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Treaty Series

Spain and Tunisia: Basic Agreement on economic and financial cooperation (with exchange of notes of 25 September and 15 October 1991) Signed at Madrid on 28 May 1991 25 No 30087 Spain and Poland: Agreement on the reciprocal promotion and protection of investments Signed at M adrid on 30 July 1992


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Treaty Series

Treaty Series

Treaties and international agreements

registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations

Recueil des Traitis

Traitis et accords internationaux

enregistris ou classis et inscrits au r4pertoire au Secritariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

Copyright © United Nations 2000

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Copyright © Nations Unies 2000

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Imprim6 aux Etats-Unis d'Amdrique

Treaty Series

Treaties and international agreements

registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations


Recueil des Traitis

Traitds et accords internationaux

enregistris ou classds et inscrits au repertoire au Secritariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

United Nations e Nations Unies

New York, 2000

Treaties and international agreements

registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations

VOLUME 1725 1993 I. Nos. 30085-30113



Treaties and international agreements

registered from 16 June 1993 to 30 June 1993 Page

No. 30085. Spain and Brazil:

Agreement on cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Signed at

B rasilia on 12 M ay 1983 ........................................................................................... .3

No. 30086. Spain and Tunisia:

Basic Agreement on economic and financial cooperation (with exchange of notes of 25 September and 15 October 1991). Signed at Madrid on 28 May 1991 ...... 25

No. 30087. Spain and Poland:

Agreement on the reciprocal promotion and protection of investments. Signed at

M adrid on 30 July 1992 ............................................................................................ .49

No. 30088. Austria and Bahrain:

Agreement for air services between and beyond their respective territories (with annexes). Signed at Vienna on 12 November 1992 ............................................... 91 No. 30089. International Atomic Energy Agency and Pakistan: Agreement for the application of safeguards in connection with the supply of a nuclear power station from the People's Republic of China. Signed at Vienna

on 24 February 1993 .................................................................................................. 107

No. 30090. Brazil and Argentina:

Agreement relating to the exercise of remunerative activities by dependants of diplomatic, consular, administrative and technical personnel. Signed at Bra-

silia on 20 A ugust 1991 .............................................................................................. 133

Vol. 1725

Traitis et accords internationaux

enregistrds ou classes et inscrits au repertoire au Secretariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

VOLUME 1725 1993 I. NO





Traits et accords internationaux

enregistris du 16juin 1993 au 30juin 1993 Pages

NO 30085. Espagne et Br6sil:

Accord de coop6ration en mati~re d'utilisation de 1'6nergie nucl6aire A des fins

pacifiques. Sign6 A Brasilia le 12 mai 1983 ............................................................. 3

NO 30086. Espagne et Tunisie :

Accord cadre de coop6ration dconomique et financi~re (avec 6change de notes des

25 septembre et 15 octobre 1991). Sign6 A Madrid le 28 mai 1991 ...................... 25

NO 30087. Espagne et Pologne :

Accord relatif A la protection et A 1'encouragement r6ciproques des investisse-

ments. Sign6 A M adrid le 30juillet 1992 ................................................................. 49

NO 30088. Autriche et Bahrein :

Accord relatif aux services a6riens entre leurs territoires respectifs et au-deli (avec annexes). Sign6 A Vienne le 12 novembre 1992 .................... 91 NO 30089. Agence internationale de l'inergie atomique et Pakistan : Accord pour l'application de garanties relatives A la foumiture d'une centrale nucl6aire par la R6publique populaire de Chine. Sign6 A Vienne le 24 f6vrier

1993 ........................................... ...................... ............................................... 107

NO 30090. Brisil et Argentine:

Accord relatif h l'exercice d'activits r6mun6r6es par des personnes A la charge du personnel diplomatique, consulaire, administratif et technique. Signd A Bra-

sflia le 20 aoft 1991 .................................................................................................... 133

Vol. 1725

VI United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recueil des Traitis 1993 Page

No. 30091. Brazil and Bolivia:

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement concerning the sale of Bolivian gas to Brazil under the contract between the companies "Petr6leo Brasileiro S.A. (Petrobrds)" and "Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB)".

Cochabam ba, 17 February 1993 .............................................................................. 143

No. 30092. United Nations (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) and Saudi Arabia: Memorandum of understanding concerning the establishment of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees field offices in Saudi Arabia. Signed at

Jeddah on 22 June 1993 ............................................................................................. 155

No. 30093. Israel and Federal Republic of Germany: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement concerning taxation of road vehicles in Israel-German international transport. Bonn, 2 December 1983 ................... 165

No. 30094. Israel and Poland:

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement on the abolition of the visa require- ment for holders of diplomatic and service passports. Jerusalem, 8 November

1992 .............................................................................................................................. 17 9

No. 30095. International Development Association and Tonga: Development Credit Agreement-Second Tonga Development Bank Project (with schedules and General Conditions Applicable to Development Credit Agree- ments dated 1 January 1985). Signed at Washington on 7 March 1990 .............. 189 No. 30096. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and


Loan Agreement-Land Use Rationalization Project (with schedules and General Conditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements dated 1 January

1985). Signed at W ashington on 28 April 1992 ....................................................... 191

No. 30097. International Development Association and Yemen: Development Credit Agreement-Land and Water Conservation Project (with schedules and General Conditions Applicable to Development Credit Agree- ments dated 1 January 1985). Signed at Washington on 19 June 1992 ............... 193 No. 30098. International Development Association and Mali: Development Credit Agreement-Mining Sector Capacity-Building Project (with schedules and General Conditions Applicable to Development Credit Agree- ments dated 1 January 1985). Signed at Washington on 24 August 1992 ........... 195

Vol. 1725

1993 United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recueil des Traitks VII

Pages N 0

30091. Brksil et Bolivie:

,change de notes constituant un accord relatif A la vente du gaz bolivien au Br6sil en tenant compte du contrat entre les compagnies << Petr61eo Brasileiro S.A. (Petrobrds) >> et < Yacimientos Petrolfferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB) >>.

C ochabam ba, 17 f6vrier 1993 ................................................................................... 143

NO 30092. Organisation des Nations Unies (Haut Commissariat des Nations

Unies pour les rifugi6s) et Arabie saoudite :

M6morandum d'accord relatif A i'dtablissement des dalgations du Haut Commis- sariat des Nations Unies pour les r6fugi6s en Arabie saoudite. Sign6 A Jedda

le 22 juin 1993 ............................................................................................................. 155

N 0

30093. Israel et Republique fRd6rale d'Allemagne :

tchange de notes constituant un accord relatif A l'imposition des v6hicules routiers dans le transport international isra6lien-allemand. Bonn, 2 d6cembre

1983 .............................................................................................................................. 165

N 0

30094. Israel et Pologne :

tchange de notes constituant un accord relatif A la suppression de la formalit6 de visas pour les titulaires de passeports diplomatiques et de service. J6rusalem,

8 novem bre 1992 ........................................................................................................ 179


30095. Association internationale de d6veloppement et Tonga :

Accord de cr~dit de d6veloppement -Deuxibme projet de la Banque de ddve- loppement de Tonga (avec annexes et Conditions g6n6rales applicables aux accords de cr6dit de d6veloppement en date du Ier janvier 1985). Sign6 A

W ashington le 7 m ars 1990 ....................................................................................... 189

N 0

30096. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le d6veloppement et


Accord de prt -Projet de rationalisation de l'utilisation des terres (avec annexes et Conditions g6n6rales applicables aux accords de prt et de garantie en date du leI janvier 1985). Sign6 A Washington le 28 avril 1992 ....................... 191 N 0

30097. Association internationale de diveloppement et Yemen:

Accord de cr6dit de daveloppement -Projet de conservation des terres et de l'eau (avec annexes et Conditions g6n6rales applicables aux accords de cr6dit de d6veloppement en date du ier janvier 1985). Sign6 A Washington le 19 juin

1992 .............................................................................................................................. 193

N 0

30098. Association internationale de d6veloppement et Mali:

Accord de cr6dit de ddveloppement -Projet de renforcement des capacitis du secteur minier (avec annexes et Conditions gdn6rales applicables aux accords de cr6dit de d6veloppement en date du Ier janvier 1985). Sign6 A Washington

le 24 aof t 1992 ..................................................................................................... .... 195

Vol. 1725

United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recueil des Traits Pages No. 30099. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and


Guarantee Agreement-Sdo Paulo Water Quality and Pollution Control Project (with General Conditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements dated 1 January 1985). Signed at Washington on 17 December 1992 ................. 197 No. 30100. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and


Guarantee Agreement-Parana Water Quality and Pollution Control Project (with General Conditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements dated

1 January 1985). Signed at Washington on 17 December 1992 ............................ 199

No. 30101. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and


Guarantee Agreement-Santa Catarina State Highway Management Project (with General Conditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements dated 1 January 1985). Signed at Washington on 22 December 1992 ................. 201 No. 30102. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and


Loan Agreement-Housing Project (with schedules and General Conditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements dated 1 January 1985). Signed

at W ashington on 21 Decem ber 1992 ...................................................................... 203

No. 30103. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and

Czech Republic:

Guarantee Agreement-Power and Environmental Improvement Project (with General Conditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements dated

1 January 1985). Signed at Washington on 1 January 1993 .................................. 205

No. 30104. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and

Czech Republic:

Loan Assumption Agreement-Structural Adjustment Loan. Signed at Washing-

ton on 1 January 1993 ............................................................................................... 207

No. 30105. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and


Loan Assumption Agreement-Structural Adjustment Loan. Signed at Washing-

ton on 1 January 1993 ............................................................................................... 209

No. 30106. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and


Loan Agreement-Shanghai Port Restructuring and Development Project (with schedules and General Conditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agree- ments dated 1 January 1985). Signed at Washington on 14 January 1993 ......... 211

Vol. 1725

United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recueil des Trait~s Pages NO 30099. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le d~veloppement et

Br~sil :

Accord de garantie -Projet relatif au contrble de la qualiti d'eau et de la pollu- tion t Sao Paulo (avec Conditions g6n6rales applicables aux accords de prt et de garantie en date du ler janvier 1985). Sign6 A Washington le 17 d~cembre

1992 .............................................................................................................................. 19 7

NO 30100. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le d6veloppement et

Brksil :

Accord de garantie -Projet relatif au contr6le de la qualiti d'eau et de la pollu- tion a Parana (avec Conditions g6n6rales applicables aux accords de pret et de garantie en date du 1er janvier 1985). Sign6 i Washington le 17 d6cembre

1992 .............................................................................................................................. 199


30101. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le d~veloppement et

Brisil :

Accord de garantie -Projet de gestion des routes dans l'ttat de Santa Catarina (avec Conditions g6n6rales applicables aux accords de pr& et de garantie en date du lerjanvier 1985). Sign6 A Washington le 22 d6cembre 1992 ................... 201 NO 30102. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le d6veloppement et

Pologne :

Accord de pr~t -Projet de logements (avec annexes et Conditions g6n~rales ap- plicables aux accords de prt et de garantie en date du 1 er janvier 1985). Sign6

A W ashington le 21 d6cem bre 1992 .......................................................................... 203

NO 30103. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le dtveloppement et

Rkpublique tch~que :

Accord de garantie -Projet d'dlectricitd et d'amdlioration de l'environnement (avec Conditions g6n6rales applicables aux accords de prt et de garantie en date du ler janvier 1985). Sign6 A Washington le lerjanvier 1993 ....................... 205 N 0

30104. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le d6veloppement et

Ripublique tchique :

Accord de prt d'affectation -Pr&t d'ajustement structurel. Sign6 b Washington

le lerjanvier 1993 ....................................................................................................... 207


30105. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le d6veloppement et

Slovaquie :

Accord de pr&t d'affectation -PrOt d'ajustement structurel. Sign6 A Washington

le ler janvier 1993 ....................................................................................................... 209

NO 30106. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le dkveloppement et

Chine :

Accord de prt -Projet de developpement et de restructuration du port de Shanghai (avec annexes et Conditions g6ndrales applicables aux accords de prt et de garantie en date du 1er janvier 1985). Sign6 A Washington le 14 jan-

v ier 1993 ...................................................................................................................... 2 11

Vol 1725

X United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recuei des Traitis 1993 Page No. 30107. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Indo- nesia: Loan Agreement-Financial Sector Development Project (with schedules and General Conditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements dated

1 January 1985). Signed at Washington on 21 January 1993 ................................ 213

No. 30108. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and


Loan Agreement-Second Social Development Project-Health and Nutrition (with schedules and General Conditions Applicable to Loan and Guaran- tee Agreements dated 1 January 1985). Signed at Washington on 8 Feb-

ru ary 1993 .................................................................................................................. 2 15

No. 30109. International Development Association and Albania: Development Credit Agreement-Rural Poverty Alleviation Pilot Project (with schedules and General Conditions Applicable to Development Credit Agree- ments dated I January 1985). Signed at Washington on 2 March 1993 .............. 217 No. 30110. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and


Loan Agreement-Roads Project (with schedules and General Conditions Appli- cable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements dated 1 January 1985). Signed at

W ashington on 26 M arch 1993 ................................................................................. 219

No. 30111. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and

Islamic Republic of Iran:

Loan Agreement-Irrigation Improvement Project (with schedules and General Conditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements dated 1 January

1985). Signed at W ashington on 31 March 1993 .................................................... 221

No. 30112. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and

Islamic Republic of Iran:

Loan Agreement-Primary Health Care and Family Planning Project (with schedules and General Conditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agree- ments dated 1 January 1985). Signed at Washington on 31 March 1993 ............ 223

No. 30113. Slovakia and Hungary:

Special Agreement for submission to the International Court of Justice of the differences concerning the Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project. Signed at Brussels

on 7 A pril 1993 ........................................................................................................... 225

Vol. 1725

1993 United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recueil des TraitLs XI

Pages NO 30107. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le d~veloppement et

Indon~sie :

Accord de pret -Projet de ddveloppement du secteurfinancier (avec annexes et Conditions gtn~rales applicables aux accords de prt et de garantie en date du le janvier 1985). Sign6 A Washington le 21 janvier 1993 ...................................... 213 N O

30108. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le d~veloppement et

Equateur :

Accord de prt -Deuxi~me projet de ddveloppement social -santg et nutrition (avec annexes et Conditions g6n6rales applicables aux accords de pr~t et de garantie en date du ter janvier 1985). Sign6 A Washington le 8 f6vrier 1993 ...... 215 NO 30109. Association internationale de d6veloppement et Albanie : Accord de cr&lit de d6veloppement -Projetpilote pour alldger la pauvretg dans les rdgions rurales (avec annexes et Conditions g6n6rales applicables aux accords de cr6dit de d6veloppement en date du Ier janvier 1985). Sign6 h

W ashington le 2 m ars 1993 ....................................................................................... 217

N 0

30110. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le diveloppement et

Hongrie :

Accord de prat -Projet routier (avec annexes et Conditions gtntrales applicablesquotesdbs_dbs32.pdfusesText_38