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most difficult parts in learning Japanese especially for students who do not use kanji memorizing Kanji, but most students only memorize successfully the This is because there are approximately 2,000 characters of Kanji used in daily 

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[PDF] Understanding The Basic of Kanjis Meaning through - Atlantis Press

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Understanding The Basic of Kanji€s MeaningthroughMnemonicMethod LearningLinna MeiliaRasibanUniversitas Pendidikan Indonesialinnameilia@upi.eduAbstract-Itis commonly assumed and claimed that learnerswith no prior knowledge of Chinese characters often find it moredifficult to learn kanji than learners from character backgrounds(Ishida, 1986; Machida, 2000; Toyoda, 1995).It makes kanjibeing a burden or something dreaded by Indoneian JFL.According to Hayashi & Yano (1994), Kanji has alot ofcharacters andthe foreigners who do not use to handling suchlarge sets of characterin everyday life is not usedto it, so it'shard to remember.This research is to answer the question aboutthe difficulty of Indonesian JFL to memorize the meaning ofevents in Japanese kanji.This study uses mix method design with30 Indonesian JFLthe second semester students of Japaneseeducation department Indonesia University of Education.Theresults of the analysis revealed that leaningKanjithroughmnemonicmethod seemed to help students to understandkanji"smeaning and the way to read it. The statement was alsosupported by the students" response saying that the learningprocess withMnemonicmethod was interesting and enjoyable.Keywords:mnemonic, association technique,Shokyuu Hyouki(Basic Kanji Writing)1.INTRODUCTIONThe learning of kanji or Chinese characters is consideredto be one of the mostchallenging problems faced by learnersof Japanese as a second/foreign language (hereafter JFL/JSLlearners) (Gamage, 2003).According

toGamage(2003), thetypological differences between kanji and alphabets areassumed to be responsible for thisdifficulty (Bourke, 1996;Flaherty, 1993; Toyoda, 1998; Watanabe & Toyoda, 1994inGamage, 2003).Kanjiis one of the most difficult parts inlearning Japanese especially for students who do not usekanjiin their language(Grainger, 2005).This is becauseto read andwrite inkanjithey have toknowkun-yomi, to readKanjiinJapanese, whereas on-yomiis a system to readkanjiinChinese (Heisig& Sienko, 2008, p.11)Although, there is a plenty of books published to helpmemorizingKanji, but moststudents only memorizesuccessfully the words,but in a short time they forget it easilybecausekanjiis not used in their daily life (Rasiban, 2012).This is becausethere are approximately 2,000 characters ofKanji used in daily life in Japan and the foreignersarenotusedto handling such large setsof character (Hayashi &Yano, 1994 inJin,2012, p.181).Based on the previous study(2013) through observation and interview with students whohave gotShokyuuHyouki 2, the result showed similar outcomethat most of students could only rememberKanjiin the shorttime. Nevertheless, students hardly remember kanji after thelearning process in the next meeting, due to various ways to

read each ofKanjiword.Such situation was supported by thedata from questionnaires given to third semester students ofJapanese Language Education Department, Faculty oflanguage and Literature, UPI (Indonesia University ofEducation). Itwas found that 80% of the students who tookShokyuuhyouki2coursesmet some difficulties to rememberkanji"smeaning and memorize the way of how to read it.At present, the method used in the Japanese learning stillusehandout and workbook/worksheet. Though the result ofweekly quizisgood, the students still found it hard torememberkanji"smeaning and the way of writing it both inthemid-term exam and final exam. Itcanbe seen from theresults of mid-term and final-exam of the third semesterstudents in academic year of 2011/2012.This research was a follow up of the previous research(Rasiban, 2012) concerning an attempt to rememberkanji"smeaning through association in basicKanjilearning. Thefindings revealed that learningkanjiby associating it withpicturesmade iteasily remembered and seemed to help thestudents in memorizingkanji"smeaning. Therefore, this studyfollowed up the previous research by using a similar techniqueapplied in different level of students. In addition,kanjimaterials were improved from the basic level ofkanjito themedium one (ShokyuZenhan). However, some weaknessesfound in the previous study weredue to multi interpretedpicturesdisplayedas learning media. Consequently, thisunderlined the improvement of teaching media focusing onpictures association andkanjianalogue which wereunderstandable by the majority of students.Learning Model by Using Mnemonic Method with AssociationTechniqueIn general,Mnemonicis a technique thatfacilitatesstudentsremember something,particularlythe method whichneeds aformula or statement used to helpothersremembersomething (KamusBesarBahasaIndonesia).WangandThomas (1996, p.104) defined mnemonics as ". . . learningstrategies that make elementsof abstract information morefamiliar and encourage students to form meaningfulassociation to these familiar elements." More generally,mnemonics can be defined as learning strategies, comprisingeither visual images or words, that can enhance memorizationand recall of information.According toStine,Mnemonicisabrain"s ability to connect words, idea and imagination(Rasiban, 2012).Based onthedefinitions above,mnemonicisdefined as atechnique used to helpthe otherpeople remembersomething through creating formula or statement or17Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 82Ninth International Conference on Applied Linguistics (CONAPLIN 9)

description: fromthe cloud downsnowfall andforming piles of iceNO

connecting words, ideas and imaginations. In other words,mnemonicmeansatechnique which optimally usesmemory inparticular ways.Widiatmoko(2008, p.51) claimed thatMnemonicmethod may seemto beplayable, but it is useful toremember new information unfamiliartoour brain, forexample to remember vocabulary of all foreign languagesincludingLatin.The use ofMnemonicgive benefits to the learningprocess since the barrier disappeared. The method willencourage students" motivation because it can make thestudents participate in their learning process more actively, sothat the optimal result can be achieved by the students.Therefore, the goal of usingMnemonicwith associationtechnique was proposed to achieve the optimal result oflearning.Researchers have questioned whether pictures providemore information than words during the memory codingprocesses, or vice versa (Mayer& Anderson, 1992;Mayer&Sims, 1994;Rieber, 1991; Towers & Anglin,1994).Rosestudy (2013) found that while mnemonics are useful tomemorize kanji and kanji components when applied in ameaningful way, an overreliance on this strategy can havenegative effects for the learner. The study highlightednumerous accounts ofthe meaning of a kanji being lost inoverly complex mnemonic strategies.There are some techniques used in applyingmnemonicmethod for memorizing (Bobby, 2003) that isCantoltechnique/Rhyme, Location technique, Acronym techniqueandAssociation technique. Since rememberingkanjifor earlyJapanese language learners is inappropriate and difficult, thestudy focused on learningkanjithrough picture associationtechniquewhichwas necessaryto beimplemented.In this picture association technique, the following is howkanjiis formed:1.Shiji moji,kanjiformationbyasserting a particular abstract.Thiskanjiis read 'ue" whichmeans 'above".2.Shoukimoji,kanjiformationbyimitating picture of particularthing or nature.Thiskanjiwasread 'ki"whichmeans 'tree".3.Kaii moji,kanjiformationbycombining two or more thingsof basic kanji.Thiskanji 'ki"is combined to be'mori",kanjwhich meaning 'a forest '.

Based on the previous research (Rasiban, 2010), it was foundthat leaning through association technique was adequatelyeffective, since the learners were easy tomemorize kanji.However, the lack of pictures as media used in adoptingpicture association andStory Manabu Kanji 300(Beuckmann,2008)andKanji Look and Learn(Banno, 2011) wasinsufficiently understood by the studentsbecause ofthemeaning which were adoptedwas Japanese philosophy.On the other side, the second research (Rasiban, 2012)showed that the use of associated media and analogue wereindependently made by Indonesian people without adoptingthe bookStory Manabu Kanji 300(Beuckmann, 2008) thatcan be seen in the following points,(1)Kanjiwas associated from the meaning adapted from itskanji"sform, for example,Kanji 'yuki"which means 'snow".(2) There was somekanjiwhich wasdescribed from its formrelated to the Indonesian"s meaning. For example,kanji 'gou"which means'number",sincekanjiwriting of'gou"if theletter was reversed, it is similar to 'NO" which means number.(3) There waskanjithatcouldn"t be connected either to itsmeaning (as explained in no (1)) or from its letter writing (asexplained in no (2)). So it was made from the description ofstory and the displayed picture that described its story. Forexamplekanji 'oriru"which means'down", it was explainedand described at the same time in the form of story.Besides explainingkanjithroughMnemonicmethod above,learning to writekanjiis was also important. The sequence ofwritingkanji(kakijun) was adopted from websitewww.yamasa.orgby using flash as the media in power point. Ican beput in this example,2.MethodThis research was a mix method research as a combinationbetween qualitativeand quantitative one (IvankovaandCresswell, 2009, p.137). The method was chosen to answerthe researchquestions of the study. The first question was

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relatedto the students' ability in rememberingkanji"smeaningwhich was obtained through qualitative method. While thesecond question was dealing with students' response towardlearning model and the effectiveness of teaching media gainedfrom the qualitative method.The research design was adoptedfrom theaction research method proposed bySusanto(2010)as can be seen below:

Figure1. ResearchDesignThesubjects of the reseachwere the second semester studentsof Japanese education department who were takingshokyuuhyouki2. The samples of the study were 2B class with 30students. The study was conductedfromFebruary to May2013 with 7 times of meeting which weredevided into 2meetings for pre-experiment, and pre test,post test and fillingquestionaire.Fivemeetingswere allocatedfor givingtreatments to the basickanjiby usingMnemonicmethod. Datawere colleted through pre-test and post-test, questionnaire,and interview with students regarding their responses to usingpower point as media inShokyuulearning 3 throughmnemonicmethod joined with association technique.3.Findingsand DiscussionThe respondent"s ability to rememberkanji"smeaningwas measured bythepre-test and post-test. The average scoreof pre-test was 70 while the average score of post-test was 86.The graphic can be seen as below.

Figure2. Average score ofpre test and post testIt could be concluded that in general the results of classaverage score improved 16 points and also the individual"sscore. The result was supported by the questionnaire andinterview stating that the respondents admittedkanjitendedto

beeasier to be memorized since the students were helped byMnemonicmethod. Besides, this technique seemed to beeffective for memorizing and writingkanjiduring exam ortest. The respondent"s comprehension towardkanji"smeaningdisplayed in power point could be seen from game or exercisegiven after introducing kanji. Almost 90 % students couldunderstand and remember easily the meaning ofkanjithroughpictures association displayed in power point as its media.The finding from the interview with respondents wasimplemented to support the result from the test. Most of themsaid that using power point as media inShokyuuHyouki2learning combining with theMnemonicmethod andassociation technique helped respondents rememberkanji"smeaning easily in a short time which was similar to thefindings gained in the previous research.According toBellezza(1981),mnemonics act as mediators between thelearning stimuli and the information to be remembered, andare used later by the learner to recall information through aself-cueing process.It was supported by the respondents"statement in the interview that this learning technique helpedthemto writekanjiduring post-test easily, especiallythe onesfound in the instructionsaskingthem to writekanjifromkanji"spart (bushu) and writekanjiinto Indonesian language.Ina previous study (Rasiban, 2010) regardingthe recalleffort kanji meaning through association techniques inlearning basic kanji. The results showed that learning kanji toassociate into a memorable image and facilitate their memoryin remembering the kanji meaning. One of the advantages is toassist and facilitate students in answering questions in finaltest.But previous research hadfound that the media imagethatis displayed is the notionof the philosophy of theJapanese people, whichmostlyhasless comprehensiblemeaning for Indonesian JFL.

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For example, kanji "in" that has meaning institutions,associated byBeuckmann(2008: 154) that'if you want ahealthy body condition (better β) need to go to a hospital orhealth institution".Associated like this(Beuckmann, 2008: 154).Association of images and analogies story is poorlyunderstood by mostIndonesian JFL in Japanese LanguageEducationDepartment, Indonesia University of Education(Rasiban, 2010). Because the function of mnemonictechniquesisto facilitate remembering associate quickly, thentheresearch this timeisto revise the existing image associatedwith the image created in accordance with the philosophy ofthe Indonesian people.4.CONCLUSIONIt can be concluded that learningkanjithrough acombined technique between mnemonic and power pointseemed to be effective to improve the students"comprehension, in remembering the basickanji"smeaning.The success of using this media depended on explanation ofkanji"smeaning constructed through story so thatthe studentswere able to understand and rememberkanjieasily. Therespondents" understanding towardkanjiassociated to itsmeaning wasfound to be high since they wereeasier toremember ratherthan the one which didn"t use power point asits media. It influenced the students in completing the testbecause they could writekanjieasier.Although the strategiesthey use mostlyare the most helpful strategies,incontrary tothe widespread belief that repeated writing is a timeconsuming and tedious task, JFL learners seemedto believethat strategies associated with repeated writing are the mosthelpful in learning kanji (Gamage, 2003).Based on the interview result, it referred that most of therespondents said that the learning media helped students inremembering thekanji"s meaning. Besides, it may create anew learning atmosphere for the students since most ofkanjilearningwasboring and difficult. However the methodchanged the classto beenjoyable and interesting one. Thislearning model also eases the students to complete questionsin the test. Overall by using this method, this study contributeda new alternative teaching method in basickanjilearning.Meanwhile, the weakness of thismnemonicmethod withassociation techniques was due to unsolved problem regardingthe students" difficulties in remembering the way of readingkanjieither kun-yomioron-yomi. Therefore the furtherresearch is expected to find the effective method forremembering the way of readingkanjifor bothkun-yomiandonyomi.5.AcknowledgementResearcher gratitude goes to students of Japaneselanguage education department FPBS UPI academic year of2010/2011who participated in the early research and studentsofJapanese language education department FPBS UPIacademic year of 2011/2012. A big thanks also for seniors

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