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LOI Loi n°2006-396 du 31 mars 2006 pour légalité des chances (1)

LOI Loi n°2006-396 du 31 mars 2006 pour l'égalité des chances (1) NOR: SOCX0500298L version consolidée au 07 mars 2007 • TITRE Ier : MESURES EN FAVEUR DE L'ÉDUCATION, DE L'EMPLOI ET DU DÉVELOPPEMENT ÉCONOMIQUE o Section 1 : Apprentissage Article 1 A modifié les dispositions suivantes : Modifie Code de l'éducation - art L111-1 (V)

Equal opportunities action in France

On 2 June 2006, the Prime Minister La loi pour l’égalité des chances (The equal opportunities act), French Ministry for Employment, Social Cohesion and

Commentaire de al décision n° 2006-535 DC du 30 mars 2006

Commentaire de la décision n° 2006-535 DC du 30 mars 2006 Loi pour l'égalité des chances Au lendemain des émeutes urbaines de novembre 2005, la loi pour l'égalité des chances entend apporter des éléments de réponse nouveaux au problème déjà ancien de la " fracture sociale " française


La loi n° 2006-396 du 31 mars 2006 pour l’égalité des chances crée, d’une part, de nouvelles ZFU et institue, d’autre part, un nouveau régime d’exonération de taxe foncière sur les propriétés bâties, codifié à l’article 1383 C bis du CGI, qui unifie le régime applicable dans l’ensemble des ZFU

Agence Nationale pour la Cohésion Sociale et l’Egalité des

La loi n° 2006-396 du 31 mars 2006 pour l’égalité des chances institue, par ses articles 38 et 39, une agence nationale pour la cohésion sociale et l’égalité des chances (ANCSEC)


La loi dite d’ « égalité des chances » exclut tous les salariés qui travaillent dans l’entreprise en sous-traitance, alors que la Cour de cassation venait de confirmer la jurisprudence constante, à savoir qu’il fallait les prendre en compte

PROJET DE LOI - National Assembly

18 janvier 2005, la loi pour l’égalité des droits et des chances, la participation et la citoyenneté des personnes handicapées du 11 février 2005 et le projet de loi relatif à l’égalité salariale entre les femmes et les hommes en débat au Parlement concourent à la reconnaissance effective du droit à l’égalité des chances


Signalisation des circulaires du 1er avril au 30 juin 2006 Circulaire relative à la présentation des dispositions de la loi n° 2006-396 du 31 mars 2006 pour l’égalité des chances relatives à la lutte contre les discriminations et du décret n° 2006-641 du 1er juin 2006 relatif aux transactions proposées

Chronologie du mouvement contre la Loi sur légalité des

« d'égalité des chances » (LEC) censée répondre à la « crise des banlieues »7 2006 janvier 4 janvier Levée de l'« état d'urgence » sur décision de Jacques Chirac 11 janvier Le projet global d'une « Loi pour l'égalité des chances » (n'incluant alors pas le « Contrat Première Embauche ») est présenté au Conseil des Ministres


2006 : Loi relative à l’égalité salariale entre les femmes et les hommes 2011 : Fixation d’une pénalité pour des entreprises ne négociant pas en matière d’égalité professionnelle 2014 : Loi du 4 aout prévoit une négociation globale dans l’entreprise pour réduire les écarts de salaires

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October 2006Equal opportunities action in

FranceEqual opportunities are at the heart of the Republic pact and their very principle is embodied in the Republic's motto. At a press conference on 1 December 2005, the Prime Minister declared

equal opportunities a "major national cause for 2006."Equal opportunities action is cross cutting. It concerns various areas (employment,

education, housing, urban policy, antidiscrimination, gender equality, action to assist the disabled,

etc.) and mobilises different ministries and independent administrative authorities. A Ministry in

charge of the Promotion of Equal Opportunities has been in place since 2005.Equal opportunities were incorporated into the Social Cohesion Plan prepared by Jean-Louis

Borloo, Minister for Employment, Social Cohesion and Housing, and adopted on 18 January 2005. This plan covers a series of concrete measures in three areas: employment (reducing unemployment), housing (solving the housing crisis) and equal opportunities. This last track provides for measures to assist disadvantaged children, improve regional equality and combat discrimination.In this area, the act of 1 December 2004 established the High Authority to Combat Discrimination and Promote Equality (HALDE) to address all forms of discrimination and make legislative and regulatory proposals. The authority submitted its first activity report to the government on 5 May 2006. The government has also set out to foster diversity in businesses with the Diversity Charter launched in 2004 to encourage businesses to employ staff representative of

the diverse elements of French society.Government action to foster the integration of disabled persons (a major national cause for

2003) gave rise to Act 2005-102 of 11 February 2005 on the equal rights and opportunities,

participation and citizenship of disabled persons.Gender equality work led to the passing of Act 2006-340 on equal pay on 23 March 2006.

The urban riots of autumn 2005 brought equal opportunities to the fore of government action. The government followed up its initial firm response (declaration of a state of emergency) © Ministère des Affaires étrangères / French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 20061 with appropriate measures: selection of equal opportunities as a major national cause for 2006; creation of six prefects in charge of equal opportunities in the départements most affected by the unrest (Val d'Oise, Essonne, North, Seine-Saint-Denis, Rhône and Bouches-du-Rhône) on 22 December 2005 (Decree 2005-1621); and announcement of an action plan on 1 February 2006, which gave rise to Act 2006-396 of 31 March 2006 on equal opportunities. The main measures of

this act are the:·Creation of junior apprenticeships starting at 14 years old·Remuneration of training courses lasting more than three months·Creation of 15 new urban empowerment zones on 1 August 2006 in particularly

disadvantaged districts with over 8,500 inhabitants·Creation of the National Agency for Social Cohesion, Equal Opportunities and Voluntary Service,

tasked with taking action in deprived districts·Strengthening of the powers of the High Authority to Combat Discrimination and Promote Equality

(HALDE), which can now fine acts of discrimination·Legalisation of "testing" (impromptu discrimination testing)·Actions to help combat discrimination in the television and radio broadcasting field (CSA - High

Audiovisual Council)·Strengthening of the mayor's powers to take action against incivility: measures concerning school

absenteeism and the payment of family allowances (parental responsibility contract) ·Establishment of voluntary civilian service lasting six to 12 months for young people aged 16 to 25, drawing on existing mechanisms: the national police force's Cadets de la République programme, the Second Chance Defence scheme and socio-cultural voluntary service. Civilian

service is expected to take in some 50,000 young people by the end of the year.Article 8 of this act, which established the Contrat Premier Embauche (CPE - First Job

Contract), an open-ended contract with a two-year trial period during which the contract can be terminated by employer or employee, was replaced by Act 2006-457 of 21 April 2006 on youth access to working life in business, which implements concrete measures to further youth training in

professional skills and the entry of young people into the world of work.In the area of urban policy, the equal opportunities act is accompanied by a set of measures

decided on by a meeting of the Interministerial Committee for Urban Affairs and Urban Social Development (CIV) on 9 March 2006. The committee has set up a new generation of contracts: the urban social cohesion contracts (CUCS) signed by the government and the communes take over from

the urban contracts as of 1 January 2007 and cover a redefined priority geographic zone.On 2 June 2006, the Prime Minister reviewed the progress made with the act of 31 March

with the different ministers responsible for its implementation and the six prefects in charge of equal

opportunities. A National Agency for Social Cohesion, Equal Opportunities and Voluntary Service (ANCSEC) was set up to handle issues relating to integration, combating discrimination,

voluntary civilian service and reducing illiteracy.Following the points put forward by the Head of State during a televised interview, the Prime

Minister announced a new series of measures for employment and education at his press © Ministère des Affaires étrangères / French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 20062 conference on 28 June 2006: reading assessments in the second year of primary school; strengthening of the priority education zone system with the "target success" programme focusing on 249 schools with major difficulties; establishment of a "public careers guidance service" to give secondary schools and universities a one-stop address for careers guidance services

and to build a better bridge with the world of work.On 29 June 2006, a debate on equal opportunities was launched on the forum.gouv.fr site:

"How to further equal opportunities?".To find out moreWEBSITESDFrench Ministry in charge of the Promotion of Equal Opportunitieshttp://www.egalitedeschances.gouv.fr/

DFrench Ministry for Employment, Social Cohesion and Housinghttp://www.cohesionsociale.gouv.fr/ DFrench Ministry in charge of Social Cohesion and Gender Equalityhttp://www.femmes-egalite.gouv.fr/ DHigh Authority to Combat Discrimination and Promote Equality (HALDE)http://www.halde.fr DSite on the disabled act, French Ministry in charge of Social Security, Seniors and

Disabled Personshttp://www.handicap.gouv.fr/

DOCUMENTATIONDLa loi pour l'égalité des chances (The equal opportunities act), French Ministry for

Employment, Social Cohesion and Housing (March 2006)http://www.cohesionsociale.gouv.fr/eclairage/loi-pour-egalite-chances-adoptee-9-mars-793.html

DL'action pour l'égalité des chances (Equal opportunities action), French Prime

Minister's site (May 2006)http://www.premier-ministre.gouv.fr/information/les_dossiers_actualites_19/action_pour_egalite_chances_806/

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