituant un accord portant rectification du Trait6 susmen- tionn6. Tel-Aviv, 23 fvrier 1977, et Jerusalem, 17 avril 1977 ............. 362 N O

16510. Convention douanikre relative au transport international de

marchandises sous le couvert de carnets TIR (Convention

TIR). Conclue h Genive le 14 novembre 1975 :

A dhesion d'Israel ...................................................... 364 N O

19011. Convention entre I'Espagne et l'Italie sur la sicuriti sociale.

Signke & Madrid le 20 juillet 1967 :

Abrogation (Note du Secrdtariat) ........................................ 365 N O

21071. Deuxikme Convention ACP-CEE. Signke & Lomk le 31 oc-

tobre 1979 : N O

21072. Accord relatif aux produits relevant de la Communaute euro-

peenne du charbon et de I'acier. Conclu 6 Lome le 31 octobre

1979 :


21073. Fchange de lettres constituant un accord relatif It l'importation

de viande bovine en provenance du Groupe des lttats d'Afrique, des Cara'ibes et du Pacifique (Groupe ACP).

Lomk, 31 octobre 1979 :

Adhesions du Belize et d'Antigua-et-Barbuda .............................. 366 N O

21420. Accord entre I'Organisation des Nations Unies et le Gouverne-

ment de l'Espagne relatif i la poursuite des activitks du Centre international pour I'iducation et la formation en matikre d'en- vironnement (CIFCA) et &a I'expansion du Centre. Signk i

Madrid le 9 juin 1982 :

Fin de l'application provisoire ........................................... 367

Vol. 1349

X United Nations -Treaty Series e Nations Unies -Recueil des Traltis 1984 Page No. 21615. Agreement between the United Nations and the Government of Jamaica relating to the establishment in Jamaica of a United Nations Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary- General for the Law of the Sea for the servicing of the Preparatory Commission of the International Sea-Bed Authority and the International Tribunal for the Law of the

Sea. Signed at New York on 7 March 1983 :

Supplementary Agreement relating to the use of the Conference Centre complex and the premises to be occupied by a United Nations Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the Law of the Sea, in Kingston, Jamaica (with annexes). Signed at New York on 22 February 1984 ......... 368 No. 22282. Protocol on the privileges and immunities of the International Maritime Satellite Organization (INMARSAI). Concluded at London on 1 December 1981: Ratification by Chile ................................................... 383 No. 22376. International Coffee Agreement, 1983. Adopted by the Inter- national Coffee Council on 16 September 1982: Ratification by Benin ................................................... 385

International Labour Organisation

No. 15823. Convention (No. 142) concerning vocational guidance and vocational training in the development of human resources. Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its sixtieth session, Geneva, 23 June 1975:
No. 19183. Convention (No. 150) concerning labour administration: Role, Functions and Organisation. Adopted by the General Con- ference of the International Labour Organisation at its sixty- fourth session, Geneva, 26 June 1978: Ratifications by Algeria ................................................. 386 ANNEX C. Ratifications, accessions, prorogations, etc., concerning treaties and international agreements registered with the Secretariat of the League of Nations No. 739. Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Finland and the United Kingdom, signed at Helsingfors, December 14, 1923: Term ination of article 19 ................................................ 390

Vol. 1349

United Nations -Treaty Series 9 Nations Unes -Recuell des Traitis Pages N O

21615. Accord entre l'Organisation des Nations Unies et le Gouverne-

ment jamaiquain relatif h la creation & la Jamaique d'un bureau du Reprisentant special du Secritaire ginkral de l'Or- ganisation des Nations Unies pour le droit de la mer en vue d'assurer le service de la Commission priparatoire de I'Auto- riti internationale des fonds marins et du Tribunal internatio- nal du droit de la mer. Signk i New York le 7 mars 1983 : Accord suppldmentaire relatif A I'utilisation du Centre de conferences et des lo- caux qui seront occup~s par un bureau des Nations Unies pour le Repr6sentant special du Secr6taire g~n6ral pour le droit de la mer A Kingston (Jamalque) [avec annexes]. Sign6 A New York le 22 f6vrier 1984 ..................... 375 N o

22282. Protocole sur les privileges et immunitis de l'Organisation inter-

nationale de tilicommunications maritimes par satellites (INMARSAT). Conclu h Londres le Ier dicembre 1981 : Ratification du Chili ................................................... 383quotesdbs_dbs24.pdfusesText_30
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