[PDF] 2010 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement

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2011 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement

Total procurement of goods by UN agency and country of procurement . FMA GROUP CO. LTD. ... 18 units Yamaha AG200 motorcycles for variuos projects.

2010 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement

Total procurement of goods by UN agency and country of procurement . UNOPS relies entirely on the co-operation of the reporting entities.

2010 Annual Statistical Report

on United Nations Procurement Procurement of goods and services - all sources of funding economies in transition UNOPS would like to acknowledge the contribution of the various organizations to the 2010 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations those of the United Nations.

Copyright © 2011

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stor ed in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form by any means, electron ic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without prior permission of UNOPS This document is available online at www.ungm.org and www.unops.org. It has been published in electronic format to limit the use of paper, ink, and transport emissions.

2010 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement

i | 2010 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement Introduction ........................................................................ ....................1

Glossary of terms

..........2 Executive Summary ........................................................................ ......3 ..............4 ...............................5 ............................7 ......8 UN operations in 2010........................................................................ ................10 ...........................10

Sustainability reporting in the UN system ........................................................................

About the report ........................................................................ ..........16 .......................17

Australia ......................................................................................................................

Austria ......................................................................................................................

Belgium ......................................................................................................................

France ......................................................................................................................

Ireland ......................................................................................................................

....................................30 ...................................31 .................................32

Portugal ......................................................................................................................

Spain ......................................................................................................................


United Kingdom ......................................................................................................................


United States ......................................................................................................................

ii | 2010 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement .............................41

Argentina ......................................................................................................................

.................................42 ...................................46

Haiti ......................................................................................................................

Indonesia ......................................................................................................................

Jordan ......................................................................................................................

.....................................50 ......................................51 ..................................52 ..................................53

Panama ......................................................................................................................


Peru ......................................................................................................................


Sudan ......................................................................................................................


Uganda ......................................................................................................................

....................................58 ..............60

Procurement of goods and services - all sources of funding ........................................................................

...61 ..................62 ...................................84

Top 10 items/product groups procured by UN agencies ........................................................................


Agency share by category of goods and services


Major goods and supplies ordered by UN agencies ........................................................................

.................123 .... 224

Project personnel - all sources of funding ........................................................................

.................................318 .................322....

1 | 2010 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement


United Nations procurement delivery in 2010 has increased substantially in comparison to the previous year. The total UN procurement volume has increased by $747 million over the previous ye ar, representing an increase of 5.4%. In terms of procurement of goods and services, agencies increased their procureme nt of goods by $681 million and increased that

of services by $66 million over 2009. The 2010 data reverses the trend that has seen the UN's requirement for services

exceed that of goods and revert to the trend of previous years where the proportion of goods far outweighed that of services contracted. The 2010 report analyzes procurement from developing countries and count ries with economies in transition, and examines United Nations system performance in increasing opportunities for vendor s in developing countries and countries with

Executive Summary for further details).

2009 report as a pilot is continued in 2010 and will be a standard featu

re in future reports.

In addition, the 2010 report looks at procurement by United Nations organizations from vendors that support the 'Global

Compact'. The Compact measures engagement by the United Nations system with compan ies that take corporate social

responsibility seriously, an increasingly important consideration in the global marketplace. While United Nations organizations

give no preferential treatment to Compact signatories, the volume of pro curement with registered Global Compact vendors increased again in 2010 reaching 17.94% of contracts of $30,000 or more. The 2010 statistical report features an annual thematic supplement, now in its third year, that focuses on current issues in procurement. The focus for the 2010 supplement is on procurement and its contribution to the Millennium Development Goals. international experts.

2 | 2010 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement

All sources of UN funding:



International Project Personnel:

National Project Personnel:



included. activities.

3 | 2010 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement

Total procurement of goods and services for operational activities of the

UN system

$14.5 billion, from $13.8 billion in 2009 - a gain of 5.4 percent. The total procurement of goods increased $681 million, an

increase of 10.7 percent, while procurement of services grew by $66 mill ion, an increase of 0.9 percent. Between 2006 and

2010, United Nations procurement volume increased from $9.4 billion to $

14.5 billion, attributable to a $2.4 billion growth in

the procurement of goods and a $2.7 billion growth in the procurement of services for the same period. albeit only by a margin of 2.8 percent compared to 7.3 percent in 2009. 49.6%


Figure 2




Figure 1


4 | 2010 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement

Ten major countries of supply to the UN system in 2010 Afghanistan, Sudan, India and Pakistan accounting for 34.8 percent of th e total procurement volume of the top 10 countries of supply. United Nations procurement volume by 1.4 percentage points in 2010. Proc urement from Afghanistan consisted primarily of construction, transport and demining services executed with national contractors by the United Nations Development Sudan, also in its second year in this list, has retained its position a s the United Nations' fourth largest supplier, despite a 0.6 percentage point drop in its share of total United Nations procurement v olume. Procurement from Sudan also consisted of

3.9 percent share of total United Nations procurement volume representin

g a decrease of 1 percentage point over 2009. decreasing trend between 2004 and 2006, denoting a broadening of the geo graphical spread of UN procurement. Between 2006 supply to the United Nations. During this period the percentage share ha s increased by 12 percent however, it declined by 0.9 percent in 2010.


$ Millionof Total USA





Russian Federation66.0486.1552.1

United Kingdom348.6141.4




Top 10 Total3,128.13,495.16,623.145.5%

Grand Total7,075.57,468.714,544.2100.0%

Table 1

5 | 2010 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement

Procurement by UN agencies in 2009 - 2010

The following table lists the procurement volume of individual United Na tions organizations in 2009 and 2010. Data are presented by the percentage share from developing countries and those wi th economies in transition which has increased by

2.9 percentage points from 2009 to 2010. Total procurement volume from 2009 to 2010 has increased by $747 million,

as 18 of

the 33 reporting United Nations organizations increased their procurement volume over the previous year. The Pan American

volume increases. Agency Goods Services TotalGoods Services Total

6.207.74 2.545.06 7.61

1.771.17 0.431.44 1.87

3.055.20 8.24 2.588.87

FAO44.50 133.62122.18 45.63 167.81

IAEA 87.60 48.23 135.84 66.06

45.61 47.30


0.050.08 0.13

1.37 1.1711.04

ITU4.817.72 12.53

7.53 1.367.15

PAHO 15.21 708.33


7.162.25 3.368.26

58.70185.67 43.02182.51

UNFPA131.60 226.33

167.00 406.53 244.43 178.38 422.81


21.48 82.78 104.25 14.2488.20

UNON12.54 23.15 35.70 25.38

UNOPS 442.68 428.80 871.48

UNOV8.278.66 4.237.08 11.30

168.35265.27 144.42 76.48

UNU0.041.13 1.17 0.021.11 1.13

UNV0.45 11.25 11.700.5315.42

UPU0.370.37 0.830.83

3.574.44 8.015.705.15 10.84

0.404.52 0.033.32

TOTAL6,394.14 7,403.04 13,797.17 54.91% 7,075.49 7,468.70 14,544.20 57.77%


Table 2

2005 2006 2007 20082010

Figure 3

6 | 2010 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement

organizations to increase sourcing opportunities for suppliers from develo ping countries and countries with economies in organizations have placed more orders with suppliers from these countries.

The growth of such orders has steadily grown over

In 2010, procurement from developing countries and countries with econom ies in transition increased by $826 over

2009 further building upon the $600 million increase from 2008 to 2009 a

nd the $1.5 billion increase from 2007 to 2008. Procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in tr ansition has increased from 54.9 percent in

2009 to 57.7 percent of total United Nations procurement volume in 2010,

while procurement from industrialized countries

their management information systems. This has been a decreasing trend over the last three reporting years, in

dicating further improvements in the accuracy of agencies' reporting mechanisms. 0


Figure 4



Figure 5


7 | 2010 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement

Procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in tr ansition by region Developing countries and countries with economies in transition in all r egions experienced growth in their share of Caribbean states have increased their share of procurement by $395 milli on and $334 million respectively. The Arab, Africa and Europe and Commonwealth of Independent States regions have enjoyed c ontinued steady growth in the period from 2006 to 2010.

Regional data from developing countries and countries with economies in transition show that all regions except the Arab and

Europe and CIS states have seen an upward trend in procurement business. The percentage share of United Nations procurement

experienced a decrease in procurement share from 2007 to 2009 but recovered by 1.8 percent in 2010. Figure 7: UN procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in transistion (%)


ARAB STATES6.68%7.82%8.61%11.32%10.80%


ASIA & PACIFIC15.33%16.59%14.26%15.44%17.36%

EUROPE & CIS4.46%3.61%3.98%4.50%4.23%

LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIB.12.79%14.19%12.50%9.12%10.94%0.00%4.00%8.00%12.00%16.00%20.00%





Figure 7

UN procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in transition by region, 2005-2010 (percentage of total UN procurement) Figure 6: UN procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in transistion


ARAB STATES628.21790.741170.311,561.911,571.02

ASIA & PACIFIC1,441.611,677.461,939.072,130.382,524.91

EUROPE & CIS419.62365.45540.40620.50615.09

LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIB.1,202.711,435.271,698.711,257.961,591.510.00500.001000.001500.002000.002500.003000.00





Figure 6

UN procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in transition by region, 2006-2010 ($ Million)

8 | 2010 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement

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