[PDF] The Notion of Learner Autonomy in the Algerian EFL Classrooms

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PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ALGERIA. ??????? ??????? ????? I do my homework. ... 4. The fourth. The 4th. 5. The fifth. The 5th. Name. Year of birth.

The Higher Education system in Algeria National Report

In 1962 Algeria had only three higher education establishments (Algiers

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Rewriting the curriculum for teaching - learning English in Algeria The four years of the middle school are important foundation years for the ...

The Evolution of the English Language Textbooks in Postcolonial

Algerian learners. The post independence period is characterized by The Evolution of the English Language Textbooks in Postcolonial Algeria... 4.

The Notion of Learner Autonomy in the Algerian EFL Classrooms

Table 2.1 English Textbooks in Algeria From 1968 to 2003. (Hayane 1989) existence of learner autonomy in fourth year EFL classrooms at Guettaf Mansour.


Table 41Doing Homework Improves Writing Essay Assignments in English In recent years the Algerian educational system has accorded greater priority.


Before attending university English writing is taught implicitly in the. Algerian schools for at least seven years (four years in the middle school and.

An Evaluation of the Algerian Middle School English Syllabuses and

The present study attempts to evaluate the Algerian middle school. English syllabi and the four textbooks that are designed to achieve the year pupils).

Is the Algerian Educational System Weakening? An Investigation of

Both populations were first year students at the English. Department (University of Constantine) and received the same treatment: a sociological questionnaire 

Some Notes on the CBLT in Algeria

more appropriate English Language teaching and learning in Algeria. Introduction English 3rd year English

Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

Djillali Liabes University Sidi Bel Abbes

Faculty of Letters, Languages and Arts

Department of English

Dissertation Submitted to the Department of English as a Partial Fulfillment for the Degree of "Magister" in Psychopedagogy

Presented by:

Under the Supervision of: - Mrs. Zohra KADI - Pr. Fewzia BEDJAOUI

Board of Examiners:

President: Pr. Zouaoui MERBOUH (DLU), Sidi Bel Abbes. Supervisor: Pr. Fewzia BEDJAOUI (DLU), Sidi Bel Abbes. Examiner: Dr. Hind MOSTARI (MC-A) (DLU), Sidi Bel Abbes. Academic Year: 2017- 2018 The Notion of Learner Autonomy in the Algerian

EFL Classrooms:

The Case of 4


Year Pupils in

Guettaf Mansour Middle School (El-Bayadh)



s I dedicate this research work to my parents who switch candles of hope around me, and devoted their lives to see me succeed

To my beloved husband


who gave me support and help when I was really in need of them.

To my lovely families


To all my teachers from the primary school to the university and to all my pupils Special dedication to my friends who stand by me in my hour of grief and give me belief, to my intimate friends Zahra and Fatima II


First and foremost, I would like to express my deep recognition to Allah, for giving me ambition, determination, and strength to finish this work. Sincere gratitude, deepest appreciation and heartfelt thanks to my supervisor Pr. Fewzia BEDJAOUI for her assistance, patience and guidance in the writing of this dissertation.

A deepest appreciation goes also to


MELOUK, Pr. OUERRAD, and Dr. BENAISSI for their valuable lectures during the theoretical year, beside a ll my teachers of the D epartment of English at the university of Sidi Bel Abbes and Saida. III


This research is concerned with learner autonomy in the Algerian EFL context in general and middle education in particular. Through this study, the researcher aims to discover to wh ich extent the notion of learner autonomy exists in our middle schools. Therefore, a case study has been designed to investigate both teachers' and lear ners' perceptions and attitudes towards autonomous learning in EFL classroom.

The current

study contains four chapters: Chapter one is a literature review that covers general areas of learner autonomy; definitions, characteristics, principles and approaches. Chapter two provides an overview of ELT situation in Algeria, EFL status in the Algerian middle education and the newly introduce d approach, i.e. the Competency- Based Approach with reference to the notion of learner autonomy in this approach. In addition, the second chapter deals with a methodological design in order to answer the research questions. A triangulation method is used in this work; it includes data collection from questionnaires that have been put to middle school teachers and pupils, a classroom observation and an interview with the inspector of English in the city of El-Bayadh. The data collected from these research instruments were analysed quantitatively and qualitatively in the third chapter where some general findings have been drawn. Chapter four provides suggestions and recommendations about how to promote learner autonomy in Algerian EFL classroom .In fact, the research findings show that the notion of learner autonomy is still considered as a challenge for learners as well as teachers in Algeria n middle schools. Therefore, this work is an attempt to reveal the hindrances that impede our pupils from being autonomous in their learning proce ss, and to provide practical implications for both EFL teachers and learners to overcome the barriers they commonly meet when trying to be involved in autonomous learning. IV





Abstract ................................................................................................ III

Table of Contents

.I V

List of Tables, Diagrams,

Pie Charts and

Graphs .........................................XII Key to Abbreviations and Acronyms..............................................................XV GENERAL INTRODUCTION............... .................................................... 1




1.2 The Historical Background of the Term "Autonomy"


1.3 Autonomy in

the Educational Context

1.4 Definitions of Learner Autonomy...........................................................8

1.5 Characteristics of Autonomous Learner ................................................10


Teacher Autonomy

............11 1.6.1

Characteristics of

Teacher Autonomy................................................14 1.6.2 Teacher Autonomy and Learner Autonomy..........................................15 1.7

The Autonomous Classroom

16 1. 8 The Learner's Roles in Autonomous Classroom .....................................18 V 1.8.1

Responsible for Learning

18 1.8.2

Involved in the Learning Process

18 1.8.3 Being Aware..............................................................................18 1.8.4 1.8.5


19 1.

9 Learning

Strategies and Learner Autonomy..........................................19

1.10 Language Learning Strategies (LLS)


Direct Strategies........................................................................21


Indirect Strategies



Metacognitive Strategies

2 2


Cognitive Strategies

2 2


Social Affective Strategies............................................................22 1.11 Language Learning Strategies for Learner Autonomy...............................23 1.12 Strategy Training.............................................................................24 1.1 3 Individual Autonomy and Group Autonomy...........................................26 1.1 4 Fostering Learner Autonomy.............................................................26 1.1 4 .1 Definition of Fostering Learner Autonomy.........................................26 1.1 4 .2 Tips to Foster Learner Autonomy....................................................27 1.1 4 .3 Approaches to Foster Learner Autonomy...........................................30 1.1 4 .4

Principles to Foster Learner Autonomy

..........32 VI 1.1 4 .5

Reasons for Foste

ring Learner Autonomy.............................................34 1.1 4 6 Benefits of Promoting Learner Autonomy in EFL Classroom.....................35 1.1 5 CHAPTER TWO: SITUATION ANALYSIS AND RESEARCH METHODOLOGY

2.1 Introduction ....................................................................................38

2.2 The Status of the English Language........................................................38


3 Algerian



Primary Education

2.3.2 Middle Education.......................................................................... 40 2.3.3 Secondary Education.....................................................................40 2.3.4 Higher Education............................................................................40 2.3.5

Education Institutions


2.4 Algerian Educational Reforms

2.5 English Language Teaching in Algeria.....................................................42 2. 5 .1

The Objectives of ELT in Algeria

2. 5 .2 The Objectives of ELT in Middle Education..........................................47 2. 5 .3

Final Objectives of ELT for Fourth Year Pupils

2. 5 .4 ELT Textbooks in Algerian Middle School ..........................................50 2. 5 .5

Fourth Year ELT Textbook

5 2 2. 5 .6

The Notion of Autonomy within

On the Move .......................................54 VII 2. 6 Background of the Competency-Based Approach......................................56quotesdbs_dbs47.pdfusesText_47
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