Keywords : Teaching English, Vocabulary Mastery, Duolingo This research was conducted to find out the effect of using Duolingo in teaching English to improve 

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Submitted by:

Addal Muddin

Student of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training

Department of English Language Education

Reg No. 231324418




2018 M/1439 H



Alhamdulillah, all praises be to Allah Azza wa Jalla, The Most Gracious The Most Merciful The Most Beneficent who has given us love and blessing that made the writer able to finish the research and writing the thesis. Peace and salutation be upon our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW, his family and companions. The writer presents sincere gratitude to main-supervisor and academic advisor Dr. Maskur, M. A who has given him invaluable advices and encouragement throughout the whole semesters in the university. Honorable also to Yuni Setia Ningsih, M. Ag as co-supervisor for her time, supports, advices, and valuable corrections during the writing of this thesis, and all the lecturers of Department of English Language Education who have taught and guided during the study. Henceforth, the writer would like to express the greatest love and thanks to his beloved motivators in the world, his father Ismail and his mother Rukaiyah for their wisdom, patience, love and everything that have made him to be the luckiest son in the world and to all his sisters and brothers for their endless love who inspired and motivated his all along acomplishing the thesis. The writer also would like to thank to his inspirator and motivator Dr, Muhammad Nasir, M. Hum, without his attention and guidance he would not be able to finish the thesis. ii The last, the writer would like to thank to all of PBI 2013 (expecially for Unit 8 family and FAAMSS) for the inspiration and happiness that we share all along. Also unforgettable big thanks for Hajrul Rahmat, Ardiansyah, Jasmadi and Adri Jernih Miko who always cheer him up in running the days and enrich his in completing this thesis. May Allah Azza wa Jalla bless us and unite us even stronger. Amin.

Banda Aceh, January 20th 2018

Addal Muddin



ACKNOWLADGE ......................................................................................................... i

LIST OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................... iii

LIST OF TABLE ............................................................................................................ v

LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................................ vi

DECLARATIONS LETTER ......................................................................................... vii

ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................... viii


A. Background of Study .......................................................................... 1 B. Research Question ........................................................................... 3 C. The Aim of Study ................................................................... 3

D. Significance of Study .......................................................................... 4

E. Terminology ........................................................................................ 5

1. Improve ......................................................................................... 5

2. Student Vocabulary ...................................................................... 5

3. Duolingo ....................................................................................... 6


A. The Nature of Vocabulary ................................................................. 7

1. The Definition of Vocabulary ..................................................... 7

2. The Importance of Learning Vocabulary .................................... 8

3. The Component of Effective Vocabulary Teaching .................... 9

a. Encouraging wide reading ..................................................... 9 b. Promoting word conciosness ................................................. 10 c. Providing explicit instruction of specific words .................... 11 d. Providing modeling and insturuction in independent word-learning strategies ........................................................ 12 iv

4. The Problem of Learning Vocabulary ......................................... 13

B. Duolingo ............................................................................................ 14

1. Definition of Duolingo ................................................................ 14

2. The Purpose of Using Duolingo .................................................. 16

3. Advantages of Duolingo .............................................................. 17

4. Disadvantages of Duolingo ......................................................... 18

5. The Procedure of Learning Vocabulary by Duolingo ................. 19

C. Previous Study ................................................................................... 21


A. Research Design ............................................................................... 23

B. Population and Sample .................................................................... 23 C. Technique of Data Collections ......................................................... 24 a. Test ........................................................................................ 24 b. Questionnaire ......................................................................... 25 D. Technique of Data Analyses .............................................................. 26

E. Validity of Data ................................................................................. 27

F. The Process of Data Collection ......................................................... 28


A. The Brief Description of MTsN 2 Aceh Besar ............................... 31 B. The Analysis of Tests .................................................................... 34 a. The Result of Pre-test and Post-test....................................... 34 C. Analysis of Questionnaire .............................................................. 38

D. Discussion....................................................................................... 44


A. Conclusion .................................................................................... 46

B. Suggestion ..................................................................................... 47

C. Bibliography ................................................................................. 48 v


Table 4.1: The ..................................................... 32

Table 4.2: The amount of MTsN 2 Aceh Besar Students ......................................................... 33

Table 4 ............................................. 34 Table 4.4-test and Post-test ................................................................ 35 Table 4.5: The students feel more motivated to learn English by using Duolingo ................. 38 Table 4.6: Learning English by using Duolingo makes the students more skillful ................ 39

Table 4.7: The students intersted in learning English by using Duolingo............................... 39

Table 4.8: learning with Duolingo provides an opportunity to be active. ......................... ...40

Table 4.9: using Duolingo in learning is boring ........................................................................ 40

Table 4.10: Duolingo makes difficult for students .................................................................... 41

Table 4.11: Duolingo is less useful for learning vocabulary ..................................................... 41

Table 4.12. Students cannot express their opinion , while learning using Duolingo .............. 42

Table 4.13. Duolingo encourage students to discover new ideas ............................................. 42

Table 4.14. Learning with Duolingo makes students understand the material ...................... 43 Table 4.15. Learning by using Duolingo get students in mastering new

Vocabulary .................................................................................................................................. 43

Table 4.16. learning by Duolingo allows students to apply their skill in daily life ................. 43



i. Appointed Letter of Supervisor ii. The letter for doing research from faculty of education and pedagogy iii. The letter of finishing the research from MTsN 2 Aceh Besar iv. Lesson plan v. The tests and sPre-Test and Post-Test vi. Key answer of tests vii. The questionnaire and the Result of Questionnaire viii. Pictures : the pictures while the researchers was Implementing

Duolingo in English class

ix. Autobiography vii viii


Name : Addal Muddin

Student Id : 231324418

Faculty/Major : Education and Teacher Training/ English Education

Thesis Title

Advisor 1 : Dr. Maskur, M.A.

Advisor 2 : Yuni Setia Ningsih, M. Ag.

Keywords : Teaching English, Vocabulary Mastery, Duolingo This research was conducted to find out the effect of using Duolingo in implementation of Duolingo in teaching English subject at MTsN 2 Aceh Besar. The research design of this research is pre-experimental research. This research only need one class as sample with five meetings. The data collection techniques were tests and questionnaire. Based on test is 44.75, and the average score of post-test is 59.75. It shows that the post- - is a positive on the questionnaire, the result of the research showed that the use of Duolingo in teaching English has many positive effects to the students, such as: the students are more motivated in learning; make students easy to understand the material; getting the opportunity for fair turn in practicing the material; less boredom in learning; getting encourage for new ideas; facilitated in remembering and practicing the material in daily life. They also learn enthusiastically in teaching learning activities. The students showed positive attitude toward the implementation of Duolingo. 1



A. Background of Study

One of the importance aspect in learning language is mastering vocabulary of target language. If the foreigners learn a new language without mastering vocabulary of the language, they will be difficult to understand that language. Vocabulary is one of English components or sub skill that must be taught to the learners because vocabulary has the primary role for all languages. Moreover, there are some researchers regarding that vocabulary more important than grammar. Carter (2014) stated that vocabulary is knowledge about words and word meanings. Vocabulary is the basic competence that must be reached by students in order to get other competences like reading, writing, listening, and speaking. In order to communicate well, the students need to have adequate vocabulary. It is difficult to master the other competences without mastering and understanding the vocabulary well. In learning English students should know about vocabularies, because by knowing the words, they will try how to use it to express their ideas and communicate. In fact, the vocabulary can not be separated from other aspects of language. According by Amri (2013, p.28) the concept of curriculum 2013 is scientific approach which means students learn more independently in the learning process. So, if students have lack of vocabulary, they will be difficult in learning and 2 understanding the material which provided by curriculum. It is important to consider because vocabulary learning will help students to understand the material. Teachers as facilitator in learning process will have an important role. focus on material in syllabus. In syllabus, there are no teaching vocabulary, it just focuses on 4 aspects, such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. So, the students who have lack of vocabulary will be difficult in doing the exercise and some of them also have a problem where there are many words that have multiple meanings. Usually, students are ordered by teacher to rewrite the vocabulary on the vocabulary that they have written at home. Hammer (1991) stated the problem on improving vocabulary that researchers can find. Many studentsare difficult to improve vocabulary because the technique of teaching from the teacher is not interesting and make students feel bored. Teachers should think and implement learning vocabulary. They are indeed using media in teaching, but ignore to support vocabulary learning with those. In this case the teaching of the 4 skills should be taught together with vocabulary for language learners to avoid many problems in learning English language. 3 Nation (1994, p.20 as cited in Muttahidah, 2011) has given several strong reasons for which the vocabulary components of language courses should be planned carefully. First, the different of vocabulary gives a very different feedback for study. Second, most language teaching courses make vocabulary learning more difficult than it should be. And third, vocabulary learning opportunities and the quality of vocabulary learning can be greatly improved through the careful design of both vocabulary and other skill activities. Therefore, the writer wants to see how the influence of Duolingo if teacher implemented it in classroom teaching to the students of MTsN 2 Aceh Besar. It will be aimed to see whether it will help them to improve their vocabulary or not. It is expected to be positive atmosphere in the classroom. It is also can be an alternative way to keep the students vocabulary. According to the explanation, the writer intends to conduct an experimental research entitled: The Use of

B. Research Question

In line with the background of the research, the writer formulates the research question as follows: 1. 2. improve their vocabulary? 4

C. The Aim of Study

The aim of this research conducted is in order to improve students vocabulary through Duolingo at third years Students of MTsN 2 Aceh Besar and to make them exciting and interesting in learning and practicing their English, especially vocabulary by using Duolingo and also want to see whether it will be helpful and enjoyable or not for them in practicing their English.

D. Significance of Study

The finding (result) of this research are expected for 3 (three) groups, they are:

1. The teacher

Based of this research, the writer expected duolingo can be one of the media that it will be using by the teachers in terms of teaching English vocabulary and to solve the problem of students difficulties in memorizing the meaning of vocabulary then it will make the learning process in classroom more interest and active for students espescially second years student of

MTsN 2 Aceh Besar.

2. The students

For students, this research expected to provide mastering the English lesson by using Duolingo will make them feel exciting and enjoy when they learn English in classroom or at their home. Then, it can solve their problem in understanding the meaning of word in the sentence, because the teachers use the suitable media in teaching them as if it is like something new for them. Therefore, the students can use the duolingo everywhere and everytime 5 because it will help them to memorize vocabulary and they can used those in everyday communication.

3. The further researcher

This research expected to give a new knowledge of the further researcher to do the better research of teaching and learning cases, and to solve the students vocabulary problems by something new, and also the teachers that have the similar problem with this researcher.

E. Terminology

In order not confused the readers. The writer need to explain some terms which used in this thesis, they are:

1. Improve

Improve is a process of making something better. (Oxford Dictionary,

2008, P.224). According Adi (2014) improve means the increasing of skill and

ability be better than before teaching English. The student could be claimed their vocabulary improve if their score post-test higher than pre-test and their score must be above 60.

2. Student Vocabulary

In the Dictionary of Indonesian Language (1990), the student means a person (children who were studied (learning, schooling). Meanwhile, according to Shafique Ali Khan (2005), understanding the student is a person who comes to an institution to obtain or learn some types education. Here, student is the 6 participants of the research who follows the learning teaching process with

Duolingo as media.

In Oxford Dictionary (2008, p.495), Vocabulary means the words which it uses and knows by people. According to Wallace (1989) vocabulary is a set of words that are owned by a person or other entity, or a part of a particular language. In this research, vocabulary is the basic vocabularies which provided by Duolingo, those are about animals, their characteristic, and vocabulary which students must know and learn which it is provided by Duolingo. It will be simplified by examining the score of vocabulary of the students before and after the treatment.

3. Duolingo

Duolingo in English means multilingual, In Oxford Dictionary (2008, p.288) the meaning of multilingual is knowing or using more that on language. Duolingo is an application designed to help foreign learner to learn a new language and they can learn more than one language there. It designed easily and comfortably, so do it does not feel like the users are learning, but rather to have fun - fun with games. Because of that the writer try to use it classroom activity as media in learning English, to see it will help students in mastering vocabulary. It based on Munday (2015, p.96), he said that if Duolingo can serve well as an addition to a formal language course offered through a school or university, whether in the classroom or online. 7 7



A. The Nature of Vocabulary

1. The Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the most important aspect which must considered in learning language. It is a basic element because vocabulary is required when language learners learn to speak, read, write, and to make them understand from what they listen from a language that they have listened. It means that a limitation in mastering vocabulary will cause the obstacles to language learners in learning a new language. Jack C. Richards (2002, p.255as cited in Kartika,

2011) says that:

much of the basic how well learners speak, listen, read, and write. Without an extensive vocabulary and strategies for acquiring new word, from making use language learning opportunities around them such as listening radio, listen to native speakers, using the language in different Students must master vocabulary to develop another aspect in language, such as speaking, reading, listening, and writing. According Nunan (1991, p.118as cited in Kamal, 2012) vocabulary is hardly get in learning process in classroom although it is the easiest aspect of second language to learn. The teachers at senior high school and junior high school do not really focus in 8 8 teaching vocabulary that causes to help their student more easily to increase their ability in understanding the language because mastering vocabulary is needed by all language skill. For instance in reading, the students will get difficulties in understanding or comprehending the text which they read if they do not know the meaning of the words in the text. In speaking, they will be hard to communicate in foreign language if they only have few vocabularies. mastering a language is not easy if not start with the easiest one, it is impossible to learn a new language without mastering vocabulary.

2. The Importance of Learning Vocabulary

To learn something new, people should know the importance of the things what they want to learn. In this case the importance of learning vocabulary is to help the students in mastering a target language what they learn. Learning language is not only prepared the material of the language bot also provides training to students how to use that language, whether oral or written. Many definitions of the purpose of learning vocabulary can be found, Indonesian National Education Department (cited in Muttahidah, 2011) pointed learning vocabulary: ce essentially language learning, learning vocabulary not taught the words of phrases separated off, but was involved in discourse context, with regard to subjects and also related with specific areas asquotesdbs_dbs17.pdfusesText_23