[PDF] [PDF] Programming in C - IGM

Full Program: queue c r Exercises r Advanced Pointer Topics Pointers to Pointers r Command line input r Pointers to a Function r Exercises r q Low Level 

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[PDF] C Programming Tutorial

C Language Overview This chapter describes the basic details about C programming language, how it emerged, what are strengths of C and why we should 

[PDF] An Introduction to the C Programming Language and Software Design

of this text is to cover topics on the C programming language and introductory What sets this book apart from most introductory C-programming texts is its strong emphasis Languages, 1993 http://cm bell-labs com/cm/cs/who/dmr/chist pdf


\n"); return 0; } Output: welcome to c programming language Steps for Compiling and executing the Programs A compiler is a software program that analyzes a 

[PDF] C programming - Tutorialspoint

This tutorial is designed for software programmers with a need to understand the C programming language starting from scratch This tutorial will give you enough

[PDF] C Programming Tutorial

C Language Overview This chapter describes the basic details about C programming language, how it emerged, what are strengths of C and why we should 

[PDF] The C programming Language

You can do these things from a C program, of course, but you will be calling on services which are peculiar to your programming environment (compiler, processor 

[PDF] C Programming Tutorial pdf - Mark Burgess

Every program is limited by the language which is used to write it C is a and a programming tool which has grown popular because programmers like it

[PDF] A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ - LMPT

This book was written for readers interested in learning the C++ programming language from scratch, and for both novice and advanced C++ programmers

[PDF] The C programming Language - Skies & Universes

The C programming Language 3 Pointers and Arrays 4 Address Arithmetic 5 Character Pointers and Functions 6 Pointer Arrays; Pointers to Pointers 7

[PDF] Programming in C - IGM

Full Program: queue c r Exercises r Advanced Pointer Topics Pointers to Pointers r Command line input r Pointers to a Function r Exercises r q Low Level 

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Programming in C

UNIX System Calls and

Subroutines using C,

A. D. Marshall 1994-9

Substantially Updated March 1999


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Programming in C

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Algorithm Animations

Direct link to Java Algorithm Animations (C related)


Lecture notes + integrated exercises, solutions and marking


The Common Desktop Environment

The front panelm

The file managerm

The application managerm

The session managerm

Other CDE desktop toolsm

Application development toolsm

Application integrationm

Windows and the Window Managerm

The Root Menum

Exercisesm l

C/C++ Program Compilation

Creating, Compiling and Running Your Program

Creating the programn


Running the programn m

The C Compilation Model

The Preprocessorn

C Compilern


Link Editorn

Some Useful Compiler Optionsn

m l

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Using Librariesn

UNIX Library Functionsn

Finding Information about Library Functionsn

Lint -- A C program verifierm


C Basics

History of Cm

Characteristics of Cm

C Program Structurem


Defining Global Variablesn

Printing Out and Inputting Variablesn m


Arithmetic Operationsm

Comparison Operatorsm

Logical Operatorsm

Order of Precedencem

Exercisesm l


The if statementm

The ? operatorm

The switch statementm

Exercisesm l

Looping and Iteration

The for statementm

The while statementm

The do-while statementm

break and continuem

Exercisesm l

Arrays and Strings

Single and Multi-dimensional Arraysm


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void functionsm

Functions and Arraysm

Function Prototypingm

Exercisesm l

Further Data Types


Defining New Data Typesn m


Coercion or Type-Castingm

Enumerated Typesm

Static Variablesm

Exercisesm l


What is a Pointer?m

Pointer and Functionsm

Pointers and Arraysm

Arrays of Pointersm

Multidimensional arrays and pointersm

Static Initialisation of Pointer Arraysm

Pointers and Structuresm

Common Pointer Pitfalls

Not assigning a pointer to memory address before using itn

Illegal indirectionn m

Exercisem l

Dynamic Memory Allocation and Dynamic Structures

Malloc, Sizeof, and Freem

Calloc and Reallocm

Linked Listsm


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Full Program: queue.cm


Advanced Pointer Topics

Pointers to Pointersm

Command line inputm

Pointers to a Functionm

Exercisesm l

Low Level Operators and Bit Fields

Bitwise Operatorsm

Bit Fields

Bit Fields: Practical Examplen

A note of caution: Portabilityn m

Exercisesm l

The C Preprocessor

#definem #undefm #includem #if -- Conditional inclusionm

Preprocessor Compiler Controlm

Other Preprocessor Commandsm

Exercisesm l

C, UNIX and Standard Libraries

Advantages of using UNIX with Cm

Using UNIX System Calls and Library Functionsm l Integer Functions, Random Number, String Conversion, Searching and


Arithmetic Functionsm

Random Numbersm

String Conversionm

Searching and Sortingm

Exercisesm l

Mathematics: l

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Math Functionsm

Math Constantsm

Input and Output (I/O):stdio.h

Reporting Errors

perror()n errnon exit()n m


Predefined Streams

Redirectionn n m

Basic I/Om

Formatted I/O

Printfn m

scanfm Files

Reading and writing filesn m

sprintf and sscanf

Stream Status Enquiriesn m

Low Level I/Om

Exercisesm l

String Handling:

Basic String Handling Functions

String Searchingn m

Character conversions and testing: ctype.hm

Memory Operations: m

Exercisesm l

File Access and Directory System Calls

Directory handling functions:

Scanning and Sorting Directories:

, n m File Manipulation Routines: unistd.h, sys/types.h, sys/stat.h

File Accessn

m l

Programming in C

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File Statusn

File Manipulation:stdio.h, unistd.hn

Creating Temporary FIles:n


Time Functions

Basic time functionsm

Example time applications

Example 1: Time (in seconds) to perform some computationn

Example 2: Set a random number seedn m

Exercisesm l

Process Control: ,

Running UNIX Commands from Cm

execl()m fork()m wait()m exit()m

Exerisesm l

Interprocess Communication (IPC), Pipes

Piping in a C program: m

popen() -- Formatted Pipingm pipe() -- Low level Pipingm

Exercisesm l

IPC:Interrupts and Signals:

Sending Signals -- kill(), raise()m

Signal Handling -- signal()m

sig_talk.c -- complete example programm

Other signal functionsm l

IPC:Message Queues:

Initialising the Message Queuem

IPC Functions, Key Arguments, and Creation Flags: m l

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Controlling message queuesm

Sending and Receiving Messagesm

POSIX Messages: m

Example: Sending messages between two processes

message_send.c -- creating and sending to a simple message queue n message_rec.c -- receiving the above messagen m

Some further example message queue programs

msgget.c: Simple Program to illustrate msget()n msgctl.cSample Program to Illustrate msgctl()n msgop.c: Sample Program to Illustrate msgsnd() and msgrcv() n m



Initializing a Semaphore Setm

Controlling Semaphoresm

Semaphore Operationsm

POSIX Semaphores: m

semaphore.c: Illustration of simple semaphore passingm

Some further example semaphore programs

semget.c: Illustrate the semget() functionn semctl.c: Illustrate the semctl() functionn semop() Sample Program to Illustrate semop()n m

Exercisesm l

IPC:Shared Memory

Accessing a Shared Memory Segment

Controlling a Shared Memory Segmentn m

Attaching and Detaching a Shared Memory Segmentm

Example two processes comunicating via shared memory: shm_server.c, shm_client.c shm_server.cn shm_client.cn m l

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POSIX Shared Memorym

Mapped memory

Address Spaces and Mappingn


Creating and Using Mappingsn

Other Memory Control Functionsn m

Some further example shared memory programs

shmget.c:Sample Program to Illustrate shmget()n shmctl.c: Sample Program to Illustrate shmctl()n shmop.c: Sample Program to Illustrate shmat() and shmdt() n m



Socket Creation and Namingm

Connecting Stream Socketsm

Stream Data Transfer and Closingm

Datagram socketsm

Socket Optionsm

Example Socket


socket_server.cn socket_client.cn m

Exercisesm l

Threads: Basic Theory and Libraries

Processes and Threads

Benefits of Threads vs Processesn

Multithreading vs. Single threadingn

Some Example applications of threadsn m

Thread Levels

User-Level Threads (ULT)n

Kernel-Level Threads (KLT)n

Combined ULT/KLT Approachesn m


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Threads librariesm

The POSIX Threads Library:libpthread,

Creating a (Default) Threadn

Wait for Thread Terminationn

A Simple Threads Examplen

Detaching a Threadn

Create a Key for Thread-Specific Datan

Delete the Thread-Specific Data Keyn

Set the Thread-Specific Data Keyn

Get the Thread-Specific Data Keyn

Global and Private Thread-Specific Data Examplen

Getting the Thread Identifiersn

Comparing Thread IDsn

Initializing Threadsn

Yield Thread Executionn

Set the Thread Priorityn

Get the Thread Priorityn

Send a Signal to a Threadn

Access the Signal Mask of the Calling Threadn

Terminate a Threadn m

Solaris Threads:

Unique Solaris Threads Functions

Suspend Thread Executionn

Continue a Suspended Threadn

Set Thread Concurrency Leveln

Readers/Writer Locksn

Readers/Writer Lock Examplen n

Similar Solaris Threads Functions

Create a Threadn

Get the Thread Identifiern

Yield Thread Executionn

n m

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Signals and Solaris Threadsn

Terminating a Threadn

Creating a Thread-Specific Data Keyn

Example Use of Thread Specific Data:Rethinking

Global Variables


Compiling a Multithreaded Application

Preparing for Compilationn

Debugging a Multithreaded Programn m

Further Threads Programming:Thread Attributes (POSIX)


Initializing Thread Attributesm

Destroying Thread Attributesm

Thread's Detach Statem

Thread's Set Scopem

Thread Scheduling Policy

Thread Inherited Scheduling Policyn

Set Scheduling Parametersn m

Thread Stack Size

Building Your Own Thread Stackn m l

Further Threads Programming:Synchronization

Mutual Exclusion Locks

Initializing a Mutex Attribute Objectn

Destroying a Mutex Attribute Objectn

The Scope of a Mutexn

Initializing a Mutexn

Locking a Mutex

Lock with a Nonblocking Mutexn n

Destroying a Mutexn

Mutex Lock Code Examples

Mutex Lock Examplen

Using Locking Hierarchies: Avoiding Deadlockn n

Nested Locking with a Singly Linked Listn

m l

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Solaris Mutex Locksn

Condition Variable Attributes

Initializing a Condition Variable Attributen

Destoying a Condition Variable Attributen

The Scope of a Condition Variablen

Initializing a Condition Variablen

Block on a Condition Variablen

Destroying a Condition Variable Staten

Solaris Condition Variablesn m

Threads and Semaphores

POSIX Semaphoresn

Basic Solaris Semaphore Functionsn m

Thread programming examples

Using thr_create() and thr_join()m



Signal Handlerm

Interprocess Synchronizationm

The Producer / Consumer Problemm

A Socket Serverm

Using Many Threadsm

Real-time Thread Examplem
