[PDF] Adobe® Target Classroom in a Book®

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This section 1 applies only to the Adobe Target Standard and Adobe Target. Premium Products and Services. 1.1. License Grant from Customer. During the License 

The Adobe Target Welcome Kit

with both Adobe Target Premium and Adobe Target Standard. Testing and personalization are the two broad types of capabilities that Adobe Target offers and 

Adobe Journey Optimizer FAQ

By utilizing both. Adobe Target and Adobe Journey Optimizer brands will be able to deliver exceptional customer experiences regardless if an interaction was 


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Adobe Analytics as the Reporting Source for Adobe Target (A4T) metric or segment to the report in Target Standard/Premium after the test has started ...

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Adobe Target

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Adobe® Target Classroom in a Book®

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fie ocial training workbook from Adobe

Brian Hawkins and Lily Chiu-Watson

A Guide for Marketing, Business, and iT Professionals

“fie Classroom in a Book

series is by far the best training material on the market. Everything you need to master the soware is included: clear explanations of each lesson and step- by-step instructions."

Barbara Binder,

A dobe C erti?ed I nstructor R ocky M ountain Training fie fastest, easiest, most comprehensive way to learn

Adobe Target

Classroom in a Book®, the best-selling series of hands-on soware training workbooks, oers what no other book or training program does—an ocial training series from Adobe Systems incorporated, developed with the support of Adobe product experts.

Adobe target classroom in a book

contains 10 lessons that cover the basics, providing countless tips and techniques to help you become more productive with the program. You can follow the book from start to nish or choose only those lessons that interest you.

What you need to use this book:

Access to an Adobe Target account.

(Not included.) N ote: Classroom in a Book does not replace the documentation, support, updates, or any other benets of being a registered owner of Adobe Target soware. Learn how to use Adobe Target to create an optimization program that enables your marketers to drive more revenue through testing and personalization. in this book, you"ll learn everything from the basics of geing started to the challenges of growing your organi- zation and leveraging advanced tactics. You"ll get hands-on advice on how to create dierent kinds of testing and targeting activities; identify winning results and key segments; use the visual Experience Composer to easily create and modify content; nd technical docu- mentation on APis and plug-ins; collaborate with colleagues and share results across the organization; and speed up your marketing activities and increase your KPis. Additionally, the book will oer insights into what has helped other organizations adopt and scale testing, whether it involves collecting test ideas and communicating test results, or building internal support and educating on capabilities. CLASSROOM IN A BOOK

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Adobe Press books are published

by Peachpit, San Francisco, CA

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CANADA $72.99Adobe target


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Adobe Target

ClAssroom in A book

?e oficial training workbook from Adobe brian Hawkins and lily Chiu-Watson A Guide for Marketing, Business, and IT Professionals

9780321962874_ATargetCIB_Title.indd 16/12/14 4:48 AM

Adobe® Target Classroom in a Book®

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Writers: Brian Hawkins, Lily Chiu-Watson

Project Editor: Nancy Peterson

Development Editor: Bob Lindstrom

Copyeditor: Anne Marie Walker

Proofreader: Scout Festa

Production Coordinator: Maureen Forys, Happenstance Type-O-Rama

Compositor: Cody Gates, Happenstance Type-O-Rama

Technical Reviewer: Kimen Warner

indexer: Joy Dean Lee

Cover Designer: Eddie Yuen

interior Designer: Mimi Heft

Printed and bound in the United States of America





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ere are way too many people to thank given the space allotted! i have had the incredible pleasure of working with some of the smartest and most fascinating people and organizations around the world. e fun and amazing oermatica family who opened my eyes to the power of optimization and the power a team can have when they collectively believe in something. my colleagues at oermatica, omniture, and at Adobe who are some of the brightest minds that i have ever met. my partners at Web Analytics demystied who inspired me to take on this task and encouraged me along the way. And, of course, the many great clients and organiza tions that i have had the pleasure of working with. i would like to also thank my loving family including my mother Fran Hawkins, my father tom Hawkins, and my sisters Jaimie Cahill and megan Hawkins. my loving wife erika and my beautiful son Jackson. my dear friends lily Chiu-Watson and kimen Warner; without them, this book would not have been possible. And nally nancy Peterson, bob lindstrom, and Victor gavenda at Pearson whose support and patience made this all come together.

—brian Hawkins

anks so much to the oermatica family for launching us on this wild and crazy optimization ride. i"ve never worked with a more fun, intelligent, and neurotic bunch of people, and fear i never will again. anks to my husband, whose patience, love, and support knows no bounds. i"m also incredibly thankful for the friendship of brian Hawkins, who gave me the fantastic opportunity to write this book with him, and kimen Warner, who lovingly edited all our technical mistakes. speaking of editing, i will always be grateful to bob lindstrom and nancy Peterson for their unwavering optimism and support throughout the writing process. anks as well to all of the clients i have worked with over the years. i"ve learned so much through our experiences. ere are too many more people to thank, including the incom parable team bearPaw, my amazing friends and family, and all of the kind and thoughtful people i"ve been lucky enough to work with at omniture and Adobe.

—lily Chiu Watson

iv Contents



Who is this book for?

What"s in the book?

About Classroom in a Book




Additional resources

.xiii 1 ADOBE TA


What is testing?

What is optimization?


Adobe Target: Key concepts that enable testing

..............4 Where to start ..............................................6

Understanding your digital properties" goals


Best practices




How the mbox works ......................................14 Giving data to the mbox ...................................20

Managing mboxes


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