[PDF] Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX Die Liste beschreibt nur den

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File Extensions for Collection Categories

GetRight file list. Productivity Windows 2000 Client Connection Manager Export file ... DivX. Audio & Video m3v. DJ Mix Pro playlist file. Audio & Video.

AMD64 Technology AMD64 Architecture Programmers Manual

a Definitions section which lists a number of terms used in the manual Several additional system-level details about memory and cache management are.

C/C++ Compiler Package for M16C Series and R8C Family V.6.00 C

Precautions Concerning the Memory Management Functions malloc() calloc()

C++ lecture notes

2 mar 2011 2.2 Shell and simple file management. 2.2.1 File names and paths. We will call path a list of directory names indicating a location where ...


10 abr 1995 1La source en C++ se trouve dans le fichier « silence.cpp » ... Bref la liste serait interminable. ... dx= dx - SUBX - fabs(dx) * DIVX;.

USCIS - H-1B Approved Petitioners Fiscal Year 2009

20 abr 2010 The file below is a list of petitioners who received an approval in fiscal year ... BLACKROCK FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT INC15 ... EN-FAB INC

Intel® Journal

15 nov 2007 General Manager Developer Products Division


FreeWare List. A list free software from www.neowin.net a great forum with high amount of Fab's Autobackup - http://fabs.dyndns.o...ction=freewares.

FY08 counts--ALL EMPLOYERS of Initial H-1Bs


Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX

Die Liste beschreibt nur den Gebrauch sie legt nicht eine Definition fest. CPP. Corporate Preview Program. CPPM. Computer Protection Program Manager.

FAB CPP DIVX LISTE MANAGER - fromelardonlinefr

FAB CPP DIVX LISTE MANAGER Ce projet est un projet de seconde année d'école fait en CPP avec CPP Builder de Borland Je vous le fourni juste pour donner des idées Il utilise une simple base Access (format 97) en mode de connexion via ODBC (donc un lien est obligatoire) Je fourni la base de donnée (format 2000 car je n'ai plus le 97)

Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX

(Informatik, Telekommunikation)

W. Alex

1. Dezember 2015


Copyright W. Alex, Karlsruhe, 1994 - 2009. Die Liste darf unentgeltlich benutzt und weitergegeben werden. Original Point of Distribution: http://www.abklex.de/abklex/

An authorized Czechian version is published on:

Please, visit also: http://www.abklex.de/debian/

Author"s Email address: alex-weingarten@t-online.de 0

Kapitel 1


Gehen wir von 30 Zeichen aus, aus denen Abkürzungen gebildet werden, und nehmen zungen bilden (Kombinationen mit Wiederholung und Berücksichtigung der Reihenfolge). Es folgt eine Auswahl von rund 15000 Abkürzungen aus den Bereichen Informatik und Telekommunikation. Die Abkürzungen werden hier durchgehend groß geschrieben, Akzen- te, Bindestriche und dergleichen wurden weggelassen. Einige Abkürzungen sind geschützte Namen; diese sind nicht gekennzeichnet. Die Liste beschreibt nur den Gebrauch, sie legt nicht eine Definition fest.

100GE 100 GBit/s Ethernet

16CIF 16 times Common Intermediate Format (Picture Format)

16QAM 16-state Quadrature Amplitude Modulation

1GFC 1 Gigabaud Fiber Channel (2, 4, 8, 10, 20GFC)

1GL 1st Generation Language (Maschinencode)

1TBS One True Brace Style (C)

1TR6 (ISDN-Protokoll D-Kanal, national)

247 24/7: 24 hours per day, 7 days per week

2D 2-dimensional

2GL 2nd Generation Language (Assembler)

2L8 Too Late (Slang)

2MS Strukturierte Monopolleitung 2 Mbit/s

3D 3-dimensional

3GIO 3rd Generation I/O (Bus, Interface)

3GL 3rd Generation Language (C/C++, Fortran, Cobol)

3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project

3LH 3rd Level Hierarchy

3PCC 3rd Party Call Control

3R Retiming, Reshaping, Reamplifying

3RR Three-revert rule (Wikipedia)

3T 3 Ticks (CD/DVD)

4CIF 4 times Common Intermediate Format (Picture Format)

4GL 4th Generation Language (SQL, Labview, ABAP)

4LH 4th Level Hierarchy

4MV 4 Motion Vector

4U For You

5GL 5th Generation Language

64QAM 64-state Quadrature Amplitude Modulation


6GL 6th Generation Language

7E1 (Zeichenformat: 7 Bits/Zeichen, parity even, 1 Stopbit)

8N1 (Zeichenformat: 8 Bits/Zeichen, no parity bit, 1 Stopbit)

9P Plan 9 Filesystem Protocol

10GE 10 GBit/s Ethernet

A Advanced, American, Amplitude, Analog, Application, Architecture, Area, Association

A2C Administration to Consumer

A2DP Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (Bluetooth) A4E Anmelden - 4 Tage abwarten - editieren (Wikipedia)

AA Access Authorization

AA Aiming Algorithm

AA Anti-Aliasing

AA Arbitrary Access

AA Assistant Administrator

AA Audits + Assessments

AA Auto Answer

AAA Adaptive Anti-Aliasing

AAA Authentication, Authorization, Accounting (system)

AAAA Aussuchen - Auspacken - Anpassen - Anwenden

AAAAAA Association for the Abolition of Abused Abbreviations and Asinine Acronyms AAAI American Association of Artificial Intelligence

AAB All-to-All Broadcast

AAB Application Anchor Block

AAC Advanced Audio Coder/Coding

AAC Apple Assistance Center

AAC+ Advanced Audio Coder/Coding Plus

AACD Academic Administrative Computing Services

AACE Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education

AACLC Advanced Audio Coder/Coding Low Complexity

AACR Anglo-American Cataloging Rules

AACS Advanced/Automated Access Content/Control System

AACS Ann Arbor Computer Society

AACS Asynchronous Address Communication System

AACS Automated Analog Circuit Synthesis

AACSLA AACS LA: Advanced Access Content System Licensing Administrator

AAD Address Adder

AADP Administrative Automatic Data Processing

AAE Allgemeine Anschalt-Erlaubnis

AAE Automatische Anrufeinrichtung

AAF Adjustable Active Filter

AAFID Autonomous Agent For Intrusion Detection

AAIC Accounting Authority Identification Code

AAL Absolute Assembly Language

AAL Ambient Assisted Living

AAL Asynchronous Transfer Mode Adaption Layer

AAL ATM Adaptation Layer

AALPDU AAL Protocol Data Unit

AAM Automatic Acoustic Management


AAMOF As A Matter Of Fact (Slang)

AAN Associated Account Number

AAP Advanced Adaptive Protocol

AAP Applications Access Point

AAP Association of American Publishers

AAPI Audio Applications Programming Interface

AAR Anfangsadressregister

AARP AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol

AAS All-to-All Scatter

AAS Arithmetic Assignment Statement

AASP ASCII Asynchronous Support Package

AAT Average Access Time

AATIS Arbeitskreis Amateurfunk und Telekommunikation in der Schule

AATP Authorized Academic Training Program

AAUI Apple Attachment Unit Interface

AAVD Automatic Alternate Voice Data

AB Anrufbeantworter

AB Ausser Betrieb

ABAP Advanced Business Application Programming (SAP)

ABB ASEA Brown Boveri (Schweiz)

ABC Abstract Base Class

ABC Advanced BASIC Computer

ABC American Broadcasting Company

ABC Applications of Broadband Communication

ABC Appropriate Byte Counting

ABC Approximate Bayesian Computation

ABC Atanasoff-Berry-Computer

ABC Automatic Brightness Control

ABCD Add, Browse, Change, Delete

ABCS Advanced Business Communications via Satellite

ABD Automatic Baudrate Detection

ABEND Abnormal End

ABF Adobe Binary Screen Font

ABG abgehend

ABG Access Border Gateway

ABG Ads By Google

ABG Automatisierte Biometriegestützte Grenzkontrolle

ABI Application Binary Interface

ABIC Access Bus Industry Group

ABIOS Advanced Basic Input Output System

ABIST Automatic Built-In Self Test

ABK Arbeitskreis Bildkommunikation

ABLE Adaptive Battery Life Extender

ABLE Agent Building and Learning Environment

ABM Anything But Microsoft

ABM Asynchronous Balanced Mode

ABN Australian Bibliographic Network

ABNF Augmented Backus-Naur Form

ABNS Application Based Network Services

ABR Associativity-Based Routing (protocol)


ABR Automated Beacon Removal

ABR Available Bit Rate

ABRD Automatic Baud Rate Detection

ABRS Automated Book Request System

ABS Address Book Synchronization

ABS Authorized Bearer Services (Exceptions)

ABS Automatic Backup Shutdown

ABT Abort

ABT ATM Block Transfer

ABTDT ATM Block Transfer Delayed Transmission

ABTIT ATM Block Transfer Immediate Transmission

ABTS ASCII Block Terminal Services

AC Access/Automatic Control

AC Access Concentrator

AC Accumulator

AC Advisory Committee

AC Alternating Current

AC Analogue Computer

AC Arc Consistency

AC Audio Code/Codec/Coding

AC Authority Center

AC Auto Check

AC97 AC"97: Audio Codec "97 (Intel)

ACA Application Control Architecture (DEC)

ACAD AC Adaptor

ACAP Application Configuration Access Protocol

ACAP Automated Content Access Protocol

ACAS Application Control Architecture Services

ACATS Advisory Committee on Advanced Television Systems

ACC Abnormal Condition Control

ACC Access

ACC Accumulator

ACC Adaptive Cruise Control

ACC Area Communication Controller

ACCMAIL Accessing the Internet via Email

ACCU Association of C and C++ Users

ACD Automated/Automatic Call Director/Distributor/Distribution

ACDF Access Control Decision Function

ACDG Automatic Call Distribution Group

ACDI Asynchronous Communication Device Interface

ACDP Australian Committee on Data Processing

ACE A Compact Evaluated Nuclear Data File

ACE Access Control Encryption/Entry

ACE Adaptive Communication Environment

ACE Additional Core Enhancements

ACE Adobe Certified Expert

ACE Advanced Computing Environment (SCO)

ACE Adverse Channel Enhancement

ACE ASCII Compatible Encoding

ACE Automatic Calling Equipment


ACELP Algebraic Code Excited Linear Prediction

ACF Access Control Field

ACF Admission Confirmation

ACF Advanced Communication Function

ACF Attribute Configuration File

ACFC Address and Control Field Compression

ACFM Alternating Current Frequency Modulation

ACH Automeated Clearing House

ACI Access Control Information/Interface

ACI Adjacent Channel Interference

ACI Advanced Chip Interconnection

ACI Advanced Computing Initiative

ACI American Computer Innovators

ACI Application Communication Interface

ACIA Access Control Inner Area

ACIA Asynchronous Communication Interface Adapter

ACIAS Automated Calibration Internal Analysis System

ACID Add, Change, Inquire, Delete

ACID Analysis Console for Intrusion Databases

ACID Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability

ACIS American Committee for Interoperable Systems

ACK Acknowledge/Acknowledgement

ACK Amsterdam Compiler Kit

ACL Access Control List

ACL Account Classification

ACL Advanced Computing Laboratory

ACL Agent Communication Language

ACL Application Connectivity Link

ACL Asynchronous Connectionless Link

ACLS Accounting Class Packet Services

ACLU American Civil Liberties Union, USA

ACM Association for Computing Machinery, USA

ACM Audio Compression Manager

ACME Assembling Configuration Management Environments

ACMS Application Control Management System

ACNS Academic Computing and Networking Services

ACNS Application and Content Networking System (Cisco)

ACNS Applied Cryptography and Networking Security

ACNS Automated Copyright Notice System

ACONET Akademisches Computer-Netz, Österrreich

ACOPS Automatic CPU Overheat Prevention System

ACOS Additional Call Offering Service

ACP Analog Copy Protection

ACP Ancillary Control Program

ACP Automatic Channel Programming

ACP Auxiliary Control Process

ACP Average CPU Power

ACPA Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act, USA

ACPI Advanced Configuration and Power Interface

ACPICA Advanced Configuration and Power Management Interface Component Architecture 5

ACR Advanced Communication Riser

ACR Allowed Cell Rate

ACR Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio

ACRG Access Code Restriction Group

ACROSS Automated Cargo Release and Operations Service System

ACS Access Control Server/Set/System

ACS Account Control System

ACS Advanced Communication/Computer System

ACS Aldus Color File

ACS Anti Curl System

ACS Asynchronous Communication Server

ACSA Access Control Specific Area

ACSE Association Control Service Element/Entity

ACSK Adaptive Code Shift Keying

ACSNET Australian Computer Science Network

ACSR Automatic Customer Station Rearrangement

ACSS Audio Cascading Style Sheet

ACT Advanced Communication for Training

ACT Applied Computerized Telephony (HP)

ACTA America"s Carriers Telecommunication Association

ACTA Anti Counterfeiting Trade Agreement

ACTI Advanced Computational Technology Initiative

ACTL Access Customer Terminal Location

ACTLU Active Logical Unit

ACTPU Active Physical Unit

ACTS Advanced Communications Technologies and Services

ACTS Advanced Communications Technology Satellite

ACTS Automated Computer Time Service (NIST)

ACTT Advanced Communication and Timekeeping Technology

ACTU Active User

ACTV Advanced Compatible Television

ACU Access Control Unit

ACU Acknowledgement Signal Unit

ACU Automatic Calling Unit

ACVC Ada Compiler Validation Capacity

ACWT Analog Call Waiting

AD A/D: Analog/Digital

AD Active Directory

AD Administrative Domain

AD Assignment Date

ADA Adobe Developers Association

ADA Applied Decision Analysis

ADA Automatic Data Acquisition

ADABAS Adaptable Database System

ADAIC Ada Information Clearinghouse

ADAM Automatischer Datenmessplatz

ADAM Art, Design, Architecture + Media Information Gateway

ADAT Alesis Digital Audio Tape

ADB Apple Desktop Bus

ADB Authentication Database


ADC Adaptive Data Compression

ADC Add with Carry

ADC Analogue to Digital Converter

ADC Apple Developer Connection

ADC Apple Display Connector

ADC Application Development Classes

ADCCP Advanced Data Communication Control Procedure/Protocol

ADD Adapter Device Driver

ADD Architecture Design Document

ADD Automatic Document Detection

ADDMD Administration Directory Management Domain

ADDX Assoziation Deutschsprachiger DXer

ADE Advanced Document Engineering

ADE Application Development Environment

ADEOS Advanced Earth Observation Satellite, Japan

ADEPA Agence Nationale pour le Developpement de la Production Automatisee

ADF Active Dynamic Filtering

ADF Adaptor Description File

ADF Address Distribution Facility

ADF Amiga Disk File

ADF Amsterdam Density Functional

ADF Application Development Facility/Framework

ADF Arbeitskreis Digitale Fotografie

ADF Auto-lead Data Format

ADF Automatic Direction Finder/Finding

ADF Automatic Document Feed/Feeder

ADF Automatically Defined Function

ADFS Acorn/Advanced Disc File/Filing System

ADI Agence de l"Informatique

ADI Autodesk Device Interface

ADIOS Automated Download and Installation of Operating Systems ADISS Analytical Data Interchange + Storage Standards

ADL Above Detection Limit

ADL Address Data Latch

ADL Adventure Definition Language

ADLAT Adaptive Lattice Filter

ADLC Adaptive Lossless Data Compression

ADLC Asynchronous Data Link Control

ADM Add/Drop-Multiplexer

ADM Aggregate Data Manager

ADM Application Development Modul

ADM Arrow Diagram Method

ADM Asynchronous Disconnected Mode

ADM Automatic Drive Maintenance

ADMACS Apple Document Management And Control System ADMD Administrative/Administration Management Domain (X.400)

ADO ActiveX Data Object

ADP Administrative/Automatic Data Processing

ADP AOLserver Dynamic Pages

ADP Automatic Data Processing

7 ADPCM Adaptive Delta/Differential Pulse Code Modulation/Modulator

ADR Address

ADR Advanced Digital Recording

ADRC Adaptive Dynamic Range Coding

ADRD Automatic Data Rate Detection

ADRES Automatic Dynamic Range Expansion System

ADS Active Directory Service

ADS Aktiver Diagnose-Stecker


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