[PDF] [PDF] s n ? s Any convergent sequence is bounded

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Math131A Midterm Solutions July 15 2013 Math131A Midterm

15 ???. 2013 ?. By comparison test the series ? sn converges

Math 3150 Fall 2015 HW2 Solutions

Let (sn) be a sequence that converges Assume all sn = 0 and the limit L = lim ... sn. . . of positive real numbers and suppose that limrn = L < 1.

Solutions for Homework #2 Math 451(Section 3 Fall 2014)

b) Suppose that (sn) and (tn) are sequences such that

MA 355 Homework 5 solutions #1 Use the definition of convergence

# 5 Suppose {sn} and {tn} are real sequences and limn?? sn = s. Show limksn = ks and lim(k + sn) = k + s for all kR. a)

4. Sequences 4.1. Convergent sequences. • A sequence (s n

Any convergent sequence is bounded. Proof: Suppose that sn ? s as n ? ?. Taking ? = 1 in the definition of convergence gives that there exists a number N 

Convergent Sequences

We first show that one sequence (sn) can not have two different limits. Suppose sn ? s and sn ? t. Let ? > 0. Then ?. 2. > 0. Since sn ? s by definition 

Real Analysis Midterm Summer 2008 1) Provide an example or state

Suppose that (sn + tn) converges to a and (tn) converges to b. Let c) Let (sn) be a convergent sequence and let (snk ) and (smk ) be two subsequences of ...


converges to a sum S ? R if the sequence (Sn) of partial sums. Sn = Suppose that (an) is a sequence of real numbers and let r = lim sup.

Homework 3 Solutions 17.4. Let {a n} be a sequence with positive

Let {an} be a bounded sequence such that every convergent subsequence of {an} This is an example of a telescoping series. Since. ? lim n=1 sn = ? lim.

[PDF] s n ? s

Any convergent sequence is bounded Proof: Suppose that sn ? s as n ? ? Taking ? = 1 in the definition of convergence gives that there exists a number N 

[PDF] Chapter 2 Sequences §1 Limits of Sequences Let A be a nonempty

It follows that limn?? sn = 1 Therefore the series converges and its sum is 1 The following results can be easily derived from the above definition

[PDF] MA 355 Homework 5 solutions  Use the definition of convergence

#1 Use the definition of convergence to show limn?? 3n+1 n+2 = 3 Let ? > 0 5 Suppose {sn} and {tn} are real sequences and limn?? sn = s

[PDF] Convergent Sequences

Every convergent sequence is bounded Proof Let (sn) be a sequence that converges to s ? R Applying the definition to ? = 1 we see

[PDF] Solutions for Homework  Math 451(Section 3 Fall 2014)

8 5a) Claim: Suppose that (an) (bn) and (sn) are three sequences and that an ? sn ? bn for all n ? N If liman = limbn = s then (sn) converges and limsn = 

[PDF] Math 3150 Fall 2015 HW2 Solutions

Math 3150 Fall 2015 HW2 Solutions Problem 1 Let (sn) be a sequence that converges (a) Show that if sn ? a for all but finitely many n then limsn ? a


Prove that convergence of {sn} implies convergence of {sn} Is the con- verse true? (Assume we are working in Rk) Solution Let ab ? Rk Then by the 

[PDF] 2 Sequences

Let (sn) be a sequence of real numbers and let s ? R We say that (sn) We say that (sn) converges if it has a limit and that it diverges otherwise

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Let {an} be a bounded sequence such that every convergent subsequence of {an} has a limit L Prove that limn?? an = L Solution Method 1: Note that La = {L}

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Suppose S is closed and suppose (sn) is a conv sep of points in So Also suppose lim sn S ? Sry is a convergent sequence in S\{x}




4.1.Convergent sequences.

A sequence (sn) converges to a real numbersif8 >0,9Ns:t:jsnsj<

8nN. Saying thatjsnsj< is the same as saying thats < sn< s+.

If (sn) converges tosthen we say thatsis thelimitof (sn) and write s= limnsn, ors= limn!1sn, orsn!sasn! 1, or simplysn!s. If (sn) does not converge to any real number then we say that itdiverges. A sequence (sn) is calledboundedif the setfsn:n2Ngis a bounded set. That is, there are numbersmandMsuch thatmsnMfor alln2N. This is the same as saying thatfsn:n2Ng [m;M]. It is easy to see that this is equivalent to: there exists a numberK0 such thatjsnj K for alln2N. (See the rst lines of the last Section.)

Fact 1.Any convergent sequence is bounded.

Proof:Suppose thatsn!sasn! 1. Taking= 1 in the denition of convergence gives that there exists a numberN2Nsuch thatjsnsj<1 whenever nN. Thus jsnj=jsns+sj jsnsj+jsj<1 +jsj whenevernN. Now letM= maxfjs1j;js2j;;jsNj;1+jsjg. We havejsnj M ifn= 1;2;;N, andjsnj MifnN. So (sn) is bounded. A sequence (an) is callednonnegativeifan0 for alln2N. To say that a nonnegative sequence converges to zero is simply to say that:

8 >0;9Ns:t: an< 8nN:

Fact 2.If (sn) is a general sequence then:

lim nsn=s()limn(sns) = 0()limnjsnsj= 0: That is, the sequence (sn) converges tosif and only if the nonnegative sequence (jsnsj) converges to 0. Fact 3.If (an) and (bn) are nonnegative sequences, with limnan= 0 and lim nbn= 0, and ifC0, then lim nan+bn= limnCan= 0:

Also, if lim

nan= 0 and if (bn) is any bounded sequence, then limnanbn= 0. Fact 4.If (sn) and (tn) are sequences withsntnfor everyn1. If lim nsn=sand limntn=t, thenst. Fact 5: The `squeezing' or `pinching rule'.Suppose that (sn);(xn), and (tn) are sequences withsnxntn, for everyn1. If limnsn=sand lim ntn=s, then limnxn=s.


Fact 6, sometimes call 'squeezing' too,since it is a corollary of Fact 5: Let (sn) be a sequence, letsbe a number, and suppose thatjsnsj anfor alln1, where (an) is a sequence with limit 0. Then limnsn=s. Proof:We have 0 jsnsj an. Nowan!0 asn! 1, so by `squeezing' (Fact 5), lim njsnsj= 0. By Fact 2, limnsn=s. Fact 7:The limit of a sequence has nothing to do with its rst few terms. Fact 8:If limntn=t, and ift6= 0, then there exists a numberNwithjtnj>jtj2 for allnN.

Fact 9:If limnsn=sand limntn=t, then:

(1) lim nsn+tn=s+t; (2) lim nsntn=st; (3) lim nsntn=st; (4) lim nCsn=Cs, ifCis a constant; (5) lim nsnt n=st , ift6= 0; (6) lim njsnj=jsj; (7) lim npt n=pt, iftn0 for alln2N. Proof:By Fact 2, we havejsnsj !0;andjtntj !0, asn! 1. To prove (1), by Fact 6 it is enough to show thatj(sn+tn)(s+t)j an, wherean!0 as n! 1. But j(sn+tn)(s+t)j=j(sns) + (tnt)j jsnsj+jtntj !0; using the triangle inequality, and Fact 3 in the very last step. So we have proved (1). The proof of (3) is similar, by Fact 6, it is enough to show thatjsntnstj an, wherean!0, asn! 1. But jsntnstj=jsntnsnt+sntstj jsntnsntj+jsntstj=jsn(tnt)j+jt(sns)j=jsnjjtntj+jtjjsnsj: Nowjsnsj !0, sojtjjsnsj !0, asn! 1, by Fact 3. On the other hand, since (sn) is convergent, it is bounded, by Fact 1. Thus (jsnj) is bounded. By the nal assertion of Fact 3,jsnjjtntj !0 asn! 1. By the rst assertion of Fact

3, we now see thatjsnjjtntj+jtjjsnsj !0 asn! 1. Sincejsntnstj

jsnjjtntj+jtjjsnsj, by Fact 6 we deduce thatsntn!stasn! 1. So we have proved (3). (4) follows from (3), if we settn=Cfor alln. Applying (4) withC=1 shows that lim n(tn) =t. Using this with (1), gives lim n(sntn) = limn(sn+ (tn)) = limnsn+ limn(tn) =st:

This proves (2).


For (5), we use a similar strategy to (1) and (3). Note that s nt nst =s nttnst nt

By Fact 8,9Ns.t.jtnj>jtj=2 fornN. Thus fornN,s

nt nst Sincejsnsj !0 andjttnj !0, asn! 1, by Fact 3 it follows thatjsn sjjtj+jsjjttnj !0 too. By Fact 3 again,2jtj2(jsnsjjtj+jsjjttnj)!0 as n! 1. Thus we conclude from Fact 6 (in conjunction with Fact 7), thatsnt n!st asn! 1. (6) follows by squeezing too, since we have using Theorem 3.3 (f) above, that jjsnj jsjj jsnsj !0:So by Fact 6,jsnj ! jsj. We omit (7). Innite limits.If (sn) is a sequence, then we write limnsn= +1if8M >

0;9Ns.t.sn> M8nN. We write limnsn=1if8M >0;9Ns.t.

s n0;8n). Then lim nsn= +1 ,limn1s n= 0:

Theorem 4.3.IfSis a nonempty set inRthen

(a)x2Si there is a sequence(sn)inSwith limitx. (b)x2S0i there is a sequence(sn)inSn fxgwith limitx. (c)Sis closed i whenever(sn)is a sequence inSwith limitx, thenx2S. Proof.(a) (() If (sn) is a sequence inSwith limitx, and if >0 is given, then there exists anNwithjsnxj< ifnN. HencesN2N(x;), and soN(x;) contains a point ofS. Thusx2Sby Lemma 3.20. ()) Ifx2S, andn2N, then by Lemma 3.20,N(x;1n ) contains a point of S. Call this pointsn. Sincejsnxj<1=n!0, it follows by Fact 6 in 4.1 that s n!x. (c) (() Suppose that the condition in (c) about sequences holds. Letx2S. By (a), there is a sequencesn!xwithsn2Sfor alln2N. By hypothesis,x2S. So SS, thereforeS=S, and soSis closed by Corollary 3.24. ()) Suppose thatSis closed, and that (sn) is a sequence inSwithsn!x.

By (a), we havex2S=S(using Corollary 3.24).


4.2.Monotone sequences and Cauchy sequences.Recall from Calculus II

that a sequence (sn) isincreasingifsnsn+1;8n2N. A sequence (sn) isde- creasingifsnsn+1;8n2N. We saystrictly increasing(resp.strictly decreasing) if thehere (resp.ge) is replaced by<(resp.>). A sequence (sn) ismonotoneif it is increasing or decreasing (or both, which happens for constant sequences). Theorem 4.4.A monotone sequence is convergent i it is bounded. Proof.()) Every convergent sequence is bounded (by Fact 1). (() Suppose that (sn) is a bounded increasing sequence (the decreasing case is similar). LetS=fsn:n2Ng. This is bounded above, and lets= supS. Claim: lim nsn=s. Let >0 be given. Thensis not an upper bound forS. Thus

9Ns.t.sN> s. Hence

s < sNsns < s+ for allnN. We've shown that8 >09Ns.t.jsnsj< for allnN. Thus, the sequence (sn) converges tos. Remark.The last proof shows that a bounded increasing (resp. decreasing) sequenc converges to its supremum (resp. inmum). Proposition 4.5.If(sn)is an unbounded increasing (resp. decreasing) sequence, thenlimnsn= +1(resp.=1). Denition:A sequence (sn) of real numbers is called aCauchy sequenceif

8 >09N2Ns.t.jsnsmj< ;whenevermnN.

Lemma 4.6.Every convergent sequence is a Cauchy sequence.

Lemma 4.7.Every Cauchy sequence is bounded.

Theorem 4.8.(Cauchy test for convergence)A sequence inRis convergent i it is a Cauchy sequence.

4.3.Subsequences.Asubsequenceof a sequence (sn) is constructed from (sn) by

removing terms in the sequence. Associated with each subsequence is a strictly increasing sequence of natural numbers (nk)1k=1, namely the place numbers of the terms that were kept from the original sequence to make the subsequence. Summarizing: A subsequence of a sequence (sn)1n=1is a new sequence (tk)1k=1, wheretk=snkfor allk, and wheren1< n2< n336 MATH 3333{INTERMEDIATE ANALYSIS{BLECHER NOTES To say that a subsequence (snk)1k=1converges to a numbers, means that

8 >0;9K >0s:t:jsnksj< 8kK:

Proposition 4.10.If a sequence(sn)converges to a numbers, then every subse- quence(snk)also converges tos. Proof.Given >09Ns.t.jsnsj< 8nN. IfkNthen by Lemma 4.9, we havenkkN, and sojsnksj< . That is,snk!s. Theorem 4.11.(Bolzano-Weierstrass for sequences)Every bounded sequence has a convergent subsequence. Theorem 4.12.Every unbounded sequence contains a monotone subsequence with limit+1or1. Theorem 4.13.A nonempty setSof real numbers is compact i every sequence inShas a convergent subsequence with a limit inS.

The limsup and liminf

Denition.Thelimit superiorof a sequence (sn), is the number limsup nsn= limn!1fsupfsk:kngg:

Thelimit inferioris

liminf nsn= limn!1finffsk:kngg: What the limsup and liminf are good for:First, they always exist, unlike the limit. For example, in the Example above, lim nsndoes not exist. But we were able to compute the limsup and liminf. They always exist because as we saw in the example, they are limits of monotone sequences, which we know always exist. They behave similarly to the limit. That is, they obey laws analogous to the rules we saw in Section 4.1 above for limits. We will write down some of these laws momentarily. They can be used to check if the limit exists. In fact lim nsnexists i liminf nsn= limsupnsn. So if liminfnsn6= limsupnsnthen we may conclude that lim nsndoes not exist. Finally, recall that in Calculus II there were certain tests ... One can improve these tests by using the limsup and liminf instead of the limit... .

Other properties of the limsup and liminf:

In general, liminfnsnlimsupnsn. If limnsnexists then liminfnsn= lim nsn= limsupnsn. liminfn(sn) =limsupnsn. Ifsntnfor allnthen limsupnsnlimsupntnand liminfnsnliminfntn.


limsupn(Ksn) =Klimsupnsnand liminfn(Ksn) =Kliminfnsn, ifK0. Summary: any sequence (sn) has a limsup and a liminf (either a real number or

1), which behave like limits.

5.Limits and continuity of functions

5.1.Limits of functions.In this sectionf:D!Ris a function with domain

DR, and letcbe an accumulation point ofD. We recall from Calculus I: Denition:limx!cf(x) =Lif8 >09 >0 s.t.jf(x)Lj< wheneverx2D and 08 >09 >0 s.t.jf(x)Lj< wheneverx2Dandjxcj< . Theorem 5.1.(Main theorem # 1/MT # 1/Main theorem on limits) limx!cf(x) = Li wheneverxn!c;andxn6=cfor alln2N, thenf(xn)!L. Here(xn)is any sequence in the domain off. Proof.()) Suppose that limx!cf(x) =L, and thatxn!c;xn6=cfor alln2N. So given >0 there exists a >0 such thatjf(x)Lj< whenever 00 such that for all >0 there existsxwith 0