[PDF] SDS 321: Introduction to Probability and Statistics Lecture

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SDS 321: Introduction to Probability and Statistics Lecture

SDS 321: Introduction to Probability and

StatisticsLecture 19: Continuous random variables-Deriveddistributions, max of two independent r.v.'s

Purnamrita Sarkar

Department of Statistics and Data Science

The University of Texas at Austin

www.cs.cmu.edu/psarkar/teaching 1



Two random variables: joint distributions


Joint pdf3

IJoint pdf to a single pdf: Marginalization3

IConditional pdf


Conditioning on an event3

IConditioning on a continuous r.v3

ITotal probability rule for continuous r.v's3

IBayes theorem for continuous r.v's3

IConditional expectation and total expectation theorem3 I



More than two random variables.3


Derived distributions


Linear functions

IMonotonic functions

2 Try it yourself: linear function of continuous random variables I LetXbe a random variable with PDFfX(x), and letY= 2X+ 3 I

Then the CDF ofYis given by:


Y(y) =P(2X+ 3y) =P

Xy32 =FXy32 I

Dierentiating, we get:


Y(y) =dFY(y)dy

=dFXy32 dy 12 fXy32 3 Try it yourself: linear function of continuous random variables I LetXbe a random variable with PDFfX(x), and letY=2X+ 3 I

Then the CDF ofYis given by:


Y(y) =P(2X+ 3y) =P

X3y2 = 1FX3y2 I

Dierentiating, we get:


Y(y) =dFY(y)dy

=dFX3y2 dy 12 fXy3(2) 4

Functions of continuous random variables

I LetXbe a random variable with PDFfX(x), and letY=aX+b I f

Y(y) =dFYdy

(y) =8 >:1a fXyba a>0 1a fXyba a<0



Linear functions of continuous random variables

I So, for any continuous random variableX, ifY=aX+b, then f

Y(y) =1jajfXyba

I Let's consider a normal random variable...XN(0;1), then what is the distribution ofY=aX+b?I

We know that


X(x) =1p2ex2=2I

So, f

Y(y) =1jajfXyba

=1jaj1p2expfyba 2 =2g


(yb)22a2!I This is just the PDF of a normal distribution with meanband variancea2!I

In fact, ifXN(;2), thenY=aX+bN(a+b;a22).6

Linear functions of continuous random variables

I So, for any continuous random variableX, ifY=aX+b, then f

Y(y) =1jajfXyba

I Let's consider a normal random variable...XN(0;1), then what is the distribution ofY=aX+b?I

We know that


X(x) =1p2ex2=2I

So, f

Y(y) =1jajfXyba

=1jaj1p2expfyba 2 =2g


(yb)22a2!I This is just the PDF of a normal distribution with meanband variancea2!I

In fact, ifXN(;2), thenY=aX+bN(a+b;a22).6

Linear functions of continuous random variables
