[PDF] [PDF] C/C++ programming language notes - Beginnersre

C/C++ programming language notes There is probably a newer version of this text, and also Russian language version also https://www isc org/downloads/ bind/ Optimizing so ware in C++ http://agner org/optimize/optimizing_cpp pdf

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\n"); return 0; } Output: welcome to c programming language Steps for Compiling and executing the Programs A compiler is a software program that analyzes a 


The basic data types in C language are int, char, float and double They are respectively concerned with integer quantity, single character, numbers, with decimal 

[PDF] C Programming Tutorial

This chapter describes the basic details about C programming language, how it homepage, www mingw org, and follow the link to the MinGW download page Note that it is a good programming practice to define constants in CAPITALS


Developed at Bell Laboratories in the early seventies by Dennis Ritchie • Born out of two other languages – BCPL(Basic Control Programming Language) and  


Object oriented language for internet and general applications using basic C syntax Advantages: 1) Easy to NOTE: An escape sequence consumes only one byte of space as it represents a single character See Output and Download »

[PDF] Programming in C Notes - Nepal Engineering College

11 nov 2016 · So, the first 31 letters of two variables in a program should be different 3 4 Input Output Function C programming language provides many of the 

[PDF] C Programming Tutorial

This chapter describes the basic details about C programming language, how it homepage, www mingw org, and follow the link to the MinGW download page Note that it is a good programming practice to define constants in CAPITALS

[PDF] An Introduction to the C Programming Language and Software Design

This textbook began as a set of lecture notes for a first-year undergraduate software of this text is to cover topics on the C programming language and introductory software Languages, 1993 http://cm bell-labs com/cm/cs/who/dmr/ chist pdf

[PDF] C/C++ programming language notes - Beginnersre

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?.? Targetaudience iii ?.? Thanks iii ? CommonforCandC++? ?.? Headerfiles ?.? Definitionsanddeclarations ?.?.? C/C++declarations ?.?.? Definitions ?.? Languageelements ?.?.? Comments ?.?.? goto ?.?.? for ?.?.? if ?.?.? switch ?.?.? sizeof ?.?.? Pointers ?.?.? Operators ?.?.? Arrays ?.?.?? struct ?.?.?? union ?.? Preprocessor ?.? Standardvaluesforcompilersand OS ?.?.? Morestandardpreprocessormacros ?.?.? "Empty"macro ?.?.? Frequentmistakes ?.? Compilerwarnings ?.?.? Example#? ?.?.? Example#? ?.? Threads ?.? main()function ?.? Thedi?erencebetweenstdout/coutandstderr/cerr ?.?? Outdatedfeatures ?.??.? register ? C?? ?.? MemoryinC ?.?.? Localstack ?.?.? alloca() ?.?.? Allocatingmemoryinheap ?.?.? Localstackorheap? ?.? StringsinC ?.?.? Stringlengthstorage ?.?.? Stringreturning ?.?.? ?: Constantstringreturning ?.?.? ?: Viaglobalarrayofcharacters ?.?.? StandardstringCfunctions ?.?.? Unicode




?.?.? Listsofstrings ?.? YourowndatastructuresinC ?.?.? ListsinC ?.?.? BinarytreesinC ?.?.? Onemorething ?.? Object-orientedprogramminginC ?.?.? Structuresinitialization ?.?.? Structuresdeinitialization ?.?.? Structurescopying ?.?.? Encapsulation ?.? Cstandardlibrary ?.?.? assert ?.?.? UNIXtime ?.?.? memcpy() ?.?.? bzero()andmemset() ?.?.? printf() ?.?.? atexit() ?.?.? bsearch(),lfind() ?.?.? setjmp(),longjmp() ?.?.? stdarg.h ?.?.?? srand()andrand() ?.? C??Cstandard ? C++?? ?.? Namemangling ?.? C++declarations ?.?.? C++??: auto ?.? C++languageelements ?.?.? references ?.? Input/output ?.? Templates ?.? StandardTemplateLibrary ?.? Criticism ? Other?? ?.? Errorcodesreturning ?.?.? Negativeerrorcodes ?.? Globalvariables ?.? Bitfields ?.? Interestingopen-sourceprojectsworthforlearning ?.?.? C ?.?.? C++ ? GNUtools?? ?.? gcov ? Testing??


?.? Questions?








low-cost microcontrollers, the choice is very limited: C, C++ or assembly language. And as it seems in the near future, there

"Pure C" should be still considered, a huge number of large programs are still developed in it, e.g. Linux kernel, Windows


?.? Targetaudience

This notes collections is not intended for beginners, neither for experts, it is rather for those who wants to fresh their C/C++

knowledge. ?.? Thanks iii




?.? Headerfiles

Header files are an interface description, a documentation in some sense. It is very convenient to work with the code in one

editor window while having header files in another window for reference. It can be said it is advisable to make header files

lookslikereferences. ?.? Definitionsanddeclarations

∙Declarationdeclares name/type of variable or name and argument types and also returning value type of function or

method. Declarations are usually enlisted in the header .h or .hpp-files, so the compiler while compiling individual .c



∙Definitiondefines a value of (usually global) variable or a body of function/method. It is usually take place in the indi-

vidual.cor.cpp-file. ?.?.? C/C++declarations




infor()(itwaspossibleinC++):for(int i=0; i<10; i++)


) standardallowsthis.

staticIftheglobalvariables(orfunctions)aredeclaredasstatic,itsscopeislimitedbycurrentfile. However,localvariables

inside a functionmay also be declaredasstatic, then thisvariable will be global insteadof local, but its scopewill be limited


Forexample:void fn(...)

for(int x=0; x<100; x++) static int times_executed = 0; times_executed++; calls. 1 ?.?. DEFINITIONSANDDECLARATIONS CHAPTER?. COMMONFORCANDC++ forwarddeclaration

As it is well-known, in the header files (headers) function declarations are usually present, i.e., function names, arguments

andtypes,returningtype,butnofunctionbodies. Thisisdoneforthecompilersoitwillhaveinformation,whatitisworking

The same can be done for types. In order not to include with the help of #include the file with a class definitions into the

Forexample,youworkwithcomplexnumbersandyouhaveasuchstructuresomewhere:struct complex double real; double imag;

Of course, one should include the file if one have intention to work with variables ofcomplextype and specific structure

fields. But if you declare your functions using the structure in other header file, you may not include my_complex.h there,

compilerjustneedstoknowthatthecomplexisastructre:struct complex; void sum(struct complex *x, struct complex *y, struct complex *out); void pow(struct complex *x, struct complex *y, struct complex *out); typeofeachother.


Inordertodeclaretwopointerstochar,onemaywritebyinertion:char* p1, p2; char *p1, p2; ... anddeclaresthepointertocharandjustchar.

Thisoneiscorrect:char *p1, *p2;

const ∙Self-documentation -itcanbeeasyseenvisuallythattheelementisread-only.

∙Protection from errors: in case of global const-variable, the process will crash while attempting to write to it due to

memoryprotection. Thecompileralsoreportsanerroriftotrytomodifyaconst-argumentinsideofafunction.

∙Optimization: thecompilerconsideringtheelementisalwaysread-only,maygeneratefastercodeforusingit.

It is highly advisable to declare all function arguments which you do not plan to modify as const. For example, the

strcmp()functionischangingnothingintheinputarguments,sotheyarebothusuallydeclaredasconst. Thestrcat()chang-

ing nothing in the second argument, but changing something in the first, so it is usually declared with aconstin the second



??-bitnumbers. Thereisanothertypeforthose:longdouble,itissupportedintheGCC?butnotinMSVC?.

intTheintusually occupies the same number of bits as general purpose CPU registers. However, in the x??-??, for better



ThereisasynonymoustotheinttypeinWindowsAPI -BOOL.

However, in the sense of the code self-documenting, if you declare a variable which will not be assigned to a negative

value, including array indices, perhaps, unsigned type is better. For example,unsignedtype is o?en used in LLVM at the

placeswhereintmightbeused. Ifyouworkwithbytes,e.g. withbytesinmemory,thenperhapsunsignedcharisbetter.

Asasimpleexample:#define MAX_BUFFER_SIZE 1024

void f(int size) if (size>MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) die ("Too large!"); void *p=malloc (size);

Ifsizewill be, for example,-1, then malloc() will be called with an argument0xffffffff(it is4294967295). Of course,

bigenoughmemoryblock. Itisunsignedinton??-bitarchitectures,andunsignedint??on??-bitones.

char or uint?_t instead of int?One may think that is a value will always be in0..100limits, then it is not necessary to

allocatethewhole??-bitint,smallertypesmaybeenoughlikecharorunsignedchar. Besides,itwillrequirelessmemory.

It is not so. Because of aligning by ?-bytes border (or by ?-bytes border in ??-bit architectures), the variables declared


Specific bytes processing may be more "expensive" and slower then processing ??-bit or ??-bit values because

CPU r eg- isters are usually has the same width as CPU bits. Even more than that, RISC ?-units (e.g. ARM) may not be able to work with

Ontheotherhand,whichtypesarebettersuitedforastructures? Thisisaquestionofseekingbalancebetweenspeedand

compactness. Ontheonehand,onemayusecharforasmallvariables,flags,bitfields,enums,etc,butoneshouldnotforget

thataccesstothesevariableswillbeslower. Ontheotherhand,iftoassigninttoeachvariables,workingwithastructurewill




?The data type ofcharis not fixed in the standard, but inGC Cand MSV Cit is e xactlysigned type b ydef ault.In c anbe chang edin the GC Cb yadding k ey

-funsigned-charandinMSVCkey/J. ?Centralprocessingunit ?Reducedinstructionsetcomputing 3 ?.?. DEFINITIONSANDDECLARATIONS CHAPTER?. COMMONFORCANDC++ struct char some_flags; // 1 byte void* ptr; // 4/8 bytes, offset: +1 } s; fieldwillbe+?. Summarizing: ifcompactnessandmemoryfootprintisimportant,thenchar,uint??_t,etc,maybeused.

x??-??orAMD??Onthenew??-bitx??CPUs,theint/unsignedintisstill??-bit,perhaps,forcompatibility. Soifoneneed



typedefintroducessynonymforadatatype. Itiso?enusedforstructures,forthereasonnottowritestructeachtimebefore

itsname,e.g.:typedef struct _node node *prev; node *next; void *data; } node;

Nevertheless,typedefcanbealsousednotonlyforstructures,butalsoforusualintegraltypeslike:typedef int age;

int compute_mean (age wife, age husband); typedef int coord; void draw (coord X, coord Y, coord Z); typedef uint32_t address; void write_memory (address a, size_t size, byte *buf);

For example, thetime_t(The time in the UNIX time format, e.g. what the localtime() returns), it is in fact ??-bit number,

butthetypeisdefinedinthetime.hfileusuallyas:typedef long __time32_t;

A preprocessor directive#definemay be used here (many do so), but it is worse in the sense of errors handling during

compilation. ?.?.? Definitions


\a?x??bell ?\t?x??tabulation \n?x?Alinefeed(LF) \r?x?Dcarriagereturn(CR) 4 ?.?. LANGUAGEELEMENTS CHAPTER?. COMMONFORCANDC++

The di?erence between LF and CR is that in old dot-matrix printers LF mean line feed by one line down, and CR carriage

returntothele?marginofpaper. Sobothcharactersmustbetransmittedtotheprinter. OutputtingCRwithoutLFallowstorewritecurrentstringintheconsole:for (;;) // do something // how much we processed? percents=ammount_of_work/total_work*100; printf ("%d%% complete\r", percents);

IntheDOSandthenWindows -CR+LF.

Thestringdefinedasmulti-stringNotwidelyknownCfeature,longstringscanbedefinedas:const char* long_line="line 1"

"line 2" "line 3" "line 4" "line 5"; printf ("Some Utility v0.1\n" "Usage: %s parameters\n" "\n" "Authors:...\n", argv[0]);


?inUNIX-shellsandPerl. ?.? Languageelements ?.?.? Comments

Itissometimesusefultoinsertthemrightintoafunctioncall,inordertohaveavisualnoteaboutmeaningofanargument:f (val1, /* a very special flag! */ false, /* another special flag here */ true);

?:ta = aemif_calc_rate(t->ta, clkrate, TA_MAX); rhold = aemif_calc_rate(t->rhold, clkrate, RHOLD_MAX); #if 0 rstrobe = aemif_calc_rate(t->rstrobe, clkrate, RSTROBE_MAX); rsetup = aemif_calc_rate(t->rsetup, clkrate, RSETUP_MAX); whold = aemif_calc_rate(t->whold, clkrate, WHOLD_MAX); #endifquotesdbs_dbs14.pdfusesText_20