[PDF] OSX (Mac) Memory Acquisition and Analysis Using OSXpmem and Vola

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Workshop: An Introduction to macOS Forensics with Open Source

25 нояб. 2021 г. can be acquired are very limited. ▸OSXPmem is not supported. ▸Surge Collect Pro is supported by macOS 11 or later. ○https ...

bash history forensics

osxpmem chainbreaker(00) (0

Testing Memory Forensics Tools for the Macintosh OS X Operating

31 мар. 2018 г. Memory captures were done with MacQuisition OSXPMem

Workshop: An Introduction to macOS Forensics with Open Source

25 нояб. 2021 г. 7以下であれば、OSXPmemでメモリイメージを. 取得できる. ▸https://github ... ▸OSXPmemは非対応. ▸Surge Collect ProはmacOS 11以降に対応している.

Testing Memory Forensics Tools for the Macintosh OS X Operating

31 мар. 2018 г. Memory captures were done with MacQuisition OSXPMem

[1] be.aff4 11:14:35> session # current image local system time

MAC OSXPMEM (Run commands with Root privileges). Extract osxpmem.zip and ensure file/dir permissions are root:wheel. CREATING AN AFF4. $ sudo kextload MacPmem 

Instance memory acquisition techniques for effective incident response

▫ Pmem Suite (WinPmem/OSXPmem/LinPmem). ▫ AccessData FTK Imager (Lite). ▫ MAGNET RAM Capture. ▫ Belkasoft RAM Capturer. ▫ OpenText EnCase (multiple 

Web Browser Private Mode Forensics Analysis

30 июн. 2014 г. OSXPmem: This is an open source tool used to acquire physical memory contents from an Intel based Mac. To run the tool you need to have root ...


5.2 OSXPmem. OSXPMEM [34] är ett open-source verktyg utarbetat av Johannes Stuettgen. Det nyttjas för att inhämta fysiskt minne från 64 bitars Intel-baserade 

Hunting Mac Malware with Memory Forensics

◇ OSXPmem (Michael Cohen). ◇ Works on 10.9. ◇ Mac Memoryze (Mandiant). ◇ 10.7+ guests in VMware Fusion. ◇ Fully supported by Apple. Page 11. #RSAC.

On the Viability of Memory Forensics in Compromised Environments

28.05.2015 source memory acquisition frameworks Winpmem Pmem

bash history forensics

osxpmem chainbreaker(00) (0

Testing Memory Forensics Tools for the Macintosh OS X Operating

31.03.2018 tools could capture system memory accurately the open-source tool OSXPmem appeared advantageous in size

Web Browser Private Mode Forensics Analysis

30.06.2014 Magnet Forensics Internet Evidence Finder: This tool carves out data from the disk/ram image that is loaded for analysis [57]. OSXPmem: This is ...

Infiltrate the Vault: Security Analysis and Decryption of Lion Full Disk

With the launch of Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) Apple has introduced a volume encryption mechanism known as. FileVault 2. Apple only disclosed marketing aspects of.

Tanium™ Incident Response User Guide

11.02.2021 <Tanium Client>/Downloads/Action_nnn/osxpmem.app/osxpmem. 1. <Tanium Client>/Downloads/Action_nnn/taniumfiletransfer. 7.2.xclients.

Workshop: An Introduction to macOS Forensics with Open Source

25.11.2021 ?OSXPmem????. ?Surge Collect Pro?macOS 11?????????. ? https://www.volexity.com/products-overview/surge/.

Aufdeckung von Malware in RAM-Speichern durch Daten

22.02.2019 2.2.3 winpmem linpmem und osxpmem. Ein weiteres Kommandozeilentool kommt vom Rekall Forensics Framework7 und ist unter.

2 I January 2014

OSXPmem. The OSX Memory Imager is an open source tool to acquire physical memory on an Intel based Mac. It consists of 2 components:.

AFF4 imager Documentation

08.02.2018 osxpmem (A memory acquisition suite). All the below commands should also work on these tools as well. You can download the latest release of ...

OSX (Mac) Memory Acquisition and Analysis Using OSXpmem and Vola

MAC OSXPMEM (Run commands with Root privileges) Extract osxpmem zip and ensure file/dir permissions are root:wheel CREATING AN AFF4 $ sudo kextload MacPmem kext $ sudo /osxpmem --output test aff4 $ sudo kextunload MacPmem kext/ LIVE OSX MEMORY ANALYSIS $ sudo kextload MacPmem kext/ $ rekal -f /dev/pmem $ sudo kextunload MacPmem kext/

Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation

DumpIT EmEditor OSXpmem Dezfouli et al (Dezfouli et al 2015) 2015 iOS Android Hard disk/ Volatile memory Facebook Twitter Linkedin Googleþ Access Data FTK DCode HxD Editor iBackupBot Plist Editor for Windows Sqlite Database Browser Wireshark Kazim et al (Kazim et al 2019) 2019 Windows 7 Volatile Memory Google Hangout Dumpit

Volatile Memory Based Forensic Artifacts & Analysis

OSXPmem The OSX Memory Imager is an open source tool to acquire physical memory on an Intel based Mac It consists of 2 components: osxpmem -parses the accessible sections of physical memory

What is osxpmem and how does it work?

    Let’s have a look at memory acquisition of OSX systems using a nifty tool called OSXpmem. OSXpmem is a part of the pmem suite created by the developers of Rekall.

What is xpmem in Linux?

    Keep in mind there may be bugs and this version may cause kernel panics, code crashes, eat your cat, etc. XPMEM is a Linux kernel module that enables a process to map the memory of another process into its virtual address space.

What is openemm?

    OpenEMM is the first open source application for e-mail marketing. companies like IBM, Daimler, Siemens and Deutsche Telekom. not offer right now (for example MySQL support and CMS functionality). to facilitate re-configuration of YubiKeys on Windows, Linux and Mac platforms. keys.

What is OpenStreetMap osmnx?

    OSMnx is a Python package that lets you download spatial geometries and model, project, visualize, and analyze street networks and other spatial data from OpenStreetMap’s API In the next three sections, we retrieve three different kinds of data from OpenStreetMap: Cafes as points of interest, buildings, and street networks.
Memory analysis is one of the most powerful investigation techniques available to forensic examiners. Rekall auto-detects kernel versions available either online or stored locally. When launching Rekall, you can run single commands or drop into an interactive session to take advantage of caching, preventing the need to obtain the same data with subsequent plugin runs. This cheatsheet shows command line examples using both techniques for Rekall version 1.5.3+


# tar vxzf linux_pmem_1.0RC1.tgz # cd linux # make


# gzip -d linpmem_2.0.1.gz # chmod 755 linpmem_2.0.1 # ./linpmem_2.0.1 -o linux.aff4 # cd linux # rekal convert_profile 3.11.0-26-generic.zip Ubuntu.zip # rekal --profile=Ubuntu.zip -f ../linux.aff4 [1]be.aff4 11:14:35> session # current image local system time The Rekall Memory Forensic Framework is a collection of memory acquisition and analysis tools implemented in Python under the GNU General Public License. This cheatsheet provides a quick reference for memory analysis operations in Rekall, covering acquisition, live memory analysis and parsing plugins used in the 6-Step Investigative Process. For more information on this tool, visit rekall-forensic.com. (Open cmd.exe as Administrator)


C:\Program Files\Rekall> Rekal --live


C:\Program Files\Rekall> Rekal --live API

**LIVE WMI COMMANDS **LIVE GLOB SEARCH \windows\ Rekall Memory Forensic Framework CREATING AN AFF4 (Open cmd.exe as Administrator)

C:\> winpmem_.exe -o output.aff4

*INCLUDE PAGE FILE C:\> winpmem_.exe -p c:\pagefile.sys -o output.aff4


C:\> winpmem.exe output.aff4 --export

PhysicalMemory -o memory.img


$ rekal -f win7.aff4 imagecopy --output-image= Windows Memory Acquisition (winpmem)

Single Command Example

$ rekal -f be.aff4 pslist

Starting an Interactive Session

$ rekal -f be.aff4 Starting an Interactive Session (sends output to specified tool) $ rekal -f be.aff4 --pager=gedit Getting Started with Rekall ENUMERATE AND EXTRACT REGISTRY HIVES

HIVES- Find and list available registry hives

$ rekal -f be.aff4 hives

REGDUMP- Extracts target hive

--hive_regex Regex Pattern Matching - Dump directory $ rekal -f be.aff4 regdump --hive_regex="SAM" -D "/cases" PRINTKEY- Output a registry key, subkeys, and values [1]be.aff4 11:14:35> printkey K \Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ USERASSIST- Find and parse userassist key values Registry Analysis Plugins

MAC OSXPMEM (Run commands with Root privileges)

Extract osxpmem.zip and ensure file/dir permissions are root:wheel


$ sudo kextload MacPmem.kext $ sudo ./osxpmem --output test.aff4 $ sudo kextunload MacPmem.kext/


$ sudo kextload MacPmem.kext/ $ rekal -f /dev/pmem $ sudo kextunload MacPmem.kext/ Linux Memory Acquisition Live Windows Memory Analysis ANALYZE_STRUCT Interprets and identifies windows memory structures when given a virtual offset [1]be.aff4 11:15:35> analyze_struct 0x8180e6f0

DT Displays Specific Kernel Data Structures

[1]be .aff4 11:14:35> dt ,offset= PTOV Determine owning process with physical to virtual address translation (decimal offset shown below) $ rekal -f test.img ptov 21732272 VMSCAN Allows for the identification of virtual machines

CERTSCAN Dumps RSA private and public keys

dump_dir= Dumps output to a specified directory

MIMIKATZ Extracts and decrypts credentials from lsass MacOS Memory Live Analysis & Acquisition Additional Functionality Rekall Memory Forensic Framework



Step 6. Dump Suspicious Processes and Drivers DLLLIST List of loaded dlls by process. Filter on specific process(es) by including the process identifier as a positional argument [1]im age.img 11:14:35> dlllist [1580,204]

THREADS Enumerates process threads

HANDLES List of open handles for each process Include pid or array of pids separated by commas

Limit to handles of a certain type {Process,

Thread, Key, Event, File, Mutant, Token, Port}

FILESCAN Scan memory for _FILE_OBJECT handles

[1]im age.img 11:14

DUMPFILES Extract memory mapped files

[1]image.img 11:14:35> dumpfiles 1484,dump_dir="."Step 2. Analyze Process DLLs and Handles

DUMP Hexdump data starting a specified offset

[1]be.aff4 11:14:35> dump


Positional Argument: Filter by process PID

Regex to select process by

name offset= Specify process by physical memory offset dump_dir= Directory to save extracted files

DLLDUMP Extract DLLs from specific processes

[1]be.aff4 11:14:35> dlldump 1004,dump_dir=.

MODDUMP Extract kernel drivers

[1]be .aff4 ,

PROCDUMP Dump process to executable sample

[1]be.aff4 11:14:35> procdump dump_ MEMDUMP Dump every memory section into a single file [1]be.aff4 11:15:35NETSCAN -Scan for connections and sockets in Vista-Win7 [1]me mory.aff4 11:14:35> netscan

NETSTAT -ID active TCP connections in Vista-Win7

[1]me mory.aff4 11:14:35> netstat

DNS_CACHE- Dumps dns resolver cache

[1]me mory.aff4 11:14:35> dns_cacheStep 3. Review Network Artifacts Step 4. Look for Evidence of Code Injection PSXVIEW Find hidden processes using cross-view

MODSCAN Scan memory for loaded, unloaded, and

unlinked drivers SERVICES Enumerates services from in-memory registry hive


HOOKS_INLINE Detects API hooks

eprocess= Filters by virtual address EProcess phys_eprocess= Filters by physical address of EProcess

HOOKS_EAT Detects Export Address Table hooks

[1]be.aff4 11:14:35> hooks_eat 6764

HOOKS_IAT Detects Import Address Table hooks

SSDT Hooks in System Service Descriptor Table

DRIVERIRP Identify I/O Request Packet (IRP) hooks - Filter on REGEX name pattern

OBJECT_TREE Tracks named objects

[1]be.aff4 CALLBACKS Enumerates registered system event callbacks Step 5. Check for Signs of a Rootkit


[1]be.aff4 11:14:35> plugins. (lists plugins applicable for use for this image) [1]be.aff4 11:14:35> pslist? (lists options available for specific plugin)


describe() Print the output fields of a plugin verbosity=# Specify amount of output (1-10, default=1)

Regex to select process by name

Positional Argument: Filter by process PID

Path to output directory

\ Required if outputting to file quit Exit interactive session IMAGE DETAILS (list OS version, physical layout, uptime) [1]be.aff4 11:14:35> imageinfo ARTIFACT COLLECTOR (Carving for defined artifacts) [] Live (API) 16:52:10> artifact_list [] Live (API) 16:52:10> artifact_collector \\cases\\ MALFIND Find injected code and dump sections by VAD analysis Positional Argument: Show information only for specific PIDs phys_eprocess= Provide physical offset of process to scan eprocess= Provide virtual offset for process to scan dump_dir= Directory to save memory sections [1]be .aff4 11:14:35> malfind eprocess=0x853cf460,

LDRMODULES Detect unlinked DLLs

verbosity= Verbose: show full paths from three DLL lists [1]be .aff4 11:14:35> ldrmodules 1936 MESSAGEHOOKS Enumerates desktop and thread windows

message hooks to aid in spotting SetWindowsHookEx code injection Step 1. Enumerating Processes Memory Analysis Basics

PSLIST Enumerate Processes

[1]be.aff4 11:14:35> pslist

Customize pslist output with efilters

[1]be .aff4 11:14:35> describe(pslist) [1]be.aff4 11:14:35> select EPROCESS,ppid,process_create_time from pslist() order by process_create_time PSTREE (WITH VERBOSITY) List Processes with path and command line [1]be .aff4 11:14:35> describe(pstree) [1]be .aff4 11:14:35> select _EPROCESS,ppid,cmd,path from pstree()

PEINFO Display detailed process & PE info

[1]be.aff4 11:14:35> procinfo

DESKTOPS Enumerate desktops and desktop threads

[1]be.aff4 11:14:35> desktops verbosity=<#> SESSIONS Enumerate sessions and associated processes [1]be.aff4 11:14:35> sessionsquotesdbs_dbs14.pdfusesText_20
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