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public law 109–2—feb 18, 2005 class action fairness act of 2005 verdate 14-dec-2004 04:23 mar 05, 2005 jkt 039139 po 00002 frm 00001 fmt 6579 sfmt 6579 e:\publaw\publ002 109 billw psn: publ002

2005 Cass Co sales and use tax statistics

annual 2005 county: cass industry gross sales taxable sales sales tax use tax total tax number 236 construct -buildings $35,264,913 $151,381 $9,839 $13,742 $23,581 22


York: Frank Cass, 2005, p 1 6 Colas, D Civil Society and Fanaticism: Conjoined Histories Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1997, p 5 In this quote among other fanatics there is a reference to the iconoclasts during the Reformation period who destroyed paintings and sculptures in Catholic


• Cass County’s total debt decreased by $115,657, or 48 percent, during 2005 This debt consists of Cass County’s share (95 percent) of the Kitchigami Regional Library Note in the amount of $125,813 OVERVIEW OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS This discussion and analysis is intended to serve as an introduction to the Cass County basic

Texas Health Facts Profile, 2005

Texas Health Facts Profile, 2005 Author: State of Texas, Department of State Health Services Subject: Cass County Keywords: health professions, health statistics, health profiles, demographics, natality, mortality, infectious disease, socioeconomic, program data Created Date: 3/22/2011 12:47:27 PM

ORIGINAL ARTICLE The relationship between job satisfaction

E B Faragher, M Cass, C L Cooper Occup Environ Med: first published as 10 1136/oem 2002 006734 on 18 January 2005 Downloaded from of health Standard narrative

Davis, 05-0679-DI, et al, PubRep - Txscjctemp

Cass (“Cass”) and her former employer, Brazos County District Attorney Bill Turner (“Turner”), despite having been publicly reprimanded by the Commission in 2002 for engaging in similar acts of judicial misconduct The formal proceeding was also intended to examine whether Respondent acted improperly in connection with an April 2005 grand

Eel River-Tick Creek Watershed Management Plan

Eel River-Tick Creek Watershed Management Plan September 13, 2005 Cass County, Indiana Page ii To reduce the identified stressors in the Eel River-Tick Creek watershed and address to other concerns identified by watershed stakeholders, the stakeholders developed six goals and developed an action plan for each of the goals

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