[PDF] LE PASSIF - Exercice 1

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LE PASSIF - Exercice 1

LE PASSIF - Exercice 1 Mettez le verbe entre parenthèses à la forme passive appropriée Attention aux temps Bonne chance 1 You might (bite) if you had approached that stray dog too closely 2 Little Joan (show) how to play the video game provided she finishes her homework 3 Until the late 80's, pesticides (think) to be harmless 4

GRAMMAIRE (BI) - Le passif

Le passif DÉFINITION La voie passive est utilisée quand le sujet grammatical ne fait pas l’action mais il la subit (Par opposition, la voie passive est quand le sujet grammatical fait l’action)

Le passif - ALCASTE

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à long terme Avec le temps, la croissance de l’actif dépassera celle du passif L’actif devrait poursuivre le même objectif que le régime, c -à-d financer les prestations de retraite et réduire la volatilité du ratio de capitalisation, afin de permettre une meilleure gestion des coûts du régime avec le temps

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LE PASSIF - Exercice 1

Mettez le verbe entre parenthèses à la forme passive appropriée. Attention aux temps ! Bonne chance !

1. You might (bite)

if you had approached that stray dog too closely.

2. Little Joan (show)

how to play the video game provided she finishes her homework.

3. Until the late 80's, pesticides (think)

to be harmless.

4. We (tell)

not to open our duty free purchases before we started boarding the plane.

5. John is our new trainee. He (hire)


6. I had to go to work by bus because my car (service)

yesterday morning.

7. A big battle (fight)

at Waterloo on 18 June 1815.

8. We had a drink while the visitors (show)

round the factory.

10. We (speak to)

in Portuguese when we arrived in Macao.


1. You might (bite) have been bitten if you had approached that stray dog too closely.

2. Little Joan (show) will be shown how to play the video game provided she finishes

her homework.

3. Until the late 80's, pesticides (think) were thought to be harmless.

4. We (tell) were told / had been told not to open our duty free purchases before we

started boarding the plane.

5. John is our new trainee. He (hire) was hired yesterday.

6. I had to go to work by bus because my car (service) was being serviced yesterday

morning. 2

7. A big battle (fight) was fought at Waterloo on 18 June 1815.

8. We had a drink while the visitors (show) were being shown round the factory.

9. paint) is being painted.

10. We (speak to) were spoken to in Portuguese when we arrived in Macao.

LE PASSIF - Exercice 2

Mettez le verbe entre parenthèses à la forme passive appropriée. Attention aux temps ! Bonne chance !

1. I had a walk round the city while my car (repair)

2. Another candidate (interview)

at the moment.

3. I (never speak)

to like that before.

4. The Japanese Prime Minister (show)

our university in 1997.

5. They are living with us because their new house (build)

at the moment.

6. They never enjoyed (question)

about their respective past lives.

7. The matter (discuss)

in the White House at the moment.

8. English (teach)

all over the world.

9. The students had been waiting for their teacher for 1 hour when they (tell)

that he was sick.

10. The day before yesterday a light (switch on)


1. I had a walk round the city while my car (repair) was being repaired.

2. Another candidate (interview) is being interviewed at the moment.

3. I (never speak) have never been spoken / had never been spoken / was never

spoken to like that before.

4. The Japanese Prime Minister (show) was shown our university in 1997.

5. They are living with us because their new house (build) is being built at the moment.

6. They never enjoyed (question) being questioned about their respective past lives.


7. The matter (discuss) is being discussed in the White House at the moment.

8. English (teach) is taught all over the world.

9. The students had been waiting for their teacher for 1 hour when they (tell) were told

that he was sick.

10. The day before yesterday a light (switch on) was switched on.

LE PASSIF - Exercice 3

1. He was felt

the man for the job. 2. He never been interviewed.

3. Passengers should

asked for more patience.

4. Their reports are greatly

5. Such accessories must not


6. The problems began before the meeting


7. The question

raised a few months ago.

8. I am sure he

remembered for a long time.

9. He said the problem

dealt with already.

10. Women

the right to vote is some countries.


1. He was felt to be the man for the job.

2. He has never been interviewed.

3. Passengers should have been asked for more patience.

4. Their reports are greatly exaggerated.

5. Such accessories must not be taken lightly.

6. The problems began before the meeting was announced.

7. The question was raised a few months ago.

8. I am sure he will be remembered for a long time.

9. He said the problem had been dealt with already.

10. Women are still denied the right to vote is some countries.


LE PASSIF - Exercice 4

Mettez le verbe entre parenthèses à la forme passive appropriée. Attention aux temps ! Bonne chance !

1. It (say)

that no agreement could be reached on this.

3. More plans for the new towers in New York (draw)

up right now.

4. More money (spend)

on food now than ten years ago.

5. After all my letters (write)

I did some gardening.

6. The French president (think)

to be seriously ill last week.

7. The tourists (show)

around the royal gardens at the moment.

8. You (lend)

5,000 EUR last year, but you must pay it back this year.

9. His sister (give)

a car after she passed all her exams. She really deserved it.

10. The new house (build)

at the moment.


1. It (say) was said that no agreement could be reached on this.

2. sell) have been


3. More plans for the new towers in New York (draw) are being drawn up right now.

4. More money (spend) is being spent / is spent on food now than ten years ago.

5. After all my letters (write) had been written I did some gardening.

6. The French president (think) was thought to be seriously ill last week.

7. The tourists (show) are being shown around the royal gardens at the moment.

8. You (lend) were lent 5,000 EUR last year, but you must pay it back this year.

9. His sister (give) was given a car after she passed all her exams. She really deserved it.

10. The new house (build) is being built at the moment.


LE PASSIF - Exercice 5

Mettez le verbe entre parenthèses à la forme passive appropriée. Attention aux temps ! Bonne chance !

1. Her car (steal)

in Italy in 1991.

2. I am sorry. You can't stay in my flat because it (decorate)

right now.

3. Fantastic progress (make)

in digital imaging over the past few years.

4. They (tell)

how to prepare the exercise two days ago.

5. Since the debate about GM food (launch)

in 1998, the authorities have commissioned several studies to assess the effects of GM crops on people's health.

6. A thorough discussion (hold)

on this matter at the moment.

7. There wasn't that much to discuss at the meeting as most issues (already sort out)

the previous day.

8. In 2001 he (force)

to resign as Argentina's president.

9. The families are very worried because the murderer (not bring)

to justice yet.

10. The house where we all live today (build)

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