[PDF] Panel for Adobe Premiere Pro - Version

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MediaCentral | Panel for Adobe Premiere Pro

Version 2021.7 ReadMe

Important Information

Avid recommends that you read all the information in this ReadMe file thoroughly before installing or using any new software release. This document describes the integration between MediaCentral and Adobe Premiere Pro. Follow the links on the following Avid Knowledge Base page to obtain more information on your specific version of MediaCentral Cloud UX:

Revision History


About MediaCentral | Panel for Adobe Premiere Pro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Installation Procedures - MediaCentral | Panel for Adobe Premiere Pro (Windows). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Installation Procedures - MediaCentral | Panel for Adobe Premiere Pro (macOS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Configuring the MediaCentral | Panel for Adobe Premiere Pro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Configuring the MediaCentral | Cloud UX Services for Adobe Premiere Pro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Working with MediaCentral | Cloud UX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Working with the MediaCentral | Panel for Adobe Premiere Pro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

Legal Notices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

Date Revised Changes Made

August 11, 2021 Updated as follows:

Removed this limitation as it was no longer reproducible: TI-11831. Subclip edits cannot be checked into MediaCentral. Added this limitation: TI-11874. After performing a software update, user settings are shown as empty. Added note stating that "Autosave folders are not shown in the Browse app."

July 29, 2021 First publication

About MediaCentral | Panel for Adobe Premiere Pro


About MediaCentral | Panel for Adobe Premiere Pro

Adobe Premiere Pro users can now access the power of the Avid MediaCentral Platform from within Adobe Premiere Pro using a dedicated panel (the Adobe Premiere Pro Panel). For MediaCentral Cloud UX, the panel enables a roundtrip workflow with Avid's asset management systems by connecting an Adobe Premiere Pro editor to Avid MediaCentral | Production

Management and MediaCentral | Asset Management.

Editors working in Adobe Premiere Pro can access production assets and associated metadata across Production Management and Asset Management systems using MediaCentral Cloud UX. They can import and edit MediaCentral Cloud UX basic and advanced sequences in a variety of Adobe Premiere Pro supported formats directly from Avid shared-storage workspaces. Using the MediaCentral | Panel for Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Premiere Pro editors can also export the active sequence from Adobe Premiere Pro to MediaCentral Production Management or MediaCentral Asset Management in the format and resolution of choice. This guide references elements of the MediaCentral Cloud UX user interface, such as the Fast Bar, the Asset Editor, the Browse and Search apps, and more. Users are expected to have a good working knowledge of the MediaCentral Cloud UX software. If you need more information about these or other areas of MediaCentral Cloud UX, see the Avid MediaCentral | Cloud UX User Guide.

For more information, see the following topics:

Components Overview


Components Overview

The MediaCentral | Panel for Adobe Premiere Pro v2021.7 might be used to connect to multiple versions of Adobe Premiere Pro and Avid MediaCentral Cloud UX. For compatibility information for this release, see the "Compatibility Matrix for MediaCentral | Cloud UX" on the Avid Knowledge Base:

Avid Audio and Video Compatibility Charts

Note the following options:

For the latest information on Avid ISIS and Avid NEXIS documentation, see the following documentation page of the Avid Knowledge Base:

Avid ISIS Documentation

Avid NEXIS Documentation

For the latest information on MediaCentral Ingest documentation, see the MediaCentral Ingest documentation page of the Avid Knowledge Base: MediaCentral Ingest Documentation and Qualified AMA Plugins

Product Comment

MediaCentral | Asset

ManagementMediaCentral Asset Management provide the required process to export sequences from Adobe Premiere Pro to Asset Management folders through

MediaCentral Cloud UX.

MediaCentral | Production

ManagementMediaCentral Production Management (formerly Interplay Production) v3.8 introduced support for the format families directly supported by Adobe Premiere Pro. Additional shotlist-only format support may be available, depending on the capabilities and version of Adobe Premiere Pro and Production Management. See "MediaCentral | Production Management Compatibility Validation and Limitations" on page 23. MediaCentral | Ingest Initial support for Adobe Premiere Pro was introduced with Media Director v1.5. To use advanced functionality that is available when a MediaCentral Ingest system is installed, Avid recommends using the latest version of MediaCentral Ingest. See "Enabling MediaCentral | Ingest Based Options" on page 13.

Avid ISIS or Avid NEXIS Client

ManagerNeeded if assets and sequences that are stored on Avid shared storage are to be used.

MediaCentral | Connector for

Adobe Premiere ProOptional set of functionality on MediaCentral Cloud UX to enable Avid NEXIS based project management. In order to use this functionality, you need to activate the MediaCentral Connector for Adobe Premiere Pro license on Cloud UX. For more information on using this functionality, see "Working with the MediaCentral | Panel for Adobe Premiere Pro" on page 73.

New Features in 2021.7


Supported macOS Versions

The MediaCentral | Panel for Adobe Premiere Pro v2021.7 was tested and qualified with the following macOS versions. macOS 10.14 (Mojave) macOS 10.15 (Catalina)

Supported Adobe Premiere Pro Versions

The MediaCentral | Panel for Adobe Premiere Pro v2021.7 supports the following Adobe Premiere

Pro versions.

Adobe Premiere Pro v14.5.x (Release 2020)

Adobe Premiere Pro v15.2 (Release 2021)


Not supported: Adobe Premiere Pro v15.4

Localized User Interface

Although the MediaCentral Cloud UX user interface has been localized in this version, Adobe Premiere Pro only supports a handful of languages for their own user interface. Therefore, not all languages supported for MediaCentral Cloud UX are fully supported in the MediaCentral Panel for

Adobe Premiere Pro.

New Features in 2021.7

This section covers the new features for the 2021.7 release. For information, see the topic "MediaCentral | Panel for Adobe Premiere Pro Features" on page 4. MediaCentral | Panel for Adobe Premiere Pro Features The following table describes the features relating to the MediaCentral | Panel for Adobe Premiere

Pro in this release.

MediaCentral | Panel for Adobe Premiere Pro Features

Feature Description

Support for the Rundown app The Adobe Panel now supports the MediaCentral | Newsroom app allowing users to see rundowns, import sequences directly from a rundown and save back to a story in a rundown. For more information, see "Importing Production Management Sequences from the Rundown App" on page 64.

New Features in 2021.7


Support for MediaCentral

Capture clipsThe MediaCentral Panel for Adobe Premiere Pro now supports importing MediaCentral Capture clips (including growing clips) from Production


n We support MediaCentral Capture clips only, not spanned Capture clips with Adobe Premiere Pro, but the simplest Capture clips only. Users can import a Capture clip into their Adobe Premiere Pro bins through their normal Import workflow of right-clicking an asset and selecting "Import to Adobe Premiere Pro". In order to control whether the hi-res or proxy version of the material is imported, a new setting has been added to the Production Management section of the User Settings dialog box. By default, the Panel will attempt to import the hi-res device clip, but will fall back to the proxy device clip. Similarly, if the proxy is selected as the preferred resolution, the Panel will attempt to import it first, and fall back to hi-res if the proxy is not available. n The multi-res handling described in this section applies exclusively to assets created with MediaCentral Capture where one or two "Device clips" are linked to the "Capture clip". For more information, see "Importing Content Using the Panel for Adobe

Premiere Pro" on page 73.

Search enhancements for

searching for an Adobe Bin,

Adobe Clip, and Adobe

SequencePrevious versions, allowed you to search for an Adobe Project. With

2021.7, we have made some search enhancements for searching for an

Adobe Bin, Adobe Clip, and Adobe Sequence. The following search options are now available:

Adobe Clip (New)

Adobe Bin (New)

Adobe Sequence (New)

Adobe Project

Updating Production

Management sequences from

Adobe Premiere ProIf a sequence in Adobe Premiere Pro is tagged with the Cloud UX asset ID, the sequence can then be overwritten by right-clicking the sequence in Cloud UX, and selecting Update Sequence from Adobe Premiere Pro. This will check in the sequence and replace the existing version. As with regular sequence check-ins into Production Management, the progress of this operation can be tracked in the Process app.

Storing Cloud UX Asset IDs on

Imported itemsWhen items are imported from Cloud UX through the Panel, the Panel will now store the original document ID on the item in the Adobe Premiere Project's metadata. The values "Manager" and "Manage To" properties of the XMP namespace "Media Management" will now be set to "Cloud UX" and "". By tagging the Adobe Premiere Pro items with the Cloud UX ID, the Panel can then offer new actions such as overwriting existing sequences. For more information, see "How the Panel for Adobe Premiere Pro Stores

Cloud UX Asset IDs on Imported Items" on page 64

Feature Description

New Features in 2021.7


Notifications for Import / Export

operationsThe Panel now shows a notification when starting operations such as Import or Export tasks. It can be dismissed by clicking the close button. For tasks that rely on Media|Central Ingest jobs, the notification provides a shortcut to open the Progress dialog box.

Here is an example of an Export notification:

When importing assets from Production Management, the notification will stay open until all the necessary data has been retrieved so that Adobe Premiere Pro can begin the actual Import process into its bins. Here is an example of an Import notification:

Feature Description

New Features in 2021.7


Fixed Issues in Version 2021.7

The following items were fixed in version 2021.7:

aBug Number: TI-9966. Assets on Production Management that were either restored from archive or delivered from another workgroup will now be imported with up to date file paths, rather than pointing to the previous locations that may no longer exist. aBug Number: TI-10968. You cannot create a Production next to another Production that starts with the same name (e.g., if you have a Production named "Prod1", you cannot create a Production named "Prod2."). This issue was fixed in the v2021.3 release. aBug Number: TI-10972. In the Browse app, when you are at the top (root) level of the Production, and right-click, there is no menu item for Create Project from Template. However, in subfolders, within a Production, Create Project from Template works as expected. This issue was fixed in the v2021.3 release. aBug Number: TI-11123. The Markers panel inside Adobe Premiere Pro displays incorrect timecodes. However, the Marker dialog box does show the correct values. aBug Number: TI-11502. Master clips in Production Management that were created either by capturing from video by Media Composer, AirSpeed 5000 or AirSpeed 5500, or Fastserve, do not have the proper timecode when imported into Adobe Premiere Pro. Adobe Premiere Pro starts all timecode at 00:00:00:00, no matter what the starting timecode is on the Production Management side. The Panel now attempts to retrieve and set the start timecodes for assets imported from Cloud UX. aBug Number: TI-11522. In the Panel for Adobe Premiere Pro, when starting on a new project, or if a folder has not been double-clicked, the insertionBin may be null, causing imported items to remain

in a temp import folder. Once a bin has been double clicked, Premiere will set the insertion bin to that

folder and newly imported media will be placed there.

Known Issues in Version 2021.7

The MediaCentral | Panel for Adobe Premiere Pro does not support multi-site setups, which were introduced with MediaCentral Cloud UX v2019.6 in the Browse app. Therefore remote systems are not displayed so that you only see the local systems you can use. In the Search app, however, assets from remote systems can appear in search results lists. Remote assets are indicated by a downward-pointing arrow and a warning icon. You cannot use remote assets in the import and export round-trip workflows. When you double-click a remote asset a message opens indicating that "Remote assets are not supported when Cloud UX is

embedded inside another application." If you select several assets in the Search app results list and

your selection contains local and remote assets, the remote assets are excluded as soon as you apply an action. aBug Number: TI-11874. After performing a software update, user settings are shown as empty.

New Features in 2021.7

8 aBug Number: TI-11814. Multi Rez clips imported from Production Management can become unlinked and appear offline in the MediaCentral Panel for Adobe Premiere Pro. aBug Number: TI-10862. Only certain Encoder Presets are usable for export to Media Asset Management causing the Media Asset Management import process to support only import of plain files and folders. Some encoder presets create folder structure such as camera folder that are not supported by Media Asset Management import process. aBug Number: TI-10130. When a shotlist from an MediaCentral Asset Management system is imported into Adobe Premiere Pro, a sequence with the main title of the sequence object will be created. The name displayed in the Asset Management folder is the name of the link pointing to the actual sequence object. aBug Number: TI-11551. In MediaCentral Cloud UX, if you create a Production Management sequence, restrictions that appear in the Cloud UX Production Management sequence do not import into Adobe Premiere Pro. However, master clips with restrictions do successfully import into Adobe Premiere Pro. Also, if the master clips are imported into Adobe Premiere Pro first (restrictions are now visible in Adobe Premiere Pro on master clips), then the Production Management sequence is imported into Adobe Premiere Pro, and the restrictions will be visible in the Adobe Premiere Pro sequence timeline. aBug Number: TI-11552. In MediaCentral Cloud UX, if you create a Production Management

sequence with master clips containing restrictions, the restrictions are not visible for sequences in the

Panel for Adobe Premiere Pro Player monitor. However, master clips with restrictions can be seen in the Adobe Panel Player monitor, so the problem is only for sequences. aBug Number: TI-11553. Restrictions on Adobe Premiere Pro sequences do not export to Production Management if the restrictions were added in Adobe Premiere Pro. aBug Number: TI-11568. Mixed frame rate clips are not supported. Also, audio-only clips from Production Management can prevent the check-in of sequences from the MediaCentral Panel for

Adobe Premiere Pro to Production Management.

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