[PDF] TEST CHART Socio-Linguistic Factors in Bilingual

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CFC et MP bilingues d'employé-e de commerce/ Bilingual VET diploma in commerce with FVB. Projet pilote genevois co-financé par le SEFRI.

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Aug 9 2018 bilingual alphabetical list

Encouragement de lapprentissage des langues étrangères dans la

déraux de capacité (CFC) et présenter d'éventuelles mesures destinées à un certificat fédéral de capacité bilingue (Federal Bilingual VET Diploma in.

Higher Education in Regional and City Development - Antioquia

Desarrollo Humano) the Bilingual Antioquia Programme (Antioquía. Bilingüe)


Socio-Linguistic Factors in Bilingual Education; Various Aspect of Also they could recognize the a±mplified style: cfc- an adult.

Förderung des Fremdsprachenerwerbs in der beruflichen

eidgenössischen Fähigkeitszeugnis (Federal Bilingual VET Diploma in Commerce).32 .ch/cdmt/Cite-des-metiers-du-Grand-Geneve/Apprentissage/CFC-bilingue.

Glenn G. Gilbert Texas Studies in Bilingualism

Since almost all the speakers of these languages are bilingual in This bill provided Federal funds for the construction of large-scale ... -V Cfl.

Accession Number/Numéro daccession PRF Aerospace Author

Nov 20 1985 French Canadians and Bilingualism in the Canadian Armed Forces. ... National Defence's Response to The Federal Policy.

ISSN Titulo Abreviatura Tipo

Vet. B. 1644-0692 Acta Scientiarum Polonorum-Hortorum Cultus. Acta Sci. Pol. 0094-5366 BILINGUAL REVIEW/REVISTA BILINGUE ... 0014-9128 Federal probation.







ED 0.60 931

PS 005 385

TITLE Conference on Child Language (Chicago, Illinois,November 22-24, 1971). Preprints. INSTITUTIONLaval Univ., Quebec. International Center on

Bilingualism.PUB DATE

NOTE 530p.


ABSTRACTMF-$0.55 HC-$19.74

*Bilingual Education; Bilingualism; *Child Language;Conferences; Curriculum Development; Early ChildhoodEducation; Ethnic Groups; *Language Development;*Preschool Learning; Second Languages; SocialFactors; Sociolinguistics

Preprints of 24 papers presented at a conference, t

subject of which was "The Learning of Two or More Languages orDialects by Young Children, Especially between the Ages of Threeand

Eight, with Particular Attention to the Social Setting," comprisethis report_ The six sections of the conference were: Home andPreschool Language Learning; Curricular Patterns in Early BilingualSchooling; Linguistic Factors in Bilingualism and Bidialectalism;Socio-Linguistic Factors in Bilingual Education; Various Aspect ofChild Language; and Planning for the Future.

(DB) CY C,Centre interna ional de recherchesInternational Center for Research .0 sur le bilinguismeon Bilingualism c) ala







Chicago, November 22-24, 1971

P Iprin s

Les Presses de l'Universite Laval

Quebec 1971


The idea of this Conference on Child Language had its origin in Stockholm in August of 1970, when Dr Max Oorosch, Exec- utive Secretary of the International Association of Applied Lin- guistics, asked me whether I would have any interest in helping to activate the Association Commission on Child Language. I agreed to help Mr R.W. Rutherford; Organiser of the Child Language Survey, York University, York, England, to whom the Executive Com- mittee looked for leadership.

It was agreed that I would take main

responsibility for organizing this Conference and that Mr Rutherford would be responsible for arranging a second conference, to be held in Copenhagen in August of 1972 in connection with the Biennial Meeting of the International Association of Applied Linguistics. The Center for Applied Linguistics in Washington, the United States affiliate of the International Association, readily agreed, through Dr John Lotz, former Director, and Dr Albert H. Marckwardt, the present Acting Director, to co-sponsor the Confer- ence. Mr C. Edward Scebold, Executive Secretary of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), offered not only to co-sponsor the Conference but to assist materially with the arrangements if the Conference could be held at the same time and place as the Annual Meeting of

ACTFL.It was therefore decided

to schedule the Conference in the Ctnrad Hilton Hotel in Chicago on November 22

23, and 24, 1971.

II A final generous offer of co-sponsorship came from Prof. Henri Dorion, Director of the International Center for Re- search on Bilingualism, who offered to have the Center prepare a Preprint of papers received in time as well as to publish the Conference Report in cooperation with the Presses Universitaires,

UniversitO Laval, Quebec.

Some twenty-four papers, out of the thirty promised, have been submitted and are included in this Preprint, which will be distributed to those participating in the Conference and to preregistrants.

It is hoped that the remaining authors can dis-

tribute copies of their papers in time for them to be read crit- ically before the meeting.

On this will depend in part the success

of the meeting, for papers will not be read there but only discuss- ed in plenary session. The Conference subject, "The Learning of Two or More Languages or Dialects by Young Children, Especially Between the

Ages of Three and Eight, With Particular

Attention to the Social

Setting," will be considered by five panels of writers under the following topics:

Home and Preschool Language LearningCurricu-

lar Patterns in Early Bilingual Schooling, Linguistic Factors in Bilingualism and Bidialectalism, Socio-Linguistics Factors in Bi- lingual Education and Various Aspects of Child Language.

A sixth

session, on Wednesday afternoon, will be reserved for a discussion of further needed research and planning for the future, especially for the August 1972 Conference on Child Language in Copenhagen. III The Conference will be open to all interested persons. Requests for preregistration may be directed to Mr C. Edward Scebold, Executive Secretary, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, 62 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10011. In conclusion, I should like to thank all those who are making possible this meeting of researchers in the field of child language, notably Dr Max Gorosch, Dr John Lotz, Dr Albert H. Marckwardt, Mr C. Edward Scebold, and especially Prof. Henri Dorion and his colleagues at the International Center for Research on Bilingualism.

Austin, Texas

September 17, 1971Theodore Andersson

Professor of Spanish and Education

The University of Texas at Austin

Conference Co-Chairman



Conrad Hilton Hotel, Chicago

November 22-24, 1971

Sponsored by the International Association of Applied Lin- guistics and its Commission on Child Language (Stockholm the Center for Applied Linguistics (Washington), and the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (New York).

Conference Co-Chairmen:

Theodore Andersson, Professor of

Spanish and of Education, The University of Texas at Austin, and R.W. Rutherford, Organiser, Child Language

Survey, York University, York, England.

Conference Subject:

The learning of two or more languages

or dialects by young children, especially between the ages of 3 and 8, with particular attention to the social setting.


(1) To contribute to the work of the International Association of Applied Linguistics by seeking the collab- oration of researchers in child language on this aide of the Atlantic; (2) to identify researchers and to stimu late further research, especially in the learning of two or more languages or dialects by young children; (3) to seek ways of applying the results of such research to schooling, with a view to improving our educational prac- tices, especially in the rapidly developing field of bi- lingual education. section I - Home and Preschool Language Learning

Monday, November 22, 9-11 a.m.


Alfred S. Hayes, Director, Language in Educa-

tion Program, Center for Applied Linguistics, Washington, D.C.


.G.Richard Tucker, Assistant Professor of Psy- chology, McGill University, Montreal. * Panel: Chester C. Christian, 3r., Director, Inter.American Institute, The University of Texas at El Paso, "Differ- ential Response to Language Stimuli Before Age 3:

A Case'


Rogelio Diaz-Guerrero, M.D., and Rosario Ahumada de Diaz, Director, Centro de Investigaciones Pedagogicao, Mexico City, "The Acquisition of Verbsin 3, 4, and 5-

Year-Old Mexican Kindergarden Children."

Participants whose communication is preprinted herein. Ragnhild S8derbergh, Docent, Institute of Northern Languages, University of Stockholm, "A Linguistic Study of a Swedish Preschool Child's Gradual Acquisition of Reading Ability" and "Swedish Children's Acquisition of

Syntax:A Preliminary Report."

Roy W. Alford, Educational Development Specialist, Early Childhood Education, Appalachia Educational Labo- ratory, Inc., Charleston, W. ga., "Appalachia Preschool

Education Program:

A Home-Oriented Approach."

Jane M. Christian, Lecturer in Anthropology, The

University of Alabama in Birmingham, "Style and Dialect Selection by Hindi-Bhojpuri Speaking Children" and "Bi- lingual Development in a Two-Year-Old Gujarati-Englieh

Learning Child."

Ilonke Schmidt-Mackey, Docteur bs Lettres, Profes- seur, Département de Langue et de Linguistique, Univer- sitet Laval, Québec, Canada, "Language Strategies of the

Bilingual Family."

S ction II

Curricular Patterns in Early Bilingual Schooling

Monday, November 22, 2-4 p.m.


James E. Alatis, Associate Dean, Institute

of Languages and Linguistics, Georgetown University,

Washington, D.C., and Executive Director, TESOL.


Al Ramirez, Director of Curriculum, Region

One, Education Service Center, Edinburg, Texas.


Robert D. Wilson, Director, Consultants in Total

Education, Ins Los Angeles, California, "Assumptions for Bilingual Instruction in the Primary Grades of Nava- jo Schools." Rosa G. de Inclan, Consultant on Bilingual Education, Dade County Public Schools, Miami, Florida, "An Updated Report on Bilingual Schooling in Dade County, Including

Results of a Recent Evaluation."

Wallace E. Lambert, Professor of Psychology, and G. Richard Tucker, Assistant Professor of Psychology, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, "The Home/School Language Switch Program in the St. Lambert Elementary School, Grades

K through S."

Shari Nedler, Director, and Judith Lindfors, Resour- ce Specialist, Early Childhood Learning Systems Design, Southwest Educational Development Laboratory, Austin, Texas, HA Comprehensive Bilingual Program for Disadvan- taged Spanish-Speaking Preschool Children." 615
Charles H. Herbert, Jr., Director, Regional Pr ject Office, Bilingual Teacher Training, San Bernardinoun- ty Schools, San Bernardino, California, "Initial Reading in Spanish for Bilinguals." Virginia Hoffman, Curriculum Design Specialist, Con- sultants in Total Education, Inc., Los Angeles, Califor- nia, "Quest on-Generation by First-Graders:A Heuristic


Section III - Linguistic Factors in Bilingualism and Bidia- lectaliem

Tuesday, November 23, 9-11 a.m.

Chairman:Vera P. John, Associate Professor of Psycho- logy and Education, and Director, Language and Behavior

Program, Yeshiva University, New Yorks N.Y.


Dillon Platero, Director, Rough Rock Demons-

tration School, Chinle, Arizona, and First Vice Presi- dent, National Indian Education Association, Minneapo- lis, Minnesota. *Panel:Mary Ritchie Key, Assistant Professor of Linguistics, University of Califormia at Irvine, "Some Grammatical

Structures of Child Black English."

Rodney Young, Assistant Professor of Education, The University of Utah, Salt Lake City, "Development of Se- mantic Categories in Bilingual Spanish and Navajo Chil- dren."

Merrill Swain, Ph.D. Candidate, University of

California at Irvine, and Project Officer, Bilingual Education Project, Modern Language Center, Ontario Ins7 titute for Studies in Education, Toronto, Canada, "The Learning of Yes/No Questions by Children Who Had Heard

French and English from Birth."

Bernard Spolsky, Associate Professor of Linguistics and Elementary Education, The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, and Wayne Holm, Principal, Rock Point Boar- ding School, Rock Point, Arizona, "Bilingualism in the

Six-Year-Old Navajo Child."

Serafina Krear, Assistant Professor of Education,

Sacramento State College, Sacramento, California, "De- velopment of Pre-Reading Skills in a Second Language or


Section IV - Socio-Linguistic Factors in Bilingual Education

Tuesday, November 23, 2-4 p.m.


H.H. Stern, Director, Modern Language Center,

Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Toronto, Ca- nada.


FrancesSussna, Executive Director, Multi

Cultural Institute, San Francisco, Celifornia.


Rolf Kjolseth, Asso iate Professor of Sociology, Uni- versity of Colorado, and President, Research Committee on Sociolinguistics, International Sociological Association, "The 'Problem' of Chicano Talk Which Isn't."

Aaron Bar-Adon, Professor of Linguietic

sity of Texas at Austin, "Child Bilingualism grant Society."The Univer- n an Immi- Robert L, Muckley, Chairman, Department of English and Linguistics, Inter American University of Puerto Rico, "After Childhood, Then What?An Overview of Ethnic Lan- guage Retention (ELRET) Programs in the United States." Sarah Gudschinsky, Literacy Coordinator, Summer Ins- titute of Linguistics, and Professor of Linguistics, The University of Texas at Arlington, "Literacy in the Mother

Tongue and Second Language Learning."

Joshua A. Fishman, Visiting Professor, Hebrew Univer- sity, Jerusalem, and Director, International Research Pro- ject on Language Planning Processes, Israeli Section, on leave from Yeshiva University, 1970-1972, "Varieties of

Bilingual Education in Israel:

The Jewish Picture" and

"Socio-Political Patterns of Bilingual and Bidialectal


A General Theoretical Model."

A. Bruce Gearder, Assistant Director, Division of

College Programs, Bureau of Educational Personnel Devel- opment, U.S. Office of Education, "Language Maintenance or Language Shift:

The Prospect for Spaniah in the Unit-

ed States."

Section_y - Various Aspects of Child Language

Wednesday, November 24

9-11 a.m.

Chairman:Albert H. Marckwardt, Professor of English and Linguistics, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jerey, and Interim Executive Director, Center for Applied Lir- guistics, Washington, D.C. Recorder:Mario Benitez, Vice President and Dean of the School of Arts & Sciences, Texas A & I University, Kings- ville, Texas.264 318


W.H. Giles, Founder-Director, The Toronto French

School, Inc., "Cultural Contrasts in English-French

Bilingual Instruction in the Early Grades."

William F. Mackey, Professor of Linguistics, Laval University, and Researcher, International Center for Re- search on Bilingualism, Quebec, P.D., Canada, "Free Lan- guage Alternation in Early Childhood Education." Glenn J. Doman, M.D., Director, Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential, Philadelphia, "How Brain-

Damaged Children Learn to Read."

Eleanor Thonis, Director-Psychologist, Maryaville

Reading-Learning Center,,Marysville, California, "The Dual-Language Learning Process in Young Children." John Macnamara, Associate Professor of Psychology, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, "The Cognitive

Strategies of Language Learning."

Ralph Robinett, Project Manager, Spanish Curricula Development Center, Miami Beach, Florida, "Curriculum Dev- lopment for Bilingual Education."

Section VI - Planning for the Future

Wednesday, November 24, 2-4 p.m.

A committee consisting of the section chairmen end recorders will submit for general discussion a report on possible waya of following up on this Conference and of preparing for another conference on child language, to be held in Copenhagen in August of 1972 in connection with the meeting cf the International Association of Ap- plied Linguistics.368 396
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