[PDF] CONSTITUTION June 27 – July 1, 2016

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CONSTITUTION June 27 – July 1, 2016

40258_IBT_Constitution_Text_X indd 3 6/6/17 12:46 PM Article XVI Conferences 120 Article XVII Chartered Miscellaneous


CONSTITUTION of the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers, and Helpers Affiliated with the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) and Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) International Headquarters 753 State Avenue Kansas City, KS 66101 As revised and adopted at the

Constitution State of Wyoming

(The boldface type at the beginning of each section is not part of the constitution ) PREAMBLE We, the people of the State of Wyoming, grateful to God for our civil, political and religious liberties, and desiring to secure them to ourselves and perpetuate them to our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution ARTICLE 1

Constitution of Missouri

Feb 16, 2017 · constitution and state government for the people within the said territory, as included within the boundaries above designated; and if it be deemed expedient, the convention shall be, and hereby is, authorized to form a constitution and state government; or, if it


CONSTITUTION OF OREGON Art I§11 ARTICLE I BILL OF RIGHTS Sec 1 Natural rights inherent in people 2 Freedom of worship 3 Freedom of religious opinion 4 No religious qualification for office 5 No money to be appropriated for religion 6 No religious test for witnesses or jurors 7 Manner of administering oath or affirmation 8 Freedom of


[WA Constitution—page 2] (2019 Ed ) Article III — THE EXECUTIVE Article IV — THE JUDICIARY Article V — IMPEACHMENT Article VI — ELECTIONS AND ELECTIVE RIGHTS Article VII — REVENUE AND TAXATION 28 Special legislation 29 Convict labor 30 Bribery or corrupt solicitation 31 Laws, when to take effect 32 Laws, how signed 33 Alien

The Unannotated Wisconsin Constitution

eral welfare, do establish this constitution ARTICLE I DECLARATION OF RIGHTS Equality; inherent rights SECTION 1 [As amended Nov 1982 and April 1986] All people are born equally free and inde-pendent, and have certain inherent rights; among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; to secure these rights, gov-


constitution that other law shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be void (4) This Constitution shall bind all persons in the Republic of Zambia and all Legislative, Executive and Judicial organs of the State at all levels (5) The official language of Zambia shall be English Article 2 [Public Seal]

Constitution of the State of Kansas

CONSTITUTION ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT FROM CONGRESS; ORDINANCE; PREAMBLE ORDINANCE WHEREAS, The government of the United States is the proprietor of a large portion of the lands included in the limits of the state of Kansas as defined by this constitution; and, WHEREAS, The state of Kansas will possess the right to tax said lands for purposes of

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by the 29th



June 27
July 1, 2016

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International Brotherhood of Teamsters

Adopted by the 29th International Convention

June 27 - July 1, 2016

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Preamble ........................................................... 1 ........................................................... 2 Name ................................................. 3

Jurisdiction, Membership and

.......................... 6

Convention and Representation ..... 18

... 28 ... 34

General President -

.......................... 37

General Secretary-Treasurer -

.......................... 49

Trustees Audit Committee .............. 60

General Executive Board -

.......................... 62

Revenues, Bonding, Examination

and Audits of Subordinate Bodies, ............... 71 ............. 84 .............. 85

Assistance to Local Unions .......... 111

Charter Members and


of Local Unions ............ 112 Joint Councils ............................... 116TABLE OF CONTENTS Page

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Conferences .................................. 120

Chartered Miscellaneous



................................ 121 .... 122

Trials and Appeals

........................ 131 issolution .................................... 156 157

Local Unions

................................ 157


..................... 169

Service of Process on


Union ...................... 170

..... 171

Teamsters Canada ......................... 171

Saving Clauses

............................. 180 Page

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1 of the



formed in 1903 by representatives of independent local of each local to provide assistance to its members could be largest trade union in North

America, those local unions

agreed to subordinate some of their individual indepen dence in order to obtain services, sup port, and expertise through coordinated action by the International Union. served their autonomy and identity and structured an In ternational based upon the concept that the heart of the local is the membership and that the core of the Interna the interests of their members, so too must the Interna- tional Union be responsive to the needs of the locals ship are at the core of their relationship

The local unions

and the International commit to serve the interests of the membership by maintaining a Union that is strong, dem ocratic, and free of corruption omy, integrity , and identity of each indispensable part of

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2 this great Union - the members, the locals, and the Inter- national . It constitutes an agreem ent among equal part global economy dominated by multi -national corpora future of our great Union depend on our ability to orga to form and join free trade unions, implicates universal the Union survive. I, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , do sincerely prom ise, upon my honor as a trade unionist and a Teamster, that

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Art. I, Sec. 1-2

3 in the interests of our members, devote the resources of maintain a Union that is free of corruption, to preserve and strengthen democratic principles in our Union, and to pro harmony and preserve the dignity of this Union

I also

ly deliver any money or property of this Union in my pos

Article I


International Brotherhood of

Teamsters and shall consist

of an unlimited number of Local Unions chartered by the

International Brotherhood of Teamsters

the General Executive

Board may be desirable, shall be

located at such place and places as are designated by the

General Executive Board

Section 2

The objects of this International Union are

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Art. I, Sec. 2

4 dustry; to educate them to cooperate in every movement upon our membership, employers, and the public that it is made by our members to improve their industries are rec from their labors in the form of reasonable hours, fair treatment by their employers. The objects of this International Union are also to se tiations and collective bargaining, through advancement of our standing in the community and in the labor move ment through legal and economic means, and all other safeguard, advance, and promote the principle of free tional, and other community activity; to engage in cul tural, civic, legislative, political, fraternal, educational,

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Art. I, Sec. 2

5 community and in the nation, directly or indirectly; to protect and preserve the International Union as an insti tution and to perform its legal and contractual obliga out the duties and to achieve the objectives set forth in this International Constitution and for such additional directly or indirectly. economies that are dominated by multinational corpora through national and international bargaining, the estab also support. alone, but encompass a broad spectrum of economic and social objectives as set forth above and as the Union may and attainment of the objectives set forth herein is for the

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Art. I, Sec. 3-Art. II, Sec. 1


Section 3

This International Union is proud of its

order to advance their economic, social, and political in members of racial, cultural, and ethnic groups in the pol its commitment to the participation of its diverse mem- use at the national, regional, and local levels of the orga bership to express their ideas, participate in deci-

Article II

ployed on or around horses, harness, carriages, automo- ing, carrying, or conveying freight, merchandise, or

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Art. II, Sec. 1-2

7 materials; automotive sales, service, and maintenance that is, persons engaged in loading or unloading freight, merchandise, or other materials on, to, or from any type of vehicle; all classes of dairy employees, inside and out or classes of airline and rail employees, including loco fessional employees; health care employees; agricultural forcement personnel and industrial employees


Section 2(a)

Any person shall be eligible to member-

quirements of this Constitution and the rulings of the

General Executive Board

. Each person upon becoming a member thereby pledges his honor; to faithfully observe government of the International

Union and his Local

Union; to faithfully perform all duties assigned to him to self at all times in such a manner as not to bring reproach and activities of the

Union and accept and discharge his

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Art. II, Sec. 2

8 or , religion, sex, age, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin or any other legally protected group or class; to refrain from any con of its legal or contractual obligations; and at all times to bear true and faithful allegiance to the International

Brotherhood of Teamsters and his Local Union

ployees of the International or any of its subordinate bod and dilig ence under the circumstances that a pru acting under similar circumstances. her position in the plan, other than through bene of the plan or reasonable compensation payable by the plan for services rendered to the plan,

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Art. II, Sec. 2

9 ment or operation of the plan plan shall not receive compensation from the plan if he or she receives full -time pay from the Local prevent the Local Union from receiving reimburse es from the plan for services rendered to the plan by other subordinate body pays its fair share for any ical and administ rative staff, telephone, and other quired to contribute to the plan under a collective porting and contribution obligations reasonable administrative or other expenses not necessary for the establishment or operation of ating committees by responding to requests from any Chair or Co -Chair of a negotiating committee for information and assistance needed for bar-

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Art. II, Sec. 2

10 Union can prove to the satisfaction of the General President facts to the General President for authority to refuse to ac cept such persons as members

The General President shall

consider all the facts and circumstances and render a deci sion in the matter, subject to appeal to the General Executive (d) . Membership shall also be available to so -called such persons apply for membership in the Inter national Union, the Local Union and the International Union shall have the right and authority as a condition precedent to membership to approve or disapprove any contract per- taining to such form or similar form of employment pertaining to such form or similar form of employment of the Local

Union and International Union

. If, in the judgment of the Local Union or International Union, such the Local Union, and such persons shall be ineligible to

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Art. II, Sec. 2

11 such conditions or be subject to suspension or expulsion by the Local Union or International Union Section 2 of this Article, the General Executive Board is garding the acquisition and retention of membership by necessity arises, to change, alter, and amend any provision of paragraphs (b) through (d) inclusive of this section (g). Local Unions and other subordinate bodies are (h). Neither the International Union, nor any Local Union or other subordinate body, shall exclude or expel dividual, or cause or attempt to cause any employer to dis criminate against any individual, because of his race, color, religion, sex, age, physical or mental disability, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other le gally protected group or class . Nor shall the International Union, or any Local Union or other subordinate body, limit, segregate, or classify its membership, or classify or fail or

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Art. II, Sec. 2-3

12 employee or as an applicant for employment because of such individual' s race, color, religion, sex, age, physical or mental disability, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other legally protected group or class any Local Union may do so except by submitting such to pay such obligations to his former Local Union. All time of resignation shall be collectible by the Local

Union in any appropriate forum

This shall not relieve

provision of this Constitution regarding acquisition or maintenance of membership in good standing of a federal, state, or provincial government by force or eral, state, or provincial government by force or violence,

Union or any of its

subordinate bodies . If any such person obtains Union membership, or after having been admit state, or provincial government by force or violence, or

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Art. II, Sec. 3-4

13 state, or provincial government by force or violence, he applicable procedures set forth in Article XIX. (b).

The action of the Local Union Executive Board is

General President, the above Section has not been com case and, if he deems it advisable, he or his representative ecutive Board . If the General Executive Board returns a in a Local Union, a member must be in continuous good

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Art. II, Sec. 4

14 in a timely manner as provided in Article X, Section 5(c), continuous good standing in the Local Union. prior to his nomination if a challenge is made based on shall be made on the facts presented. Periods of unem outside the craft during such periods of unemployment. Union, must have attended a minimum number of the regu lar or divisional meetings of the Local Union, but not to secutive months prior to nomination

Any Local Union in

attendance at each meeting and shall enact, after proper no priate motion exempting from the attendance requirement or other good cause, is unable to attend a meeting.

Any ex

emption system shall be uniformly and fairly applied ternational

Union, or a subordinate body other than a Lo

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Art. II, Sec. 4


II, Section 4(a)(1)

and 4(a)(2), if applicable, prior to (4)(a)

The requirement of continuous good standing

provided in this Constitution, shall not be applicable to

Members in a

reserve component of the military or Na (24) consecutive months, shall be considered to be on such leave, the member shall not be obligated to pay commences his active duty, and the Secretary-T reasurer requirements of Article XXIII, Section 7.

The member

shall notify the Local Union that he has been released months, the member must pay dues for the month fol ty -four (24) months of active service, the Local Union

Section 6 or 7.

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Art. II, Sec. 4

16 and in continuous good standing in such Local Union for at least half of the period of time since the Local


The same rule shall apply to members of an in

international union other than the International Brother-

Article X, Section 3(d).

result of split-of f or merger, a candidate must be a mem- tive months prior to nomination must be in continuous ferred from one Local Union to another Local Union transferred, and must have been so employed and in continuous good standing on a cumulative basis in both months prior to nomination.

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Art. II, Sec. 4

17 sional personnel employed as such) shall be considered the jurisdiction for the purpose of retaining active mem Union or any subordinate body or as a delegate to Inter- (f)

The eligibility requirements of subparagraphs

(a) (1) and (2) of this Section 4 shall apply to elected members of Local Union Executive Boards, elected Business Agents of Local Unions, delegates to Central Bodies or other subordinate bodies of this International Union, and delegates to all conventions of labor and to the Con ventions of the International Brotherhood of T eamsters

Unions and other subordinate

bodies shall be delegates to such subordinate bodies, and to conventions of such other ducted in a Trusteed Local Union as a preliminary step to the release of the Local Union from Trusteeship, pursuant

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Art. III, Sec. 1-2


Article III

Section 1

The International Convention shall be the

supreme governing authority of the International Union tional Union

The Convention

of the International Brotherhood of and place as may be designated by the General Executive Board upon the recommendation of the General Presi dent

The General Secretary

-T reasurer shall issue a Call for the Convention not less than ninety (90) calendar ed by the General Executive Board . In the event of an emergency as determined by the General Executive shall be held as soon thereafter as pos sible, in accordance

Any challenge

to the Call of the Convention, the method of delegate selection, or the Convention proce suance of the Convention Call

Section 2

. Each Local Union having one thousand (1000) members or less shall be entitled to one (1) dele gate, and one (1) delegate for each additional seven but in no case shall a delegate have more than one (1)

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Art. III, Sec. 2-3

19 vote, even though he may also be a delegate from the International Union or from more than one subordinate

Convention unless the General Secretary-T

reasurer has send a full delegation and thereafter the Local Union's membership has voted to send less than a full comple ment of delegates . If the Local Union is permitted and has voted to send to the Convention less than a full com greatest number of votes in the election conducted in didates for delegate have received the same number of votes, the order of priority shall be determined by lot Nothing shall prevent a delegate from attending the

Section 3(a)
