Second Report on State Responsibility : The Origin of International Responsibility, by Roberto Ago, Special Rapporteur, in Yearbook of the International Law 

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The Creation of States in International Law By James Crawford

The Creation of States in International Law By James Crawford Oxford: Clarendon Press: Oxford University Press 1979 498pp £18·00 WE are told not once 

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The Creation of States in International Law Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2nd edition, 2006 Pp 70 £80 , € 116 58 (hb)

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contents 6 A normative 'due process' in the creation of States 7 Secession and the law of State succession 208 8 Are there gaps in the international law of secession? 231 ciise/ pdf /Commission-Report pdf (last visited May 11, 2004), p

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Second Report on State Responsibility : The Origin of International Responsibility, by Roberto Ago, Special Rapporteur, in Yearbook of the International Law 

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Santiago, Chile

24 April

- 19 May 2017



Codification Division of the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs

Copyright © United Nations, 2017




REQUIRED READINGS (printed format)

Legal instruments, documents and case law

1. Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons, Advisory Opinion, I.C.J.

Reports 1996,

p. 226

2. Statute of the International Court of Justice, 26 June 1945, UNTS vol. 33, p. 993,

Article 38.

For text, see

Charter of the United Nations and Statute of the International Court of Justice

3. Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, 29 May 1969.

For text, see

The Work of the International Law Commission

, 8th ed., vol. II,

United Nations Publication, p. 116

4. Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project (Hungary/Slovakia), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports

pp. 55-84, paras. 92-115

5. Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v.

United States of America), Merits, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1986 pp. 92-112, paras. 172-214

6. World Duty Free Company Limited v. Republic of Kenya, Award, ICSID Case

No. ARB/00/7

4 October 2006

pp. 41-48, paras. 137-157

Suggested readings (not reproduced)

7. Prosper Weil, "Vers une normativité relative en droit international", Revue

générale de droit international public, vol. 86,

Paris, 1982, p. 5

8. Georges Abi-Saab, "Les sources du droit international : essai de déconstruction",

Liber Amicorum en hommage au Professeur Eduardo Jiménez de Aréchaga,

Manuel Rama Montaldo (eds.),

Montevideo, FCU, 1994, vol. I, pp. 29-


9. Paul Reuter, Introduction au droit des traités, Paris, Presses universitaires de

France, 3eme

édition revue et augmentée par Philippe Cahier, 1995, pp. 1-37

10. Eduardo Jiménez de Aréchaga, "International law in the past third of a century",

RCADI, vol. 159, 1978, pp. 9-34

11. Julio Barberis, Fuentes del Derecho Internacional, La Plata, Editora Platense,

1973, pp. 3-30


REQUIRED READINGS (printed format)


12. Reparation for injuries suffered in the service of the United Nations, Advisory

Opinion, I.C.J. Reports 1949, pp. 177-179

13. Accordance with International Law of the Unilateral Declaration of

Independence in Respect of Kosovo, Advisory Opinion, I.C.J. Reports 2010 , pp.

436-439, paras. 79-84

Suggested readings (not reproduced)

14. James Crawford, "The Criteria for Statehood in International Law", British

Yearbook of International Law,

vol. 48, Oxford, 1976, p. 93

15. Michel Virally, "La notion de fonction dans la théorie de l'organisation

internationale", Mélanges offerts à Charles Rousseau, Paris, Pedone, 1974, pp.


16. Rosalyn Higgins, "Conceptual thinking about the individual in international


British Journal of International Studies,

vol. 4,

Cambridge, 1978, p. 1

17. Marcelo Kohen, Possession contestée et souveraineté territoriale, Paris, Presses

universitaires de France, 1997, pp. 407-416

18. Andrew Clapham, Human Rights Obligations of Non-State Actors, Oxford,

Oxford University Press, 2006, pp. 25-58


REQUIRED READINGS (printed format)


19. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UN General Assembly resolution 217A

(III) of 10 December 1948 For text, see The Core International Human Rights Treaties, 2014, United

Nations Publication, p. 3

20. Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations

and Cooperation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations (United Nations General Assembly resolution 2625 (XXV) of 24

October 1970, Annex)

21. Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, 1992

22. Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v.

United States of America), Merits, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1986, pp. 92-112, paras. 172-214

For text, see pp. 46-57

23. Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons, Advisory Opinion, I.C.J.

Reports 1996,

p. 226

For text, see pp. 24-35

24. Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian

Territory, Advisory Opinion, I.C.J. Reports 2004, pp. 171-181, paras. 86-113

Suggested readings (not reproduced)

25. Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade, "International law for humankind: towards

a new jus gentium (II): General Course on Public International law", RCADI, vol. 316, 2005, pp. 150-171

26. Ian Sinclair, "The Significance of the Friendly Relations Declaration", Essays in

Memory of Michael Akehurst, Colin Warbick and Vaughan Lowe (eds.), London,

Routledge, 1994, pp. 1-32

27. Jorge E. Viñuales, "The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development:

Preliminary Study",

The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development. A Commentary, Jorge E. Viñuales (ed.), Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2015, pp. 1-64


REQUIRED READINGS (printed format)


28. Certain German Interests in Polish Upper Silesia, Merits Judgment No. 7, 1926,

P.C.I.J. Series A, No.7,

p. 19

29. EnCana Corporation v. Republic of Ecuador, No. UN 3481, London Court of

International Arbitration, 3 February 2006, p. 53, para. 184

30. LaGrand (Germany v. Unites States of America), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2001,

pp. 485-486, 495-498, 506-508, paras. 50-52, 79-91 and 110-116

31. Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Company, Limited, (Belgium v. Spain),

Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1970, p. 32, paras. 33-34

32. Jurisdictional Immunities of the State (Germany v. Italy: Greece Intervening),

Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2012

, pp. 140-142, paras. 92-97

33. Yassin Abdullah Kadi and Al Barakaat International Foundation v. Council of

the European Union and Commission of the European Communities (Joined Cases C-402/05 P and C-415/05 P), Judgment, European Court of Justice, 3 September 2008, pp. 11-20, 39-45, paras. 73-106 and 278-330

34. Conclusions of the work of the Study Group on the Fragmentation of

International Law: Difficulties arising from the Diversification and Expansion of International Law, finalised by Martti Koskenniemi, in

Yearbook of the

International Law Commission

, 2006, vol. II, Part Two

For text, see

The Work of the International Law Commission

, 8th ed., vol. II,

United Nations Publication, p. 430.

Suggested readings (not reproduced)

35. André Nollkaemper, National Courts and the International Rule of Law, Oxford,

Oxford University Press, 2011, pp. 1-18

36. Pierre-Marie Dupuy, "L'unité de l'ordre juridique international. Cours général de

droit international public" 2000,

RCADI, vol. 297, 2002, pp. 215-244


REQUIRED READINGS (printed format)


37. Draft Articles on State Responsibility for Internationally Wrongful Acts, in

Yearbook of the International Law Commission

, 2001, vol. II, Part Two.

For text, see

The Work of the International Law Commission

, 8th ed., vol. II, p. 401.

38. Draft Articles on the Responsibility of International Organizations, in Yearbook

of the International Law Commission , 2011, vol. II, Part Two. For text, see The Work of the International Law Commission, 8th ed., vol. II, p. 494.

39. Statute of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, adopted by UN

Security Council Resolution 827 (1993), 25 May 1993, UN Doc. S/RES/827 (1993)

40. Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project (Hungary/Slovakia), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports

pp. 38-46, 55-57, 63 and 65, paras. 47-59, 82-88, 101 and 106

41. Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v.

United States of America), Merits, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1986, pp. 48-50, 61-

65, paras. 80-85 and 105-116

42. Prosecutor v. (Decision

on the Defence Motion for Interlocutory Appeal on Jurisdiction), p. 5, para 11

43. Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of

Genocide (Croatia v. Serbia), Judgment, ICJ Reports 2007, pp. 201-229, paras.


44. Request for an Advisory Opinion Submitted by the Sub-Regional Fisheries

Commission (SRFC), Advisory Opinion of 2 April 2015, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea

Case No. 21

, pp. 44-49, paras. 156-174

45. Second Report on State Responsibility : The Origin of International

Responsibility, by Roberto Ago, Special Rapporteur, in Yearbook of the

International Law Commission

, 1970, vol. II, pp. 177-179

Suggested readings (not reproduced)

46. Georges Abi-Saab, "De la sanction en droit international: essai de clarification",

Essays in honour of Krzysztof Skubiszewski, The Hague, Kluwer, 1996, pp. 61-77

47. James Crawford, "The System of International Responsibility", The Law of

International Responsibility, James Crawford et al (eds.), Oxford, Oxford

University Press, 2010, pp. 17-25

48. Pierre-Marie Dupuy and Jorge E. Viñuales, "The Challenge of Proliferation: An

Anatomy of the Debate",

The Oxford Handbook of International Adjudication

Cesare Romano

et al (eds.), Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2014, pp. 135-157

International Court of Justice

Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons

Advisory Opinion

I.C.J. Reports 1996, p. 226

International Court of Justice
