[PDF] EXERCISES Add the tag questions: 1. She is from a sm

Choisir le question tag appropriéExercice fondamental
  • - I am tired. - ?
  • You like chocolate, ?
  • She can't play football, ?
  • - We won't be there. - ?
  • They don't watch the news, ?
  • He isn't from Scotland, ?
  • You can play the piano, ?
  • He isn't working, ?
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Choisir le question tag appropriéExercice fondamental
  • - I am tired. - ?
  • You like chocolate, ?
  • She can't play football, ?
  • - We won't be there. - ?
  • They don't watch the news, ?
  • He isn't from Scotland, ?
  • You can play the piano, ?
  • He isn't working, ?
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QUESTIONTAGS-EXERCISESAddthetagquestions:1. SheisfromasmalltowninChina,_______________?2. Theyaren'tontheirwayalready,________________?3. We'relateagain,_________________?4. I'mnotthepersonwiththetickets,_______________?5. Julieisn'tanaccountant,_________________?6. Theweatherisreallybadtoday,___________________?7. He'sveryhandsome,__________________?8. Theyaren'tinRomeatthemoment,_________________?9. Youaren'tfromBrazil,___________________?10. John'saverygoodstudent,__________________?11. Ilikechocolateverymuch,_________________?12. Shedoesn'tworkinahotel,_________________?13. Theyneedsomenewclothes,________________?14. Weliveinatinyflat,________________?15. Shestudiesveryhardeverynight,________________?16. DavidandJuliedon'ttakeChineseclasses,_________________?17. Ioftencomehomelate,_________________?18. Youdon'tlikespicyfood,_____________?19. Shedoesn'tcookveryoften,_______________?20. Wedon'twatchmuchTV,________________?
