[PDF] [PDF] IDEA OF PROGRESS : Changes in Society Idées pour une

IDEA OF PROGRESS : Changes in Society Idées pour une problématique : Is consumerism an example of progress in society ? Can we say that society needs  

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[PDF] IDEA OF PROGRESS : Changes in Society Idées pour une

IDEA OF PROGRESS : Changes in Society Idées pour une problématique : Is consumerism an example of progress in society ? Can we say that society needs  

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IDEA OF PROGRESS : Changes in Society

Idées pour une problématique : Is consumerism an example of progress in society ?

Can we say that society needs to stop consuming ?

The consumerism cycle - is it an example of progress ? Is it possible to resist the levels of consumerism in society ?

How can people react to consumerism ?


Intro : Phrase d'introduction (ǀoir le chapitre sur Sporting Heroes pour retrouǀer des edžemples de phrase d'intro)

Image of the family - Thanksgiving - Norman Rockwell - Family Values - Thanksgiving = be thankful for what you have, small pleasures.

How do Americans celebrate Thanksgiving ? Food, football matches, parades, family time, a big family meal

CONTRAST WITH BLACK FRIDAY - Décrire des images vues / Examples from Walmart (Text Missions p.126 paragraphe 1 / p.124)

Mega Monday / Cyber Thanksgiving

I) COLLABORATIVE CONSUMPTION is a form of reaction against the world of consumerism.

New ways of consuming

Life is very expensive / People are fed up of spending too much money / People want to rediscover basic values

Our lifestyles are destroying the planet / People have environmental concerns.

New ways of organizing ourselves and our society - Ideas based on Barter / Swapping / Borrowing / Sharing - DEFINITIONS ?

This is not a new idea - USA World War II text " Sharing is not so new » Examples ͗ Car pooling ͬ Food for Victory in the 1940's (in the nineteen forties).

II) TODAY / NOWADAYS this is possible too

In order to save money, people can use ebay to shop / use thrift shops to buy clothes (example from Mattie)

Use car share websites to carpool, for example BlaBla Car (Donner des avantages de ce système)

Consume sensibly / wisely

People want to re-use items

Recycle objects

Save their money

Spend less money

Repair broken items and not just buy a new one to replace it

Other examples ?

Retour à la problématique choisie :

Your ideas ?

What is your opinion ?

I think that I am convinced that

I don't belieǀe that I am convinced that I strongly feel that

Do you use thrift shops ? Do you think this is a good idea ? Is it considered cool / trendy / fashionable to buy from vintage stores for you and your friends ?

Example of Leftover Swaps App - is this too extreme ? Explain what this app is for and how it functions. Do you think this is a good idea ?
