[PDF] [PDF] A Topic-Aligned Multilingual Corpus of Wikipedia Articles for

coverage in English Wikipedia (most exhaustive) and Wikipedias in eight other widely spoken languages (Arabic, German, Hindi, Korean, Portuguese, Russian  

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[PDF] Towards a Korean DBpedia and an Approach for - CEUR-WSorg

For example, DBpedia only extracts data from non-English articles that have an interlanguage link3, to an English article 3 http://en wikipedia org/wiki/Help: 

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1 Semantic Web Research Centre, KAIST, Daejeon, South Korea {mrezk,yoon ing Korean entities with Korean Wikipedia and preliminary results evaluating

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An Approach for Supplementing the Korean Wikipedia based on DBpedia Eun- kyung Kim, DongHyun Choi, Jihye Lee, JinHyun Ahn, and Key-Sun Choi

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The Sejong corpus and its POS tagset (Korean Language Institue, 2012) are how to convert the NLP output to RDF and how to link entities with Wikipedia 

[PDF] A Topic-Aligned Multilingual Corpus of Wikipedia Articles for

coverage in English Wikipedia (most exhaustive) and Wikipedias in eight other widely spoken languages (Arabic, German, Hindi, Korean, Portuguese, Russian  

Chinese and Korean Cross-Lingual Issue News Detection based on

We propose translation knowledge method for Wikipedia concepts as well as the Chinese and Korean cross-lingual inter-Wikipedia link relations The relevance 

Towards Bengali DBpedia - ScienceDirectcom

these are non-Latin character based, like Greek, Korean, Bengali etc Extracting structured data from these versions of Wikipedia is always challenging Though 

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2379dition to comparing the content of two articles in terms of

phrase overlap, it would be interesting to quantify the dif- ferences in terms offactsthat are present in different lan- guage version of an article. Such a structured metric can help in recommending additions/modification to the editors of the articles in different languages.

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