[PDF] IGPAYWORDS - COnnecting REpositories

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was sometimes an objet d’art, sometimes merely bric-a`-brac, while at other times all three terms were used to describe the same object Furthermore, two key terms are missing from Wharton’s list: curiosite´ and antiquite´, which French shares with English During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, in France curiosite´ was the

IGPAYWORDS - COnnecting REpositories

job objet (d'art) KO A-OK (antonyms) lag agley [prisoner gone wrong) linter interlay Lo Ole [two emotionallnte~ectfons) oh oyez [ditto (linked meanings, Lo = Oyez») lout outlay [extortion, blackmail, freeloading) 'lug' ugly [stereotyplc movie thug) plover overplay plunder underplay (antonyms of sorts] rare array (phrase)

Deck the Walls: The Rise of the Skateboard x Art Collaboration

Regardless of whether we consider the decked-out-skatedeck as objet d’art or not, it is almost precisely because we are so unsure that its existence marks a critical era for all players involved: for street culture, and its unquestionable move into elitist spaces; for art itself, an object on the brink of yet another identity crisis; and

Holly Society of America

cultivated as a tubbed objet d'art, such as a bonsai subject, Cir- cumstantial evidence, particularly the size of the Hartsborne speci- men and its densely congested foliage, is consistent, however, with the view that it was most probably of cultivated origin Further- more, the fact that the collector designated two different locations

Murale 150 – Une occasion de célébrer votre collectivité

contemporaine, organisée par Synonym Art Consultation, qui mettra en valeur la collectivité, qui suscitera les échanges et qui encouragera la mobilisation communautaire En ce qui a trait au don d’œuvres d’art et à la prestation d’ateliers d’art, la priorité sera accordée aux collectivités qui font face à des obstacles en

Notions ofIntangible CulturalHeritage: towards a UNESCO

consequent le resultat d 'une transformation de I'objet meme de I'expression d 'une tradition, d 'une coutume Sa finalite n 'est pas la transmission spontanee de cette tradition ou de cette coutllme, sinon la difJUsion de, oulasensibilisation it, cette tradition et it cette coutume Lefolklore estdonc intercultureldans la mesure ott ilvise un


Syn abstract class (en) Bemerkung: Eine abstrakte Klasse ist immer unvollständig und bildet die Basis für → Unterklassen (d h für → Spezialisierungen), deren Objektmenge

Linux, Open Source, and System Bring-up Tools

Platform: Sometimes used as a synonym for mother-board, a platform is really the combination of compo-nents that make up a computer system This includes the CPU or CPU family, the memory controller, the IO controller, the DRAM, the IO devices, and usually the system firmware Bring-up: The process of evolving a platform from an

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