[PDF] Grammaire explicative de l'anglais Livre avec exercices corrigés 5e

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Grammaire explicative de l'anglais

Livre avec

exercices corrigés

5e édition

Nous vous prions de nous excuser pour cet incident.


Section 2.2 - La forme BE + -ING



Temps et aspects


1. Présent et prétérit

Exercice C

1. bit; spit; thought; was; said

2. do you mind; smoke; asked; answered; don"t do

3. did you find; looks; lost; belongs; admired; bought

4. pinched; began; swear; didn"t mean; told; woke

5. wish; earned; could; went; found; has

6. finish; gave; forgot; rang

7. knows; revolves; use; do you think; did

2. La forme BE + -ING

Exercice A

1. bx : à la forme progressive, le verbe see ne peut pas renvoyer ici à la perception,

mais soit à un projet de rencontre, soit à un état de faits provisoire (You"re seeing things / I"m seeing my cousin every Thursday at the moment).

2. ax : la limitation dans le temps exprimée par for a few weeks n"est pas compa-

tible avec la vision globale inhérente au présent simple.

3. Toutes les combinaisons sont possibles.

4. ax et az : ancrage temporel des réponses x et z incompatible avec la valeur

générique de a.

5. by : le repérage par rapport à un moment particulier dans le temps (

BE + ING) cadre mal avec le fait de parler plusieurs langues à la fois.

6. by : cette combinaison semble moins naturelle que les autres, car is being

laisse entendre que ce comportement est lié à un moment particulier, en contradiction avec always. L"association deviendrait plus acceptable si l"on ajoutait à la première phrase : as usual.

Exercice C

1. Where does that bicycle come from? says; was made; import

2. is ringing; are hearing

3. are stepping; promise; are you implying

4. looks; don"t we eat; do/did you see; are not eating

5. went; gave; was standing; arrived; are not getting; shouted; do you think

6. are you laughing; don"t see; see; are always dreaming; want; are laughing;

am not telling

7. Do you want; didn"t know; had; Are you borrowing; belongs; doesn"t like;

isn"t going; begins


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Section 2.3 - La forme HAVE + -EN



8. is getting up; don"t believe; sleeps; took; went; was just getting; You"re

always making; know

9. saw; were carrying; What did you buy?; bought; need(ed); has don"t fit /

had didn"t fit; said; were ordering; am going

10. Are you doing; need; am sorting; contains; didn"t know existed; want; stop

Exercice D

1. I can"t hear anything; they must be taking a nap.

2. Since he was taking a plane the next day, he spent the night at our place.

3.'What are you thinking about?" 'The Christmas holiday."

4. That suitcase weighs twenty kilos. There aren"t just clothes in it, are there?

5.'What is that noise?" 'It"s the neighbour calling her dog." 'I can"t understand

what she is saying: what is its name?"

6. Did you know old Ernest? He used to drink rum mixed with tequila.

7. No, thanks, no wine for me; I"m working this afternoon.

8. What are you looking at? I can"t see anything.

3. La forme HAVE + -EN

Exercice A

1.a. The new manager only arrived yesterday, but all his assistants (had)

arrived the day before. b. All your assistants have arrived, sir. c. All your assistants arrived on Monday.

2.a. Doctor, I"m sure Nelly has already had measles.

b. She had already had them when she first went to school. c. She had measles later than her sister.

3.a. Harvey, have you put the kettle on?

b. Yes, I put it on ten minutes ago. c. I thought someone had already put it on, but I was wrong.

4.a. Energy prices have risen drastically over the past few years.

b. We left before dawn, but by the time we got there the sun had risen. c. The members of the orchestra rose to their feet as the conductor walked in.

5.a. I have seen that film before.

b. In fact, I saw it before you even knew about it. c. ... I had seen that film before.

Exercice B

1. Did you hear; missed; (have) read; did not say; has improved; took; has

gone up; have done

2. haven"t seen; left; have you been; went; lived; got; met; came; have brought

3. have just received; haven"t paid; Didn"t I give; did; spent; has told

4. have lived; have not got; were; moved in; lost; have not invited

5. Have you heard; sent; was; forgot; have been; felt; has made; has begun


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