[PDF] Douglas S. Massey Curriculum Vitae May 1 2016 Address: Office of

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Douglas S. Massey Curriculum Vitae December 3 2020 Address

3 déc. 2020 Employment: (9/05-present) Henry G. Bryant Professor of Sociology and Public Affairs. Princeton University.


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Douglas S. Massey Curriculum Vitae May 1 2016 Address: Office of

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Douglas S. Massey

Curriculum Vitae

May 1, 2016

Address:Office of Population Research

Princeton University

Wallace Hall

Princeton, NJ 08544

dmassey@princeton.edu Birth: Born October 5, 1952 in Olympia, Washington, USA Citizenship:Citizen and Resident of the United States Education:Ph.D., Sociology, Princeton University, 1978

M.A., Sociology, Princeton University, 1977

B.A., Magna Cum Laude in Sociology-Anthropology, Psychology, and Spanish, Western Washington University, 1974 HonoraryMaster in Arts and Sciences, Honoris Causa, University of Pennsylvania, 1985. Degrees:Doctor of Social Science Honoris Causa, Ohio State University, 2012

Languages:Fluent in Spanish

Employment:(9/05-present) Henry G. Bryant Professor of Sociology and Public Affairs,

Princeton University

(7/03- 8/05) Professor of Sociology and Public Policy, Princeton University (7/94-6/03) Dorothy Swaine Thomas Professor, Department of Sociology, Graduate Group in Demography, and Lauder Program in International

Studies, University of Pennsylvania

(7/90-6/94) Professor, Irving B. Harris School of Public Policy Studies,

University of Chicago

(7/87-6/94) Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Chicago (7/85-7/87) Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Graduate

Group in Demography, University of Pennsylvania

(9/80-7/85) Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Graduate Group in Demography, University of Pennsylvania (9/79-9/80) NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, Graduate Group in Demography,

University of California at Berkeley

(1/79-6/79) Lecturer, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International

Affairs, Princeton University

(9/78-9/79) Research Associate, Office of Population Research, Princeton


Major Fields:Demography, Urban Sociology, Stratification, Social Research Methods, Latin American Studies, Race/Ethnic Relations, Biosociology, Immigration 2 Honors andJohn Hope Franklin Award 2016, for exceptional scholarship in the field of Awards:Race, Racism and the Law, from the Law and Society Association President, American Academy of Political and Social Science, 2006-2015 Robert and Helen Lynd Career Award 2014, Community and Urban Studies

Section, American Sociological Association

Robert E. Park Award for Best Book 2014. Community and Urban Studies

Section, American Sociological Association

Paul Davidoff Award, 2013. From the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning for Climbing Mount Laurel: The Struggle for Affordable Housing and Social Mobility in an American Suburb (Princeton U. Press) Irene B. Taeuber Award, Given by the Population Association of America in recognition of an unusually original or important contribution to the scientific study of population or for an accumulated record of exceptionally sound and innovative research, 2013. Award for the Public Understanding of Sociology, American Sociological

Association, 2012

Lifetime National Associate of the National Research Council, 2011 Julian Simon Lecture, 8 Annual Migration Meeting, Deutsches Institut fŸr th

Wirtschaftsforschung--DC, May 13, 2011

External Fellow, Center for Research and Analysis of Migration, University

College London, 2011-present

Visiting Scholar, Russell Sage Foundation, 2009-2010 Distinguished Career Award, International Migration Section, American

Sociological Association, 2009

Award for Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship in Population, for "From Illegal to Legal: Estimating Previous Illegal Experience Among New Legal Immigrants to the United States" published in Demography and coauthored with Guillermina Jasso, Mark Rosenzweig, and James Smith, from the Population Section of the American Sociological Association Premio de Reconocimiento de Destacado MŽrito, El Consejo Cultural

Mundial, MŽxico, D.F., 2008

Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2006 Senior Prize, 2005, Vereinigung der Freunde des Deutschen Instituts fŸr Wirtschaftsforschung (Association of Friends of the German Institute for Social ResearchÐBerlin) for the paper ÒReturn Migration by German Guestworkers: Neoclassical versus New Economic TheoriesÓ published in

International Migration 40(4):5-38.

Otis Dudley Duncan Award, Population Section of the American Sociological

Association (for Beyond Smoke and Mirrors), 2004.

W.E.B. DuBois Fellow, American Academy of Political and Social Science,


Antonio Garc"a Cubas Prize, Best Book on Mexican Art, National Institute of Anthropology and History, Mexico City, 2001 (for Milagros en la


3 President, American Sociological Association, 2000-2001 Member, American Philosophical Society, Elected 2004 Member, National Academy of Sciences, Elected 1998 Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Elected 1995 Member, Sociological Research Association, Elected 1989 Exemplary Alumnus Award, Western Washington University, 2000 Clifford C. Clogg Award (outstanding early career), Population Association of

America, 1998

President, Population Association of America, 1996 Member, Council of the American Sociological Association, 1996-99 Southwest Book Award, Border Regional Library Association (for Miracles on the Border), 1996 Distinguished Publication Award, American Sociological Association (for American Apartheid), 1995 Otis Dudley Duncan Award, Population Section of the American Sociological Association (for American Apartheid), 1994 Critics' Choice Award, American Educational Studies Association (for American Apartheid), 1993 First Vice President, Population Association of America, 1994

John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellow, 1990-91

MERIT Award, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development,


Board of Directors, Population Association of America, 1986-1989 NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Berkeley, 1979-1980 Charlotte Elizabeth Proctor Fellowship, Princeton University, 1977-78 NIH Trainee in Demography, Princeton University, 1975-77 Outstanding Graduate in Sociology-Anthropology, Western Washington

University, 1975

Administrative(7/11- present) Director, Office of Population Research, Woodrow Wilson Experience: School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University (1/09-6/09) Chair, Dean Search Committee, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University (7/04-6/09) Director of Ph.D. Program in Policy Studies, Woodrow Wilson (7/06-6/07) Interim Director, Program in Latin American Studies, Princeton


(7/96-6/03) Chair, Department of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania (1/97-12/97) Chair, Dean Search Committee, School of Arts & Sciences,

University of Pennsylvania

(9/95-7/96) Director, Population Studies Center, University of Pennsylvania (10/90-6/94) Director, Center for Latin American Studies, University of


(7/87-9/90) Director, Population Research Center, University of Chicago 4 (10/87-9/90) Chair, Committee on Demographic Training, University of


(7/85-6/87) Chair, Graduate Group in Demography, University of


Professional Population Association of America

Affiliations:American Sociological Association

International Union for the Scientific Study of Population

Southwestern Social Science Association

Latin American Studies Association

International Sociological Association

Mexican Demographic Society

American Association for the Advancement of Science Funded Grants: (9/1/97-5/31/20) ÒPublic Use Data on Mexican Immigration.Ó National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Principal

Investigator, $1,125,000 1 R01 HD35643

(1/1/09-11/30/15) The Latin American Migration Project and the Center for Migration and Development, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, $750,000, (6/1/11-12/31/11) ÒSegregation, Securitized Lending and Foreclosure Outcomes in New York City.Ó Center for New York City Neighborhoods, $10,000 (1/1/09-12/31/11) ÒMonitoring Mt. Laurel.Ó John D. and Catherine T.

MacArthur Foundation, $450,000.

(2/1/08-12/31/08) ÒProposal for a Pilot Survey of New Immigrant Destinations.Ó Russell Sage Foundation, $150,000. Co-PI with Marta Tienda (6/1/07 - 5/31/12) ÒSocial Influences on Early Adult Stress Biomarkers,Ó National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, $323,969. (7/01/02-6/30/04) ÒTransnational Identities and Behavior.Ó Russell Sage

Foundation. $65,000.

(6/1/01-5/31/04) ÒTheoretical and Methodological Analysis of Mexico-U.S.

Migration.Ó NICHD, R3TW01223A, $120,582

(8/1/01-7/31/08) ÒReligion and Religious Practice among New Immigrants to the United States.Ó Pew Charitable Trusts, $500,000. Co-PI with Guillermina



3/1/98-11/1/2014) ÒNew Immigrant Survey.Ó NICHD, R01HD33834,

$4,239,124, Subcontract, Co-PI with Guillermina Jasso, Mark Rosenzweig, and James Smith. (9/1/98-8/31/2010) ÒNational Longitudinal Survey of Freshmen at Selective Colleges and Universities.Ó Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, $6.5 million (with Camille Charles). (3/1/98-2/28/05) ÒThe Latin American Migration Project,Ó Principal Investigator, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, $738,769, 1 R01 HD3584-01. (12/1/95-11/30/98) ÒThe New Immigrant Survey: A Pilot Study.Ó NICHD, $1,218,550. Co-PI with Guillermina Jasso, Mark Rosenzweig, and James


(7/1/95-6/30/96) "The Hourglass Economy." Russell Sage Foundation,

Principal Investigator, $24,500.

(11/1/94-12/31/05) "The Socioeconomic and Demographic Consequences of Mexico-U.S. Migration." Hewlett Foundation, Principal Investigator, $400,000, 94-7795. (9/1/91-8/31/92) "Neighborhood Effects on Family Formation, Education, and Employment among the Poor." Hewlett Foundation, Principal Investigator, $26,000. (1//1/90-7/1/92) "The Effects of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of

1986: Mexican Immigration to the United States." Sloan Foundation, Co-

Principal Investigator (with Katharine Donato), $105,000. (9/87-8/97) "Public Use Data on Mexican Immigration," National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Principal Investigator, $391,027, HD-

23415, MERIT Award

(6/87-5/90) "The Consequences of Residential Segregation," National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Principal Investigator, $342,532,


(6/84-5/87) "Spatial Segregation of Hispanics, Blacks, and Asians," National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Principal Investigator, $278,719, HD-18594. 6 (9/81-8/84) "Mexican Migration: The Settlement Process," National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Principal Investigator, $200,800,


(8/81-1/82) "Problems of Hispanics in the Labor Market," National Commission for Employment Policy, Principal Investigator, $18,343,


(9/79-9/80) "Processes of Residential Segregation Among Hispanic Americans," National Science Foundation, Postdoctoral Research Grant, $13,980, SPI-7914866. SurveysNew Jersey Housing and Community Survey (2009-2010)

Designed: New Immigrant Survey 2003-20014

National Longitudinal Survey of Freshmen (1998-2004) Survey of African American Home Buyers in Suburban Baltimore (1998) National Longitudinal Survey of Freshmen Pilot (1997-1999) Survey of Latin American Immigrants to the United States (1997-present) Survey of Mexican Immigrants to the United States (1987-present)

New Immigrant Survey Pilot (1995-2000)

EditorialAnnual Review of Sociology, Board, 2002-2004; Co-Editor 2004-present

Boards: Cityscape, 2008-present

Social Science Research, 1999-present

Social Science Quarterly, 1991-present

Race and Social Problems, 2008-present

International Migration Review, 2010-present

World Politics, 2007-2013

Migraciones Internacionales, 2001-2011

Ethnicities, 1998-2012

International Journal of Conflict and Violence, 2006-2014

Race and Society, 1996-2002

Latino Review of Books, 1995-2002

Encyclopedia of Sociology, 1997-2001

American Journal of Sociology, 1987-1994

Demography, 1984-1987

7 ProfessionalMember, Advisory Board, Koshland Science Museum, Washington, DC,


Member, Census Scientific Advisory Board, U.S. Bureau of the Census


Associate Member, Amsterdam Centre for Inequality Studies, 2013- present. Member, Council of the National Academy of Sciences 2011-2014 Member, Governing Board, National Research Council, 2012-2015 Member, National Academies Committee on the Integration of Immigrants in U.S. Society, 2012-2015 Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Max Planck Institute for the Study of

Religious and Ethnic Diversity, 2011-2015

Chair, Class VÐSocial and Behavioral Sciences, National Academy of

Sciences, 2010-2012

Member, Committee on Estimating Costs to the Department of Justice of Increased Border Security Enforcement by the Department of Homeland

Security, 2009-2011

Member, Committee on National Statistics, National Research Council, 2004- 2010
Secretary, Class V--Social and Behavioral Sciences, National Academy of

Sciences, 2008-2010

Member, International Advisory Board, Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Conflict and Violence, University of Bielefeld, Germany, 2006-present Member, Advisory Board, Opportunity New Jersey, 2008-present Member, Panel Evaluating HUD Office of Research and Policy Development,

National Research Council, 2005-2008

Chair, Section 53--Social and Political Sciences, National Academy of

Science, 2005-2008

Chair, Membership Committee for Class III,--Social and Behavioral Sciences,

American Philosophical Society 2005-2008

Member, Class III Social Sciences Membership Committee--American

Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2006-2008

Member, Advisory Board, Program on Intercultural Conflict and Societal Integration, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin fŸr Sozialforschung, 2003-2007. Consultant, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Global Aging

Initiative, 2005-2006

Member, Panel on the Measurement of Discrimination, Committee on

Population, National Research Council, 2001-2003

Member, Committee on Population, National Research Council, 2002-2005 Member, National Advisory Board, Leadership Council for Metropolitan Open

Communities, 1995-2003

Member, Immigration Advisory Board, Russell Sage Foundation, 1993-2006 Member, Advisory Board, Mexican Cultural Center of Philadelphia, 1998- Visiting Professor, Mannheim University, Germany, Summer 2002 Member, Council of the American Sociological Association, 1997-2002 Member, Committee of Executive Office and Budget, American Sociological

Association, 2000-2002

8 Member, Panel on Population Projections, Committee on Population, National

Research Council, 1998-2000

Keynote Speaker, Meeting of the Advisory Board of the PresidentÕs Initiative on Race, Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, D.C., July 13, 1998
Panelist, Meeting of the Advisory Board of the PresidentÕs Initiative on Race,

San Jose, California, February 11, 1998

Chair, Committee on South-North Migration, International Union for the

Scientific Study of Population 1991-1996

Member, Nominating Committee, Latin American Studies Association, 1994- 1995.
Member, Research and Planning Advisory Board, Chicago Urban League,


Member, Board of Trustees, Leadership Council for Metropolitan Open

Communities, Chicago, 1993-1994

Member, Board of Trustees, Mexican Cultural and Education Institute,

Chicago, 1993-1994

Member, NICHD Population Research Committee, NICHD, 1989-93 Member, Committee for Public Policy Research on Contemporary Hispanic Issues, Social Science Research Council, 1988-1993 Member, International Organizing Committee, Conference on the Peopling of the Americas, 1989-1992 Chair, Committee on Population Statistics, Population Association of

America, 1984-1989

Member, Social Sciences and Population Study Section, NICHD, 1984-1988 Member, Subcommittee on Migration Statistics, Committee on Population Statistics, Population Association of America, 1987-88 Member, Subcommittee on the 1990 Census, PAA, 1985-86 Member, Ad Hoc Advisory Committee, Demographic and Behavioral Sciences Branch, Center for Population Research, NICHD, 1986 Visiting Lecturer, El Colegio de Michoac‡n, Zamora, Michoac‡n, MŽxico, 1985
Consultant, National Academy of Sciences, Committee on National Statistics,

Panel on Immigration Statistics, 1980-85

Consultant, National Commission for Employment Policy, 1982 Consultant, Commission on International Migration and Cooperative

Economic Development 1987-1988

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