30 avr 2002 · more lenient FDA risk-benefit analysis of the drugs and entailed greater of cases, dermatologists only use Accutane after ensuring that the 

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In Australia, isotretinoin can only be prescribed by specialist dermatologists and Isotretinoin is subsided under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) 

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30 avr 2002 · more lenient FDA risk-benefit analysis of the drugs and entailed greater of cases, dermatologists only use Accutane after ensuring that the 

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Decide whether the benefits of taking isotretinoin still outweigh the risk of adverse Professor Emeritus in Dermatology, University of Sheffield; Emeritus 

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1 déc 2007 · benefits of such medication with the risk of fetal malformation, fac- toring the 37: 625 the FDA should remove Accutane and its generic equivalents from prescription for Accutanefrom her dermatologist for treatment of se-

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