[PDF] Eléments finis mixtes de Raviart Thomas de type Petrov-Galerkin

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3 Definite, indefinite, singular, plural

3 Definite, indefinite, singular, plural Instructions Complete the table in French For each picture, write the word with the correct definite and indefinite articles, and the correct plural form

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c”s et manˇuvres pr”d”finis dans le protocole pratique Chaque sujet a eu une s”ance dÕEnder mologie ¤ de 35 mi - nutes r”alis”e par un kin”sith”rapeute entrafln” Ces s”ances ont ”t” dispens”es 2 fois par semaine pendant 8 semaines (traitement dÕattaque) Les sujets ont ”t” ensuite r”par-

Isabelle Faille , Fr ed eric Nataf , Fran coise Willien and

Finis associe ea une approche de type de composition de domaine av ec projection sur les fonctions contantes par morceaux Nous pre sentons ensuite une me thode ite rative pour re soudre le proble me alge brique discret qui se rame nea des re solutions standards d ans les di e rentes re gionsa petits ou grands pas de temps

Eléments finis mixtes de Raviart Thomas de type Petrov-Galerkin

Fran˘cois Dubois Isabelle Gre et Charles Pierre (UPPA, Pau) Conference in honor of Abderrahmane Bendali Universit e de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour mardi 12 d ecembre 2017 CNAM Paris et Universit e Paris-Sud, Orsay

et la p trochimie De lÕanalyse d taill e des hydrocarbures

Institut Fran ais du P trole, BP 311, 92560 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex, France ont t d finis partir de lÕanalyse d taill e pour suivre les variations de composition

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Finite volumesRavia rt-ThomasButter

y new va riantconstruction stabilit yC D A B conclusion b onus

Elements nis mixtes de Raviart Thomas

de type Petrov-Galerkin

Francois Dubois

Isabelle Gre et Charles Pierre (UPPA, Pau)

Conference in honor of Abderrahmane Bendali

Universite de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour

mardi 12 decembre 2017CNAM Paris et Universite Paris-Sud, Orsay.

Finite volumesRavia rt-ThomasButter

y new va riantconstruction stabilit yC D A B conclusion b onus

Freres et surs en mathematiques...

Finite volumesRavia rt-ThomasButter

y new va riantconstruction stabilit yC D A B conclusion b onus These d'Etat d'Abderrahmane a l'X, 10 janvier 1984

Finite volumesRavia rt-ThomasButter

y new va riantconstruction stabilit yC D A B conclusion b onus

Je me souviens...

P.-A. Raviart (le jour-m^eme) :

\tu n'as m^eme pas mis de cravatte !"

J.-C. Nedelec (en prive, plus tard) :

\dans les articles, il n'y a pas l'information... tout est dans la these de Bendali !"

Finite volumesRavia rt-ThomasButter

y new va riantconstruction stabilit yC D A B conclusion b onus Une reference indispensable pour les champs de vecteurs... JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS 107, 537-560 (1985)

A Variational Approach for the

Vector Potential Formulation of the Stokes

and Navier-Stokes Problems in

Three Dimensional Domains


,bole Polyrechnique. Cenlre de MarhPmaiiques Appliqukes, 91128 Palaiseau. France


Lahoratoire d'Anal.vse Nurrkrique, ChicersilP Pierre & Marie Curie.

4, place Jussieu. 7.5230 Paris Cedes OC? France



C.E. Limeil, C.E.A., Set-rice MA., E.M.. B.P. 27.

94190 Villeneuce. Si. Georges, France

A few well-posed variational problems are constructed, whose solutions are vec- tor potentials of the velocity Field of the three-dimensional Stokes problem. A choice of the adequate boundary conditions to be imposed is performed in a systematic manner even in the cast of not simply connected domains. The test functions do not have to be divergence free in the formulations given here. It is then seen that a similar approach is well suited to the treatment of the non-linear

Navier-Stokes problem.

( 1985 Academic Press. Inc


When solving boundary-value problems (arising from hydrodynamics or electromagnetism, for instance), one usually has to work with divergence- free functions. Unfortunately a divergence-free condition is delicate to implement numerically. When the problem is two dimensional, it is possible to overcome this difficulty through the introduction of a stream function cp satisfying: V x cp = u, where u is the divergence-free field. Then after imposing a suitable boundary condition on q, the problem reduces to 537

0022.247)(/85 $3.00

109 10: 1.12

Copyright 0 1985 by Academic Press, Inc.

All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.

Finite volumesRavia rt-ThomasButter

y new va riantconstruction stabilit yC D A B conclusion b onus Mixed nite elements for the Poisson equation14Continuous problem:u2L2( ),p2H(div) p=ru,divp+f= 0Z pqdx+Z udivqdx= 0 for each vector eldq2H(div)Z (divp+f)vdx= 0 for any scalar eldv2L2(

Discrete problem

u T2L2

TP0,pT2HT(div)RT; Raviart-Thomas (1977)p

T=X a2T1p a'a Z b a(x)nbd =ab;a2 T1;b2 T1 a(x) =K+Kx;x2K2 T2 u

T(x) =uK;x2K2 T2

N e+Nascalar unknowns

Finite volumesRavia rt-ThomasButter

y new va riantconstruction stabilit yC D A B conclusion b onus

Mixed nite elements for the Poisson equation(ii)p

T=X b2T1p b'b,uT2P0, Z p



Tdiv'adx= 0,8a2 T1X

b2T1 Z a'bdx p b+uKuL= 0 ca= (K;L);a2 T1 Z K divpTdx+Z K fdx= 0,8K2 T2 X a2T1\@Kp ad +Z K fdx= 0,K2 T2A nite volume method ?

No! The mass-matrix induces a

nonlo calgradient op erator!

Finite volumesRavia rt-ThomasButter

y new va riantconstruction stabilit yC D A B conclusion b onus

Mass lumping of Baranger, Maitre and Oudin (1996)

p T=X b2T1p b'b,uT2P0, X b2T1 Z a'bdx p b+uKuL= 0,a2 T1

Replace the mass matrix

R 'a'bdxby a correct approximationthenpa=uLuK Ka+La withKa=12 cotanKa ca= (K;L);a2 T1 X a2T1\@Kp ad +Z K fdx= 0,K2 T2VF4 schemeof Herbin (1995)

Finite volumesRavia rt-ThomasButter

y new va riantconstruction stabilit yC D A B conclusion b onus Petrov-Galerkin nite volumes17Reformulate the mixed nite element method to enforce the explicitation of the gradient on an edge in terms of the values in the triangles.

Continuous problem:u2L2(

),p2H(div), (p;q) + (u;divq) = 0,8q2H(div) (divp;v) =(f;v),8v2L2(

Discrete problem:uT2L2


test functionsv2L2



Discrete functional space for

test functions H?


generated by vector elds'?a:H?

T(div) =span('?a;a2 T1)

conforming in the spaceH(div) :'?a2H(div) the familyf'?a;a2 T1grepresent exactly the algeb raicdual basis of the Ravia rt-Thomasfamily for theL2scalar product:( 'a; '?b) = 0;8a6=b2 T1.

Finite volumesRavia rt-ThomasButter

y new va riantconstruction stabilit yC D A B conclusion b onus

Petrov-Galerkin nite volumes(ii)8



);pT2HT(div) (pT;q) + (uT;divq) = 0;8q2H?


(divpT;v) + (f;v) = 0;8v2L2T(

A nite volume scheme!p

T=X b2T1p b'b,uT2P0,@ca= (K;L);a2 T1 ('a; '?a)pa=(uT;div'?a), a2 T1X a2T1\@Kp ad + (f;1)K= 0,K2 T2

Finite volumesRavia rt-ThomasButter

y new va riantconstruction stabilit yC D A B conclusion b onus


y Petrov-Galerkin nite volume scheme SupportV(SN) of the dual Raviart-Thomas basis function'?SN then ('a; '?a)pa=(uT;div'?a) = linear combination ofuK;uL;uM;uP;uQ;uR,a2 T1

Presented at the

3th conference \Finite Volumes for Complex Applications" (Porquerolles, 2002)

Finite volumesRavia rt-ThomasButter

y new va riantconstruction stabilit yC D A B conclusion b onus


y Petrov-Galerkin nite volume scheme(ii)Numerical tests with

Sophie Borel

(DEA Orsa y,2002)

Christophe Le Potier

(CEA Sacla y)

Mahdi Tekitek

(DEA Orsa y,2003).

Various schemes for boundary conditions

Recovering exact low degree polynomial solutions

Experimental convergence obtained for two-dimensional test cases No complete mathematical understanding of the convergence

Presented by Mahdi Tekitek at the

4th conference \Finite Volumes for Complex Applications" (Marrakech, 2005)

Finite volumesRavia rt-ThomasButter

y new va riantconstruction stabilit yC D A B conclusion b onus Working with Isabelle and Charles (Pau, June 2014)21

Finite volumesRavia rt-ThomasButter

y new va riantconstruction stabilit yC D A B conclusion b onus

A new variant of the same framework

R2, bounded, convex,@


Right hand sidef2L2(

Dirichlet problemu=fin

,u= 0on@ Mixed variational formulation of the continuous problem: u2L2( ),p2H(div) (p;q) + (u;divq) = 0,8q2H(div) (divp;v) =(f;v),8v2L2(

Discrete problem:uT2L2


test functionsv2L2




T(div) =< '?a;a2 T1>

?a2H(div) ('a; '?b) = 0;8a6=b2 T1. with

Isab elleGre


Cha rlesPierre

(P au,2013-2017).

Finite volumesRavia rt-ThomasButter

y new va riantconstruction stabilit yC D A B conclusion b onus A new variant of the same framework(ii)Raviart-Thomas basis function'afor the edgea= (S;N) a(x) =8 :12jKj(xW) =14jKjrjxWj2;x2K

12jLj(xE) =14jLjrjxEj2;x2L


Dual Raviart-Thomas

basis function '?ahypothesis:supp('?a)supp('a) thenp=X a2T1p a'aandpa=uLuK('?a; 'a) ?a2H(div) then'?an= 0 on the four edges NWSEN.

Finite volumesRavia rt-ThomasButter

y new va riantconstruction stabilit yC D A B conclusion b onus A new variant of the same framework(iii)0 = ('?a; 'NW) =14jKjZ K '?arjxSj2dx 0 = Z @K'?anjxSj2d Z K div'?ajxSj2dx Z a'?anjxSj2d Z K div'?ajxSj2dx

Impose that

these t wointegral a reb othequa lto zero

Finite volumesRavia rt-ThomasButter

y new va riantconstruction stabilit yC D A B conclusion b onus A new variant of the same framework(iv)Boundary term : Z a'?anjxSj2d = 0

Flux of'?aon the edgea:'?ana1jajg(s)

with a universal functiongdened on [0;1] such that g(s) =g(1s);8s2[0;1] Z 1 0 g(s)ds= 1, scalingZ a'?and = 1 Z 1 0 s2g(s)ds= 0.

Finite volumesRavia rt-ThomasButter

y new va riantconstruction stabilit yC D A B conclusion b onus A new variant of the same framework(v)Two-dimensional term : Z K div'?ajxSj2dx= 0

We impose that the previous relation is true

for the three vertices of the triangle K

IntroduceKdiv'?ain the triangleK

We searchKsuch thatZ


KjxAj2dx= 0

for each vertex of the triangleK

Finite volumesRavia rt-ThomasButter

y new va riantconstruction stabilit yC D A B conclusion b onus

Recovering the VF4 scheme

('?a; 'a) =14jKjZ K '?arjxWj2dx14jLjZ L '?arjxEj2dx






a'?anjxWj2d +14jLjZ a'?anjxEj2d 12 cotanKa+cotanLaafter some elementary geometry be careful !

0 < <2;82 T1

Finite volumesRavia rt-ThomasButter

y new va riantconstruction stabilit yC D A B conclusion b onus Construction a possible dual basis vector eld28Dual basis function'?

K;j(x) =1det(dFK;a)dFK;abrK,

Ksolution of a Neumann problem in the reference elementbK

Finite volumesRavia rt-ThomasButter

y new va riantconstruction stabilit yC D A B conclusion b onus Construction a possible dual basis vector eld(ii)Giveng: [0;1]!Rsuch that g(s) =g(1s),R1

0g(s)ds= 1,R1

0s2g(s)ds= 0.

We impose moreoverg(0) =g(1) = 0

exampleg(s) = 30s(s1)(421s(1s))

Finite volumesRavia rt-ThomasButter

y new va riantconstruction stabilit yC D A B conclusion b onus Construction a possible dual basis vector eld(iii)Neumann problem in bK=f(bx;by);bx0;by0;bx+by1g Datum eg2H1=2(@bK) on@bK: e g=gonba= [0;1] f0g,eg= 0 elsewhere

Ane functionFK;asuch that

bK3bx7!x=FK;a(bx)2Kis one to one

Right hand side

fK(bx) = 2jKjK(x).

SolutionKof theNeumann p roblem


sinceZ b


@Kegd = 1.


andkKk2;^KCbK kfKk0;bK+kegk1=2;@bK

Finite volumesRavia rt-ThomasButter

y new va riantconstruction stabilit yC D A B conclusion b onus Satisfy the sucient stability conditions31Discrete stability Hypothesis: the interpolation operator and the familyUof meshes H


a2T1q a'a7!qX a2T1q a'?a2H?


satisfy the conditions

Akqk20(q;q);8q2HT(div);8T 2 U

kqk0Bkqk0;8q2HT(div);8T 2 U (divq;divq)Ckdivqk20;8q2HT(div);8T 2 U kdivqk0Dkdivqk0;8q2HT(div);8T 2 U.

Then we have the following

unifo rmdisc reteinf-sup stabilit y condition for the Petrov Galerkin mixed formulation : inf




Error estimate

: there exists a const antC>0 such that kuuTk0+kppTkdivC hTkfk1:

Finite volumesRavia rt-ThomasButter

y new va riantconstruction stabilit yC D A B conclusion b onus Satisfy the sucient stability conditions (coecient C

Divergence estimate

normalization conditionZquotesdbs_dbs12.pdfusesText_18