[PDF] Question tags - Grammar Challenge

Choisir le question tag appropriéExercice fondamental
  • - I am tired. - ?
  • You like chocolate, ?
  • She can't play football, ?
  • - We won't be there. - ?
  • They don't watch the news, ?
  • He isn't from Scotland, ?
  • You can play the piano, ?
  • He isn't working, ?
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Choisir le question tag appropriéExercice fondamental
  • - I am tired. - ?
  • You like chocolate, ?
  • She can't play football, ?
  • - We won't be there. - ?
  • They don't watch the news, ?
  • He isn't from Scotland, ?
  • You can play the piano, ?
  • He isn't working, ?
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B r i t is h B r oad c a s t i ng Co r po r at i on 2007


Ch alle n ge Q u e st i on t ag s P r ac t ice

BBC Learning English - Grammar Challenge

G r a mm a r C h a ll e n ge BB C L e a r nin g En g li s h Pa ge 2 o f 7 h tt p:// www. bbc l e a r nin ge n g li s h c o m/

Grammar Challenge - Question tags

E xer c i se 1: Ma t c h th e beg innin gs o f th e se nt e n ces t o th e c o rrec t e n d in gs 1 I wa s l oo k in g f o r wa rd t o th a t f il m b ut it wa s a l o a d o f r u bb i s h , a. ...isn't it?

2. He talked and talked about the

s a me t o p i c f o r h o u rs , b. ...have they?

3. That's my coat,

c. ...doesn't she? 4. You don't know the answer, d. ...didn't he?

5. They haven't been married very

l o n g e. ...does he? 6. You won't be home till after m i d ni g ht , f. ...had we? 7. Peter doesn't like chocolate, g. ...do you?

8. We hadn't been there very long,

h. ...wasn't it? 9. She lives in Paris, i. ...can you? 10 . You can't swim, j. ...w ill y o u

BBC Learning English - Grammar Challenge

G r a mm a r C h a ll e n ge BB C L e a r nin g En g li s h Pa ge 3 o f 7 h tt p:// www. bbc l e a r nin ge n g li s h c o m/

Exercise 2: Correct / Wrong

Re a d th e se nt e n ces a n d dec i de w h e th er th e q u es ti o n t a gs a re in th e c o rrec t f o rm 1 W e h a d a grequotesdbs_dbs6.pdfusesText_12