[PDF] [PDF] 41 Writing and Balancing Chemical Equations

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Formula Sheet For General Chemistry. DESCRIPTION. EQUATION. Ideal gas equation. Adibiatic change. Charles' Law. Bohr Radius. Radii of stable orbits in the. Bohr 

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4.1 Writing and Balancing Chemical Equations

A coefficient of 1 is typically omitted. It is common practice to use the smallest possible whole-number coefficients in a chemical equation as is done in this 

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McGraw-Hill Education. General Chemistry II Equation Sheet. Think about how to set up the problem first then apply the needed principles and formulas. Phase 

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ν ν λν λ. × -. ×. -. ×. -. -. -. +. -. +. -. × -. °. ×. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. [ ]. -. [ ]. -. -. © 2020 College Board. 1 of 2. AP Chemistry Equations 

Chapter 4 - Stoichiometry of Chemical Reactions

A coefficient of 1 is typically omitted. It is common practice to use the smallest possible whole-number coefficients in a chemical equation as is done in this 


Equations. When carbon dioxide is dissolved in an aqueous solution of sodium ... general region for value of energy of the orbital and the average distance of ...

Common Equations Used in Chemistry Equation for density: d= m v

Common Equations Used in Chemistry. Equation for density: d= Van der waals equation; for calculating the pressure of a nonideal gas:.

Formula Sheet For General Chemistry

Formula Sheet For General Chemistry. DESCRIPTION. EQUATION. Ideal gas equation. Adibiatic change. Charles' Law. Bohr Radius. Radii of stable orbits in the.

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MCAT Chemistry Equation Sheet. We've helped over 50000 students get better grades since 1999! ORBITALS AND ELECTRONS. Quantum numbers descriptions. Quantum.

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chemical reactions using chemical equations how to classify some common chemical reactions by represented by a chemical equation using formulas (top).

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number of entities. N. 1. (e.g. molecules atoms


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  • What is the general formula equation in chemistry?

    The general form of a chemical equation is: Reactants ? Products. The reactants in a chemical equation are present at the beginning of the reaction, and the products are the substances that are produced in the reaction. The reactants are always written on the left side of the equation and the products on the right.
  • What formulas are used in chemistry?

    There are three basic types of chemical formula, the empirical formula, the molecular formula, and the structural formula.
  • How can I memorize chemical formulas easily?

    Memorizing Chemistry Using Repetition
    As you become more familiar with a word/structure/sequence, it will become easier to remember it. This is the memorization method most of us use. We copy notes, use flashcard to recall information in a new order, and draw out structures over and over again from memory.
  • E=mc^2. For our first, we'll take perhaps the most famous equation of all. Albert Einstein's 1905 equation relating mass and energy is both elegant and superficially counterintuitive. It says that energy is equal to the mass of an object in its rest frame multiplied by the speed of light squared.

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°érszβ βvé-â wâ γvs zé-sα vozt ét γvs twuπαs32>_[khY 0*.The reaction between methane and oxygen to yield -carbon dioxide in water (shown at bottom) may -be

represented by a chemical equation using formulas (-top).

evwβ s'o°øzs wzzπβγαoγsβ γvs tπâro°sâγoz oβøsqγβ ét 2oâV qvs°wqoz sΔπoγwéâE

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ét γvs sΔπoγwéâ3

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πâwγ1 oâr βé γvwβ sΔπoγwéâ °oV ps qéααsqγzV αso2r wâ °oâV -oVβ1 wâqzπrwâuE176Chapter 4 Stoichiometry of Chemical Reactions3DEO?KJPAJPEO=R=EH=>HABKNBNAA=PDPPL/content/col11760/1.9

-Mmdnfuibof npmfdvmf boesvnpyzhfo npmfdvmft sfbdu up zjfmenmddbscpo ejpyjef npmfdvmf boesvnxbufs npmfdvmft. -Mmd cnydmnfuibof npmfdvmft boesvn cnydmpyzhfo npmfdvmft sfbdu up zjfmenmd cnydmdbscpo ejpyjef npmfdvmft boesvn cnydmxbufs npmfdvmft. -Mmd lnkdpg nfuibof npmfdvmft boe0 lnkdrpg pyzhfo npmfdvmft sfbdu up zjfme/ lnkdpg dbscpo ejpyjef

npmfdvmft boe0 lnkdrpg xbufs npmfdvmft.>a]liZ 0*/Qdf_qckdrr ne sgd _arnktsd mtladq ne lnkdbtkdr hmun-kudc, sgd q_shnr adsvddm mtladqr ne lnkdbtkdr _qd

sgd r_ld _r sg_s fhudm hm sgd bgdlhb_k dpt_shnm.- :VcVeXae] =hlVkafej

Uif difnjdbm frvbujpo eftdsjcfe jo tfdujpo 4.1 jtYXgXiZ][, nfbojoh uibu frvbm ovncfst pg bupnt gps fbdi fmfnfou

jowpmwfe jo uif sfbdujpo bsf sfqsftfoufe po uif sfbdubou boe qspevdu tjeft. Uijt jt b sfrvjsfnfou uif frvbujpo nvtu

tbujtgz up cf dpotjtufou xjui uif mbx pg dpotfswbujpo pg nbuufs. Ju nbz cf dpogjsnfe cz tjnqmz tvnnjoh uif ovncfst

pg bupnt po fjuifs tjef pg uif bsspx boe dpnqbsjoh uiftf tvnt up fotvsf uifz bsf frvbm. Opuf uibu uif ovncfs pg

bupnt gps b hjwfo fmfnfou jt dbmdvmbufe cz nvmujqmzjoh uif dpfggjdjfou pg boz gpsnvmb dpoubjojoh uibu fmfnfou cz uif

fmfnfou-t tvctdsjqu jo uif gpsnvmb. Jg bo fmfnfou bqqfbst jo npsf uibo pof gpsnvmb po b hjwfo tjef pg uif frvbujpo, uif

ovncfs pg bupnt sfqsftfoufe jo fbdi nvtu cf dpnqvufe boe uifo beefe uphfuifs. Gps fybnqmf, cpui qspevdu tqfdjft jo

uif fybnqmf sfbdujpo, DP

2boe I2P, dpoubjo uif fmfnfou pyzhfo, boe tp uif ovncfs pg pyzhfo bupnt po uif qspevdu

tjef pg uif frvbujpo jt



' UAO . UAOBg_osdq 4 Rsnhbghnldsqx ne Bgdlhb_k Qd_bshnmr177

A balanced chemical equation often may be derived from a qualitative description of some chemical reaction by a

fairly simple approach known as balancing by inspection. Consider as an example the decomposition of water to yield

molecular hydrogen and oxygen. This process is r-epresented qualitatively by antmaZkZmbdcchemical equation:

=cZdZek KZVXkVekj IifYlXkj :VcVeXZY8


. wJK

The numbers of H atoms on the reactant and product sides of the equation are equal, but the numbers of O atoms

are not. To achieve balance, thebndeehbhdmsrof the equation may be changed as needed. Keep in mind, of course, that

theenqltkZ rtarbqhosrdefine, in part, the identity of the substance, and so these cannot be changed without altering

the qualitative meaning of the equation. For example, changing the reactant formula from H

2O to H2O2would yield

balance in the number of atoms, but doing so also changes the reactant's identity (it's now hydrogen peroxide and not

water). The O atom balance may be achieved b-y changing the coefficient for H

2O to 2.

H.2 = 4 1 wJK


The H atom balance was upset by this change, but it is easily reestablished by changing the coefficient for the H

2 product to 2.

H 2.2 = 2 4 = 4, yes


These coefficients yield equal numbers of both H and O atoms on the reactant and product sides, and the balanced

equation is, therefore:

:VcVeXae] ;_ZdaXVc =hlVkafej178Chapter 4 Stoichiometry of Chemical Reactions3DEO?KJPAJPEO=R=EH=>HABKNBNAA=PDPPL/content/col11760/1.9

Write a balanced equation for the reaction of molecular nitrogen (N

2) and oxygen (O2) to form dinitrogen



First, write the unbalanced equation.

Hpjqjrx Ujfhxfrxw Svsiyhxw EfpfrhjiC


. wJK

Though nitrogen is balanced, changes in coefficients are needed to balance the number of oxygen atoms. To

balance the number of oxygen atoms, a reasonable first attempt would be to change the coefficients for the


2and N2O5to integers that will yield 10 O atoms (the least common multiple for the O atom subscripts in

these two formulas).

N 132 = 4 2 ≠ 4, no

O62 = 1035 = 10 10 = 10, yes

The N atom balance has been upset by this change; it is restored by changing the coefficient for the reactant


2to 2.

N32 = 4 2 UAO


The numbers of N and O atoms on either side of the equation are now equal, and so the equation is balanced.

Fmjho bsyv Ojfvrnrl

Write a balanced equation for the decomposition of ammonium nitrate to form molecular nitrogen,

molecular oxygen, and water. (Hint: Balance oxygen last, since it is present in more than one molecule on

the right side of the equation.)


It is sometimes convenient to use fractions instead of integers as intermediate coefficients in the process of balancing

a chemical equation. When balance is achieved, all the equation's coefficients may then be multiplied by a whole

number to convert the fractional coefficients to integers without upsetting the atom balance. For example, consider

the reaction of ethane (C

2H6) with oxygen to yield H2O and CO2, represented by the unbalanced equation:


2reactant to yield an odd number, so a fractional coefficient,



bndeehbhdmsr. Although the equation for the reaction between molecular nitrogen and molecular hydrogen to produce

ammonia is, indeed, balanced, additional practice balancing equations.

9YYakafeVc Be[fidVkafe ae ;_ZdaXVc =hlVkafej

The physical states of reactants and products in chemical equations very often are indicated with a parenthetical

abbreviation following the formulas. Common abbreviations includerfor solids,kfor liquids,ffor gases, andZp

for substances dissolved in water ( Zptdntr rnktshnmr, as introduced in the preceding chapter). These notations are illustrated in the example equation here: ڮ

Special conditions necessary for a reaction are sometimes designated by writing a word or symbol above or below the

equation's arrow. For example, a reaction carried out by heating may be indicated by the uppercase Greek letter delta

(Δ) over the arrow.

Huyfxnsrw ksv Lsrnh Ujfhxnsrw

Given the abundance of water on earth, it stands to reason that a great many chemical reactions take place in aqueous

media. When ions are involved in these reactions, the chemical equations may be written with various levels of detail

appropriate to their intended use. To illustrate this, consider a reaction between ionic compounds taking place in an

aqueous solution. When aqueous solutions of CaCl

2and AgNO3are mixed, a reaction takes place producing aqueous


3)2and solid AgCl:

represent the ionic species that are present in solution. When ionic compounds dissolve in water, they maySXeeaRXPfT

into their constituent ions, which are subsequently dispersed homogenously throughout the resulting solution (a

thorough discussion of this important process is provided in the chapter on solutions). Ionic compounds dissolved in

water are, therefore, more realistically represented -as dissociated ions, in this case:

Explicitly representing all dissolved ions results in aSb_c]UgU YbaYS UdhQgYba. In this particular case, the formulas

for the dissolved ionic compounds are replaced by -formulas for their dissociated ions:

2+(Pc) and

Ч4EBPBfcUSgQgbe Ybaf - ions whose presence is required to maintain charge neutrality - are

neither chemically nor physically changed by the process, and so they may be eliminated from the equation to yield a

more succinct representation called aaUg YbaYS UdhQgYba: $M

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