[PDF] [PDF] Installation guide for R and RStudio - mixOmics

Installation guide for R and RStudio Step 1 – Install R 1 Download the R installer from https://cran r-‐project org/ Figure 1 Screenshot of http://cran csiro au/ 2

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[PDF] Installation instructions for R and RStudio - Uni Kiel

Download R from http://ftp5 gwdg de/pub/misc/cran/ (click on “Download R for Windows” > “base” > “Download R 3 4 4 for Windows”) Alternatively download 

[PDF] Installing R and RStudio

Once the download has finished, double click the file If asked if you want to run the software and/or if you are allowing the app to make changes to your computer  

[PDF] Download R & RStudio - edX

Run the exe file and follow the installation instructions 7 Now that R is installed, you need to download and install RStudio To Install RStudio 1 

[PDF] Installing R and RStudio

You must first download the latest version of R and install it Then, you can download and install RStudio For Windows Users – 1 Open an internet browser and 

[PDF] Installation Guide for R and RStudio

Without full permissions, you will not be able to install additional packages later Installer Page 2 Installation of RStudio Step 3 Download RStudio 


INSTALLING R STUDIO: Go to http://www rstudio com, click on “Download RStudio” (free) and then select your platform from “Installers for Supported Platforms”

[PDF] Installation guide for R and RStudio - mixOmics

Installation guide for R and RStudio Step 1 – Install R 1 Download the R installer from https://cran r-‐project org/ Figure 1 Screenshot of http://cran csiro au/ 2

[PDF] Installing R and RStudio on Windows

Make sure to download the installer, not the zip/tarball • Double-click the file you Download RStudio from: http://www rstudio com/products/rstudio/download/

[PDF] Here is a quick guide on how to install R and R Studio, which will be

4 Click “DOWNLOAD RSTUDIO DESKTOP” 5 Under “ZIP/Tarballs, select “ RStudio a b c – Windows XP/Vista/7/8” 6 Open the downloaded zip file 7

[PDF] Installing R and RStudio - UBC Department of Statistics

Open an internet browser and go to www r-project 2 Click the "download R" link in the middle of the page under "Getting Started " 3 Select a CRAN 

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Installationgui eforRan RStu ioStep1-InstallR1. DownloadtheRinstallerfromhttps://cran.r-project.org/Figure1.Screenshotofhttp://cran.csiro.au/2. Runtheinstaller.Defaultsettingsarefine.Ifyoudonothaveadminrightsonyourlaptop,thenaskyoulocalITsupport.Inthatcase,itisimportantthatyoualsoaskthemtogiveyoufullpermissionstotheRdirectories.Withoutthis,youwillnotbeabletoinstalladditionalpackageslaterStep2-InstallRStu io1. DownloadRStudio:https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download/Figure2.Downloa RStu ioonhttps://www.rstu io.com/pro ucts/rstu io/ ownloa /2. OncetheinstallationofRhascompletedsuccessfully(andnotbefore),runtheRStudioinstaller.

3. Ifyoudonothaveadministrativerightsonyourlaptop,step2mayfail.AskyourITSupportordownloadapre-builtziparchiveofRStudiowhichdoesn'tneedinstalling.Thelinkforthisistowardsthebottomofthedownloadpage,highlightedinImage2.a. Downloadtheappropriatearchiveforyoursystem(Windows/Linuxonly-theMacversioncanbeinstalledintoyourpersonal"Applications"folderwithoutadminrights).b. DoubleclickingontheziparchiveshouldautomaticallyunpackitonmostWindowsmachines.Step3-CheckthatRan RStu ioareworking1. OpenRStudio.Itshouldopenawindowthatlookssimilartoimage3below.2. Inthelefthandwindow,bythe'>'sign,type'4+5'(withoutthequotes)andhitenter.Anoutputlinereading'[1]9'shouldappear.ThismeansthatRandRStudioareworking.3. Ifthisisnotsuccessful,contactusoryourlocalITsupportforfurtheradviceFigure3.RunningRwithRStu ioStep4-InstallRpackagesrequire fortheworkshop1. Clickonthetab'Packages'then'Install'asshowninImage4.OrTools->Installpackages.2. Installthefollowingpackages:mixOmics version 6.1.0, mvtnorm, RColorBrewer, corrplot, igraph (seeImage4).Forapplemacusers,ifyouareunabletoinstallthemixOmicsimportedlibraryrgl,youwillneedtoinstalltheXQuartzsoftwarefirsthttps://www.xquartz.org/

3. Checkthatthepackagesareinstalledbytyping'library(mixOmics)'(withoutthequotes)inthepromptandpressenter(seeImage5).4. Thentype'sessionInfo()'andcheckthatmixOmicsversion6.1.0hasbeeninstalled(image6).Figure4.ClickonInstalltoinstallRpackages.Figure5.Specifythelistofpackagestobeinstalle

Figure6.CheckthatthepackagemixOmicsisinstalle an hastheversion6.1.0.That'sit,let'sgetstarte !quotesdbs_dbs7.pdfusesText_5