[PDF] Inheritance and Polymorphism UML Diagrams. One of the

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Inheritance of Dynamic Behavior in UML

Abstract. One of the key issues of object-oriented modeling and design is in- heritance. It allows for the definition of subclasses that inherit features of 

Inheritance and Polymorphism

UML Diagrams. One of the main principles of Object Oriented Programming is defining strong relationships between different pieces of information.

Tutorial 6 – Inheritance and UML

This week we will look at classes interfaces and abstraction

ATL Transformation Examples The MOF to UML ATL transformation

ATL Transformation Example. MOF to UML. Date 03/11/2005. Page 19. 478. -- Begin bindings inherited from Namespace. 479. --. ownedElement <- mc.contents.

Database Modeling in UML

As we will see the relational model has no direct counterpart of inheritance

Language and Tool Support for Class and State Machine

Refined Class C inherited new. Similarly for classes: UML-B refinement may contain refined classes may drop refined classes or/and introduce new classes.

AIXM UML to AIXM XSD Mapping 1.1

4 feb 2010 UML to XSD Schema Mapping. Edition: 1.1. 13. 4.4 Mapping Inheritance. Within the AIXM XML Schema inheritance implies two characteristics:.

Tutorial 6 – Inheritance and UML

This week we will look at classes interfaces and abstraction


case with UML being the modeling language and arrow diagram logic devel- However the conventional approach (inherited by. UML) to this type of ...

Behavior Consistent Inheritance in UML

Behavior Consistent Inheritance in UML. Markus Stumptner The other way is to consider inherited features in more detail which we call refinement.

Chapter 12: Derived Classes - Yale University

Figure 12 1: UML diagram for private and public inheritance 12 1 1 Resolving Ambiguous Names It is normal for a base class and a derived class to have methods with the same name (purposes 2 and 3 above) In this case we say that the method in the derived classoverridesthe base method

FAQ: How Does Uml Show Inheritance? - lastfiascoruncom

their OWN methods next to the inherited ones the business events end_PrivateCustomerand end_BusinessCustomer exist next to the business event end_customer e g the class PrivateCustomer has two ending methods: end_Customer inherited from Customer its OWN end_PrivateCustomer method The class BusinessCustomer extends the class

UML Class Diagrams - University of Washington

• A UML class diagram is a picture of • the classes in an OO system • their ?elds and methods • connections between the classes that interact or inherit from each other • Not represented in a UML class diagram: • details of how the classes interact with each other • algorithmic details; how a particular behavior is implemented

Unit 9: Inheritance - GitHub Pages

inheritance: A way to form new classes based on existing classes taking on their attributes/behavior a way to group related classes a way to share code between two or more classes One class can extend another absorbing its data/behavior superclass: The parent class that is being extended

Java inheritance notes - North Central College

1) Definitions 2) UML 3) Inheritance and ctors 4) Override methods 5) Access to methods and variables 6) Classes abstract classes and interfaces 7) Polymorphism 8) The Object class Terms: inheritance concrete class abstract class interface polymorphism composition Keywords extends implements this super public private protected

Searches related to inherited uml filetype:pdf

UML Diagrams One of the main principles of Object Oriented Programming is de?ning strong relationships between di?erent pieces of information We can represent these relationships using UML Diagrams UML - Uni?ed Modeling Language UML is used in any Object Oriented Programming: Java Python C++ C# etc


Inheritance allows us to organize classes into hierarchies based on their inheritance relationships Inheritance is transitive – subclasses inherit state and 

[PDF] Inheritance of Dynamic Behavior in UML - PADS-Web

In this framework four inheritance rules are defined that can be used to construct sub- classes from (super-)classes These rules and corresponding techniques 

[PDF] Inheritance and Polymorphism - SMU

We can represent these relationships using UML Diagrams UML - Unified Modeling Language UML is used in any Object Oriented Programming: Java Python C++ C# 

[PDF] Tutorial 6 – Inheritance and UML - Canvas

This week we will look at classes interfaces and abstraction with a particular focus on inheritance We'll use UML diagrams and standards to understand 

[PDF] Inheritance

A fundamental object-oriented technique used to organize and create reusable classes • Inheritance allows a software developer to derive a new class from 

[PDF] 3 Inheritance and Method Overriding

Document an inheritance hierarchy using UML and • Implement inheritance and method overriding in C# programs All of the material covered in this chapter 

Behavior Consistent Inheritance in UML - Springer Link

The paper considers the specialization of life cycles via inheritance mapping UML statecharts to OBD diagrams for which we have in the past pro-


Programming and UML Lecture 3 UML Class Diagrams Inheritance is the ability to define a new class in terms of an existing class

[PDF] Software Modeling using UML - IIIT Hyderabad

Method names should be verb phrases 3 Identify any inheritance relationships among the classes and draw the class diagram representing inheritance 

What is inheritance diagram in UML?

    In UML, an inheritance relationship is represented by an arrow with a triangular tip pointing from the derived class to the base class. Inherited attributes and methods are not repeated in the representation of the derived class. How does UML Show inheritance diagrams?

What is inherited class in Java?

    In Javaall classes caninheritattributes (instance variables) and behaviors (methods) from another class. The class being inherited from is called theparent class or superclass. The class that is inheriting is called thechild classorsubclass.

Do subclasses inherit private variables?

    Subclasses inherit all the public and private instance variables in a superclass that they extend, but they cannot directly access private variables. And constructors are not inherited. How do you initialize inherited private variables if you don’t have direct access to them in the subclass?

What does it mean to inherit something from a relative?

    2 Inheritance You may have heard of someone coming into an inheritance, which often means they were left something from a relative who died. Or, you might hear someone say that they have inherited musical ability from a parent.

Chapter 13Inheritance and Polymorphism

Object Oriented ProgrammingThe 3 principles of object oriented programming: Encapsulation - the process of combining data members and functions in a single unit called class. This is to prevent the access to the data directly, the access to them is provided through the functions of the class.

Inheritance Polymorphism

InheritanceIn object oriented programming, one of the most important topics is inheritance. Inheritance - the concept of deriving a class from another class, forming a hierarchy.

Inheritance provides code reuse, better organization and faster development time.

InheritanceWhen creating a class, instead of writing completely new data members and member functions, we can designate that the class inherit these properties from an existing class

Base Class (super class)- The existing class in inheritance. A class definition that provides basic, common data attributes and/or member functions that will be extended by a derived class.

Derived Class (sub class)- A class definition that inherits data members and member functions from a Base Class.

Derived Class DefinitionTo define a derived class we need to specify the access-specifier and the base class

Types of access specifiers:

•Public •Private •Protected class derived-class: access-specifier base-class example: base.cpp

UML DiagramsOne of the main principles of Object Oriented Programming is defining strong relationships between different pieces of information

We can represent these relationships using UML Diagrams.

UML - Unified Modeling Language UML is used in any Object Oriented Programming: Java, Python, C++, C#, etc.

UML Diagram BasicsA Class Diagram is a UML Diagram that depicts a class': •Name

•Data Members (public private and protected) •Member Functions (public private and protected) Class NameData MembersMember Functions

UML Diagram BasicsWe represent member access with the following: - means private + means public # means protectedEmployee+Name -Id+getName() +setName(string)

UML Diagram BasicsDefining Relationships

GenericItem-itemName -itemQuantity +SetName() +SetQuantity() +PrintItem()ProduceItem-expirationDate+SetExpiration() +GetExpiration()Solid line with unfilled arrow indicates class derivationBase ClassDerived Classexample: produce.cpp

UML Diagram BasicsDefining Relationships

Derived class diagrams only contain data members not defined in the Base Class

Note that Derived Class still contains Base Class Data Members and Member FunctionsGenericItem-itemName -itemQuantity +SetName() +SetQuantity() +PrintItem()ProduceItem-expirationDate+SetExpiration() +GetExpiration()Base ClassDerived Classhttps://learn.zybooks.com/zybook/SMUCS1342Spring2020/chapter/13/section/1

Access SpecifiersThree types of access specifiers: Public: class members and functions accessible to any function

Private: class members and functions only accessible by member functions and friends of a class (we will talk about friend functions later) Protected: class members and functions can be used by member functions or friends of a class, as well as classes derived from the class

Member Access in Base ClassBase Class MemberspublicprotectedprivatepublicpublicprotectedprivateprotectedprotectedprotectedprivateprivateNot accessibleNot accessibleNot accesibleexample: memberAccess.cppWe can specify how a Base Class' members are inherited in the derived class: Type of Inheritance

Life Cycle of InheritanceUnlike other member functions within a class, Constructors and Destructors are NOT inherited by a derived class.

Example Constructor: When an object is created:

1.Memory for class is reserved

2.The constructor is called

3.Initializer list is called (if one exists)

4.Body of constructor is executed

5.Control returns to calling process class Employee { Employee(): name{"No Name"}, age{0} { // body of constructor } };

Life Cycle of InheritanceInheritance Constructor:

When an object is created (with inheritance):

1.Memory for class is reserved (both Derived AND Base class)

2.The Derived constructor is called

3.The base class is constructed first using appropriate constructor 4.Derived Initializer list is called (if one exists)

5.Body of constructor is executed

6.Control returns to calling process class Person { Person() {} }; class Employee: public Person { Employee( ): name{"No Name"}, age{0} { // body of constructor } };

Life Cycle of Inheritance

Lifetime of an object:

1.Base class constructor

2.Derived class constructor

3.Derived class destructor

4.Base class destructor class Person { Person( ); ~Person( ); }; class Employee: public Person { Employee( ); ~Employee( ); }; Employee employee1; // Create object

Single InheritanceSingle Inheritance: In single inheritance, a class is allowed to inherit from only one class. i.e. one sub class is inherited by one base class only.class DerivedClass: public Base { }

Multiple InheritanceMultiple Inheritance: Multiple Inheritance is a feature of C++ where a class can inherit from more than one classes. i.e one sub class is inherited from more than one base classes.class DerivedClass: public Base1, public Base2 { }

Multi-Level InheritanceMultilevel Inheritance: In this type of inheritance, a derived class is created from another derived class.class Base1: public Base2 { } class DerivedClass: public Base1 { }

Hierarchical InheritanceHierarchical Inheritance: In this type of inheritance, more than one sub class is inherited from a single base class. i.e. more than one derived class is created from a single base class.class DerivedClass1: public Base { } class DerivedClass2: public Base { }

Is-a vs Has-a RelationshipIs-a relationship - an is-a relationship is representative of Inheritance, where an object inherits specific properties from a base class

Has-a relationship - a has-a relationship is when we use Composition to represent the fact that an object is made up of other objects (NOT inheritance).example: abstract.cpp

Has-A Relationshipclass ChildInfo { string firstName; string birthDate; string schoolName; ...};class MotherInfo { string firstName; string birthDate; string spouseName; vector childrenData; ...};In a has-a relationship, there is no inheritance involved. Instead on object is composed of another. This relationship is known as Object Composition.

Is-A Relationshipclass PersonInfo { string firstName; string birthDate; ...};class ChildInfo : public PersonInfo { string schoolName; ...};class MotherInfo : public PersonInfo { string spouseName; vector childrenData; ...};In an is-a relationship, we are using Inheritance. Determining whether a set of objects are defined using a has-a relationship vs. an is-a relationship is a helpful strategy for determining if inheritance or composition is needed.

Friend Functionsexample: friend.cppA friend function of a class is a function defined outside of the scope of the class but has access to all private and protected data members and functions of that class.

Use the friend keyword to denote a friend function. class Employee { string name; public: friend void print(Employee employee); void setName(string name) { this->name = name; } };

Friend Classexample: friendClass.cppSimilarly to a friend function, a friend class is a class who has access to private and protected data members and member functions of another class Friendships are never corresponded unless specified. Defining one class friendship does not mean the friend class is also a friendly class.

Friendships are not transitive, meaning the friend of a friend is not a friend unless explicitly defined.

Overriding member functionsOverriding member functions is possible when a derived class defines a member function that has the same name as the base class. class BaseClass { void print(); }; class DerivedClass: public BaseClass { void print(); };

Overriding vs OverloadingOverloading: functions of the same name but with different parameter types.

Overriding: functions with the same signature in the derived class as the base class will "hide" the base class function.

- We can refer to the base class definition of a function if we provide the base class scope. class DerivedClass: public BaseClass { void print() { BaseClass::print(); } }; example: override.cpp

PolymorphismPolymorphism - refers to the behavior of a function of an object will differ dependent upon the type of the object. Overloading and Overriding are examples of compile-time polymorphism.void insert(double value); void insert(int value); void insert(char value);

PolymorphismRuntime Polymorphism is when the compiler cannot make the determination of which function to run, and the determination is instead performed while the program is running.

example: polymorphism.cppclass Base { virtual void print(); } class Derived: public Base { void print(); }

The virtual keywordA virtual function is a member function that may be overridden in a derived class and for which runtime polymorphism is used.

Denoted by the keyword: virtual

example: virtual.cppclass Base { virtual void print(); } class Derived: public Base { void print(); }

Pure Virtual FunctionsA base class can also have a pure virtual function.

This tells the programmer that the derived class must override or implement the virtual function for polymorphism.

When a class has a pure virtual function this is known as an abstract class.

An abstract class cannot be instantiated but is only used for inheritance and/or polymorphism.example: abstract.cppclass Base { virtual void print() = 0; virtual int getItem() = 0; }

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